1,705 research outputs found

    Ordenación de eventos multidocumento usando inferencia de relaciones temporales y modelos semánticos distribucionales

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    This paper focuses on the contribution of temporal relations inference and distributional semantic models to the event ordering task. Our system automatically builds ordered timelines of events from different written texts in English by performing first temporal clustering and then semantic clustering. In order to determine temporal compatibility, an inference from the temporal relationships between events –automatically extracted from a Temporal Information Processing system– is applied. Regarding semantic compatibility between events, we analyze two different distributional semantic models: LDA Topic modeling and Word2Vec word embeddings. Both semantic models together with the temporal inference have been evaluated within the framework of SemEval 2015 Task 4 Track B. Experiments show that, using both models, the current State of the Art is improved, showing significant advance in the Cross-Document Event Ordering task.Este artículo se centra en estudiar la contribución que la inferencia de relaciones temporales y los modelos semánticos distribucionales hacen a la tarea de ordenación de eventos. Nuestro sistema construye automáticamente líneas de tiempo con eventos extraídos de diferentes documentos escritos en inglés. Para ello realiza primero una agrupación temporal y posteriormente una agrupación semántica. Para determinar la compatibilidad temporal se realiza una inferencia sobre las relaciones temporales entre los eventos extraídos de un sistema automático de procesamiento de información temporal. Para la compatibilidad semántica entre eventos hemos analizado dos modelos semánticos distribucionales distintos: LDA Topic Modeling y Word2Vec Word Embeddings. Ambos modelos semánticos junto con la inferencia temporal han sido evaluados bajo el marco de evaluación de SemEval 2015 Task 4 Track B. Los experimentos muestran que, usando ambos modelos se mejora el estado del arte actual, implicando un avance importante en la tarea de ordenación de eventos multidocumento.This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish government, project TIN2015-65100-R, project TIN2015-65136-C2-2-R and PROMETEOII/2014/001

    Cross-document event ordering through temporal, lexical and distributional knowledge

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    In this paper we present a system that automatically builds ordered timelines of events from different written texts in English. The system deals with problems such as automatic event extraction, cross-document temporal relation extraction and cross-document event coreference resolution. Its main characteristic is the application of three different types of knowledge: temporal knowledge, lexical-semantic knowledge and distributional-semantic knowledge, in order to anchor and order the events in the timeline. It has been evaluated within the framework of SemEval 2015. The proposed system improves the current state-of-the-art systems in all measures (up to eight points of F1-score over other systems) and shows a significant advance in the Cross-document event ordering task.This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish government, project TIN2015-65100-R and project TIN2015-65136-C2-2-R

    Learning Sentence-internal Temporal Relations

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    In this paper we propose a data intensive approach for inferring sentence-internal temporal relations. Temporal inference is relevant for practical NLP applications which either extract or synthesize temporal information (e.g., summarisation, question answering). Our method bypasses the need for manual coding by exploiting the presence of markers like after", which overtly signal a temporal relation. We first show that models trained on main and subordinate clauses connected with a temporal marker achieve good performance on a pseudo-disambiguation task simulating temporal inference (during testing the temporal marker is treated as unseen and the models must select the right marker from a set of possible candidates). Secondly, we assess whether the proposed approach holds promise for the semi-automatic creation of temporal annotations. Specifically, we use a model trained on noisy and approximate data (i.e., main and subordinate clauses) to predict intra-sentential relations present in TimeBank, a corpus annotated rich temporal information. Our experiments compare and contrast several probabilistic models differing in their feature space, linguistic assumptions and data requirements. We evaluate performance against gold standard corpora and also against human subjects

    Extracting Temporal and Causal Relations between Events

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    Structured information resulting from temporal information processing is crucial for a variety of natural language processing tasks, for instance to generate timeline summarization of events from news documents, or to answer temporal/causal-related questions about some events. In this thesis we present a framework for an integrated temporal and causal relation extraction system. We first develop a robust extraction component for each type of relations, i.e. temporal order and causality. We then combine the two extraction components into an integrated relation extraction system, CATENA---CAusal and Temporal relation Extraction from NAtural language texts---, by utilizing the presumption about event precedence in causality, that causing events must happened BEFORE resulting events. Several resources and techniques to improve our relation extraction systems are also discussed, including word embeddings and training data expansion. Finally, we report our adaptation efforts of temporal information processing for languages other than English, namely Italian and Indonesian.Comment: PhD Thesi

    Temporality and modality in entailment graph induction

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    The ability to draw inferences is core to semantics and the field of Natural Language Processing. Answering a seemingly simple question like ‘Did Arsenal play Manchester yesterday’ from textual evidence that says ‘Arsenal won against Manchester yesterday’ requires modeling the inference that ‘winning’ entails ‘playing’. One way of modeling this type of lexical semantics is with Entailment Graphs, collections of meaning postulates that can be learned in an unsupervised way from large text corpora. In this work, we explore the role that temporality and linguistic modality can play in inducing Entailment Graphs. We identify inferences that were previously not supported by Entailment Graphs (such as that ‘visiting’ entails an ‘arrival’ before the visit) and inferences that were likely to be learned incorrectly (such as that ‘winning’ entails ‘losing’). Temporality is shown to be useful in alleviating these challenges, in the Entailment Graph representation as well as the learning algorithm. An exploration of linguistic modality in the training data shows, counterintuitively, that there is valuable signal in modalized predications. We develop three datasets for evaluating a system’s capability of modeling these inferences, which were previously underrepresented in entailment rule evaluations. Finally, in support of the work on modality, we release a relation extraction system that is capable of annotating linguistic modality, together with a comprehensive modality lexicon

    Neural information extraction from natural language text

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    Natural language processing (NLP) deals with building computational techniques that allow computers to automatically analyze and meaningfully represent human language. With an exponential growth of data in this digital era, the advent of NLP-based systems has enabled us to easily access relevant information via a wide range of applications, such as web search engines, voice assistants, etc. To achieve it, a long-standing research for decades has been focusing on techniques at the intersection of NLP and machine learning. In recent years, deep learning techniques have exploited the expressive power of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of NLP tasks. Being one of the vital properties, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can automatically extract complex features from the input data and thus, provide an alternative to the manual process of handcrafted feature engineering. Besides ANNs, Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs), a coupling of graph theory and probabilistic methods have the ability to describe causal structure between random variables of the system and capture a principled notion of uncertainty. Given the characteristics of DNNs and PGMs, they are advantageously combined to build powerful neural models in order to understand the underlying complexity of data. Traditional machine learning based NLP systems employed shallow computational methods (e.g., SVM or logistic regression) and relied on handcrafting features which is time-consuming, complex and often incomplete. However, deep learning and neural network based methods have recently shown superior results on various NLP tasks, such as machine translation, text classification, namedentity recognition, relation extraction, textual similarity, etc. These neural models can automatically extract an effective feature representation from training data. This dissertation focuses on two NLP tasks: relation extraction and topic modeling. The former aims at identifying semantic relationships between entities or nominals within a sentence or document. Successfully extracting the semantic relationships greatly contributes in building structured knowledge bases, useful in downstream NLP application areas of web search, question-answering, recommendation engines, etc. On other hand, the task of topic modeling aims at understanding the thematic structures underlying in a collection of documents. Topic modeling is a popular text-mining tool to automatically analyze a large collection of documents and understand topical semantics without actually reading them. In doing so, it generates word clusters (i.e., topics) and document representations useful in document understanding and information retrieval, respectively. Essentially, the tasks of relation extraction and topic modeling are built upon the quality of representations learned from text. In this dissertation, we have developed task-specific neural models for learning representations, coupled with relation extraction and topic modeling tasks in the realms of supervised and unsupervised machine learning paradigms, respectively. More specifically, we make the following contributions in developing neural models for NLP tasks: 1. Neural Relation Extraction: Firstly, we have proposed a novel recurrent neural network based architecture for table-filling in order to jointly perform entity and relation extraction within sentences. Then, we have further extended our scope of extracting relationships between entities across sentence boundaries, and presented a novel dependency-based neural network architecture. The two contributions lie in the supervised paradigm of machine learning. Moreover, we have contributed in building a robust relation extractor constrained by the lack of labeled data, where we have proposed a novel weakly-supervised bootstrapping technique. Given the contributions, we have further explored interpretability of the recurrent neural networks to explain their predictions for the relation extraction task. 2. Neural Topic Modeling: Besides the supervised neural architectures, we have also developed unsupervised neural models to learn meaningful document representations within topic modeling frameworks. Firstly, we have proposed a novel dynamic topic model that captures topics over time. Next, we have contributed in building static topic models without considering temporal dependencies, where we have presented neural topic modeling architectures that also exploit external knowledge, i.e., word embeddings to address data sparsity. Moreover, we have developed neural topic models that incorporate knowledge transfers using both the word embeddings and latent topics from many sources. Finally, we have shown improving neural topic modeling by introducing language structures (e.g., word ordering, local syntactic and semantic information, etc.) that deals with bag-of-words issues in traditional topic models. The class of proposed neural NLP models in this section are based on techniques at the intersection of PGMs, deep learning and ANNs. Here, the task of neural relation extraction employs neural networks to learn representations typically at the sentence level, without access to the broader document context. However, topic models have access to statistical information across documents. Therefore, we advantageously combine the two complementary learning paradigms in a neural composite model, consisting of a neural topic and a neural language model that enables us to jointly learn thematic structures in a document collection via the topic model, and word relations within a sentence via the language model. Overall, our research contributions in this dissertation extend NLP-based systems for relation extraction and topic modeling tasks with state-of-the-art performances
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