81 research outputs found


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    Leakage Power Modeling and Reduction Techniques for Field Programmable Gate Arrays

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    FPGAs have become quite popular for implementing digital circuits and systems because of reduced costs and fast design cycles. This has led to increased complexity of FPGAs, and with technology scaling, many new challenges have come up for the FPGA industry, leakage power being one of the key challenges. The current generation FPGAs are being implemented in 90nm technology, therefore, managing leakage power in deep-submicron FPGAs has become critical for the FPGA industry to remain competitive in the semiconductor market and to enter the mobile applications domain. In this work an analytical state dependent leakage power model for FPGAs is developed, followed by dual-Vt based designs of the FPGA architecture for reducing leakage power. The leakage power model computes subthreshold and gate leakage in FPGAs, since these are the two dominant components of total leakage power in the scaled nanometer technologies. The leakage power model takes into account the dependency of gate and subthreshold leakage on the state of the circuit inputs. The leakage power model has two main components, one which computes the probability of a state for a particular FPGA circuit element, and the other which computes the leakage of the FPGA circuit element for a given input using analytical equations. This FPGA power model is particularly important for rapidly analyzing various FPGA architectures across different technology nodes. Dual-Vt based designs of the FPGA architecture are proposed, developed, and evaluated, for reducing the leakage power using a CAD framework. The logic and the routing resources of the FPGA are considered for dual-Vt assignment. The number of the logic elements that can be assigned high-Vt in the ideal case by using a dual-Vt assignment algorithm in the CAD framework is estimated. Based upon this estimate two kinds of architectures are developed and evaluated, homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures. Results indicate that leakage power savings of up to 50% can be obtained from these architectures. The analytical state dependent leakage power model developed has been used for estimating the leakage power savings from the dual-Vt FPGA architectures. The CAD framework that has been developed can also be used for developing and evaluating different dual-Vt FPGA architectures, other than the ones proposed in this work

    Design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Leakage Power Optimization in FPGAs

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    The scaling of the CMOS technology has precipitated an exponential increase in both subthreshold and gate leakage currents in modern VLSI designs. Consequently, the contribution of leakage power to the total chip power dissipation for CMOS designs is increasing rapidly, which is estimated to be 40% for the current technology generations and is expected to exceed 50% by the 65nm CMOS technology. In FPGAs, the power dissipation problem is further aggravated when compared to ASIC designs because FPGA use more transistors per logic function when compared to ASIC designs. Consequently, solving the leakage power problem is pivotal to devising power-aware FPGAs in the nanometer regime. This thesis focuses on devising both architectural and CAD techniques for leakage mitigation in FPGAs. Several CAD and architectural modifications are proposed to reduce the impact of leakage power dissipation on modern FPGAs. Firstly, multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) techniques are introduced to FPGAs to permanently turn OFF the unused resources of the FPGA, FPGAs are characterized with low utilization percentages that can reach 60%. Moreover, such architecture enables the dynamic shutting down of the FPGA idle parts, thus reducing the standby leakage significantly. Employing the MTCMOS technique in FPGAs requires several changes to the FPGA architecture, including the placement and routing of the sleep signals and the MTCMOS granularity. On the CAD level, the packing and placement stages are modified to allow the possibility of dynamically turning OFF the idle parts of the FPGA. A new activity generation algorithm is proposed and implemented that aims to identify the logic blocks in a design that exhibit similar idleness periods. Several criteria for the activity generation algorithm are used, including connectivity and logic function. Several versions of the activity generation algorithm are implemented to trade power savings with runtime. A newly developed packing algorithm uses the resulting activities to minimize leakage power dissipation by packing the logic blocks with similar or close activities together. By proposing an FPGA architecture that supports MTCMOS and developing a CAD tool that supports the new architecture, an average power savings of 30% is achieved for a 90nm CMOS process while incurring a speed penalty of less than 5%. This technique is further extended to provide a timing-sensitive version of the CAD flow to vary the speed penalty according to the criticality of each logic block. Secondly, a new technique for leakage power reduction in FPGAs based on the use of input dependency is developed. Both subthreshold and gate leakage power are heavily dependent on the input state. In FPGAs, the effect of input dependency is exacerbated due to the use of pass-transistor multiplexer logic, which can exhibit up to 50% variation in leakage power due to the input states. In this thesis, a new algorithm is proposed that uses bit permutation to reduce subthreshold and gate leakage power dissipation in FPGAs. The bit permutation algorithm provides an average leakage power reduction of 40% while having less than 2% impact on the performance and no penalty on the design area. Thirdly, an accurate probabilistic power model for FPGAs is developed to quantify the savings from the proposed leakage power reduction techniques. The proposed power model accounts for dynamic, short circuit, and leakage power (including both subthreshold and gate leakage power) dissipation in FPGAs. Moreover, the power model accounts for power due to glitches, which accounts for almost 20% of the dynamic power dissipation in FPGAs. The use of probabilities in the power model makes it more computationally efficient than the other FPGA power models in the literature that rely on long input sequence simulations. One of the main advantages of the proposed power model is the incorporation of spatial correlation while estimating the signal probability. Other probabilistic FPGA power models assume spatial independence among the design signals, thus overestimating the power calculations. In the proposed model, a probabilistic model is proposed for spatial correlations among the design signals. Moreover, a different variation is proposed that manages to capture most of the spatial correlations with minimum impact on runtime. Furthermore, the proposed power model accounts for the input dependency of subthreshold and gate leakage power dissipation. By comparing the proposed power model to HSpice simulation, the estimated power is within 8% and is closer to HSpice simulations than other probabilistic FPGA power models by an average of 20%

    Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration for Dependable Systems

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    Moore’s law has served as goal and motivation for consumer electronics manufacturers in the last decades. The results in terms of processing power increase in the consumer electronics devices have been mainly achieved due to cost reduction and technology shrinking. However, reducing physical geometries mainly affects the electronic devices’ dependability, making them more sensitive to soft-errors like Single Event Transient (SET) of Single Event Upset (SEU) and hard (permanent) faults, e.g. due to aging effects. Accordingly, safety critical systems often rely on the adoption of old technology nodes, even if they introduce longer design time w.r.t. consumer electronics. In fact, functional safety requirements are increasingly pushing industry in developing innovative methodologies to design high-dependable systems with the required diagnostic coverage. On the other hand commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices adoption began to be considered for safety-related systems due to real-time requirements, the need for the implementation of computationally hungry algorithms and lower design costs. In this field FPGA market share is constantly increased, thanks to their flexibility and low non-recurrent engineering costs, making them suitable for a set of safety critical applications with low production volumes. The works presented in this thesis tries to face new dependability issues in modern reconfigurable systems, exploiting their special features to take proper counteractions with low impacton performances, namely Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

    FDSOI Design using Automated Standard-Cell-Grained Body Biasing

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    With the introduction of FDSOI processes at competitive technology nodes, body biasing on an unprecedented scale was made possible. Body biasing influences one of the central transistor characteristics, the threshold voltage. By being able to heighten or lower threshold voltage by more than 100mV, the very physics of transistor switching can be manipulated at run time. Furthermore, as body biasing does not lead to different signal levels, it can be applied much more fine-grained than, e.g., DVFS. With the state of the art mainly focused on combinations of body biasing with DVFS, it has thus ignored granularities unfeasible for DVFS. This thesis fills this gap by proposing body bias domain partitioning techniques and for body bias domain partitionings thereby generated, algorithms that search for body bias assignments. Several different granularities ranging from entire cores to small groups of standard cells were examined using two principal approaches: Designer aided pre-partitioning based determination of body bias domains and a first-time, fully automatized, netlist based approach called domain candidate exploration. Both approaches operate along the lines of activation and timing of standard cell groups. These approaches were evaluated using the example of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor (DRP), a highly efficient category of reconfigurable architectures which consists of an array of processing elements and thus offers many opportunities for generalization towards many-core architectures. Finally, the proposed methods were validated by manufacturing a test-chip. Extensive simulation runs as well as the test-chip evaluation showed the validity of the proposed methods and indicated substantial improvements in energy efficiency compared to the state of the art. These improvements were accomplished by the fine-grained partitioning of the DRP design. This method allowed reducing dynamic power through supply voltage levels yielding higher clock frequencies using forward body biasing, while simultaneously reducing static power consumption in unused parts.Die Einführung von FDSOI Prozessen in gegenwärtigen Prozessgrößen ermöglichte die Nutzung von Substratvorspannung in nie zuvor dagewesenem Umfang. Substratvorspannung beeinflusst unter anderem eine zentrale Eigenschaft von Transistoren, die Schwellspannung. Mittels Substratvorspannung kann diese um mehr als 100mV erhöht oder gesenkt werden, was es ermöglicht, die schiere Physik des Schaltvorgangs zu manipulieren. Da weiterhin hiervon der Signalpegel der digitalen Signale unberührt bleibt, kann diese Technik auch in feineren Granularitäten angewendet werden, als z.B. Dynamische Spannungs- und Frequenz Anpassung (Engl. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Abk. DVFS). Da jedoch der Stand der Technik Substratvorspannung hauptsächlich in Kombinationen mit DVFS anwendet, werden feinere Granularitäten, welche für DVFS nicht mehr wirtschaftlich realisierbar sind, nicht berücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt diese Lücke, indem sie Partitionierungsalgorithmen zur Unterteilung eines Entwurfs in Substratvorspannungsdomänen vorschlägt und für diese hierdurch unterteilten Domänen entsprechende Substratvorspannungen berechnet. Hierzu wurden verschiedene Granularitäten berücksichtigt, von ganzen Prozessorkernen bis hin zu kleinen Gruppen von Standardzellen. Diese Entwürfe wurden dann mit zwei verschiedenen Herangehensweisen unterteilt: Chipdesigner unterstützte, vorpartitionierungsbasierte Bestimmung von Substratvorspannungsdomänen, sowie ein erstmals vollautomatisierter, Netzlisten basierter Ansatz, in dieser Arbeit Domänen Kandidaten Exploration genannt. Beide Ansätze funktionieren nach dem Prinzip der Aktivierung, d.h. zu welchem Zeitpunkt welcher Teil des Entwurfs aktiv ist, sowie der Signallaufzeit durch die entsprechenden Entwurfsteile. Diese Ansätze wurden anhand des Beispiels Dynamisch Rekonfigurierbarer Prozessoren (DRP) evaluiert. DRPs stellen eine Klasse hocheffizienter rekonfigurierbarer Architekturen dar, welche hauptsächlich aus einem Feld von Rechenelementen besteht und dadurch auch zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Verallgemeinerung hinsichtlich Many-Core Architekturen zulässt. Schließlich wurden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden in einem Testchip validiert. Alle ermittelten Ergebnisse zeigen im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik drastische Verbesserungen der Energieeffizienz, welche durch die feingranulare Unterteilung in Substratvorspannungsdomänen erzielt wurde. Hierdurch konnten durch die Anwendung von Substratvorspannung höhere Taktfrequenzen bei gleicher Versorgungsspannung erzielt werden, während zeitgleich in zeitlich unkritischen oder ungenutzten Entwurfsteilen die statische Leistungsaufnahme minimiert wurde

    Dynamic reconfiguration frameworks for high-performance reliable real-time reconfigurable computing

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    The sheer hardware-based computational performance and programming flexibility offered by reconfigurable hardware like Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) make them attractive for computing in applications that require high performance, availability, reliability, real-time processing, and high efficiency. Fueled by fabrication process scaling, modern reconfigurable devices come with ever greater quantities of on-chip resources, allowing a more complex variety of applications to be developed. Thus, the trend is that technology giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Baidu now embrace reconfigurable computing devices likes FPGAs to meet their critical computing needs. In addition, the capability to autonomously reprogramme these devices in the field is being exploited for reliability in application domains like aerospace, defence, military, and nuclear power stations. In such applications, real-time computing is important and is often a necessity for reliability. As such, applications and algorithms resident on these devices must be implemented with sufficient considerations for real-time processing and reliability. Often, to manage a reconfigurable hardware device as a computing platform for a multiplicity of homogenous and heterogeneous tasks, reconfigurable operating systems (ROSes) have been proposed to give a software look to hardware-based computation. The key requirements of a ROS include partitioning, task scheduling and allocation, task configuration or loading, and inter-task communication and synchronization. Existing ROSes have met these requirements to varied extents. However, they are limited in reliability, especially regarding the flexibility of placing the hardware circuits of tasks on device’s chip area, the problem arising more from the partitioning approaches used. Indeed, this problem is deeply rooted in the static nature of the on-chip inter-communication among tasks, hampering the flexibility of runtime task relocation for reliability. This thesis proposes the enabling frameworks for reliable, available, real-time, efficient, secure, and high-performance reconfigurable computing by providing techniques and mechanisms for reliable runtime reconfiguration, and dynamic inter-circuit communication and synchronization for circuits on reconfigurable hardware. This work provides task configuration infrastructures for reliable reconfigurable computing. Key features, especially reliability-enabling functionalities, which have been given little or no attention in state-of-the-art are implemented. These features include internal register read and write for device diagnosis; configuration operation abort mechanism, and tightly integrated selective-area scanning, which aims to optimize access to the device’s reconfiguration port for both task loading and error mitigation. In addition, this thesis proposes a novel reliability-aware inter-task communication framework that exploits the availability of dedicated clocking infrastructures in a typical FPGA to provide inter-task communication and synchronization. The clock buffers and networks of an FPGA use dedicated routing resources, which are distinct from the general routing resources. As such, deploying these dedicated resources for communication sidesteps the restriction of static routes and allows a better relocation of circuits for reliability purposes. For evaluation, a case study that uses a NASA/JPL spectrometer data processing application is employed to demonstrate the improved reliability brought about by the implemented configuration controller and the reliability-aware dynamic communication infrastructure. It is observed that up to 74% time saving can be achieved for selective-area error mitigation when compared to state-of-the-art vendor implementations. Moreover, an improvement in overall system reliability is observed when the proposed dynamic communication scheme is deployed in the data processing application. Finally, one area of reconfigurable computing that has received insufficient attention is security. Meanwhile, considering the nature of applications which now turn to reconfigurable computing for accelerating compute-intensive processes, a high premium is now placed on security, not only of the device but also of the applications, from loading to runtime execution. To address security concerns, a novel secure and efficient task configuration technique for task relocation is also investigated, providing configuration time savings of up to 32% or 83%, depending on the device; and resource usage savings in excess of 90% compared to state-of-the-art

    Toward Fault-Tolerant Applications on Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip

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    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    A Practical Investigation into Achieving Bio-Plausibility in Evo-Devo Neural Microcircuits Feasible in an FPGA

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    Many researchers has conjectured, argued, or in some cases demonstrated, that bio-plausibility can bring about emergent properties such as adaptability, scalability, fault-tolerance, self-repair, reliability, and autonomy to bio-inspired intelligent systems. Evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) spiking neural networks are a very bio-plausible mixture of such bio-inspired intelligent systems that have been proposed and studied by a few researchers. However, the general trend is that the complexity and thus the computational cost grow with the bio-plausibility of the system. FPGAs (Field- Programmable Gate Arrays) have been used and proved to be one of the flexible and cost efficient hardware platforms for research' and development of such evo-devo systems. However, mapping a bio-plausible evo-devo spiking neural network to an FPGA is a daunting task full of different constraints and trade-offs that makes it, if not infeasible, very challenging. This thesis explores the challenges, trade-offs, constraints, practical issues, and some possible approaches in achieving bio-plausibility in creating evolutionary developmental spiking neural microcircuits in an FPGA through a practical investigation along with a series of case studies. In this study, the system performance, cost, reliability, scalability, availability, and design and testing time and complexity are defined as measures for feasibility of a system and structural accuracy and consistency with the current knowledge in biology as measures for bio-plausibility. Investigation of the challenges starts with the hardware platform selection and then neuron, cortex, and evo-devo models and integration of these models into a whole bio-inspired intelligent system are examined one by one. For further practical investigation, a new PLAQIF Digital Neuron model, a novel Cortex model, and a new multicellular LGRN evo-devo model are designed, implemented and tested as case studies. Results and their implications for the researchers, designers of such systems, and FPGA manufacturers are discussed and concluded in form of general trends, trade-offs, suggestions, and recommendations