402 research outputs found

    Internacionalizacija znanstvenog publiciranja u Hrvatskoj kroz prizmu bibliografske analize časopisa Društvena istraživanja

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    The goal of this research is to shed additional light on the internationalisation of scholarly publishing in Croatia through research based on the bibliometric analysis of the journal Društvena Istraživanja (DI). The first part of this research is dedicated to bibliometric analysis of DI since its conception in 1992, while the second part discusses the internationalisation of scientific journals in Croatia, relying on the critical analysis of relevant literature and the bibliometric characteristics of DI. The results of this research call into question the relevance of the existing scientific publishing policy to contribute to quality research papers and their internationalisation. The research provides implications for both editorial and publishing policies, as well as science policies in general.Cilj je ovog istraživanja dodatno rasvijetliti internacionalizaciju znanstvenoga publiciranja u Hrvatskoj kroz istraživanje temeljeno na bibliometrijskoj analizi časopisa Društvena istraživanja (DI). Prvi dio ovog istraživanja posvećen je bibliometrijskoj analizi DI od njegovih početaka 1992. godine, dok se drugi dio bavi internacionalizacijom znanstvenih časopisa u Hrvatskoj, oslanjajući se na kritičku analizu relevantne literature i bibliometrijskih karakteristika DI. Rezultati ovog istraživanja dovode u pitanje relevantnost postojeće znanstveno-izdavačke politike za doprinos kvaliteti istraživačkih radova i njihovoj internacionalizaciji. Istraživanje ima implikacije na uređivačku i izdavačku politiku, kao i na znanstvenu politiku općenito

    The development of political science in Central and Eastern Europe : bibliometric perspective, 1996–2013

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    This research aims to develop a deeper insight into the development of political science from the bibliometric perspective by analysing peer-reviewed journal articles (n = 1117) indexed in the Scopus database and published by authors from fifteen Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries in the period 1996–2013. Results indicate that the majority of articles (84%) by CEE authors have been published in international journals and in the English language. The visibility of these articles in international journals, measured by the mean number of citations, is 5.2 per paper, while the same indicator for CEE journal articles amounts to 0.2. Authorship analysis indicates a gradual but continuous increase in co-authorships. Additionally, there are significant differences in citations between single-authored and co-authored articles, both in international and CEE journals. Co-authorship among CEE authors is present in only 1% of the analysed articles, confirming weak collaboration between political scientists in CEE countries

    Do the International Editorial Board Members of Croatian Social Sciences and Humanities Journals Contribute to their Visibility?

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the composition, scholarly recognition and possible contribution of international editorial board members (EBMs) of Croatian social sciences and humanities (SSH) jour-nals to their quality and visibility. The composition of the editorial boards was analysed on a sample of 676 international EBMs from 78 Croatian journals according to their country of origin. International EBMs come from 49 countries. Countries with the largest number of EBMs make up three groups of nations: ex-Yugoslav countries (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia), neighbouring European countries (Aus-tria, Italy and Hungary) and a set of large countries (USA, UK, Germany and the Netherlands). Scholarly recognition for each EBM has been ana-lysed on the number of published papers, and their h-index in Scopus, number of papers in their parent journal and the citation count, as well as the influence of these papers on the SJR ( Scimago Journal Ranking) journal indicator. Comparative result analyses were performed on two sets of journals – those indexed in Scopus, and a non-Scopus one. On average, Croatian Scopus journals had more international EBMs and their productivity and h-index differ greatly from the same indicators in non-Scopus journals. Obtained result shows that generally, members of international editorial boards have not been recognized as exceptionally distinguished experts in most parent journals. Additionally, publishing contributions to parent journals and the citation count of those published papers do not have a positive effect on the parent journals. To obtain a more comprehensive picture, bibliometric indicators should be comple-mented by quality indicators, interviews and peer review analyses

    Croatian scientific productivity and visibility in the field of biology measured by journals indexed in WoS 1991–2005

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    Background and Purpose: The purpose of this research was to establish the characteristics and the trends of scientific activity in the field of biology in Croatia, using scientometric analysis of scientific papers published in biology journals indexed in WoS-SCI Expanded database for the period of 1991 to 2005. The results could serve as useful tool in defining a more acceptable model for the evaluation and stimulation of scientific work, as well as in highlighting possible directions for the development of biological sciences in Croatia. Materials and Methods: The research sample consisted of 2,099 scientific papers which had a Croatian address, published in 342 biology journals indexed in WoS-SCI Expanded database from 1991 to 2005. The characteristics of scientific productivity and scientific impact, measured using citation analysis, were analysed in the field of biology as a whole, as well as in the various biological disciplines. The journal’s status was determined using its IF from the JCR Science Edition database for 2005. As additional indicators, trends in co-authorship as well as international cooperation were determined. Results and Conclusions: The evaluation of scientific work in the field of biology should be adapted to the specificities of scientific publishing in various biological disciplines. The number of papers in different disciplines varied considerably, as well as the average number of citation per paper and the average number of authors per paper. In the field of biology as a whole, on average 7.3 citations per paper and 4.1 authors per paper were observed. The majority of papers (90%) were co-authored publications. 32.2% of published papers were co-authored with a foreign institution. 7.7% of papers were published in the most prestigious journals by IF (the \u27\u27top 10%\u27\u27 journals). Those papers published in the \u27\u27top 10%\u27\u27 journals which were co-authored with a foreign institution obtained the highest impact (16.8 citations per paper)

    Revistas latino-americanas e línguas hegemônicas para publicação acadêmica no Scopus e Web of Science

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    This paper presents a descriptive analysis of SCOPUS’ and Web of Science’s journal lists, in order to illustrate and critically assess the current presence of Latin American journals included in these mainstream databases and their working languages for publication. The latest lists of journals released by both databases as of March 2020 were analyzed in terms of journal language and country of publication. Results show Brazil clearly emerges as the regional leader, especially in WoS’ Science Citation Index Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Index. However, this predominance of Brazilian journals does not entail a corresponding relevance of the Portuguese language. Spanish is the predominant language in mainstream Latin American journals, especially in the Social Sciences and Humanities, while journals identified as multilingual tend to associate either Spanish or Portuguese with English. The combination of Spanish and Portuguese is significantly smaller. This calls for a critical revision of the state of the Latin American scientific-editorial field as a linguistic market, as well as for further questioning the role of English as the lingua franca of academiaEste artigo apresenta uma análise descritiva das listas de revistas do SCOPUS e do Web of Science (WoS), a fim de ilustrar e avaliar criticamente a presença atual de revistas latino-americanas incluídas nesses bancos de dados e seus idiomas de trabalho para publicação. As últimas listas de revistas divulgadas pelos dois bancos de dados em março de 2020 foram analisadas em termos de idioma e país de publicação. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil emerge claramente como líder regional, especialmente no Science Citation Index Expanded e em Emerging Sources Citation Index do WoS. No entanto, esse predomínio de revistas brasileiras não implica uma relevância correspondente da língua portuguesa. O espanhol é o idioma predominante nas principais revistas latino-americanas, especialmente nas ciências sociais e humanas, enquanto as revistas identificadas como multilíngues tendem a associar espanhol ou português ao inglês. A combinação de espanhol e português é significativamente menor. Isso exige uma revisão crítica do estado do campo científico-editorial latino-americano como um mercado linguístico, além de questionar ainda mais o papel do inglês como língua franca da academia.Fil: Céspedes, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Intra-disciplinary differences in database coverage and the consequences for bibliometric research

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    International audienceBibliographic databases (including databases based on open access) are routinely used for bibliometric research. The value of a specific database depends to a large extent on the coverage of the discipline(s) under study. A number of studies have determined the coverage of databases in specific disciplines focusing on inter-disciplinary differences. However, little is known about the potential existence of intra-disciplinary differences in database coverage. Focusing on intra-disciplinary differences, the paper documents large database coverage differences within two disciplines (economics and psychology). The point extends to include both the uneven coverage of specialties and research traditions. The implications for bibliometric research are discussed, and precautions which need to be taken are outlined

    Cardiologia Croatica and the Application of Advanced Information Technology in Publishing.

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    Napredne informatičke tehnologije primjenom mrežnih alata mogu unaprijediti elektroničko izdanje časopisa i omogućiti bolju dostupnost i utjecaj objavljenih članaka. U članku se opisuju sustavi jedinstvenoga brojčanog obilježavanja članaka, proširljivoga jezika za označavanje, jedinstvenoga mrežnog identiteta autora te sustav QR kodova. Sve te sustave primjenjivat će i časopis Cardiologia Croatica, s ciljem većeg znanstvenog utjecaja i daljnjeg uključenja u međunarodne citatne bazeAdvanced information technology can improve electronic editions of journals and facilitate better availability and impact of published articles through the use of web tools. This article describes systems of digital object identifier, extensible markup language, the unique web identity of authors, and the Quick Response code system. All these systems will be applied by the Cardiologia Croatica, with the final goal of a larger scientific impact of the journal and further inclusion into international citation databases

    Evaluation of Institutional Research Productivity

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    The quantification of scholarly performance has become an obvious necessity in many academic pursuits. Evaluation of research output is, therefore, an integral element of R&D institutions worldwide. This paper critically scrutinizes the literature on research productivity concerning scientific institutions (include universities and departments) in an informational context. It provides a thorough review to map the quantum of knowledge relating to ‘institutional research productivity’ correlating the Indian vista. The paper also offers a few recommendations to undertake evaluative studies with caution. Thus it shows a coherent picture of this emerging area in the sociology of science