3,374 research outputs found

    Prompt Application-Transparent Transaction Revalidation in Software Transactional Memory

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    Software Transactional Memory (STM) allows encapsulating shared-data accesses within transactions, executed with atomicity and isolation guarantees. The assessment of the consistency of a running transaction is performed by the STM layer at specific points of its execution, such as when a read or write access to a shared object occurs, or upon a commit attempt. However, performance and energy efficiency issues may arise when no shared-data read/write operation occurs for a while along a thread running a transaction. In this scenario, the STM layer may not regain control for a considerable amount of time, thus not being able to early detect if such transaction has become inconsistent in the meantime. To tackle this problem we present an STM architecture that, thanks to a lightweight operating system support, is able to perform a fine-grain periodic (hence prompt) revalidation of running transactions. Our proposal targets Linux and x86 systems and has been integrated with the open source TinySTM package. Experimental results with a port of the TPC-C benchmark to STM environments show the effectiveness of our solution

    Middleware for managing a large, heterogeneous programmable network

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    The links between BTexact Technologies and the Department of Computing Science at University College London are becomingincreasingly beneficial for the development of the middleware area for the management of programmable networks. This paperdescribes the work that has been done to date, and outlines the plans for future research

    MDCC: Multi-Data Center Consistency

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    Replicating data across multiple data centers not only allows moving the data closer to the user and, thus, reduces latency for applications, but also increases the availability in the event of a data center failure. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies like Google, Yahoo, and Netflix already replicate user data across geographically different regions. However, replication across data centers is expensive. Inter-data center network delays are in the hundreds of milliseconds and vary significantly. Synchronous wide-area replication is therefore considered to be unfeasible with strong consistency and current solutions either settle for asynchronous replication which implies the risk of losing data in the event of failures, restrict consistency to small partitions, or give up consistency entirely. With MDCC (Multi-Data Center Consistency), we describe the first optimistic commit protocol, that does not require a master or partitioning, and is strongly consistent at a cost similar to eventually consistent protocols. MDCC can commit transactions in a single round-trip across data centers in the normal operational case. We further propose a new programming model which empowers the application developer to handle longer and unpredictable latencies caused by inter-data center communication. Our evaluation using the TPC-W benchmark with MDCC deployed across 5 geographically diverse data centers shows that MDCC is able to achieve throughput and latency similar to eventually consistent quorum protocols and that MDCC is able to sustain a data center outage without a significant impact on response times while guaranteeing strong consistency

    BifurKTM: Approximately Consistent Distributed Transactional Memory for GPUs

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    We present BifurKTM, the first read-optimized Distributed Transactional Memory system for GPU clusters. The BifurKTM design includes: GPU KoSTM, a new software transactional memory conflict detection scheme that exploits relaxed consistency to increase throughput; and KoDTM, a Distributed Transactional Memory model that combines the Data- and Control- flow models to greatly reduce communication overheads. Despite the allure of huge speedups, GPUs are limited in use due to their programmability and extreme sensitivity to workload characteristics. These become daunting concerns when considering a distributed GPU cluster, wherein a programmer must design algorithms to hide communication latency by exploiting data regularity, high compute intensity, etc. The BifurKTM design allows GPU programmers to exploit a new workload characteristic: the percentage of the workload that is Read-Only (e.g. reads but does not modify shared memory), even when this percentage is not known in advance. Programmers designate transactions that are suitable for Approximate Consistency, in which transactions "appear" to execute at the most convenient time for preventing conflicts. By leveraging Approximate Consistency for Read-Only transactions, the BifurKTM runtime system offers improved performance, application flexibility, and programmability without introducing any errors into shared memory. Our experiments show that Approximate Consistency can improve BkTM performance by up to 34x in applications with moderate network communication utilization and a read-intensive workload. Using Approximate Consistency, BkTM can reduce GPU-to-GPU network communication by 99%, reduce the number of aborts by up to 100%, and achieve an average speedup of 18x over a similarly sized CPU cluster while requiring minimal effort from the programmer

    The Homeostasis Protocol: Avoiding Transaction Coordination Through Program Analysis

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    Datastores today rely on distribution and replication to achieve improved performance and fault-tolerance. But correctness of many applications depends on strong consistency properties - something that can impose substantial overheads, since it requires coordinating the behavior of multiple nodes. This paper describes a new approach to achieving strong consistency in distributed systems while minimizing communication between nodes. The key insight is to allow the state of the system to be inconsistent during execution, as long as this inconsistency is bounded and does not affect transaction correctness. In contrast to previous work, our approach uses program analysis to extract semantic information about permissible levels of inconsistency and is fully automated. We then employ a novel homeostasis protocol to allow sites to operate independently, without communicating, as long as any inconsistency is governed by appropriate treaties between the nodes. We discuss mechanisms for optimizing treaties based on workload characteristics to minimize communication, as well as a prototype implementation and experiments that demonstrate the benefits of our approach on common transactional benchmarks

    Towards Exascale Scientific Metadata Management

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    Advances in technology and computing hardware are enabling scientists from all areas of science to produce massive amounts of data using large-scale simulations or observational facilities. In this era of data deluge, effective coordination between the data production and the analysis phases hinges on the availability of metadata that describe the scientific datasets. Existing workflow engines have been capturing a limited form of metadata to provide provenance information about the identity and lineage of the data. However, much of the data produced by simulations, experiments, and analyses still need to be annotated manually in an ad hoc manner by domain scientists. Systematic and transparent acquisition of rich metadata becomes a crucial prerequisite to sustain and accelerate the pace of scientific innovation. Yet, ubiquitous and domain-agnostic metadata management infrastructure that can meet the demands of extreme-scale science is notable by its absence. To address this gap in scientific data management research and practice, we present our vision for an integrated approach that (1) automatically captures and manipulates information-rich metadata while the data is being produced or analyzed and (2) stores metadata within each dataset to permeate metadata-oblivious processes and to query metadata through established and standardized data access interfaces. We motivate the need for the proposed integrated approach using applications from plasma physics, climate modeling and neuroscience, and then discuss research challenges and possible solutions

    A New Model for Testing CRUD Operations in a NoSQL Database

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    NoSQL databases provide high availability and efficiency in data processing but at the expense of weaker consistency. In this paper, we propose a new approach in order to test NoSQL key/value databases in general and their CRUD operations in particular. We design a new context-aware model that takes into account the contextual requirements of clients (users) and the NoSQL database system. Accordingly, we develop a transaction model and testing criteria in order to test NoSQL databases by taking into account transactional and nontransactional CRUD operations. Results from testing criteria are used to analyse the trade-off between availability and consistency of NoSQL databases. In addition, these are used to help NoSQL database users and developers to choose between transactional and non-transactional CRUD operations.
