508 research outputs found

    An aspect-oriented framework for systematic security hardening of software

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    In this thesis, we address the problems related to the security hardening of open source software. Accordingly, we first propose an aspect-oriented and pattern-based approach for systematic security hardening. It is based on the full separation between the roles and duties of the security experts and the developers performing the hardening. Such proposition constitutes a bridge that allows the security experts to provide the best solutions to particular security problems with the details on why, how and where to apply them. Moreover, it allows the developers to use these solutions to harden open source software without the need to have high security expertise. We realize the proposed approach by elaborating a programming independent and aspect-oriented based language for security hardening called SHL, developing its corresponding parser, compiler and facilities and integrating all of them into a framework for software security hardening. We also illustrate the feasibility of the elaborated framework by developing several security hardening case studies that deal with known security requirements and vulnerabilities and applying them on large scale software. Second, we enrich SHL and the aspect-oriented languages with new pointcut and primitive constructs ( GAFlow, GDFlow, ExportParameter and ImportParameter ) that provide features missing in the current AOP proposals and needed for systematic security hardening concerns. We also explore the viability of the proposed pointcuts and primitives by elaborating and implementing their algorithms and presenting the result of explanatory case studies. Finally, we improve the proposed framework by proposing a new approach for applying security hardening on the Gimple representation of software and elaborating formal syntax for SHL and Gimple together with an operational semantics for SHL weaving based on Gimple. We realize our proposition by integrating into the GCC compiler few features described in the SHL weaving semantics and developing a demonstrative case stud

    Model-to-model transformation approach for systematic integration of security aspects into UML 2.0 design models

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    Security is a challenging task in software engineering. Traditionally, security concerns are considered as an afterthought to the development process and thus are fitted into pre-existing software without the consideration of whether this would jeopardize the main functionality of the software or even produce additional vulnerabilities. Enforcing security policies should be taken care of during early phases of the software development life cycle in order to decrease the development costs and reduce the maintenance time. In addition to cost saving, this way of development will produce more reliable software since security related concepts will be considered in each step of the design. Similarly, the implications of inserting such mechanisms into the existing system's requirements will be considered as well. Since security is a crosscutting concern that pervades the entire software, integrating security solutions at the software design level may result in the scattering and tangling of security features throughout the entire design. Additionally, traditional hardening approaches are tedious and error-prone as they involve manual modifications. In this context, the need for a systematic way to integrate security concerns into the process of developing software becomes crucial. In this thesis, we define an aspect-oriented modeling approach for specifying and integrating security concerns into UML design models. The proposed approach makes use of the expertise of the software security specialist by providing him with the means to specify generic UML aspects that are going to be incorporated "weaved" into the developers' models. Model transformation mechanisms are instrumented in order to have an efficient and a fully automatic weaving process

    Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Representing and Integrating Security Aspects in UML Models

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    Security is a challenging task in software engineering. Traditionally, addressing security concerns are considered as an afterthought to the development process and security mechanisms are fitted into pre-existing software without considering the consequences on the main functionality of the software. Enforcing security policies should be taken care of during early phases of the software development life cycle; this benefits the development costs and reduces the maintenance time. In addition to cost saving, this encourages development of reliable software. Since security related concepts will be considered in each step of the design, the implications of inserting such concepts into the existing system requirements will help mitigate the defects and vulnerabilities present in the system. Although integrating security solutions into every stage of the software development cycle, results in scattering and tangling of security features across the entire design. The traditional security hardening approaches are tedious and prone to many errors as they involve manual modifications. In this context, the need for a systematic way to integrate security aspects/mechanisms into the design phase of the development cycle should be considered. In this work, an aspect-oriented modeling approach for specifying and integrating security aspects in to Unified Modeling Language (UML) design model is presented. This approach allows the security experts to specify generic security aspects and weave them into target software base model early in the software development phase. In contrast to traditional approaches, model-to-model transformation mechanisms discussed in this approach are designed to have an efficient and a fully automatic weaving process. This work further discusses additional components that are introduced into the weaving process. These newly introduced components allow the security experts to provide more appropriate security hardening concepts. Furthermore, the additional components are designed based on object-oriented principles and allow the security experts to exercise these principles in the model-to-model transformation. The additions to the weaver application are tested using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communicator as a base model. The description of the additional components and the results of testing of the weaving process are discussed further in this thesis

    Model-Driven Aspect-Oriented Software Security Hardening

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    Security is of paramount importance in software engineering. Nevertheless, security solutions are generally fitted into existing software as an afterthought phase of the development process. However, given the complexity and the pervasiveness of today's software systems, adding security as an afterthought leads to huge cost in retrofitting security into the software and further can introduce additional vulnerabilities. Furthermore, security is a crosscutting concern that pervades the entire software. Consequently, the manual addition of security solutions may result in the scattering and the tangling of security features throughout the entire software design. Additionally, adding security manually is tedious and generally may lead to other security flaws. In this context, the need for a systematic approach to integrate security practices into the early phases of the software development process becomes crucial. In this thesis, we elaborate an aspect-oriented modeling framework for software security hardening at the UML design level. More precisely, the main contributions of our research are the following: (i) We define a UML profile for the specification of security hardening mechanisms as aspects. (ii) We design and implement a weaving framework for the systematic injection of security aspects into UML design models. (iii) We explore the theoretical foundations for aspect matching and weaving. (iv) We conduct real-life case studies to demonstrate the viability and the scalability of the proposed framework

    An aspect oriented approach for security hardening : semantic foundations

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    Computer security is nowadays a very important field in computer science and security hardening of applications becomes of paramount importance. Aspect oriented programming (AOP) is a relatively new technology that allows separation of concerns such as security, synchronization, logging, etc. This increases the readability, understandability, maintainability, and security of software systems. Furthermore, AOP allows automatic injection of the crosscutting concerns into the application code using a weaving mechanism. This thesis comes to provide theoretical study of using AOP for security hardening of applications. The main contributions of this thesis are the following. We propose a comparative study of AOP approaches from a security perspective. We establish a security appropriateness analysis of AspectJ and we propose new security constructs for this language. Since aspects in AspectJ are weaved (combined) with the Java Virtual Machine Language (JVML) application code, we develop a formal semantics for the JVML. We propose also a semantics for AspectJ that formalizes the advice weaving. We develop a new AOP calculus, n_SAOP, based on lambda calculus extended with security pointcuts. Finally, we implement three new constructs in AspectJ, namely getLocal , setLocal , and dflow , for local variable accesses and data flow analysis. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates the relevance, importance, and appropriateness of using the AOP programming paradigm in hardening the security of application

    Modularisation de la sécurité informatique dans les systèmes distribués

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    Addressing security in the software development lifecycle still is an open issue today, especially in distributed software. Addressing security concerns requires a specific know-how, which means that security experts must collaborate with application programmers to develop secure software. Object-oriented and component-based development is commonly used to support collaborative development and to improve scalability and maintenance in software engineering. Unfortunately, those programming styles do not lend well to support collaborative development activities in this context, as security is a cross-cutting problem that breaks object or component modules. We investigated in this thesis several modularization techniques that address these issues. We first introduce the use of aspect-oriented programming in order to support secure programming in a more automated fashion and to minimize the number of vulnerabilities in applications introduced at the development phase. Our approach especially focuses on the injection of security checks to protect from vulnerabilities like input manipulation. We then discuss how to automate the enforcement of security policies programmatically and modularly. We first focus on access control policies in web services, whose enforcement is achieved through the instrumentation of the orchestration mechanism. We then address the enforcement of privacy protection policies through the expert-assisted weaving of privacy filters into software. We finally propose a new type of aspect-oriented pointcut capturing the information flow in distributed software to unify the implementation of our different security modularization techniques.Intégrer les problématiques de sécurité au cycle de développement logiciel représente encore un défi à l’heure actuelle, notamment dans les logiciels distribués. La sécurité informatique requiert des connaissances et un savoir-faire particulier, ce qui implique une collaboration étroite entre les experts en sécurité et les autres acteurs impliqués. La programmation à objets ou à base de composants est communément employée pour permettre de telles collaborations et améliorer la mise à l’échelle et la maintenance de briques logicielles. Malheureusement, ces styles de programmation s’appliquent mal à la sécurité, qui est un problème transverse brisant la modularité des objets ou des composants. Nous présentons dans cette thèse plusieurs techniques de modularisation pour résoudre ce problème. Nous proposons tout d’abord l’utilisation de la programmation par aspect pour appliquer de manière automatique et systématique des techniques de programmation sécurisée et ainsi réduire le nombre de vulnérabilités d’une application. Notre approche se focalise sur l’introduction de vérifications de sécurité dans le code pour se protéger d’attaques comme les manipulations de données en entrée. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à l’automatisation de la mise en application de politiques de sécurité par des techniques de programmation. Nous avons par exemple automatisé l’application de règles de contrôle d’accès fines et distribuées dans des web services par l’instrumentation des mécanismes d’orchestration de la plate-forme. Nous avons aussi proposé des mécanismes permettant l’introduction d’un filtrage des données à caractère privée par le tissage d’aspects assisté par un expert en sécurité

    Malware Analysis and Privacy Policy Enforcement Techniques for Android Applications

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    The rapid increase in mobile malware and deployment of over-privileged applications over the years has been of great concern to the security community. Encroaching on user’s privacy, mobile applications (apps) increasingly exploit various sensitive data on mobile devices. The information gathered by these applications is sufficient to uniquely and accurately profile users and can cause tremendous personal and financial damage. On Android specifically, the security and privacy holes in the operating system and framework code has created a whole new dynamic for malware and privacy exploitation. This research work seeks to develop novel analysis techniques that monitor Android applications for possible unwanted behaviors and then suggest various ways to deal with the privacy leaks associated with them. Current state-of-the-art static malware analysis techniques on Android-focused mainly on detecting known variants without factoring any kind of software obfuscation. The dynamic analysis systems, on the other hand, are heavily dependent on extending the Android OS and/or runtime virtual machine. These methodologies often tied the system to a single Android version and/or kernel making it very difficult to port to a new device. In privacy, accesses to the database system’s objects are not controlled by any security check beyond overly-broad read/write permissions. This flawed model exposes the database contents to abuse by privacy-agnostic apps and malware. This research addresses the problems above in three ways. First, we developed a novel static analysis technique that fingerprints known malware based on three-level similarity matching. It scores similarity as a function of normalized opcode sequences found in sensitive functional modules and application permission requests. Our system has an improved detection ratio over current research tools and top COTS anti-virus products while maintaining a high level of resiliency to both simple and complex obfuscation. Next, we augment the signature-related weaknesses of our static classifier with a hybrid analysis system which incorporates bytecode instrumentation and dynamic runtime monitoring to examine unknown malware samples. Using the concept of Aspect-oriented programming, this technique involves recompiling security checking code into an unknown binary for data flow analysis, resource abuse tracing, and analytics of other suspicious behaviors. Our system logs all the intercepted activities dynamically at runtime without the need for building custom kernels. Finally, we designed a user-level privacy policy enforcement system that gives users more control over their personal data saved in the SQLite database. Using bytecode weaving for query re-writing and enforcing access control, our system forces new policies at the schema, column, and entity levels of databases without rooting or voiding device warranty

    A Hybrid Framework for the Systematic Detection of Software Security Vulnerabilities in Source Code

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    In this thesis, we address the problem of detecting vulnerabilities in software where the source code is available, such as free-and-open-source software. In this, we rely on the use of security testing. Either static or dynamic analysis can be used for security testing approaches, yet both analyses have their advantages and drawbacks. In fact, while these analyses are different, they are complementary to each other in many ways. Consequently, approaches that would combine these analyses have the potential of becoming very advantageous to security testing and vulnerability detection. This has motivated the work presented in this thesis. For the purpose of security testing, security analysts need to specify the security properties that they wish to test software against for security violations. Accordingly, we firstly propose a security model called Team Edit Automata (TEA), which extends security automata. Using TEA, security analysts are capable of precisely specifying the security properties under concerns. Since various code instrumentations are needed at different program points for the purpose of profiling the software behavior at run-time, we secondly propose a code instrumentation profiler. Furthermore, we provide an extension to the GCC compiler to enable such instrumentations. The profiler is based on the pointcut model of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) languages and accordingly it is capable of providing a large set of instrumentation capabilities to the analysts. We particularly explore the capabilities and the current limitations of AOP languages as tools for security testing code instrumentation, and propose extensions to these languages to allow them to be used for such purposes. Thirdly, we explore the potential of static analysis for vulnerability detection and illustrate its applicability and limitations. Fourthly, we propose a framework that reduces security vulnerability detection to a reachability problem. The framework combines three main techniques: static analysis, program slicing, and reachability analysis. This framework mainly targets software applications that are generally categorized as being safety/security critical, and are of relatively small sizes, such as embedded software. Finally, we propose a more comprehensive security testing and test-data generation framework that provides further advantages over the proposed reachability model. This framework combines the power of static and dynamic analyses, and is used to generate concrete data, with which the existence of a vulnerability is proven beyond doubt, hence mitigating major drawbacks of static analysis, namely false positives. We also illustrate the feasibility of the elaborated frameworks by developing case studies for test-data generation and vulnerability detection on various-size software

    A Hybrid Framework for the Systematic Detection of Software Security Vulnerabilities in Source Code

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    In this thesis, we address the problem of detecting vulnerabilities in software where the source code is available, such as free-and-open-source software. In this, we rely on the use of security testing. Either static or dynamic analysis can be used for security testing approaches, yet both analyses have their advantages and drawbacks. In fact, while these analyses are different, they are complementary to each other in many ways. Consequently, approaches that would combine these analyses have the potential of becoming very advantageous to security testing and vulnerability detection. This has motivated the work presented in this thesis. For the purpose of security testing, security analysts need to specify the security properties that they wish to test software against for security violations. Accordingly, we firstly propose a security model called Team Edit Automata (TEA), which extends security automata. Using TEA, security analysts are capable of precisely specifying the security properties under concerns. Since various code instrumentations are needed at different program points for the purpose of profiling the software behavior at run-time, we secondly propose a code instrumentation profiler. Furthermore, we provide an extension to the GCC compiler to enable such instrumentations. The profiler is based on the pointcut model of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) languages and accordingly it is capable of providing a large set of instrumentation capabilities to the analysts. We particularly explore the capabilities and the current limitations of AOP languages as tools for security testing code instrumentation, and propose extensions to these languages to allow them to be used for such purposes. Thirdly, we explore the potential of static analysis for vulnerability detection and illustrate its applicability and limitations. Fourthly, we propose a framework that reduces security vulnerability detection to a reachability problem. The framework combines three main techniques: static analysis, program slicing, and reachability analysis. This framework mainly targets software applications that are generally categorized as being safety/security critical, and are of relatively small sizes, such as embedded software. Finally, we propose a more comprehensive security testing and test-data generation framework that provides further advantages over the proposed reachability model. This framework combines the power of static and dynamic analyses, and is used to generate concrete data, with which the existence of a vulnerability is proven beyond doubt, hence mitigating major drawbacks of static analysis, namely false positives. We also illustrate the feasibility of the elaborated frameworks by developing case studies for test-data generation and vulnerability detection on various-size software
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