30,266 research outputs found


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    Archives personnelles de la famille Pevsner (AP) Correspondance (1934-1936) Correspondance (1946) Photographies (ca. 1920-ca. 1970) Bauhaus-Archiv, Museum fĂŒr Gestaltung, Berlin (BA) Gropius, Walter/Korrespondenzen (1949-1968) BBC Written Archive Centre, Reading (BBC) Contributors’ Talks : correspondance Nikolaus Pevsner (1945-1972) Transcriptions de programmes radiophoniques, microfilms Design Council Archive, University of Brighton (DC) Council of Industrial Design, rapports annuels 1.1945,..

    The Posthumous Depiction of Youths in Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Gymnasia

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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht posthume Ehrungen und Darstellungen von jungen MĂ€nnern im Gymnasion, die in der Forschung bislang nicht umfassend untersucht worden sind. Nach einem Überblick ĂŒber das bekannte Skulpturenrepertoire in Gymnasia werden die epigraphischen Quellen posthumer Ehrungen von jungen MĂ€nnern diskutiert, die im Gymnasion trainierten und vorzeitig verstarben. Der Fokus liegt dann auf der Identifizierung von Skulpturen die, dem Kontext und der Ikonographie zufolge, als posthume Ehrungen von Jugendlichen gedient haben könnten. Darunter ist z.B. die Statue des Kleoneikos von Eretria. Es wird dargelegt, dass drei verschiedene ikonographische Typen fĂŒr diese Ehrungen verwendet wurden: der nackte ‚heroische‘ Typ, der Himation-Typ und die Herme

    Proper circular arc graphs as intersection graphs of paths on a grid

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    In this paper we present a characterisation, by an infinite family of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs, of proper circular arc graphs which are intersection graphs of paths on a grid, where each path has at most one bend (turn)

    The Emergence and Significance of the Palaestra Type in Greek Architecture

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    Seit ihrem Aufkommen im 4. Jh. v. Chr. bildeten PalĂ€stren die typische Bauform griechischer Gymnasien. Der Beitrag diskutiert Funktion und Bedeutung dieser Architekturform aus zwei Perspektiven. Einerseits wird die Identifikation mehrerer Bauten kritisch hinterfragt (Argos, Epidauros, Milet, Paestum, Sikyon). Davon ausgehend wird die Kombination von Peristylhof, Exedra und Waschraum (Lutron) als ein Kriterienkatalog definiert, mit dessen Hilfe sich in aller Regel die typologische Deutung eines Baus als PalĂ€stra begrĂŒnden lĂ€sst. Andererseits wird die Bedeutung des Peristylmotivs vor dem weiteren Hintergrund des zeitgenössischen StĂ€dtebaus erörtert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass das Peristyl auch im Fall der Gymnasia zur Schaffung funktional sowie sozial exklusiver RĂ€ume genutzt wurde

    The structure of mercantile communities in the Roman world : how open were Roman trade networks?

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    Tocqueville's Christian Citzen

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    Tocqueville's Christian Citizen Marinus Ossewaarde Introduction Alexis De Tocqueville is well known for his critique of democracy. A French statesman, he was left with the legacy of the French Revolution that had torn his fatherland and had changed the course of human history for good. Tocqueville, unlike many of his contemporaries, believed that the Revolution ought not to be seen as incidental or unexpected, despite the fact that it was without precedent in human history and so tarnished with human blood. The French Revolution is part of a trend that traces the path of democracy. Living in the revolutionary France of the nineteenth century, he hoped to find out what France may expect from its course of civilization, what it may expect from its democracy. Tocqueville was a social critic: he deplored what he saw happening around him in France. He believed that France was poorly governed. He was critical of the rise of the bourgeoisie and believed that everything had become vulgar, low, and mean. He rejected the rising materialism as "a dangerous disease of the human mind," which he found in positivism (Comte and St. Simon) and socialism (Proudhon and Blanc). He believed that scientific and economic determinisms were serious threats to liberty and human

    Local Jacquet-Langlands correspondences for simple supercuspidal representations

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    We give a description of the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for simple supercuspidal representations via type theory. As a consequence, we show that the endo-classes for such representations are invariant under the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence.Comment: 15 page

    Motion of Curves on Two Dimensional Surfaces and Soliton Equations

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    A connection is established between the soliton equations and curves moving in a three dimensional space V3V_{3}. The sign of the self-interacting terms of the soliton equations are related to the signature of V3V_{3}. It is shown that there corresponds a moving curve to each soliton equations.Comment: Latex, 15 pp, to be published in Physics Letters
