546 research outputs found

    Desynchronization: Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications

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    Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at run time and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst-case delays at design time, and constrain the clock cycle accordingly. De-synchronization is a new paradigm to automate the design of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications, thus permitting widespread adoption of asynchronicity, without requiring special design skills or tools. In this paper, we first of all study different protocols for de-synchronization and formally prove their correctness, using techniques originally developed for distributed deployment of synchronous language specifications. We also provide a taxonomy of existing protocols for asynchronous latch controllers, covering in particular the four-phase handshake protocols devised in the literature for micro-pipelines. We then propose a new controller which exhibits provably maximal concurrency, and analyze the performance of desynchronized circuits with respect to the original synchronous optimized implementation. We finally prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach, by showing its application to a set of real designs, including a complete implementation of the DLX microprocessor architectur

    Area/latency optimized early output asynchronous full adders and relative-timed ripple carry adders

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    This article presents two area/latency optimized gate level asynchronous full adder designs which correspond to early output logic. The proposed full adders are constructed using the delay-insensitive dual-rail code and adhere to the four-phase return-to-zero handshaking. For an asynchronous ripple carry adder (RCA) constructed using the proposed early output full adders, the relative-timing assumption becomes necessary and the inherent advantages of the relative-timed RCA are: (1) computation with valid inputs, i.e., forward latency is data-dependent, and (2) computation with spacer inputs involves a bare minimum constant reverse latency of just one full adder delay, thus resulting in the optimal cycle time. With respect to different 32-bit RCA implementations, and in comparison with the optimized strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output full adder designs, one of the proposed early output full adders achieves respective reductions in latency by 67.8, 12.3 and 6.1 %, while the other proposed early output full adder achieves corresponding reductions in area by 32.6, 24.6 and 6.9 %, with practically no power penalty. Further, the proposed early output full adders based asynchronous RCAs enable minimum reductions in cycle time by 83.4, 15, and 8.8 % when considering carry-propagation over the entire RCA width of 32-bits, and maximum reductions in cycle time by 97.5, 27.4, and 22.4 % for the consideration of a typical carry chain length of 4 full adder stages, when compared to the least of the cycle time estimates of various strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output asynchronous RCAs of similar size. All the asynchronous full adders and RCAs were realized using standard cells in a semi-custom design fashion based on a 32/28 nm CMOS process technology

    Elasticity and Petri nets

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    Digital electronic systems typically use synchronous clocks and primarily assume fixed duration of their operations to simplify the design process. Time elastic systems can be constructed either by replacing the clock with communication handshakes (asynchronous version) or by augmenting the clock with a synchronous version of a handshake (synchronous version). Time elastic systems can tolerate static and dynamic changes in delays (asynchronous case) or latencies (synchronous case) of operations that can be used for modularity, ease of reuse and better power-delay trade-off. This paper describes methods for the modeling, performance analysis and optimization of elastic systems using Marked Graphs and their extensions capable of describing behavior with early evaluation. The paper uses synchronous elastic systems (aka latency-tolerant systems) for illustrating the use of Petri nets, however, most of the methods can be applied without changes (except changing the delay model associated with events of the system) to asynchronous elastic systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Elastic circuits

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    Elasticity in circuits and systems provides tolerance to variations in computation and communication delays. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of elastic circuits for those designers who are mainly familiar with synchronous design. Elasticity can be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously, although it was traditionally more often associated with asynchronous circuits. This paper shows that synchronous and asynchronous elastic circuits can be designed, analyzed, and optimized using similar techniques. Thus, choices between synchronous and asynchronous implementations are localized and deferred until late in the design process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Synthesis of synchronous elastic architectures

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    A simple protocol for latency-insensitive design is presented. The main features of the protocol are the efficient implementation of elastic communication channels and the automatable design methodology. With this approach, fine-granularity elasticity can be introduced at the level of functional units (e.g. ALUs, memories). A formal specification of the protocol is defined and an efficient scheme for the implementation of elasticity that involves no datapath overhead is presented. The opportunities this protocol opens for microarchitectural design are discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Elastic systems

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    Elastic systems provide tolerance to the variations in computation and communication delays. The incorporation of elasticity opens new opportunities for optimization using new correct-by-construction transformations that cannot be applied to rigid non-elastic systems. The basics of synchronous and asynchronous elastic systems will be reviewed. A set of behavior-preserving transformations will be presented: retiming, recycling, early evaluation, variable-latency units and speculative execution. The application of these transformations for performance and power optimization will be discussed. Finally, a novel framework for microarchitectural exploration will be introduced, showing that the optimal pipelining of a circuit can be automatically obtained by using the previous transformations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New Fault Detection, Mitigation and Injection Strategies for Current and Forthcoming Challenges of HW Embedded Designs

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Relevance of electronics towards safety of common devices has only been growing, as an ever growing stake of the functionality is assigned to them. But of course, this comes along the constant need for higher performances to fulfill such functionality requirements, while keeping power and budget low. In this scenario, industry is struggling to provide a technology which meets all the performance, power and price specifications, at the cost of an increased vulnerability to several types of known faults or the appearance of new ones. To provide a solution for the new and growing faults in the systems, designers have been using traditional techniques from safety-critical applications, which offer in general suboptimal results. In fact, modern embedded architectures offer the possibility of optimizing the dependability properties by enabling the interaction of hardware, firmware and software levels in the process. However, that point is not yet successfully achieved. Advances in every level towards that direction are much needed if flexible, robust, resilient and cost effective fault tolerance is desired. The work presented here focuses on the hardware level, with the background consideration of a potential integration into a holistic approach. The efforts in this thesis have focused several issues: (i) to introduce additional fault models as required for adequate representativity of physical effects blooming in modern manufacturing technologies, (ii) to provide tools and methods to efficiently inject both the proposed models and classical ones, (iii) to analyze the optimum method for assessing the robustness of the systems by using extensive fault injection and later correlation with higher level layers in an effort to cut development time and cost, (iv) to provide new detection methodologies to cope with challenges modeled by proposed fault models, (v) to propose mitigation strategies focused towards tackling such new threat scenarios and (vi) to devise an automated methodology for the deployment of many fault tolerance mechanisms in a systematic robust way. The outcomes of the thesis constitute a suite of tools and methods to help the designer of critical systems in his task to develop robust, validated, and on-time designs tailored to his application.[ES] La relevancia que la electrónica adquiere en la seguridad de los productos ha crecido inexorablemente, puesto que cada vez ésta copa una mayor influencia en la funcionalidad de los mismos. Pero, por supuesto, este hecho viene acompañado de una necesidad constante de mayores prestaciones para cumplir con los requerimientos funcionales, al tiempo que se mantienen los costes y el consumo en unos niveles reducidos. En este escenario, la industria está realizando esfuerzos para proveer una tecnología que cumpla con todas las especificaciones de potencia, consumo y precio, a costa de un incremento en la vulnerabilidad a múltiples tipos de fallos conocidos o la introducción de nuevos. Para ofrecer una solución a los fallos nuevos y crecientes en los sistemas, los diseñadores han recurrido a técnicas tradicionalmente asociadas a sistemas críticos para la seguridad, que ofrecen en general resultados sub-óptimos. De hecho, las arquitecturas empotradas modernas ofrecen la posibilidad de optimizar las propiedades de confiabilidad al habilitar la interacción de los niveles de hardware, firmware y software en el proceso. No obstante, ese punto no está resulto todavía. Se necesitan avances en todos los niveles en la mencionada dirección para poder alcanzar los objetivos de una tolerancia a fallos flexible, robusta, resiliente y a bajo coste. El trabajo presentado aquí se centra en el nivel de hardware, con la consideración de fondo de una potencial integración en una estrategia holística. Los esfuerzos de esta tesis se han centrado en los siguientes aspectos: (i) la introducción de modelos de fallo adicionales requeridos para la representación adecuada de efectos físicos surgentes en las tecnologías de manufactura actuales, (ii) la provisión de herramientas y métodos para la inyección eficiente de los modelos propuestos y de los clásicos, (iii) el análisis del método óptimo para estudiar la robustez de sistemas mediante el uso de inyección de fallos extensiva, y la posterior correlación con capas de más alto nivel en un esfuerzo por recortar el tiempo y coste de desarrollo, (iv) la provisión de nuevos métodos de detección para cubrir los retos planteados por los modelos de fallo propuestos, (v) la propuesta de estrategias de mitigación enfocadas hacia el tratamiento de dichos escenarios de amenaza y (vi) la introducción de una metodología automatizada de despliegue de diversos mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos de forma robusta y sistemática. Los resultados de la presente tesis constituyen un conjunto de herramientas y métodos para ayudar al diseñador de sistemas críticos en su tarea de desarrollo de diseños robustos, validados y en tiempo adaptados a su aplicación.[CA] La rellevància que l'electrònica adquireix en la seguretat dels productes ha crescut inexorablement, puix cada volta més aquesta abasta una major influència en la funcionalitat dels mateixos. Però, per descomptat, aquest fet ve acompanyat d'un constant necessitat de majors prestacions per acomplir els requeriments funcionals, mentre es mantenen els costos i consums en uns nivells reduïts. Donat aquest escenari, la indústria està fent esforços per proveir una tecnologia que complisca amb totes les especificacions de potència, consum i preu, tot a costa d'un increment en la vulnerabilitat a diversos tipus de fallades conegudes, i a la introducció de nous tipus. Per oferir una solució a les noves i creixents fallades als sistemes, els dissenyadors han recorregut a tècniques tradicionalment associades a sistemes crítics per a la seguretat, que en general oferixen resultats sub-òptims. De fet, les arquitectures empotrades modernes oferixen la possibilitat d'optimitzar les propietats de confiabilitat en habilitar la interacció dels nivells de hardware, firmware i software en el procés. Tot i això eixe punt no està resolt encara. Es necessiten avanços a tots els nivells en l'esmentada direcció per poder assolir els objectius d'una tolerància a fallades flexible, robusta, resilient i a baix cost. El treball ací presentat se centra en el nivell de hardware, amb la consideració de fons d'una potencial integració en una estratègia holística. Els esforços d'esta tesi s'han centrat en els següents aspectes: (i) la introducció de models de fallada addicionals requerits per a la representació adequada d'efectes físics que apareixen en les tecnologies de fabricació actuals, (ii) la provisió de ferramentes i mètodes per a la injecció eficient del models proposats i dels clàssics, (iii) l'anàlisi del mètode òptim per estudiar la robustesa de sistemes mitjançant l'ús d'injecció de fallades extensiva, i la posterior correlació amb capes de més alt nivell en un esforç per retallar el temps i cost de desenvolupament, (iv) la provisió de nous mètodes de detecció per cobrir els reptes plantejats pels models de fallades proposats, (v) la proposta d'estratègies de mitigació enfocades cap al tractament dels esmentats escenaris d'amenaça i (vi) la introducció d'una metodologia automatitzada de desplegament de diversos mecanismes de tolerància a fallades de forma robusta i sistemàtica. Els resultats de la present tesi constitueixen un conjunt de ferramentes i mètodes per ajudar el dissenyador de sistemes crítics en la seua tasca de desenvolupament de dissenys robustos, validats i a temps adaptats a la seua aplicació.Espinosa García, J. (2016). New Fault Detection, Mitigation and Injection Strategies for Current and Forthcoming Challenges of HW Embedded Designs [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73146TESISCompendi

    Statistical circuit simulations - from ‘atomistic’ compact models to statistical standard cell characterisation

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    This thesis describes the development and application of statistical circuit simulation methodologies to analyse digital circuits subject to intrinsic parameter fluctuations. The specific nature of intrinsic parameter fluctuations are discussed, and we explain the crucial importance to the semiconductor industry of developing design tools which accurately account for their effects. Current work in the area is reviewed, and three important factors are made clear: any statistical circuit simulation methodology must be based on physically correct, predictive models of device variability; the statistical compact models describing device operation must be characterised for accurate transient analysis of circuits; analysis must be carried out on realistic circuit components. Improving on previous efforts in the field, we posit a statistical circuit simulation methodology which accounts for all three of these factors. The established 3-D Glasgow atomistic simulator is employed to predict electrical characteristics for devices aimed at digital circuit applications, with gate lengths from 35 nm to 13 nm. Using these electrical characteristics, extraction of BSIM4 compact models is carried out and their accuracy in performing transient analysis using SPICE is validated against well characterised mixed-mode TCAD simulation results for 35 nm devices. Static d.c. simulations are performed to test the methodology, and a useful analytic model to predict hard logic fault limitations on CMOS supply voltage scaling is derived as part of this work. Using our toolset, the effect of statistical variability introduced by random discrete dopants on the dynamic behaviour of inverters is studied in detail. As devices scaled, dynamic noise margin variation of an inverter is increased and higher output load or input slew rate improves the noise margins and its variation. Intrinsic delay variation based on CV/I delay metric is also compared using ION and IEFF definitions where the best estimate is obtained when considering ION and input transition time variations. Critical delay distribution of a path is also investigated where it is shown non-Gaussian. Finally, the impact of the cell input slew rate definition on the accuracy of the inverter cell timing characterisation in NLDM format is investigated

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing

    Reclaiming Fault Resilience and Energy Efficiency With Enhanced Performance in Low Power Architectures

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    Rapid developments of the AI domain has revolutionized the computing industry by the introduction of state-of-art AI architectures. This growth is also accompanied by a massive increase in the power consumption. Near-Theshold Computing (NTC) has emerged as a viable solution by offering significant savings in power consumption paving the way for an energy efficient design paradigm. However, these benefits are accompanied by a deterioration in performance due to the severe process variation and slower transistor switching at Near-Threshold operation. These problems severely restrict the usage of Near-Threshold operation in commercial applications. In this work, a novel AI architecture, Tensor Processing Unit, operating at NTC is thoroughly investigated to tackle the issues hindering system performance. Research problems are demonstrated in a scientific manner and unique opportunities are explored to propose novel design methodologies
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