704 research outputs found

    Do Multi-Sense Embeddings Improve Natural Language Understanding?

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    Learning a distinct representation for each sense of an ambiguous word could lead to more powerful and fine-grained models of vector-space representations. Yet while `multi-sense' methods have been proposed and tested on artificial word-similarity tasks, we don't know if they improve real natural language understanding tasks. In this paper we introduce a multi-sense embedding model based on Chinese Restaurant Processes that achieves state of the art performance on matching human word similarity judgments, and propose a pipelined architecture for incorporating multi-sense embeddings into language understanding. We then test the performance of our model on part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, semantic relation identification and semantic relatedness, controlling for embedding dimensionality. We find that multi-sense embeddings do improve performance on some tasks (part-of-speech tagging, semantic relation identification, semantic relatedness) but not on others (named entity recognition, various forms of sentiment analysis). We discuss how these differences may be caused by the different role of word sense information in each of the tasks. The results highlight the importance of testing embedding models in real applications

    Artificial Neural Network methods applied to sentiment analysis

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    Sentiment Analysis (SA) is the study of opinions and emotions that are conveyed by text. This field of study has commercial applications for example in market research (e.g., “What do customers like and dislike about a product?”) and consumer behavior (e.g., “Which book will a customer buy next when he wrote a positive review about book X?”). A private person can benefit from SA by automatic movie or restaurant recommendations, or from applications on the computer or smart phone that adapt to the user’s current mood. In this thesis we will put forward research on artificial Neural Network (NN) methods applied to SA. Many challenges arise, such as sarcasm, domain dependency, and data scarcity, that need to be addressed by a successful system. In the first part of this thesis we perform linguistic analysis of a word (“hard”) under the light of SA. We show that sentiment-specific word sense disambiguation is necessary to distinguish fine nuances of polarity. Commonly available resources are not sufficient for this. The introduced Contextually Enhanced Sentiment Lexicon (CESL) is used to label occurrences of “hard” in a real dataset with its sense. That allows us to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with deep learning features that predicts the polarity of a single occurrence of the word, just given its context words. We show that the features we propose improve the result compared to existing standard features. Since the labeling effort is not negligible, we propose a clustering approach that reduces the manual effort to a minimum. The deep learning features that help predicting fine-grained, context-dependent polarity are computed by a Neural Network Language Model (NNLM), namely a variant of the Log-Bilinear Language model (LBL). By improving this model the performance of polarity classification might as well improve. Thus, we propose a non-linear version of the LBL and the vectorized Log-Bilinear Language model (vLBL), because non-linear models are generally considered more powerful. In a parameter study on a language modeling task, we show that the non-linear versions indeed perform better than their linear counterparts. However, the difference is small, except for settings where the model has only few parameters, which might be the case when little training data is available and the model therefore needs to be smaller in order to avoid overfitting. An alternative approach to fine-grained polarity classification as used above is to train classifiers that will do the distinction automatically. Due to the complexity of the task, the challenges of SA in general, and certain domain-specific issues (e.g., when using Twitter text) existing systems have much room to improve. Often statistical classifiers are used with simple Bag-of-Words (BOW) features or count features that stem from sentiment lexicons. We introduce a linguistically-informed Convolutional Neural Network (lingCNN) that builds upon the fact that there has been much research on language in general and sentiment lexicons in particular. lingCNN makes use of two types of linguistic features: word-based and sentence-based. Word-based features comprise features derived from sentiment lexicons, such as polarity or valence and general knowledge about language, such as a negation-based feature. Sentence-based features are also based on lexicon counts and valences. The combination of both types of features is superior to the original model without these features. Especially, when little training data is available (that can be the case for different languages that are underresourced), lingCNN proves to be significantly better (up to 12 macro-F1 points). Although, linguistic features in terms of sentiment lexicons are beneficial, their usage gives rise to a new set of problems. Most lexicons consist of infinitive forms of words only. Especially, lexicons for low-resource languages. However, the text that needs to be classified is unnormalized. Hence, we want to answer the question if morphological information is necessary for SA or if a system that neglects all this information and therefore can make better use of lexicons actually has an advantage. Our approach is to first stem or lemmatize a dataset and then perform polarity classification on it. On Czech and English datasets we show that better results can be achieved with normalization. As a positive side effect, we can compute better word embeddings by first normalizing the training corpus. This works especially well for languages that have rich morphology. We show on word similarity datasets for English, German, and Spanish that our embeddings improve performance. On a new WordNet-based evaluation we confirm these results on five different languages (Czech, English, German, Hungarian, and Spanish). The benefit of this new evaluation is further that it can be used for many other languages, as the only resource that is required is a WordNet. In the last part of the thesis, we use a recently introduced method to create an ultradense sentiment space out of generic word embeddings. This method allows us to compress 400 dimensional word embeddings down to 40 or even just 4 dimensions and still get similar results on a polarity classification task. While the training speed increases by a factor of 44, the difference in classification performance is not significant.Sentiment Analyse (SA) ist das Untersuchen von Meinungen und Emotionen die durch Text ĂŒbermittelt werden. Dieses Forschungsgebiet findet kommerzielle Anwendungen in Marktforschung (z.B.: „Was mögen Kunden an einem Produkt (nicht)?“) und Konsumentenverhalten (z.B.: „Welches Buch wird ein Kunde als nĂ€chstes kaufen, nachdem er eine positive Rezension ĂŒber Buch X geschrieben hat?“). Aber auch als Privatperson kann man von Forschung in SA profitieren. Beispiele hierfĂŒr sind automatisch erstellte Film- oder Restaurantempfehlungen oder Anwendungen auf Computer oder Smartphone die sich der aktuellen Stimmungslage des Benutzers anpassen. In dieser Arbeit werden wir Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Neuronen Netze (NN) angewendet auf SA vorantreiben. Dabei ergeben sich viele Herausforderungen, wie Sarkasmus, DomĂ€nenabhĂ€ngigkeit und Datenarmut, die ein erfolgreiches System angehen muss. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit fĂŒhren wir eine linguistische Analyse des englischen Wortes „hard“ in Hinblick auf SA durch. Wir zeigen, dass sentiment-spezifische Wortbedeutungsdisambiguierung notwendig ist, um feine Nuancen von PolaritĂ€t (positive vs. negative Stimmung) unterscheiden zu können. HĂ€ufig verwendete, frei verfĂŒgbare Ressourcen sind dafĂŒr nicht ausreichend. Daher stellen wir CESL (Contextually Enhanced Sentiment Lexicon), ein sentiment-spezifisches Bedeutungslexicon vor, welches verwendet wird, um Vorkommen von „hard“ in einem realen Datensatz mit seinen Bedeutungen zu versehen. Das Lexikon erlaubt es eine Support Vector Machine (SVM) mit Features aus dem Deep Learning zu trainieren, die in der Lage ist, die PolaritĂ€t eines Vorkommens nur anhand seiner Kontextwörter vorherzusagen. Wir zeigen, dass die vorgestellten Features die Ergebnisse der SVM verglichen mit Standard-Features verbessern. Da der Aufwand fĂŒr das Erstellen von markierten Trainingsdaten nicht zu unterschĂ€tzen ist, stellen wir einen Clustering-Ansatz vor, der den manuellen Markierungsaufwand auf ein Minimum reduziert. Die Deep Learning Features, die die Vorhersage von feingranularer, kontextabhĂ€ngiger PolaritĂ€t verbessern, werden mittels eines neuronalen Sprachmodells, genauer eines Log-Bilinear Language model (LBL)s, berechnet. Wenn man dieses Modell verbessert, wird vermutlich auch das Ergebnis der PolaritĂ€tsklassifikation verbessert. Daher fĂŒhren wir nichtlineare Versionen des LBL und vectorized Log-Bilinear Language model (vLBL) ein, weil nichtlineare Modelle generell als mĂ€chtiger angesehen werden. In einer Parameterstudie zur Sprachmodellierung zeigen wir, dass nichtlineare Modelle tatsĂ€chlich besser abschneiden, als ihre linearen GegenstĂŒcke. Allerdings ist der Unterschied gering, es sei denn die Modelle können nur auf wenige Parameter zurĂŒckgreifen. So etwas kommt zum Beispiel vor, wenn nur wenige Trainingsdaten verfĂŒgbar sind und das Modell deshalb kleiner sein muss, um Überanpassung zu verhindern. Ein alternativer Ansatz zur feingranularen PolaritĂ€tsklassifikation wie oben verwendet, ist es, einen Klassifikator zu trainieren, der die Unterscheidung automatisch vornimmt. Durch die KomplexitĂ€t der Aufgabe, der Herausforderungen von SA im Allgemeinen und speziellen domĂ€nenspezifischen Problemen (z.B.: wenn Twitter-Daten verwendet werden) haben existierende Systeme noch immer großes Optimierungspotential. Oftmals verwenden statistische Klassifikatoren einfache Bag-of-Words (BOW)-Features. Alternativ kommen ZĂ€hl-Features zum Einsatz, die auf Sentiment-Lexika aufsetzen. Wir stellen linguistically-informed Convolutional Neural Network (lingCNN) vor, dass auf dem Fakt beruht, dass bereits viel Forschung in Sprachen und Sentiment-Lexika geflossen ist. lingCNN macht von zwei linguistischen Feature-Typen Gebrauch: wortbasierte und satzbasierte. Wort-basierte Features umfassen Features die von Sentiment-Lexika, wie PolaritĂ€t oder Valenz (die StĂ€rke der PolaritĂ€t) und generellem Wissen ĂŒber Sprache, z.B.: Verneinung, herrĂŒhren. Satzbasierte Features basieren ebenfalls auf ZĂ€hl-Features von Lexika und auf Valenzen. Die Kombination beider Feature-Typen ist dem Originalmodell ohne linguistische Features ĂŒberlegen. Besonders wenn wenige TrainingsdatensĂ€tze vorhanden sind (das kann der Fall fĂŒr Sprachen sein, die weniger erforscht sind als englisch). lingCNN schneidet signifikant besser ab (bis zu 12 macro-F1 Punkte). Obwohl linguistische Features basierend auf Sentiment-Lexika vorteilhaft sind, fĂŒhrt deren Verwendung zu neuen Problemen. Der Großteil der Lexika enthĂ€lt nur Infinitivformen der Wörter. Dies gilt insbesondere fĂŒr Sprachen mit wenigen Ressourcen. Das ist eine Herausforderung, weil der Text der klassifiziert werden soll in der Regel nicht normalisiert ist. Daher wollen wir die Frage beantworten, ob morphologische Information fĂŒr SA ĂŒberhaupt notwendig ist oder ob ein System, dass jegliche morphologische Information ignoriert und dadurch bessere Verwendung der Lexika erzielt, einen Vorteil genießt. Unser Ansatz besteht aus Stemming und Lemmatisierung des Datensatzes, bevor dann die PolaritĂ€tsklassifikation durchgefĂŒhrt wird. Auf englischen und tschechischen Daten zeigen wir, dass durch Normalisierung bessere Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Als positiven Nebeneffekt kann man bessere Wortrepresentationen (engl. word embeddings) berechnen, indem das Trainingskorpus zuerst normalisiert wird. Das funktioniert besonders gut fĂŒr morphologisch reiche Sprachen. Wir zeigen auf DatensĂ€tzen zur WortĂ€hnlichkeit fĂŒr deutsch, englisch und spanisch, dass unsere Wortrepresentationen die Ergebnisse verbessern. In einer neuen WordNet-basierten Evaluation bestĂ€tigen wir diese Ergebnisse fĂŒr fĂŒnf verschiedene Sprachen (deutsch, englisch, spanisch, tschechisch und ungarisch). Der Vorteil dieser Evaluation ist weiterhin, dass sie fĂŒr viele Sprachen angewendet werden kann, weil sie lediglich ein WordNet als Ressource benötigt. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit verwenden wir eine kĂŒrzlich vorgestellte Methode zur Erstellen eines ultradichten Sentiment-Raumes aus generischen Wortrepresentationen. Diese Methode erlaubt es uns 400 dimensionale Wortrepresentationen auf 40 oder sogar nur 4 Dimensionen zu komprimieren und weiterhin die gleichen Resultate in PolaritĂ€tsklassifikation zu erhalten. WĂ€hrend die Trainingsgeschwindigkeit um einen Faktor von 44 verbessert wird, sind die Unterschiede in der PolaritĂ€tsklassifikation nicht signifikant

    A virtual diary companion

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    Chatbots and embodied conversational agents show turn based conversation behaviour. In current research we almost always assume that each utterance of a human conversational partner should be followed by an intelligent and/or empathetic reaction of chatbot or embodied agent. They are assumed to be alert, trying to please the user. There are other applications which have not yet received much attention and which require a more patient or relaxed attitude, waiting for the right moment to provide feedback to the human partner. Being able and willing to listen is one of the conditions for being successful. In this paper we have some observations on listening behaviour research and introduce one of our applications, the virtual diary companion

    Sentiment polarity shifters : creating lexical resources through manual annotation and bootstrapped machine learning

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    Alleviating pain is good and abandoning hope is bad. We instinctively understand how words like "alleviate" and "abandon" affect the polarity of a phrase, inverting or weakening it. When these words are content words, such as verbs, nouns and adjectives, we refer to them as polarity shifters. Shifters are a frequent occurrence in human language and an important part of successfully modeling negation in sentiment analysis; yet research on negation modeling has focussed almost exclusively on a small handful of closed class negation words, such as "not", "no" and "without. A major reason for this is that shifters are far more lexically diverse than negation words, but no resources exist to help identify them. We seek to remedy this lack of shifter resources. Our most central step towards this is the creation of a large lexicon of polarity shifters that covers verbs, nouns and adjectives. To reduce the prohibitive cost of such a large annotation task, we develop a bootstrapping approach that combines automatic classification with human verification. This ensures the high quality of our lexicon while reducing annotation cost by over 70%. In designing the bootstrap classifier we develop a variety of features which use both existing semantic resources and linguistically informed text patterns. In addition we investigate how knowledge about polarity shifters might be shared across different parts of speech, highlighting both the potential and limitations of such an approach. The applicability of our bootstrapping approach extends beyond the creation of a single resource. We show how it can further be used to introduce polarity shifter resources for other languages. Through the example case of German we show that all our features are transferable to other languages. Keeping in mind the requirements of under-resourced languages, we also explore how well a classifier would do when relying only on data- but not resource-driven features. We also introduce ways to use cross-lingual information, leveraging the shifter resources we previously created for other languages. Apart from the general question of which words can be polarity shifters, we also explore a number of other factors. One of these is the matter of shifting directions, which indicates whether a shifter affects positive polarities, negative polarities or whether it can shift in either direction. Using a supervised classifier we add shifting direction information to our bootstrapped lexicon. For other aspects of polarity shifting, manual annotation is preferable to automatic classification. Not every word that can cause polarity shifting does so for every of its word senses. As word sense disambiguation technology is not robust enough to allow the automatic handling of such nuances, we manually create a complete sense-level annotation of verbal polarity shifters. To verify the usefulness of the lexica which we create, we provide an extrinsic evaluation in which we apply them to a sentiment analysis task. In this task the different lexica are not only compared amongst each other, but also against a state-of-the-art compositional polarity neural network classifier that has been shown to be able to implicitly learn the negating effect of negation words from a training corpus. However, we find that the same is not true for the far more lexically diverse polarity shifters. Instead, the use of the explicit knowledge provided by our shifter lexica brings clear gains in performance.Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaf

    SimLex-999: Evaluating Semantic Models with (Genuine) Similarity Estimation

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    We present SimLex-999, a gold standard resource for evaluating distributional semantic models that improves on existing resources in several important ways. First, in contrast to gold standards such as WordSim-353 and MEN, it explicitly quantifies similarity rather than association or relatedness, so that pairs of entities that are associated but not actually similar [Freud, psychology] have a low rating. We show that, via this focus on similarity, SimLex-999 incentivizes the development of models with a different, and arguably wider range of applications than those which reflect conceptual association. Second, SimLex-999 contains a range of concrete and abstract adjective, noun and verb pairs, together with an independent rating of concreteness and (free) association strength for each pair. This diversity enables fine-grained analyses of the performance of models on concepts of different types, and consequently greater insight into how architectures can be improved. Further, unlike existing gold standard evaluations, for which automatic approaches have reached or surpassed the inter-annotator agreement ceiling, state-of-the-art models perform well below this ceiling on SimLex-999. There is therefore plenty of scope for SimLex-999 to quantify future improvements to distributional semantic models, guiding the development of the next generation of representation-learning architectures

    Supervised and unsupervised methods for learning representations of linguistic units

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    Word representations, also called word embeddings, are generic representations, often high-dimensional vectors. They map the discrete space of words into a continuous vector space, which allows us to handle rare or even unseen events, e.g. by considering the nearest neighbors. Many Natural Language Processing tasks can be improved by word representations if we extend the task specific training data by the general knowledge incorporated in the word representations. The first publication investigates a supervised, graph-based method to create word representations. This method leads to a graph-theoretic similarity measure, CoSimRank, with equivalent formalizations that show CoSimRank’s close relationship to Personalized Page-Rank and SimRank. The new formalization is efficient because it can use the graph-based word representation to compute a single node similarity without having to compute the similarities of the entire graph. We also show how we can take advantage of fast matrix multiplication algorithms. In the second publication, we use existing unsupervised methods for word representation learning and combine these with semantic resources by learning representations for non-word objects like synsets and entities. We also investigate improved word representations which incorporate the semantic information from the resource. The method is flexible in that it can take any word representations as input and does not need an additional training corpus. A sparse tensor formalization guarantees efficiency and parallelizability. In the third publication, we introduce a method that learns an orthogonal transformation of the word representation space that focuses the information relevant for a task in an ultradense subspace of a dimensionality that is smaller by a factor of 100 than the original space. We use ultradense representations for a Lexicon Creation task in which words are annotated with three types of lexical information – sentiment, concreteness and frequency. The final publication introduces a new calculus for the interpretable ultradense subspaces, including polarity, concreteness, frequency and part-of-speech (POS). The calculus supports operations like “−1 × hate = love” and “give me a neutral word for greasy” (i.e., oleaginous) and extends existing analogy computations like “king − man + woman = queen”.WortreprĂ€sentationen, sogenannte Word Embeddings, sind generische ReprĂ€sentationen, meist hochdimensionale Vektoren. Sie bilden den diskreten Raum der Wörter in einen stetigen Vektorraum ab und erlauben uns, seltene oder ungesehene Ereignisse zu behandeln -- zum Beispiel durch die Betrachtung der nĂ€chsten Nachbarn. Viele Probleme der Computerlinguistik können durch WortreprĂ€sentationen gelöst werden, indem wir spezifische Trainingsdaten um die allgemeinen Informationen erweitern, welche in den WortreprĂ€sentationen enthalten sind. In der ersten Publikation untersuchen wir ĂŒberwachte, graphenbasierte Methodenn um WortreprĂ€sentationen zu erzeugen. Diese Methoden fĂŒhren zu einem graphenbasierten Ähnlichkeitsmaß, CoSimRank, fĂŒr welches zwei Ă€quivalente Formulierungen existieren, die sowohl die enge Beziehung zum personalisierten PageRank als auch zum SimRank zeigen. Die neue Formulierung kann einzelne KnotenĂ€hnlichkeiten effektiv berechnen, da graphenbasierte WortreprĂ€sentationen benutzt werden können. In der zweiten Publikation verwenden wir existierende WortreprĂ€sentationen und kombinieren diese mit semantischen Ressourcen, indem wir ReprĂ€sentationen fĂŒr Objekte lernen, welche keine Wörter sind, wie zum Beispiel Synsets und EntitĂ€ten. Die FlexibilitĂ€t unserer Methode zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass wir beliebige WortreprĂ€sentationen als Eingabe verwenden können und keinen zusĂ€tzlichen Trainingskorpus benötigen. In der dritten Publikation stellen wir eine Methode vor, die eine Orthogonaltransformation des Vektorraums der WortreprĂ€sentationen lernt. Diese Transformation fokussiert relevante Informationen in einen ultra-kompakten Untervektorraum. Wir benutzen die ultra-kompakten ReprĂ€sentationen zur Erstellung von WörterbĂŒchern mit drei verschiedene Angaben -- Stimmung, Konkretheit und HĂ€ufigkeit. Die letzte Publikation prĂ€sentiert eine neue Rechenmethode fĂŒr die interpretierbaren ultra-kompakten UntervektorrĂ€ume -- Stimmung, Konkretheit, HĂ€ufigkeit und Wortart. Diese Rechenmethode beinhaltet Operationen wie ”−1 × Hass = Liebe” und ”neutrales Wort fĂŒr Winkeladvokat” (d.h., Anwalt) und erweitert existierende Rechenmethoden, wie ”Onkel − Mann + Frau = Tante”

    Commonsense Knowledge in Sentiment Analysis of Ordinance Reactions for Smart Governance

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    Smart Governance is an emerging research area which has attracted scientific as well as policy interests, and aims to improve collaboration between government and citizens, as well as other stakeholders. Our project aims to enable lawmakers to incorporate data driven decision making in enacting ordinances. Our first objective is to create a mechanism for mapping ordinances (local laws) and tweets to Smart City Characteristics (SCC). The use of SCC has allowed us to create a mapping between a huge number of ordinances and tweets, and the use of Commonsense Knowledge (CSK) has allowed us to utilize human judgment in mapping. We have then enhanced the mapping technique to link multiple tweets to SCC. In order to promote transparency in government through increased public participation, we have conducted sentiment analysis of tweets in order to evaluate the opinion of the public with respect to ordinances passed in a particular region. Our final objective is to develop a mapping algorithm in order to directly relate ordinances to tweets. In order to fulfill this objective, we have developed a mapping technique known as TOLCS (Tweets Ordinance Linkage by Commonsense and Semantics). This technique uses pragmatic aspects in Commonsense Knowledge as well as semantic aspects by domain knowledge. By reducing the sample space of big data to be processed, this method represents an efficient way to accomplish this task. The ultimate goal of the project is to see how closely a given region is heading towards the concept of Smart City

    Sentiment Classification of Online Customer Reviews and Blogs Using Sentence-level Lexical Based Semantic Orientation Method

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    ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis is the process of extracting knowledge from the peoples‟ opinions, appraisals and emotions toward entities, events and their attributes. These opinions greatly impact on customers to ease their choices regarding online shopping, choosing events, products and entities. With the rapid growth of online resources, a vast amount of new data in the form of customer reviews and opinions are being generated progressively. Hence, sentiment analysis methods are desirable for developing efficient and effective analyses and classification of customer reviews, blogs and comments. The main inspiration for this thesis is to develop high performance domain independent sentiment classification method. This study focuses on sentiment analysis at the sentence level using lexical based method for different type data such as reviews and blogs. The proposed method is based on general lexicons i.e. WordNet, SentiWordNet and user defined lexical dictionaries for sentiment orientation. The relations and glosses of these dictionaries provide solution to the domain portability problem. The experiments are performed on various data sets such as customer reviews and blogs comments. The results show that the proposed method with sentence contextual information is effective for sentiment classification. The proposed method performs better than word and text level corpus based machine learning methods for semantic orientation. The results highlight that the proposed method achieves an average accuracy of 86% at sentence-level and 97% at feedback level for customer reviews. Similarly, it achieves an average accuracy of 83% at sentence level and 86% at feedback level for blog comment
