361 research outputs found

    Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization via Poisson Approximation

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    We study several stochastic combinatorial problems, including the expected utility maximization problem, the stochastic knapsack problem and the stochastic bin packing problem. A common technical challenge in these problems is to optimize some function of the sum of a set of random variables. The difficulty is mainly due to the fact that the probability distribution of the sum is the convolution of a set of distributions, which is not an easy objective function to work with. To tackle this difficulty, we introduce the Poisson approximation technique. The technique is based on the Poisson approximation theorem discovered by Le Cam, which enables us to approximate the distribution of the sum of a set of random variables using a compound Poisson distribution. We first study the expected utility maximization problem introduced recently [Li and Despande, FOCS11]. For monotone and Lipschitz utility functions, we obtain an additive PTAS if there is a multidimensional PTAS for the multi-objective version of the problem, strictly generalizing the previous result. For the stochastic bin packing problem (introduced in [Kleinberg, Rabani and Tardos, STOC97]), we show there is a polynomial time algorithm which uses at most the optimal number of bins, if we relax the size of each bin and the overflow probability by eps. For stochastic knapsack, we show a 1+eps-approximation using eps extra capacity, even when the size and reward of each item may be correlated and cancelations of items are allowed. This generalizes the previous work [Balghat, Goel and Khanna, SODA11] for the case without correlation and cancelation. Our algorithm is also simpler. We also present a factor 2+eps approximation algorithm for stochastic knapsack with cancelations. the current known approximation factor of 8 [Gupta, Krishnaswamy, Molinaro and Ravi, FOCS11].Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, Preliminary version appears in the Proceeding of the 45th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC13

    The Stochastic Bilevel Continuous Knapsack Problem with Uncertain Follower's Objective

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    We consider a bilevel continuous knapsack problem where the leader controls the capacity of the knapsack, while the follower chooses a feasible packing maximizing his own profit. The leader's aim is to optimize a linear objective function in the capacity and in the follower's solution, but with respect to different item values. We address a stochastic version of this problem where the follower's profits are uncertain from the leader's perspective, and only a probability distribution is known. Assuming that the leader aims at optimizing the expected value of her objective function, we first observe that the stochastic problem is tractable as long as the possible scenarios are given explicitly as part of the input, which also allows to deal with general distributions using a sample average approximation. For the case of independently and uniformly distributed item values, we show that the problem is #P-hard in general, and the same is true even for evaluating the leader's objective function. Nevertheless, we present pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for this case, running in time linear in the total size of the items. Based on this, we derive an additive approximation scheme for the general case of independently distributed item values, which runs in pseudo-polynomial time.Comment: A preliminary version of parts of this article can be found in Section 8 of arXiv:1903.02810v

    CONJURE: automatic generation of constraint models from problem specifications

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    Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/V027182/1, EP/P015638/1), Royal Society (URF/R/180015).When solving a combinatorial problem, the formulation or model of the problem is critical tothe efficiency of the solver. Automating the modelling process has long been of interest because of the expertise and time required to produce an effective model of a given problem. We describe a method to automatically produce constraint models from a problem specification written in the abstract constraint specification language Essence. Our approach is to incrementally refine the specification into a concrete model by applying a chosen refinement rule at each step. Any nontrivial specification may be refined in multiple ways, creating a space of models to choose from. The handling of symmetries is a particularly important aspect of automated modelling. Many combinatorial optimisation problems contain symmetry, which can lead to redundant search. If a partial assignment is shown to be invalid, we are wasting time if we ever consider a symmetric equivalent of it. A particularly important class of symmetries are those introduced by the constraint modelling process: modelling symmetries. We show how modelling symmetries may be broken automatically as they enter a model during refinement, obviating the need for an expensive symmetry detection step following model formulation. Our approach is implemented in a system called Conjure. We compare the models producedby Conjure to constraint models from the literature that are known to be effective. Our empirical results confirm that Conjure can reproduce successfully the kernels of the constraint models of 42 benchmark problems found in the literature.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The smoothed number of {P}areto-optimal solutions in bicriteria integer optimization

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    Barvinok's Rational Functions: Algorithms and Applications to Optimization, Statistics, and Algebra

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    The main theme of this dissertation is the study of the lattice points in a rational convex polyhedron and their encoding in terms of Barvinok's short rational functions. The first part of this thesis looks into theoretical applications of these rational functions to Optimization, Statistics, and Computational Algebra. The main theorem on Chapter 2 concerns the computation of the \emph{toric ideal} IAI_A of an integral n×dn \times d matrix AA. We encode the binomials belonging to the toric ideal IAI_A associated with AA using Barvinok's rational functions. If we fix dd and nn, this representation allows us to compute a universal Gr\"obner basis and the reduced Gr\"obner basis of the ideal IAI_A, with respect to any term order, in polynomial time. We derive a polynomial time algorithm for normal form computations which replaces in this new encoding the usual reductions of the division algorithm. Chapter 3 presents three ways to use Barvinok's rational functions to solve Integer Programs. The second part of the thesis is experimental and consists mainly of the software package {\tt LattE}, the first implementation of Barvinok's algorithm. We report on experiments with families of well-known rational polytopes: multiway contingency tables, knapsack type problems, and rational polygons. We also developed a new algorithm, {\em the homogenized Barvinok's algorithm} to compute the generating function for a rational polytope. We showed that it runs in polynomial time in fixed dimension. With the homogenized Barvinok's algorithm, we obtained new combinatorial formulas: the generating function for the number of 5×55\times 5 magic squares and the generating function for the number of 3×3×3×33\times 3 \times 3 \times 3 magic cubes as rational functions.Comment: Thesi
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