3,822 research outputs found

    Clustering Analysis within Text Classification Techniques

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    The paper represents a personal approach upon the main applications of classification which are presented in the area of knowledge based society by means of methods and techniques widely spread in the literature. Text classification is underlined in chapter two where the main techniques used are described, along with an integrated taxonomy. The transition is made through the concept of spatial representation. Having the elementary elements of geometry and the artificial intelligence analysis, spatial representation models are presented. Using a parallel approach, spatial dimension is introduced in the process of classification. The main clustering methods are described in an aggregated taxonomy. For an example, spam and ham words are clustered and spatial represented, when the concepts of spam, ham and common and linkage word are presented and explained in the xOy space representation.Knowledge Societies, Text Classification, Spatial Representation, Artificial Intelligence, Clustering Analysis, Spam Filtering

    Large scale crowdsourcing and characterization of Twitter abusive behavior

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    In recent years online social networks have suffered an increase in sexism, racism, and other types of aggressive and cyberbullying behavior, often manifesting itself through offensive, abusive, or hateful language. Past scientific work focused on studying these forms of abusive activity in popular online social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Building on such work, we present an eight month study of the various forms of abusive behavior on Twitter, in a holistic fashion. Departing from past work, we examine a wide variety of labeling schemes, which cover different forms of abusive behavior. We propose an incremental and iterative methodology that leverages the power of crowdsourcing to annotate a large collection of tweets with a set of abuse-related labels.By applying our methodology and performing statistical analysis for label merging or elimination, we identify a reduced but robust set of labels to characterize abuse-related tweets. Finally, we offer a characterization of our annotated dataset of 80 thousand tweets, which we make publicly available for further scientific exploration.Accepted manuscrip

    Fame for sale: efficient detection of fake Twitter followers

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    Fake followers\textit{Fake followers} are those Twitter accounts specifically created to inflate the number of followers of a target account. Fake followers are dangerous for the social platform and beyond, since they may alter concepts like popularity and influence in the Twittersphere - hence impacting on economy, politics, and society. In this paper, we contribute along different dimensions. First, we review some of the most relevant existing features and rules (proposed by Academia and Media) for anomalous Twitter accounts detection. Second, we create a baseline dataset of verified human and fake follower accounts. Such baseline dataset is publicly available to the scientific community. Then, we exploit the baseline dataset to train a set of machine-learning classifiers built over the reviewed rules and features. Our results show that most of the rules proposed by Media provide unsatisfactory performance in revealing fake followers, while features proposed in the past by Academia for spam detection provide good results. Building on the most promising features, we revise the classifiers both in terms of reduction of overfitting and cost for gathering the data needed to compute the features. The final result is a novel Class A\textit{Class A} classifier, general enough to thwart overfitting, lightweight thanks to the usage of the less costly features, and still able to correctly classify more than 95% of the accounts of the original training set. We ultimately perform an information fusion-based sensitivity analysis, to assess the global sensitivity of each of the features employed by the classifier. The findings reported in this paper, other than being supported by a thorough experimental methodology and interesting on their own, also pave the way for further investigation on the novel issue of fake Twitter followers

    Feature Selection by Multiobjective Optimization: Application to Spam Detection System by Neural Networks and Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm

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    Networks are strained by spam, which also overloads email servers and blocks mailboxes with unwanted messages and files. Setting the protective level for spam filtering might become even more crucial for email users when malicious steps are taken since they must deal with an increase in the number of valid communications being marked as spam. By finding patterns in email communications, spam detection systems (SDS) have been developed to keep track of spammers and filter email activity. SDS has also enhanced the tool for detecting spam by reducing the rate of false positives and increasing the accuracy of detection. The difficulty with spam classifiers is the abundance of features. The importance of feature selection (FS) comes from its role in directing the feature selection algorithm’s search for ways to improve the SDS’s classification performance and accuracy. As a means of enhancing the performance of the SDS, we use a wrapper technique in this study that is based on the multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm (MOGOA) for feature extraction and the recently revised EGOA algorithm for multilayer perceptron (MLP) training. The suggested system’s performance was verified using the SpamBase, SpamAssassin, and UK-2011 datasets. Our research showed that our novel approach outperformed a variety of established practices in the literature by as much as 97.5%, 98.3%, and 96.4% respectively.©2022 the Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Using Big Data to Enhance the Bosch Production Line Performance: A Kaggle Challenge

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    This paper describes our approach to the Bosch production line performance challenge run by Kaggle.com. Maximizing the production yield is at the heart of the manufacturing industry. At the Bosch assembly line, data is recorded for products as they progress through each stage. Data science methods are applied to this huge data repository consisting records of tests and measurements made for each component along the assembly line to predict internal failures. We found that it is possible to train a model that predicts which parts are most likely to fail. Thus a smarter failure detection system can be built and the parts tagged likely to fail can be salvaged to decrease operating costs and increase the profit margins.Comment: IEEE Big Data 2016 Conferenc

    Cashtag piggybacking: uncovering spam and bot activity in stock microblogs on Twitter

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    Microblogs are increasingly exploited for predicting prices and traded volumes of stocks in financial markets. However, it has been demonstrated that much of the content shared in microblogging platforms is created and publicized by bots and spammers. Yet, the presence (or lack thereof) and the impact of fake stock microblogs has never systematically been investigated before. Here, we study 9M tweets related to stocks of the 5 main financial markets in the US. By comparing tweets with financial data from Google Finance, we highlight important characteristics of Twitter stock microblogs. More importantly, we uncover a malicious practice - referred to as cashtag piggybacking - perpetrated by coordinated groups of bots and likely aimed at promoting low-value stocks by exploiting the popularity of high-value ones. Among the findings of our study is that as much as 71% of the authors of suspicious financial tweets are classified as bots by a state-of-the-art spambot detection algorithm. Furthermore, 37% of them were suspended by Twitter a few months after our investigation. Our results call for the adoption of spam and bot detection techniques in all studies and applications that exploit user-generated content for predicting the stock market

    A pipeline and comparative study of 12 machine learning models for text classification

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    Text-based communication is highly favoured as a communication method, especially in business environments. As a result, it is often abused by sending malicious messages, e.g., spam emails, to deceive users into relaying personal information, including online accounts credentials or banking details. For this reason, many machine learning methods for text classification have been proposed and incorporated into the services of most email providers. However, optimising text classification algorithms and finding the right tradeoff on their aggressiveness is still a major research problem. We present an updated survey of 12 machine learning text classifiers applied to a public spam corpus. A new pipeline is proposed to optimise hyperparameter selection and improve the models' performance by applying specific methods (based on natural language processing) in the preprocessing stage. Our study aims to provide a new methodology to investigate and optimise the effect of different feature sizes and hyperparameters in machine learning classifiers that are widely used in text classification problems. The classifiers are tested and evaluated on different metrics including F-score (accuracy), precision, recall, and run time. By analysing all these aspects, we show how the proposed pipeline can be used to achieve a good accuracy towards spam filtering on the Enron dataset, a widely used public email corpus. Statistical tests and explainability techniques are applied to provide a robust analysis of the proposed pipeline and interpret the classification outcomes of the 12 machine learning models, also identifying words that drive the classification results. Our analysis shows that it is possible to identify an effective machine learning model to classify the Enron dataset with an F-score of 94%.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications, April 2022. Published by Elsevier. All data, models, and code used in this work are available on GitHub at https://github.com/Angione-Lab/12-machine-learning-models-for-text-classificatio
