10 research outputs found

    XMG : eXtensible MetaGrammar

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    International audienceIn this article, we introduce eXtensible MetaGrammar (xmg), a framework for specifying tree-based grammars such as Feature-Based Lexicalised Tree-Adjoining Grammars (FB-LTAG) and Interaction Grammars (IG). We argue that xmg displays three features which facilitate both grammar writing and a fast prototyping of tree-based grammars. Firstly, \xmg\ is fully declarative. For instance, it permits a declarative treatment of diathesis that markedly departs from the procedural lexical rules often used to specify tree-based grammars. Secondly, the \xmg\ language has a high notational expressivity in that it supports multiple linguistic dimensions, inheritance and a sophisticated treatment of identifiers. Thirdly, xmg is extensible in that its computational architecture facilitates the extension to other linguistic formalisms. We explain how this architecture naturally supports the design of three linguistic formalisms namely, FB-LTAG, IG, and Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar (MC-TAG). We further show how it permits a straightforward integration of additional mechanisms such as linguistic and formal principles. To further illustrate the declarativity, notational expressivity and extensibility of \xmg , we describe the methodology used to specify an FB-LTAG for French augmented with a unification-based compositional semantics. This illustrates both how xmg facilitates the modelling of the tree fragment hierarchies required to specify tree-based grammars and of a syntax/semantics interface between semantic representations and syntactic trees. Finally, we briefly report on several grammars for French, English and German that were implemented using \xmg\ and compare \xmg\ to other existing grammar specification frameworks for tree-based grammars

    Current trends

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    Deep parsing is the fundamental process aiming at the representation of the syntactic structure of phrases and sentences. In the traditional methodology this process is based on lexicons and grammars representing roughly properties of words and interactions of words and structures in sentences. Several linguistic frameworks, such as Headdriven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), etc., offer different structures and combining operations for building grammar rules. These already contain mechanisms for expressing properties of Multiword Expressions (MWE), which, however, need improvement in how they account for idiosyncrasies of MWEs on the one hand and their similarities to regular structures on the other hand. This collaborative book constitutes a survey on various attempts at representing and parsing MWEs in the context of linguistic theories and applications

    Representation and parsing of multiword expressions

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    This book consists of contributions related to the definition, representation and parsing of MWEs. These reflect current trends in the representation and processing of MWEs. They cover various categories of MWEs such as verbal, adverbial and nominal MWEs, various linguistic frameworks (e.g. tree-based and unification-based grammars), various languages including English, French, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian), and various applications (namely MWE detection, parsing, automatic translation) using both symbolic and statistical approaches

    Génération modulaire de grammaires formelles

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    The work presented in this thesis aim at facilitating the development of resources for natural language processing. Resources of this type take different forms, because of the existence of several levels of linguistic description (syntax, morphology, semantics, . . . ) and of several formalisms proposed for the description of natural languages at each one of these levels. The formalisms featuring different types of structures, a unique description language is not enough: it is necessary to create a domain specific language (or DSL) for every formalism, and to implement a new tool which uses this language, which is a long a complex task. For this reason, we propose in this thesis a method to assemble in a modular way development frameworks specific to tasks of linguistic resource generation. The frameworks assembled thanks to our method are based on the fundamental concepts of the XMG (eXtensible MetaGrammar) approach, allowing the generation of tree based grammars. The method is based on the assembling of a description language from reusable bricks, and according to a unique specification file. The totality of the processing chain for the DSL is automatically assembled thanks to the same specification. In a first time, we validated this approach by recreating the XMG tool from elementary bricks. Some collaborations with linguists also brought us to assemble compilers allowing the description of morphology and semantics.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse visent à faciliter le développement de ressources pour le traitement automatique des langues. Les ressources de ce type prennent des formes très diverses, en raison de l’existence de différents niveaux d’étude de la langue (syntaxe, morphologie, sémantique,. . . ) et de différents formalismes proposés pour la description des langues à chacun de ces niveaux. Les formalismes faisant intervenir différents types de structures, un unique langage de description n’est pas suffisant : il est nécessaire pour chaque formalisme de créer un langage dédié (ou DSL), et d’implémenter un nouvel outil utilisant ce langage, ce qui est une tâche longue et complexe. Pour cette raison, nous proposons dans cette thèse une méthode pour assembler modulairement, et adapter, des cadres de développement spécifiques à des tâches de génération de ressources langagières. Les cadres de développement créés sont construits autour des concepts fondamentaux de l’approche XMG (eXtensible MetaGrammar), à savoir disposer d’un langage de description permettant la définition modulaire d’abstractions sur des structures linguistiques, ainsi que leur combinaison non-déterministe (c’est à dire au moyen des opérateurs logiques de conjonction et disjonction). La méthode se base sur l’assemblage d’un langage de description à partir de briques réutilisables, et d’après un fichier unique de spécification. L’intégralité de la chaîne de traitement pour le DSL ainsi défini est assemblée automatiquement d’après cette même spécification. Nous avons dans un premier temps validé cette approche en recréant l’outil XMG à partir de briques élémentaires. Des collaborations avec des linguistes nous ont également amené à assembler des compilateurs permettant la description de la morphologie de l’Ikota (langue bantoue) et de la sémantique (au moyen de la théorie des frames)

    A Statistical, Grammar-Based Approach to Microplanning

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    International audienceWhile there has been much work in recent years on data-driven natural language generation, little attention has been paid to the fine grained interactions that arise during micro-planning between aggregation, surface realization and sentence segmentation. In this paper, we propose a hybrid symbolic/statistical approach to jointly model these interactions. Our approach integrates a small handwritten grammar, a statistical hypertagger and a surface realization algorithm. It is applied to the verbalization of knowledge base queries and tested on 13 knowledge bases to demonstrate domain independence. We evaluate our approach in several ways. A quantitative analysis shows that the hybrid approach outperforms a purely symbolic approach in terms of both speed and coverage. Results from a human study indicate that users find the output of this hybrid statistic/symbolic system more fluent than both a template-and a purely symbolic grammar-based approach. Finally, we illustrate by means of examples that our approach can account for various factors impacting aggregation, sentence segmentation and surface realization

    Formal Linguistic Models and Knowledge Processing. A Structuralist Approach to Rule-Based Ontology Learning and Population

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    2013 - 2014The main aim of this research is to propose a structuralist approach for knowledge processing by means of ontology learning and population, achieved starting from unstructured and structured texts. The method suggested includes distributional semantic approaches and NL formalization theories, in order to develop a framework, which relies upon deep linguistic analysis... [edited by author]XIII n.s

    Extensible Dependency Grammar: a modular grammar formalism based on multigraph description

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    This thesis develops Extensible Dependency Grammar (XDG), a new grammar formalism combining dependency grammar, model-theoretic syntax, and Jackendoff\u27;s parallel grammar architecture. The design of XDG is strongly geared towards modularity: grammars can be modularly extended by any linguistic aspect such as grammatical functions, word order, predicate-argument structure, scope, information structure and prosody, where each aspect is modeled largely independently on a separate dimension. The intersective demands of the dimensions make many complex linguistic phenomena such as extraction in syntax, scope ambiguities in the semantics, and control and raising in the syntax-semantics interface simply fall out as by-products without further stipulation. This thesis makes three main contributions: 1. The first formalization of XDG as a multigraph description language in higher order logic, and investigations of its expressivity and computational complexity. 2. The first implementation of XDG, the XDG Development Kit (XDK), an extensive grammar development environment built around a constraint parser for XDG. 3. The first application of XDG to natural language, modularly modeling a fragment of English

    Coreference handling in XMG

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    Poster session. Available at http://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P06/P06-2032.pdfInternational audienceWe claim that existing specification languages for tree based grammars fail to adequately support identifier managment. We then show that XMG (eXtensible MetaGrammar) provides a sophisticated treatment of identifiers which is effective in supporting a linguist-friendly grammar design

    Coreference handling in XMG

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    Poster session. Available at http://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P06/P06-2032.pdfInternational audienceWe claim that existing specification languages for tree based grammars fail to adequately support identifier managment. We then show that XMG (eXtensible MetaGrammar) provides a sophisticated treatment of identifiers which is effective in supporting a linguist-friendly grammar design