715 research outputs found

    Internal communication and employee engagement: Integration plan for do it better

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    Nowadays, companies have started to pay more attention to their human resources, looking at them as an internal market, which they should seek to satisfy in the first place. Thus, they should use internal marketing and communication techniques that will help them build an employer branding strategy, with the intention of creating a positive image of the organizational environment in the employees’ perspective, as well as generating greater commitment and involvement between both parties. These strategies should be implemented from the first contact employees have with their company, during their onboarding process. In this context, this project aims to develop an integration plan for new employees at Do It Better, a certified professional training center. Therefore, we used different methods for collecting information, including a semi-structured interview, two survey questionnaires (internal and external), and the analysis of internal and external statistical data. In the services marketing-mix, a six-step integration plan was proposed, defining the items that would be included in it, as well as how it would be implemented in the company.Atualmente, as empresas têm vindo a dar maior importância aos seus recursos humanos, olhando para estes como um mercado interno que devem procurar satisfazer em primeiro lugar. Deste modo, devem usar técnicas de marketing e comunicação interna que as ajude a estabelecer uma estratégia de "employer branding", tendo como objetivo criar uma imagem positiva da empresa na perspetiva dos colaboradores, bem como de gerar um maior compromisso e envolvimento entre ambas as partes. Estas estratégias devem ser implementadas desde o primeiro contacto que os colaboradores têm com a empresa, durante o processo de integração. Neste âmbito, o presente projeto tem como objetivo desenvolver um plano de integração para novos colaboradores para a Do It Better, centro de formação certificada profissional. Para tal, recorreu-se a diferentes métodos para a recolha de informação, entre os quais uma entrevista semiestruturada, dois questionários por inquérito (um interno e um externo) e a análise de dados estatísticos internos e externos. No marketing-mix de serviços, foi proposto um plano dividido em seis passos, onde se definiram os itens que seriam incluídos, bem como a forma como este seria implementado na empresa

    Communication transparency in ethical and traditional banking in Spain

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    Transparency is a key value in the thinking of ethical banks, but do they perform different practices over traditional banking that justify or support that commitment to transparency? This study examines transparency in the communication process in two different types of banking in Spain: ethical/alternative banking and traditional banking. The identification of an explicit commitment to transparency, the analysis of disclosed information, the identification of information channels and the identification of stakeholders allow assessing transparency, which appears as a complex concept that has more to do with corporate philosophy rather than with the actions developed to achieve a greater transparency level, where the resources of the financial institution seem to prevail over the thinking of the organization. This exploratory study will contribute to the knowledge about ESG information disclosure in the banking industry, developing the identification of practices that improve transparency and will result in greater efficiency in decision-making processes

    Users’ engagement en YouTube como plataforma de comunicación C2C. Analizando las diferencias entre videos patrocinados vs no patrocinados

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    El creciente poder de los/las bloggers, youtubers, y cualquier otro tipo de líder de opinión, prescriptor o influencer surgido/a en cualquier plataforma social ha emergido en los últimos años como una nueva y valiosa forma de comunicación para las empresas. De hecho, las opiniones que los usuarios vierten en redes sociales se han convertido en parte del proceso de decisión de compra ya que generan electronic word-of-mouth muy fiable, creíble y ayudan a otros usuarios a reducir la incertidumbre y el riesgo ante una compra de un producto desconocido. El presente trabajo profundiza en el fenómeno de la comunicación entre consumidores (C2C) para lo que se propone analizar el contenido generado en plataformas sociales de video (YouTube) por influencers con el objetivo de analizar si existen diferencias significativas en términos de engagement entre el contenido patrocinado y el no patrocinado por marcas.The growing power of bloggers, youtubers, and any other type of opinion leader or influencer emerged from any social platform is considered nowadays as a valuable form of communication for companies. In fact, users-generated content in social networks has become part of the purchase decision process as they generate very reliable and credible electronic word-of-mouth. In addition, this content helps other users to reduce uncertainty and risk associated with a purchase of an unknown product. This research delves into the phenomenon of communication between consumers (C2C). For this task we propose to analyse the content generated in video social platforms (YouTube) by influencers with the objective of examining if there are significant differences in terms of engagement between contents sponsored by brands and contents non-sponsored by brands

    Marketing communication plan: Century 21 global

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    Trabalho projetoThis project was elaborated with the intention to establish a communication plan for Century 21 Portugal, with the intention of promoting the foreign investment in the Portuguese real estate market. After analyzing the Portuguese market and the current strategy of Century 21 Portugal, it was found some opportunities that a brand, like Century 21 , can take advantage. The main idea of this project is to create a new communication plan and a new type of business for the brand Century 21 Portugal, using certain communication tools and techniques that will help the company to focus on critical factors and to reach their potential customers overseas. The objective of this "new direction" for the brand is to provide a better service to the property owners offering new possibilities of business, outside of Portugal. In long term, this "new direction" can be extended to all markets, with more people getting their second, or even the first home in other countries. With this project Century 21 can create just "one big and global real estate market", approaching all the markets, the owners of the properties and potential buyers from around the world.Este projeto foi elaborado com a intenção de criar um plano de comunicação para Century 21 Portugal, com o principal objectivo de promover o investimento estrangeiro no mercado imobiliário Português. Depois de analisar o mercado Português e a estratégia atual da Century 21 Portugal, verificou-se algumas oportunidades que uma marca, como Century 21, pode aproveitar neste mercado. A idéia principal deste projeto é a criação de um novo plano de comunicação e um novo tipo de negócio para a marca Century 21 Portugal, usando algumas ferramentas e técnicas de comunicação que ajudarão a empresa a concentrar-se em fatores críticos e alcançar potenciais clientes no estrangeiro. O objetivo desta "nova visão" para a marca é proporcionar um melhor serviços aos proprietários de imóveis oferecendo novas possibilidades de negócio, fora de Portugal. No longo prazo, esta "nova visão" pode ser alargado a todos os mercados, com mais pessoas adquirindo a sua segunda, ou até mesmo a primeira casa, em outros países. Com este projeto Century 21 pode criar apenas "um grande e global mercado imobiliário", aproximando-se assim de todos os mercados, dos donos das propriedades e dos potenciais compradores de todo o mundo

    Exploring stakeholders’ dialogue and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on Twitter

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    Social networks are an opportunity to foster and strengthen dialogue between companies and their audiences and also to integrate social expectations into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. This research analyses communication on CSR on Twitter and its main objectives are: 1) to analyze if there are CSR concepts which can lead the conversation among Twitter users and companies when discourse is limited to CSR related concepts; and 2) to detect those concepts which might create engagement (underlying conversations) between companies and Twitter users. Our research is focused on insurance companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). The methodology used is qualitative and the sample comprises more than 8,500 tweets which include a set of keywords related to CSR, that were published by the companies in the sample and/or mentioned those companies. The results show that industry-related words, financial performance messages and the local activities of the company are opportunities to spread the CSR commitment. We concluded that communication is scarce between companies and users related to CSR. In general,companies and users shared interests, but these were not related to a real conversation about CSR and sustainability

    Legion business plan: an online clothes company

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    The thesis is a business plan for an existing Portuguese brand called Legion. Legion is a clothing brand focused on selling upper wear for young boys and girls. As a brand directed to young people, Legion's business plan focuses on digital ways to connect with the target. The project begins with the literature review. This theoretical background will support the basis of the reasoning behind the brand's decisions. It has 6 crucial chapters which relate with the brand's course of action and ideas. After placing the reader in perspective, the core of the business plan begins. The first look up is for the external analysis. It is where the external overview is scrutinised starting off by the textile industry, then PEST analysis, competition analysis and then the 5 forces of Porter. After the bigger picture, it will be analysed the internal analysis starting with the description of the brand. As a primary approach, the brand is described and explained on the first chapters as well as Legion's vision, mission and values. Afterwards is the SWOT analysis, which will allow the reader to understand overall internal situation of the brand. With that as a basis, with both analysis in mind, starts the marketing strategy. On this section it is evaluated the STP and the marketing mix. Finally, the finances of the brand are dissected. The financial plan consists on Legion's results and what can be projected on the future. This action is crucial to perceive the feasibility of the business plan.A presente tese é um plano de negócios para a existente marca de roupa portuguesa, Legion. Legion é uma marca focada na venda de artigos de roupa para a parte superior do corpo para jovens rapazes e raparigas. Como marca jovem direcionada aos jovens, o plano de negócios da Legion foca-se no digital. Consequentemente, o canal prioritário será através do e-commerce. A revisão da literatura é o primeiro passo. Esta base teórica apoiará a base do raciocínio por trás das decisões da marca. Possui 6 capítulos cruciais relacionados ao curso de ação e às ideias da marca. Posteriormente, para entender melhor a análise externa, há uma visão geral do mercado com a análise do setor. Com isso, a visão externa é examinada através da analise da industria, análise PEST, análise da concorrência e por fim com as 5 forças de Porter. O projeto continua com a análise interna. A marca é descrita e explicada nos primeiros capítulos desta análise, bem como a visão, missão e valores. Depois de colocar o leitor em perspetiva passamos para o próximo passo deste plano de negócios com a análise SWOT. Com as estas análises em mente, dá-se início à estratégia de marketing. Nesta seção, são avaliados o STP e o marketing-mix. No final do projeto as finanças da marca são dissecadas. O plano financeiro consiste no que a Legion tem vindo a fazer e no que pode ser projetado no futuro. Essa ação é crucial para perceber a viabilidade do plano de negócios

    Nike marketing plan: the launch of Nike Academy in Portugal

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    In this master project, the objective is to develop a strategic and operational marketing plan to support the launching of a football academy, designed to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional welfare of its athletes. This football academy will be launched in Portugal, by Nike, during the summer of 2021. In this project, we have identified the potential participants, sponsors and fans, and studied the advantages that this initiative may bring to Nike. To achieve these conclusions, we made a strategic and operational study, that will allow to evaluate the impact the new service for the brand and what resources will be needed to implement this project. We studied the reality in which the current football academies are being developed, to construct terms of comparisons between them, and to understand what the good practices are, and what can be improved in this industry. We defined a marketing strategy and designed marketing-mix components, with the goal of creating a football academy that fulfills the young athletes’ needs, and not only the agents’ and managers’ needs. Our goal was to construct a model of an academy that could be followed by other football clubs, demonstrating the importance that the mental wellbeing of the players has for themselves and for their futures, but also for the clubs where they play in.Este projeto de mestrado tem como objetivo, desenvolver um plano estratégico e operacional de marketing, para apoiar o lançamento de uma academia de futebol, desenvolvida com o intuito de garantir o bem-estar físico, psicológico e emocional dos seus atletas. Esta academia de futebol será lançada em Portugal, pela Nike, durante o verão de 2021. Neste projeto, identificamos os potenciais participantes, patrocinadores e fãs, e estudamos as vantagens que esta iniciativa pode trazer para a Nike. Para chegar a estas conclusões, realizamos um estudo estratégico e operacional, que permitirá avaliar o impacto do novo serviço para a marca e quais os recursos necessários para implementar este projeto. Estudamos a realidade em que as atuais academias de futebol estão a ser desenvolvidas, para elaborar termos de comparação entre elas e para entender quais são as boas práticas e o que pode ser melhorado neste setor. Definimos uma estratégia de marketing e projetamos componentes de marketing-mix, com o objetivo de criar uma academia de futebol que atenda às necessidades dos jovens atletas, e não apenas às necessidades dos agentes e diretores desportivos. O nosso objetivo passou por construir um modelo de academia de futebol que pudesse ser seguido por outros clubes de futebol, demonstrando a importância que o bem-estar mental dos jogadores tem para o presente e para o futuro deles, mas também para os clubes onde jogam

    Strategic Group Analysis of the Social Media Landscape for SMEs

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    Consumer use of Web 2.0 and social media is well documented. However, the use of such technologies by SMEs has received relatively little attention and the literature has focused on the major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. In this paper the focus is on a different type of social media website, which is termed SME Social Media Platforms. These are websites designed specifically for SMEs to gain information, network with other SMEs and in some cases conduct online sales through an electronic marketplace. The landscape for SME social media platforms is mapped out using business model and strategic group theory. In total, 158 Social Media Platforms in the US and UK were analysed using a mixed method approach of online panel data and website content analysis. A taxonomy is proposed that is based on strategic groups and web 2.0 sophistication. The theoretical implications are described with respect to the analysis of social media systems and the use of strategic groups. Managerial implications are outlined for different stakeholders including the SME companies, the SME Social Media Platforms and banking and Government bodies wishing to sponsor such platforms

    Revisiting the Global Governance Framework in History and Understanding its Contemporary Potential for the European Union

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    This study investigates the historical development and implementation of global governance theory, recognizing its collaborative framework as a critical tool in global politics. While the theory, alongside its epistemic foundations, offers productive and useful guidance for approaching transnational affairs, the question remains whether or not the application of this theory to reality has been successful and advantageous. In order to evaluate this translation, three key structures for transnational relations are examined: the Entente Cordiale, the League of Nations, and the European Union. By consulting key global governance theorists, academic assessments, as well as news reports, this paper analyzes and evaluates Europe’s use of a global governance framework. Although the reality of implementing this theory has exposed significant flaws, this study points to global governance theory as a valuable framework, suggesting the need to return to this theory, particularly for navigating through uncertainty and instability in global politics

    Twittering for talent: Private military and security companies between business and military branding

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    Private military and security companies (PMSCs) play an increasingly important role in the provision of security-related services. In their attempts to win new clients and find suitable personnel, they take on different identities by presenting themselves as conventional businesses, military actors, and humanitarians. In this article, we examine how PMSCs deploy these identities when they recruit new personnel through social media. Our computer-assisted content analysis of Twitter messages posted by two major United States-based companies—CACI and DynCorp International—shows that while both PMSCs amplify their business and military identities to attract the most talented personnel, they construct and communicate these identities in different ways with CACI branding itself as a sophisticated, modern, and patriotic business and DynCorp as a home-grown, traditional military provider. In addition, our analysis lends force to scholars suggesting that state militaries and the private security sector compete increasingly for prospective employees using similar strategies. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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