13,452 research outputs found

    efnMOBILE 2.0 / Efficient Envelopes

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    Based on the experiences of efnMOBILE 1.0 the hands-on student workshop activities and exhibitions took place in different evironments and locations encouraging new technologies and methodologies. Like efnMOBILE 1.0 the new workshop series efnMOBILE 2.0 provides the European Facade Network (efn), its conferences and the connected professional community with a local platform for communication, exhibition, innovative development and interaction. efnMOBILE 2.0 is reaching out to be developed from a European communication and technology exchange instrument into an international tool to exchange with the global facade community. All events of efnMOBILE 2.0 follow an overall theme: ‘Efficient Envelopes’. Focusing towards adaptive and transdisciplinary approaches to improve the building envelope’s thus the building’s performance through human-centered solutions in facade technology. The task is to inspire the upcoming generation of architects, designers and engineers to allow themselves to follow uncharted paths of development, think outside the box, to build showcase examples, and to come up with ground-breaking solutions – for a better design as it relates to climate, health and an overall building design approach. The concept is supposed to foster the dialogue around sustainable design and development and to increase awareness and actionable solutions for sustainable design. In 2016 and 2017 efnMOBILE 2.0 has been present at three annual conferences of efn: Lucerne 2016, Delft 2017 and Detmold 2017 and additionally at the glasstec fair 2016 in Dusseldorf (Germany), and in 2017 at the University of Antwerp and the ICBEST conference in Istanbul (Turkey). Each event includes a three-to-five-days-workshop on location – to inspire and innovate - followed by a period designated to design development and engineering, and concludes with a final presentation to the professional public at fairs, conferences or in the educational context. During each event, the participants build mock-ups of different scales, do field research or intercultural exploration. To reach this goal the project contributes to the following outcomes: increased knowledge sharing between the various European research and education centres and between those centres and industry and further international actors. development of novel concepts and technologies and/or the new combinations of existing technologies. development of new knowledge such as effective evaluation tools/methods for adaptive facades. start of new collaborations and research projects in the area of facades technologies. This time efnMOBILE 2.0 also included an international online survey on facade education with responses from more than 200 participants. The survey addressed practitioners and scholars and was focussing on the needs and expectations of facade industry and consultancy. The results of the survey will help to further improve the existing programs and to develop new programs overseas. efnMOBILE 2.0 has been made possible through the funding of the ALCOA Foundation. The editors and the efn-members like to thank ALCOA Foundation for supporting this initiative to make building envelope design and connected educational programmes more efficient and successful by creating a platform for organized sustainable creative thinking

    Yhteisöllinen tiedonrakentelu ja verkottunut asiantuntijuus Twitter-palvelussa : Case #okfest

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    Aims. This qualitative study explored a phenomenon of epistemic communality around a Twitter hashtag. The primary aim of the study was to explore communal epistemic production on the Twitter platform, especially in the context of a mutually shared hashtag. The study explored the peer-production of knowledge and epistemic structures in the context of a specialist domain collaborating in the open Web. The secondary aim was to explore how Twitter functions as a platform for networked expertise and as a public agora for practitioners' expert discourse. This nascent mode of cultural production leads to the development of expert cultures on Twitter and in the open Web. This creates new contexts for informal collaborative learning and cultral production potentially answering some of the competence challenges presented by the 21st century. Methods. The hashtag #okfest was launched for the 'Open Knowledge Festival' conference held in Helsinki, Finland (17–22.9.2012). The participants of the study were open knowledge practitioners who participated in the hashtag discourse of #okfest on Twitter. All public tweets containing the string '#okfest' were collected as data. Tweets were analyzed with qualitative thematic analysis exploring the epistemic contributions either included in the tweets or as hyperlinked attachments. Results and conclusions. The analysis indicated how the hashtag was appropriated to serve as a node of communal knowledge sharing beyond mere reporting from the conference. The analysis observed six themes of communal knowledge building in the hashtag space. The communal epistemic activities in #okfest were likened to the properties of a community of practice (Wenger, 1998). A network of practitioners engaging in a mutual domain creates a dynamic 'social learning system' combining social interaction with the production and dissemination of knowledge. The study yielded a novel theoretical concept of 'expert microblogging', recognized as a significant genre of cultural production in a specialist domain on Twitter and in the open Web. Finally the Twitter platform was ascertained as a site for the manifestation of cultures of networked expertise.Tavoitteet. TĂ€mĂ€ laadullinen tutkielma tutki episteemistĂ€ yhteisöllisyyttĂ€ Twitter-palvelussa hashtag-aihetunnisteen ympĂ€rillĂ€. Hashtag #okfest lanseerattiin HelsingissĂ€ pidetyn 'Open Knowledge Festival' –konferenssin taustakanavaksi 17–22.9.2012. Tutkielman pÀÀasiallinen tavoite oli tutkia yhteisöllistĂ€ tiedonrakentelua Twitter-palvelussa erityisesti hashtagien ympĂ€rillĂ€. Tutkimus kohdistui tietyn toimialan tiedolliseen vertaistuotantoon TwitterissĂ€ ja avoimessa InternetissĂ€. Laajempi tavoite oli tutkia miten Twitter toimii alustana verkottuneelle asiantuntijuudelle ja julkisten asiantuntijayhteisöjen vuorovaikutukselle. TĂ€mĂ€ uusi kulttuurisen tuotannon konteksti mahdollistaa verkottuneiden asiantuntijakulttuurien kehittymisen TwitterissĂ€ ja avoimessa InternetissĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ luo uusia tilaisuuksia informaalille yhteisölliselle oppimiselle ja kulttuuriselle tuotannolle mahdollisesti vastaten nykyajan vaativiin osaamishaasteisiin. MenetelmĂ€t. Tutkimuksen osallistujat olivat avoimen datan ammattilaisia, jotka osallistuivat TwitterissĂ€ #okfest keskusteluun konferenssin aikana. Kaikki julkiset Twitter-viestit #okfest aihetunnisteella kerĂ€ttiin aineistoksi. ViestejĂ€ analysoitiin laadullisella temaattisella analyysillĂ€ koskien niiden tiedollisia kontribuutioita joko viestiin sisĂ€ltyen tai linkitettynĂ€. Tulokset ja johtopÀÀtökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat ettĂ€ hashtag-aihetunnisteen ympĂ€rille syntyi yhteisöllisen tiedonrakentelun ilmiö, joka oli enemmĂ€n kuin pelkkÀÀ raportointia tapahtumapaikalta. AnalyysissĂ€ löytyi kuusi yhteisöllisen tiedonrakentelun teemaa jotka ilmenivĂ€t hashtag-tilassa. Yhteisöllinen tiedonrakentelu muistutti kĂ€ytĂ€ntöyhteisöjen teoriaperinteen (Wenger, 1998) vuorovaikutuksen piirteitĂ€. Asiantuntijoiden yhteisöllinen vuorovaikutus synnytti "sosiaalisen oppimisen systeemin" jossa tiedonrakentelu yhdistyi vuorovaikutukseen. Tutkimustuloksista nousi uusi kĂ€sitteellistys, asiantuntijoiden alakohtainen tiedollinen tuotanto (eng. expert microblogging). Twitter-alustalle paikantui verkottuneiden asiantuntijakulttuurien kehittyminen avoimessa verkossa

    Higher education stimulating creative enterprise

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    This report summarises the research undertaken by the Business & Community School at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA), analysing ways that higher ediucation (HEIs) can support, and indeed stimulate, the creative economy. The research, in collaboration with the Arts University College Bournemouth (AUCB) and the University of Winchester, serves as a mere snapshot of the numerous ways that Universities engage with the diverse industries under the 'creative' nomenclature and of the very real and poistive ways that the higher education sector contributes to the growth of the creative economy in thhe UK

    ICS Materials. Towards a re-Interpretation of material qualities through interactive, connected, and smart materials.

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    The domain of materials for design is changing under the influence of an increased technological advancement, miniaturization and democratization. Materials are becoming connected, augmented, computational, interactive, active, responsive, and dynamic. These are ICS Materials, an acronym that stands for Interactive, Connected and Smart. While labs around the world are experimenting with these new materials, there is the need to reflect on their potentials and impact on design. This paper is a first step in this direction: to interpret and describe the qualities of ICS materials, considering their experiential pattern, their expressive sensorial dimension, and their aesthetic of interaction. Through case studies, we analyse and classify these emerging ICS Materials and identified common characteristics, and challenges, e.g. the ability to change over time or their programmability by the designers and users. On that basis, we argue there is the need to reframe and redesign existing models to describe ICS materials, making their qualities emerge


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    This study updated the Crawl, Walk, Run methodology framework (CWRM) for the current digital marketing circumstances, observed in the context of the artistic community in virtual space. Four main premises of CRWM have been considered in order to address the effectiveness of online campaigns based on the  laddering support through tiers of engagement (personal, social, advocating); empowering super users; providing source materials for user-generated content; and using tools people are familiar with. The analysis was performed on the data collected from the online community which has operated for 43 days. Data on the number of registered users, their interactions with web site content and showcased artworks were gathered. The specific online platform was created for the purpose of this research and the campaign for its promotion was conducted both in Serbia and globally. The materials for direct communications (email, instant messaging), social media promotion (social networks, blogs) and public relations (articles in online and traditional media) were created. CRWM was proved to be efficient framework for the establishment of online presence of the artistic community. However, we propose that social networks should be introduced in the stage three instead of in the stage four, due to the increase of their applications compared to the time when the CRWM was formulated. All activities once they start should be maintained and performed throughout the campaign lifetime. This study represents one of the first efforts aimed at updating of the CRWM theoretical framework and provides business community with hands-on solutions in modern digital marketing
