16 research outputs found

    Security for Service-Oriented On-Demand Grid Computing

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    Grid Computing ist mittlerweile zu einem etablierten Standard für das verteilte Höchstleistungsrechnen geworden. Während die erste Generation von Grid Middleware-Systemen noch mit proprietären Schnittstellen gearbeitet hat, wurde durch die Einführung von service-orientierten Standards wie WSDL und SOAP durch die Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) die Interoperabilität von Grids signifikant erhöht. Dies hat den Weg für mehrere nationale und internationale Grid-Projekten bereitet, in denen eine groß e Anzahl von akademischen und eine wachsende Anzahl von industriellen Anwendungen im Grid ausgeführt werden, die die bedarfsgesteuerte (on-demand) Provisionierung und Nutzung von Ressourcen erfordern. Bedarfsgesteuerte Grids zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sowohl die Software, als auch die Benutzer einer starken Fluktuation unterliegen. Weiterhin sind sowohl die Software, als auch die Daten, auf denen operiert wird, meist proprietär und haben einen hohen finanziellen Wert. Dies steht in starkem Kontrast zu den heutigen Grid-Anwendungen im akademischen Umfeld, die meist offen im Quellcode vorliegen bzw. frei verfügbar sind. Um den Ansprüchen einer bedarfsgesteuerten Grid-Nutzung gerecht zu werden, muss das Grid administrative Komponenten anbieten, mit denen Anwender autonom Software installieren können, selbst wenn diese Root-Rechte benötigen. Zur gleichen Zeit muss die Sicherheit des Grids erhöht werden, um Software, Daten und Meta-Daten der kommerziellen Anwender zu schützen. Dies würde es dem Grid auch erlauben als Basistechnologie für das gerade entstehende Gebiet des Cloud Computings zu dienen, wo ähnliche Anforderungen existieren. Wie es bei den meisten komplexen IT-Systemen der Fall ist, sind auch in traditionellen Grid Middlewares Schwachstellen zu finden, die durch die geforderten Erweiterungen der administrativen Möglichkeiten potentiell zu einem noch größ erem Problem werden. Die Schwachstellen in der Grid Middleware öffnen einen homogenen Angriffsvektor auf die ansonsten heterogenen und meist privaten Cluster-Umgebungen. Hinzu kommt, dass anders als bei den privaten Cluster-Umgebungen und kleinen akademischen Grid-Projekten die angestrebten groß en und offenen Grid-Landschaften die Administratoren mit gänzlich unbekannten Benutzern und Verhaltenstrukturen konfrontieren. Dies macht das Erkennen von böswilligem Verhalten um ein Vielfaches schwerer. Als Konsequenz werden Grid-Systeme ein immer attraktivere Ziele für Angreifer, da standardisierte Zugriffsmöglichkeiten Angriffe auf eine groß e Anzahl von Maschinen und Daten von potentiell hohem finanziellen Wert ermöglichen. Während die Rechenkapazität, die Bandbreite und der Speicherplatz an sich schon attraktive Ziele darstellen können, sind die im Grid enthaltene Software und die gespeicherten Daten viel kritischere Ressourcen. Modelldaten für die neuesten Crash-Test Simulationen, eine industrielle Fluid-Simulation, oder Rechnungsdaten von Kunden haben einen beträchtlichen Wert und müssen geschützt werden. Wenn ein Grid-Anbieter nicht für die Sicherheit von Software, Daten und Meta-Daten sorgen kann, wird die industrielle Verbreitung der offenen Grid-Technologie nicht stattfinden. Die Notwendigkeit von strikten Sicherheitsmechanismen muss mit der diametral entgegengesetzten Forderung nach einfacher und schneller Integration von neuer Software und neuen Kunden in Einklang gebracht werden. In dieser Arbeit werden neue Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Nutzbarkeit von service-orientiertem bedarfsgesteuertem Grid Computing vorgestellt. Sie ermöglichen eine autonome und sichere Installation und Nutzung von komplexer, service-orientierter und traditioneller Software auf gemeinsam genutzen Ressourcen. Neue Sicherheitsmechanismen schützen Software, Daten und Meta-Daten der Anwender vor anderen Anwendern und vor externen Angreifern. Das System basiert auf Betriebssystemvirtualisierungstechnologien und bietet dynamische Erstellungs- und Installationsfunktionalitäten für virtuelle Images in einer sicheren Umgebung, in der automatisierte Mechanismen anwenderspezifische Firewall-Regeln setzen, um anwenderbezogene Netzwerkpartitionen zu erschaffen. Die Grid-Umgebung wird selbst in mehrere Bereiche unterteilt, damit die Kompromittierung von einzelnen Komponenten nicht so leicht zu einer Gefährdung des gesamten Systems führen kann. Die Grid-Headnode und der Image-Erzeugungsserver werden jeweils in einzelne Bereiche dieser demilitarisierten Zone positioniert. Um die sichere Anbindung von existierenden Geschäftsanwendungen zu ermöglichen, werden der BPEL-Standard (Business Process Execution Language) und eine Workflow-Ausführungseinheit um Grid-Sicherheitskonzepte erweitert. Die Erweiterung erlaubt eine nahtlose Integration von geschützten Grid Services mit existierenden Web Services. Die Workflow-Ausführungseinheit bietet die Erzeugung und die Erneuerung (im Falle von lange laufenden Anwendungen) von Proxy-Zertifikaten. Der Ansatz ermöglicht die sichere gemeinsame Ausführung von neuen, fein-granularen, service-orientierten Grid Anwendungen zusammen mit traditionellen Batch- und Job-Farming Anwendungen. Dies wird durch die Integration des vorgestellten Grid Sandboxing-Systems in existierende Cluster Scheduling Systeme erreicht. Eine innovative Server-Rotationsstrategie sorgt für weitere Sicherheit für den Grid Headnode Server, in dem transparent das virtuelle Server Image erneuert wird und damit auch unbekannte und unentdeckte Angriffe neutralisiert werden. Um die Angriffe, die nicht verhindert werden konnten, zu erkennen, wird ein neuartiges Intrusion Detection System vorgestellt, das auf Basis von Datenstrom-Datenbanksystemen funktioniert. Als letzte Neuerung dieser Arbeit wird eine Erweiterung des modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklungsprozesses eingeführt, die eine automatisierte Generierung von sicheren Grid Services ermöglicht, um die komplexe und damit unsichere manuelle Erstellung von Grid Services zu ersetzen. Eine prototypische Implementierung der Konzepte wird auf Basis des Globus Toolkits 4, der Sun Grid Engine und der ActiveBPEL Engine vorgestellt. Die modellgetriebene Entwicklungsumgebung wurde in Eclipse für das Globus Toolkit 4 realisiert. Experimentelle Resultate und eine Evaluation der kritischen Komponenten des vorgestellten neuen Grids werden präsentiert. Die vorgestellten Sicherheitsmechanismem sollen die nächste Phase der Evolution des Grid Computing in einer sicheren Umgebung ermöglichen

    Neuro-fuzzy risk prediction model for computational grids

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    Prediction of risk assessment is demanding because it is one of the most important contributory factors towards grid computing. Hence, researchers were motivated for developing and deploying grids on diverse computers, which is responsible for spreading resources across administrative domains so that resource sharing becomes effective. Risk assessment in grid computing can analyze possible risks, that is, the risk of growing computational requirements of an organization. Thus, risk assessment helps in determining these risks. In this, we present an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system that can predict the risk environment. The main goal of this paper is to obtain empirical results with an illustration of high performance and accurate results. We used data mining tools to determine the contributing attributes to obtain the risk prediction accurately

    Service-Oriented Ad Hoc Grid Computing

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    Subject of this thesis are the design and implementation of an ad hoc Grid infrastructure. The vision of an ad hoc Grid further evolves conventional service-oriented Grid systems into a more robust, more flexible and more usable environment that is still standards compliant and interoperable with other Grid systems. A lot of work in current Grid middleware systems is focused on providing transparent access to high performance computing (HPC) resources (e.g. clusters) in virtual organizations spanning multiple institutions. The ad hoc Grid vision presented in this thesis exceeds this view in combining classical Grid components with more flexible components and usage models, allowing to form an environment combining dedicated HPC-resources with a large number of personal computers forming a "Desktop Grid". Three examples from medical research, media research and mechanical engineering are presented as application scenarios for a service-oriented ad hoc Grid infrastructure. These sample applications are also used to derive requirements for the runtime environment as well as development tools for such an ad hoc Grid environment. These requirements form the basis for the design and implementation of the Marburg ad hoc Grid Environment (MAGE) and the Grid Development Tools for Eclipse (GDT). MAGE is an implementation of a WSRF-compliant Grid middleware, that satisfies the criteria for an ad hoc Grid middleware presented in the introduction to this thesis. GDT extends the popular Eclipse integrated development environment by components that support application development both for traditional service-oriented Grid middleware systems as well as ad hoc Grid infrastructures such as MAGE. These development tools represent the first fully model driven approach to Grid service development integrated with infrastructure management components in service-oriented Grid computing. This thesis is concluded by a quantitative discussion of the performance overhead imposed by the presented extensions to a service-oriented Grid middleware as well as a discussion of the qualitative improvements gained by the overall solution. The conclusion of this thesis also gives an outlook on future developments and areas for further research. One of these qualitative improvements is "hot deployment" the ability to install and remove Grid services in a running node without interrupt to other active services on the same node. Hot deployment has been introduced as a novelty in service-oriented Grid systems as a result of the research conducted for this thesis. It extends service-oriented Grid computing with a new paradigm, making installation of individual application components a functional aspect of the application. This thesis further explores the idea of using peer-to-peer (P2P networking for Grid computing by combining a general purpose P2P framework with a standard compliant Grid middleware. In previous work the application of P2P systems has been limited to replica location and use of P2P index structures for discovery purposes. The work presented in this thesis also uses P2P networking to realize seamless communication accross network barriers. Even though the web service standards have been designed for the internet, the two-way communication requirement introduced by the WSRF-standards and particularly the notification pattern is not well supported by the web service standards. This defficiency can be answered by mechanisms that are part of such general purpose P2P communication frameworks. Existing security infrastructures for Grid systems focus on protection of data during transmission and access control to individual resources or the overall Grid environment. This thesis focuses on security issues within a single node of a dynamically changing service-oriented Grid environment. To counter the security threads arising from the new capabilities of an ad hoc Grid, a number of novel isolation solutions are presented. These solutions address security issues and isolation on a fine-grained level providing a range of applicable basic mechanisms for isolation, ranging from lightweight system call interposition to complete para-virtualization of the operating systems

    An Anomaly Detection Scheme for DDoS Attack in Grid Computing

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    The demand for computing power and storage is increasing continuously and there are applications like scientific research and industrial need, whose computational demand even exceeds the available fastest technologies. As a result it is an economically feasible mean to look into efficiently aggregate existing distributed resources. To achieving this goal makes it possible to build a shared large scale wide-area distributed computing infrastructure, a concept which has been named the Grid computing. The primary objective of Grid computing is to support the sharing of resources and service spanning across multiple administrative domains. Due to the inherently dynamic and multi organizational nature maintaining security of both users and resources is the challenging aspect of Grid. Grid uses internet as an infrastructure to build communication, with the fusion of web services and grid technologies further increases the security concerns for their complex nature. This thesis takes a look at the vulnerability of Grid environment on denial of service attack. We found that deploying an efficient intrusion detection system to Grid can significantly improve its security and it can detect denial of service attack before it affects the victim. But due to the special characteristics and requirement of Grids, the existing traditional intrusion detection system can not work properly in that environment. The focus of this thesis is to investigate and design an anomaly detection system which can detect DoS and DDoS attack with high attack detection and low false alarm rate to achieve high performance. We have extensively surveyed the current literatures in this area; the main stress is put on feature selection for the Grid based anomaly detection system. An entropy based anomaly detection system has been proposed; also we have discussed the advantage of taking entropy as the metric. Finally the performance of the system has been analyzed using NS2 network simulator. For shake of continuity each chapter has its relevant introduction and theory. The work is also supported by list of necessary references. Attempt is made to make the thesis self-content

    Towards a Network-based Approach for Smartphone Security

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    Smartphones have become an important utility that affects many aspects of our daily life. Due to their large dissemination and the tasks that are performed with them, they have also become a valuable target for criminals. Their specific capabilities and the way they are used introduce new threats in terms of information security. The research field of smartphone security has gained a lot of momentum in the past eight years. Approaches that have been presented so far focus on investigating design flaws of smartphone operating systems as well as their potential misuse by an adversary. Countermeasures are often realized based upon extensions made to the operating system itself, following a host-based design approach. However, there is a lack of network-based mechanisms that allow a secure integration of smartphones into existing IT infrastructures. This topic is especially relevant for companies whose employees use smartphones for business tasks. This thesis presents a novel, network-based approach for smartphone security called CADS: Context-related Signature and Anomaly Detection for Smartphones. It allows to determine the security status of smartphones by analyzing three aspects: (1) their current configuration in terms of installed software and available hardware, (2) their behavior and (3) the context they are currently used in. Depending on the determined security status, enforcement actions can be defined in order to allow or to deny access to services provided by the respective IT infrastructure. The approach is based upon the distributed collection and central analysis of data about smartphones. In contrast to other approaches, it explicitly supports to leverage existing security services both for analysis and enforcement purposes. A proof of concept is implemented based upon the IF-MAP protocol for network security and the Google Android platform. An evaluation verifies (1) that the CADS approach is able to detect so-called sensor sniffing attacks and (2) that reactions can be triggered based on detection results to counter ongoing attacks. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the functionality of an existing, host-based approach that relies on modifications of the Android smartphone platform can be mimicked by the CADS approach. The advantage of CADS is that it does not need any modifications of the Android platform itself

    Virtual Machine Image Management for Elastic Resource Usage in Grid Computing

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    Grid Computing has evolved from an academic concept to a powerful paradigm in the area of high performance computing (HPC). Over the last few years, powerful Grid computing solutions were developed that allow the execution of computational tasks on distributed computing resources. Grid computing has recently attracted many commercial customers. To enable commercial customers to be able to execute sensitive data in the Grid, strong security mechanisms must be put in place to secure the customers' data. In contrast, the development of Cloud Computing, which entered the scene in 2006, was driven by industry: it was designed with respect to security from the beginning. Virtualization technology is used to separate the users e.g., by putting the different users of a system inside a virtual machine, which prevents them from accessing other users' data. The use of virtualization in the context of Grid computing has been examined early and was found to be a promising approach to counter the security threats that have appeared with commercial customers. One main part of the work presented in this thesis is the Image Creation Station (ICS), a component which allows users to administer their virtual execution environments (virtual machines) themselves and which is responsible for managing and distributing the virtual machines in the entire system. In contrast to Cloud computing, which was designed to allow even inexperienced users to execute their computational tasks in the Cloud easily, Grid computing is much more complex to use. The ICS makes it easier to use the Grid by overcoming traditional limitations like installing needed software on the compute nodes that users use to execute the computational tasks. This allows users to bring commercial software to the Grid for the first time, without the need for local administrators to install the software to computing nodes that are accessible by all users. Moreover, the administrative burden is shifted from the local Grid site's administrator to the users or experienced software providers that allow the provision of individually tailored virtual machines to each user. But the ICS is not only responsible for enabling users to manage their virtual machines themselves, it also ensures that the virtual machines are available on every site that is part of the distributed Grid system. A second aspect of the presented solution focuses on the elasticity of the system by automatically acquiring free external resources depending on the system's current workload. In contrast to existing systems, the presented approach allows the system's administrator to add or remove resource sets during runtime without needing to restart the entire system. Moreover, the presented solution allows users to not only use existing Grid resources but allows them to scale out to Cloud resources and use these resources on-demand. By ensuring that unused resources are shut down as soon as possible, the computational costs of a given task are minimized. In addition, the presented solution allows each user to specify which resources can be used to execute a particular job. This is useful when a job processes sensitive data e.g., that is not allowed to leave the company. To obtain a comparable function in today's systems, a user must submit her computational task to a particular resource set, losing the ability to automatically schedule if more than one set of resources can be used. In addition, the proposed solution prioritizes each set of resources by taking different metrics into account (e.g. the level of trust or computational costs) and tries to schedule the job to resources with the highest priority first. It is notable that the priority often mimics the physical distance from the resources to the user: a locally available Cluster usually has a higher priority due to the high level of trust and the computational costs, that are usually lower than the costs of using Cloud resources. Therefore, this scheduling strategy minimizes the costs of job execution by improving security at the same time since data is not necessarily transferred to remote resources and the probability of attacks by malicious external users is minimized. Bringing both components together results in a system that adapts automatically to the current workload by using external (e.g., Cloud) resources together with existing locally available resources or Grid sites and provides individually tailored virtual execution environments to the system's users

    Measuring the Semantic Integrity of a Process Self

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    The focus of the thesis is the definition of a framework to protect a process from attacks against the process self, i.e. attacks that alter the expected behavior of the process, by integrating static analysis and run-time monitoring. The static analysis of the program returns a description of the process self that consists of a context-free grammar, which defines the legal system call traces, and a set of invariants on process variables that hold when a system call is issued. Run-time monitoring assures the semantic integrity of the process by checking that its behavior is coherent with the process self returned by the static analysis. The proposed framework can also cover kernel integrity to protect the process from attacks from the kernel-level. The implementation of the run-time monitoring is based upon introspection, a technique that analyzes the state of a computer to rebuild and check the consistency of kernel or user-level data structures. The ability of observing the run-time values of variables reduces the complexity of the static analysis and increases the amount of information that can be extracted on the run-time behavior of the process. To achieve transparency of the controls for the process while avoiding the introduction of special purpose hardware units that access the memory, the architecture of the run-time monitoring adopts virtualization technology and introduces two virtual machines, the monitored and the introspection virtual machines. This approach increases the overall robustness because a distinct virtual machine, the introspection virtual machine, applies introspection in a transparent way both to verify the kernel integrity and to retrieve the status of the process to check the process self. After presenting the framework and its implementation, the thesis discusses some of its applications to increase the security of a computer network. The first application of the proposed framework is the remote attestation of the semantic integrity of a process. Then, the thesis describes a set of extensions to the framework to protect a process from physical attacks by running an obfuscated version of the process code. Finally, the thesis generalizes the framework to support the efficient sharing of an information infrastructure among users and applications with distinct security and reliability requirements by introducing highly parallel overlays

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Formalization and Detection of Host-Based Code Injection Attacks in the Context of Malware

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    The Host-Based Code Injection Attack (HBCIAs) is a technique that malicious software utilizes in order to avoid detection or steal sensitive information. In a nutshell, this is a local attack where code is injected across process boundaries and executed in the context of a victim process. Malware employs HBCIAs on several operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This thesis investigates the topic of HBCIAs in the context of malware. First, we conduct basic research on this topic. We formalize HBCIAs in the context of malware and show in several measurements, amongst others, the high prevelance of HBCIA-utilizing malware. Second, we present Bee Master, a platform-independent approach to dynamically detect HBCIAs. This approach applies the honeypot paradigm to operating system processes. Bee Master deploys fake processes as honeypots, which are attacked by malicious software. We show that Bee Master reliably detects HBCIAs on Windows and Linux. Third, we present Quincy, a machine learning-based system to detect HBCIAs in post-mortem memory dumps. It utilizes up to 38 features including memory region sparseness, memory region protection, and the occurence of HBCIA-related strings. We evaluate Quincy with two contemporary detection systems called Malfind and Hollowfind. This evaluation shows that Quincy outperforms them both. It is able to increase the detection performance by more than eight percent