356 research outputs found

    Multimodal Interaction Techniques for Chatbots

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    Chatbots have become popular and are being used in the most diverse areas. The most common use for chatbot are the ones integrated in our smartphones, like Google Assistant and Siri. This kind of technology evolved significantly in the past few years and now the users have the feeling to be talking to another human being. In a near future, most of the interaction between large organisations and their users will be mediated by AI agents. A market that benefited a lot from this arising technology are the e-commerce websites. Sometimes, it can be a struggle to find a product in a web site due to bad interface designs. When integrated in these websites, the clients have immediate access to a seller that is able to help them find the product they want or clarify some doubts that they might have. Despite the great evolution in the responsiveness of these systems, when talking about the User Interface (UI) of the systems, there are no major changes. Normally, chatbots are represented using the common chat box in the bottom right corner of the screen. In the scope of iFetch project, that the main focus is revolutionise the chatbot assistance in online sales, it is proposed for this dissertation the development of a user interface for a chatbot with multimodal interaction, making the user experience more interactive and engaging. This interface is a representation of a virtual room where the user can see the products that he/she wants to buy. The is also a component of image processing to be able to use the 2D images for the generation of their 3D representation.Atualmente, a utilização de chatbots alargou-se para as mais diversas áreas. O exemplo mais comum são os chatbots integrados nos smartphones como o Google assistant ou a Siri. Esta tecnologia tem evoluído significativamente nos últimos anos, dando a sensação ao utilizador que está a falar com outro ser humano. Num futuro próximo, a maioria das interações entre os clientes e as empresas será feito através de agentes AI. Uma área que tem beneficiado muito com a introdução desta tecnologia, são os websites de vendas online. Por vezes, poderá ser complicado um utilizador encontrar o produto que pretende no site da loja, devido ao mau design da interface. Assim, os chatbot permitem que os seus clientes tenham acesso rápido a um vendedor a qualquer momento, que os ajudará a encontrar o artigo pretendido e tirar possíveis dúvidas que tenham. Apesar de ser notória uma grande evolução na capacidade de resposta destes sistema, no que toca a interface digital dos chatbots, não se tem notado grande inovação. A maioria dos chatbots que encontramos hoje em dia, são a típica caixa de texto que se encontra no canto inferior do ecrã. Assim, dentro do contexto do projecto iFetch, que pretende desenvolver um chatbot para a assistência no mundo das vendas online, surge este trabalho cujo objetivo passa por desenvolver uma interface inovadora multimodal que permita tornar a experiência dos utilizadores do website mais interativa. Esta interface consistirá numa loja virtual onde o utilizador poderá visualizar os produtos que pretende comprar. Existe também uma componente de processamento de imagem para que seja possível a visualização das imagens 2D em manequins 3D

    Human-Understandable Explanations of Neural Networks

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    Das 21. Jahrhundert ist durch Datenströme enormen Ausmaßes gekennzeichnet. Dies hat die Popularität von Berechnungsmodellen, die sehr datenintensiv sind, wie z.B. neuronale Netze, drastisch erhöht. Aufgrund ihres großen Erfolges bei der Mustererkennung sind sie zu einem leistungsstarken Werkzeug für Vorhersagen, Klassifizierung und Empfehlungen in der Informatik, Statistik, Wirtschaft und vielen anderen Disziplinen geworden. Trotz dieser verbreiteten Anwendung sind neuronale Netze Blackbox-Modelle, d.h. sie geben keine leicht interpretierbaren Einblicke in die Struktur der approximierten Funktion oder in die Art und Weise, wie die Eingabe in die entsprechende Ausgabe umgewandelt wird. Die jüngste Forschung versucht, diese Blackboxen zu öffnen und ihr Innenleben zu enthüllen. Bisher haben sich die meisten Forschungsarbeiten darauf konzentriert, die Entscheidungen eines neuronalen Netzes auf einer sehr technischen Ebene und für ein Informatikfachpublikum zu erklären. Da neuronale Netze immer häufiger eingesetzt werden, auch von Menschen ohne tiefere Informatikkenntnisse, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, Ansätze zu entwickeln, die es ermöglichen, neuronale Netze auch für Nicht-Experten verständlich zu erklären. Das Ziel ist, dass Menschen verstehen können, warum das neuronale Netz bestimmte Entscheidungen getroffen hat, und dass sie das Ergebnis des Modells durchgehend interpretieren können. Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein Rahmenwerk, das es ermöglicht, menschlich verständliche Erklärungen für neuronale Netze zu liefern. Wir charakterisieren menschlich nachvollziehbare Erklärungen durch sieben Eigenschaften, nämlich Transparenz, Überprüfbarkeit, Vertrauen, Effektivität, Überzeugungskraft, Effizienz und Zufriedenheit. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir Erklärungsansätze vor, die diese Eigenschaften erfüllen. Zunächst stellen wir TransPer vor, ein Erklärungsrahmenwerk für neuronale Netze, insbesondere für solche, die in Produktempfehlungssystemen verwendet werden. Wir definieren Erklärungsmaße auf der Grundlage der Relevanz der Eingaben, um die Vorhersagequalität des neuronalen Netzes zu analysieren und KI-Anwendern bei der Verbesserung ihrer neuronalen Netze zu helfen. Dadurch werden Transparenz und Vertrauen geschaffen. In einem Anwendungsfall für ein Empfehlungssystem werden auch die Überzeugungskraft, die den Benutzer zum Kauf eines Produkts veranlasst, und die Zufriedenheit, die das Benutzererlebnis angenehmer macht, berücksichtigt. Zweitens, um die Blackbox des neuronalen Netzes zu öffnen, definieren wir eine neue Metrik für die Erklärungsqualität ObAlEx in der Bildklassifikation. Mit Hilfe von Objekterkennungsansätzen, Erklärungsansätzen und ObAlEx quantifizieren wir den Fokus von faltenden neuronalen Netzwerken auf die tatsächliche Evidenz. Dies bietet den Nutzern eine effektive Erklärung und Vertrauen, dass das Modell seine Klassifizierungsentscheidung tatsächlich auf der Grundlage des richtigen Teils des Eingabebildes getroffen hat. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es die Überprüfbarkeit, d. h. die Möglichkeit für den Benutzer, dem Erklärungssystem mitzuteilen, dass sich das Modell auf die falschen Teile des Eingabebildes konzentriert hat. Drittens schlagen wir FilTag vor, einen Ansatz zur Erklärung von faltenden neuronalen Netzwerken durch die Kennzeichnung der Filter mit Schlüsselwörtern, die Bildklassen identifizieren. In ihrer Gesamtheit erklären diese Kennzeichnungen die Zweckbestimmung des Filters. Einzelne Bildklassifizierungen können dann intuitiv anhand der Kennzeichnungen der Filter, die das Eingabebild aktiviert, erklärt werden. Diese Erklärungen erhöhen die Überprüfbarkeit und das Vertrauen. Schließlich stellen wir FAIRnets vor, das darauf abzielt, Metadaten von neuronalen Netzen wie Architekturinformationen und Verwendungszweck bereitzustellen. Indem erklärt wird, wie das neuronale Netz aufgebaut ist werden neuronale Netzer transparenter; dadurch dass ein Nutzer schnell entscheiden kann, ob das neuronale Netz für den gewünschten Anwendungsfall relevant ist werden neuronale Netze effizienter. Alle vier Ansätze befassen sich mit der Frage, wie man Erklärungen von neuronalen Netzen für Nicht-Experten bereitstellen kann. Zusammen stellen sie einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer für den Menschen verständlichen KI dar

    User-oriented recommender systems in retail

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    User satisfaction is considered a key objective for all service provider platforms, regardless of the nature of the service, encompassing domains such as media, entertainment, retail, and information. While the goal of satisfying users is the same across different domains and services, considering domain-specific characteristics is of paramount importance to ensure users have a positive experience with a given system. User interaction data with a system is one of the main sources of data that facilitates achieving this goal. In this thesis, we investigate how to learn from domain-specific user interactions. We focus on recommendation as our main task, and retail as our main domain. We further explore the finance domain and the demand forecasting task as additional directions to understand whether our methodology and findings generalize to other tasks and domains. The research in this thesis is organized around the following dimensions: 1) Characteristics of multi-channel retail: we consider a retail setting where interaction data comes from both digital (i.e., online) and in-store (i.e., offline) shopping; 2) From user behavior to recommendation: we conduct extensive descriptive studies on user interaction log datasets that inform the design of recommender systems in two domains, retail and finance. Our key contributions in characterizing multi-channel retail are two-fold. First, we propose a neural model that makes use of sales in multiple shopping channels in order to improve the performance of demand forecasting in a target channel. Second, we provide the first study of user behavior in a multi-channel retail setting, which results in insights about the channel-specific properties of user behavior, and their effects on the performance of recommender systems. We make three main contributions in designing user-oriented recommender systems. First, we provide a large-scale user behavior study in the finance domain, targeted at understanding financial information seeking behavior in user interactions with company filings. We then propose domain-specific user-oriented filing recommender systems that are informed by the findings of the user behavior analysis. Second, we analyze repurchasing behavior in retail, specifically in the grocery shopping domain. We then propose a repeat consumption-aware neural recommender for this domain. Third, we focus on scalable recommendation in retail and propose an efficient recommender system that explicitly models users' personal preferences that are reflected in their purchasing history

    User-oriented recommender systems in retail

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    User satisfaction is considered a key objective for all service provider platforms, regardless of the nature of the service, encompassing domains such as media, entertainment, retail, and information. While the goal of satisfying users is the same across different domains and services, considering domain-specific characteristics is of paramount importance to ensure users have a positive experience with a given system. User interaction data with a system is one of the main sources of data that facilitates achieving this goal. In this thesis, we investigate how to learn from domain-specific user interactions. We focus on recommendation as our main task, and retail as our main domain. We further explore the finance domain and the demand forecasting task as additional directions to understand whether our methodology and findings generalize to other tasks and domains. The research in this thesis is organized around the following dimensions: 1) Characteristics of multi-channel retail: we consider a retail setting where interaction data comes from both digital (i.e., online) and in-store (i.e., offline) shopping; 2) From user behavior to recommendation: we conduct extensive descriptive studies on user interaction log datasets that inform the design of recommender systems in two domains, retail and finance. Our key contributions in characterizing multi-channel retail are two-fold. First, we propose a neural model that makes use of sales in multiple shopping channels in order to improve the performance of demand forecasting in a target channel. Second, we provide the first study of user behavior in a multi-channel retail setting, which results in insights about the channel-specific properties of user behavior, and their effects on the performance of recommender systems. We make three main contributions in designing user-oriented recommender systems. First, we provide a large-scale user behavior study in the finance domain, targeted at understanding financial information seeking behavior in user interactions with company filings. We then propose domain-specific user-oriented filing recommender systems that are informed by the findings of the user behavior analysis. Second, we analyze repurchasing behavior in retail, specifically in the grocery shopping domain. We then propose a repeat consumption-aware neural recommender for this domain. Third, we focus on scalable recommendation in retail and propose an efficient recommender system that explicitly models users' personal preferences that are reflected in their purchasing history

    Sentiment Analysis for Social Media

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    Sentiment analysis is a branch of natural language processing concerned with the study of the intensity of the emotions expressed in a piece of text. The automated analysis of the multitude of messages delivered through social media is one of the hottest research fields, both in academy and in industry, due to its extremely high potential applicability in many different domains. This Special Issue describes both technological contributions to the field, mostly based on deep learning techniques, and specific applications in areas like health insurance, gender classification, recommender systems, and cyber aggression detection