4,188 research outputs found

    Towards Semi-Autonomous Control of Heavy-Duty Tracked Earth-Moving Mobile Manipulators : Use Case: The Bulldozer

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    A mobile manipulator (MM) comprises a manipulator attached to a mobile base, making it capable of manipulation tasks in large workspaces. In the field of construction, heavy-duty MMs are extensively used for soil excavation at construction sites. One such machine is the bulldozer, which is widely used because of its robustness and maneuverability. With its onboard blade, the bulldozer shapes terrain and transports soil material by pushing it. However, operating the blade with joysticks to accurately shape the terrain surface and moving material productively are difficult tasks that require extensive training and experience. Automating the motion of the blade, therefore, has the potential to reduce skill requirements, improve productivity, and reduce operators’ workloads. This thesis studies and develops methods for the semi-autonomous control of a bulldozer to increase surface quality and earthmoving productivity. These goals were reflected in the main research problems (RPs). Furthermore, as bulldozers drive over the terrain shape generated by the blade, the RPs are coupled because earthmoving productivity is partially dependent on surface quality. The RPs and their coupling were addressed in four publications by coordinating the mobile base and manipulator control and by using the surrounding terrain shape in automatic blade motion reference computations. Challenges to automatic control emerge from the tracked mobile platform driving on rough terrain while the manipulator tool interacts with the soil. It is shown in the first two publications that coordinating the control of the MM mobile base and blade manipulator subsystems can improve surface quality and productivity by temporarily slowing down the machine when the required manipulator joint rates increase or when the tractive performance reduces. The third publication showed that feedforward–feedback control of the blade manipulator can be used on a real-world bulldozer for accurate terrain shaping. The thesis work culminates in the final publication with an experimental implementation of a semi-autonomous blade control system that continuously maps the worksite terrain and uses it to compute the required blade motion

    Limited Information Shared Control and its Applications to Large Vehicle Manipulators

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    Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der kooperativen Regelung einer mobilen Arbeitsmaschine, welche aus einem Nutzfahrzeug und einem oder mehreren hydraulischen Manipulatoren besteht. Solche Maschinen werden für Aufgaben in der Straßenunterhaltungsaufgaben eingesetzt. Die Arbeitsumgebung des Manipulators ist unstrukturiert, was die Bestimmung einer Referenztrajektorie erschwert oder unmöglich macht. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz vorgeschlagen, welcher nur das Fahrzeug automatisiert, während der menschliche Bediener ein Teil des Systems bleibt und den Manipulator steuert. Eine solche Teilautomatisierung des Gesamtsystems führt zu einer speziellen Klasse von Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen, welche in der Literatur noch nicht untersucht wurde: Eine kooperative Regelung zwischen zwei Teilsystemen, bei der die Automatisierung keine Informationen von dem vom Menschen gesteuerten Teilsystem hat. Deswegen wird in dieser Arbeit ein systematischer Ansatz der kooperativen Regelung mit begrenzter Information vorgestellt, der den menschlichen Bediener unterstützen kann, ohne die Referenzen oder die Systemzustände des Manipulators zu messen. Außerdem wird ein systematisches Entwurfskonzept für die kooperative Regelung mit begrenzter Information vorgestellt. Für diese Entwurfsmethode werden zwei neue Unterklassen der sogenannten Potenzialspiele eingeführt, die eine systematische Berechnung der Parameter der entwickelten kooperativen Regelung ohne manuelle Abstimmung ermöglichen. Schließlich wird das entwickelte Konzept der kooperativen Regelung am Beispiel einer großen mobilen Arbeitsmaschine angewandt, um seine Vorteile zu ermitteln und zu bewerten. Nach der Analyse in Simulationen wird die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Methode in drei Experimenten mit menschlichen Probanden an einem Simulator untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Überlegenheit des entwickelten kooperativen Regelungskonzepts gegenüber der manuellen Steuerung und der nicht-kooperativen Steuerung hinsichtlich sowohl der objektiven Performanz als auch der subjektiven Bewertung der Probanden. Somit zeigt diese Dissertation, dass die kooperative Regelung mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen mit den entwickelten theoretischen Konzepten sowohl hilfreich als auch praktisch anwendbar ist

    On Increasing the Automation Level of Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Manipulators with Condition Monitoring of the Hydraulic System and Energy-Optimised Redundancy Resolution

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    Hydraulic manipulators on mobile machines are predominantly used for excavation and lifting applications at construction sites and for heavy-duty material handling in the forest industry due to their superior power-density and rugged nature. These manipulators are conventionally open-loop controlled by human operators who are sufficiently skilled to operate the machines. However, in the footsteps of pioneering original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and to keep up with the intensifying demand for innovation, more and more mobile machine OEMs have a major interest in significantly increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators and improving the operation of manipulators. In this thesis, robotic software-based functionalities in the form of modelbased condition monitoring and energy-optimal redundancy resolution which facilitate increased automation level of hydraulic manipulators are proposed.A condition monitoring system generally consists of software modules and sensors which co-operate harmonically and monitor the hydraulic system’s health in real-time based on an indirect measure of this system’s health. The premise is that when this condition monitoring system recognises that the system’s health has deteriorated past a given threshold (in other words, when a minor fault is detected, such as a slowly increasing internal leakage of the hydraulic cylinder), the condition monitoring module issues an alarm to warn the system operator of the malfunction, and the module could ideally diagnose the fault cause. In addition, when faced with severe faults, such as an external leakage or an abruptly increasing internal leakage in the hydraulic system, an alarm from the condition monitoring system ensures that the machine is quickly halted to prevent any further damage to the machine or its surroundings.The basic requirement in the design of such a condition monitoring system is to make sure that this system is robust and fault-sensitive. These properties are difficult to achieve in complex mobile hydraulic systems on hydraulic manipulators due to the modelling uncertainties affecting these systems. The modelling uncertainties affecting mobile hydraulic systems are specific compared with many other types of systems and are large because of the hydraulic system complexities, nonlinearities, discontinuities and inherently time-varying parameters. A feasible solution to this modelling uncertainty problem would be to either attenuate the effect of modelling errors on the performance of model-based condition monitoring or to develop improved non-model-based methods with increased fault-sensitivity. In this research work, the former model-based approach is taken. Adaptation of the model residual thresholds based on system operating points and reliable, load-independent system models are proposed as integral parts of the condition monitoring solution to the modelling uncertainty problem. These proposed solutions make the realisation of condition monitoring solutions more difficult on heavy-duty hydraulic manipulators compared with fixed-load manipulators, for example. These solutions are covered in detail in a subset of the research publications appended to this thesis.There is wide-spread interest from hydraulic manipulator OEMs in increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators. Most often, this interest is related to semi-automation of repetitive work cycles to improve work productivity and operator workload circumstances. This robotic semi-automated approach involves resolving the kinematic redundancy of hydraulic manipulators to obtain motion references for the joint controller to enable desirable closed-loop controlled motions. Because conventional redundancy resolutions are usually sub-optimal at the hydraulic system level, a hydraulic energy-optimised, global redundancy resolution is proposed in this thesis for the first time. Kinematic redundancy is resolved energy optimally from the standpoint of the hydraulic system along a prescribed path for a typical 3-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) and 4-DOF hydraulic manipulator. Joint motions are also constrained based on the actuators’ position, velocity and acceleration bounds in hydraulic manipulators in the proposed solution. This kinematic redundancy resolution topic is discussed in the last two research papers. Overall, both designed manipulator features, condition monitoring and energy-optimised redundancy resolution, are believed to be essential for increasing the automation of hydraulic manipulators

    Aerospace medicine and biology. A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 195

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    This bibliography lists 148 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in June 1979

    Government/industry response to questionnaire on space mechanisms/tribology technology needs

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    President Bush has proposed that the U.S. undertake an ambitious mission of manned and robotic exploration of the solar system. This mission will require advanced mechanical moving components, such as bearings, gears, seals, lubricants, etc. There has been concern in the NASA community that the current technology level in these mechanical component/tribology areas may not be adequate to meet the goals of such a mission. To attempt to answer this, NASA-Lewis has sent out a questionnaire to government and industry workers (who have been involved in space mechanism research, design, and implementation) to ask their opinion if the current space mechanisms technology (mechanical components/tribology) is adequate to meet future NASA Missions needs and goals. If they deemed that the technology base inadequate, they were asked to specify the areas of greatest need. The unedited remarks of those who responded to the survey are presented

    A review of power electronics equipment for all-electric ship MVDC power systems

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    Medium Voltage DC (MVDC) distribution Power Systems for all-electric ships (AES) can be regarded as functionally composed of three subsystems, namely the power sources, the load centers and the distribution network. Extensive use of power electronics is required for connecting power sources and load centers to the MVDC bus and for protecting the MVDC power system through properly placed DC circuit breakers. In this paper, an overview is given of the power electronics equipment found in the literature and on the market that could be suitable for use in future AES MVDC power systems. Some industrial experiences regarding DC generator systems, energy storage apparatus and solid-state DC circuit breaker prototypes are reported in the paper as examples of state-of-the-art realizations. Different DC/DC converters, which can be employed as solid-state transformers, are also discussed and a structure obtained by combining them is proposed

    Solid Waste Processing Center Primary Opening Cells Systems, Equipment and Tools

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    The International Linear Collider

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    In this article, we describe the key features of the recently completed technical design for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a 200-500 GeV linear electron-positron collider (expandable to 1 TeV) that is based on 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SCRF) technology. The machine parameters and detector characteristics have been chosen to complement the Large Hadron Collider physics, including the discovery of the Higgs boson, and to further exploit this new particle physics energy frontier with a precision instrument. The linear collider design is the result of nearly twenty years of R&D, resulting in a mature conceptual design for the ILC project that reflects an international consensus. We summarize the physics goals and capability of the ILC, the enabling R&D and resulting accelerator design, as well as the concepts for two complementary detectors. The ILC is technically ready to be proposed and built as a next generation lepton collider, perhaps to be built in stages beginning as a Higgs factory.Comment: 41 page

    Англійська мова загальнотехнічного спрямування: Sensors and control

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    Практикум для студентів другого курсу факультету авіаційних і космічних систем укладено відповідно до чинної програми з дисципліни “Іноземна мова”, яка передбачає формування у студентів комунікативної компетенції, необхідної для ефективної участі в процесі навчання та в різноманітних ситуаціях професійного спілкування. Мета практикуму – розширення та закріплення студентами загальнотехнічної термінологічної лексики та опанування граматичними конструкціями, що дозволяють розуміти автентичні тексти, пов’язані з навчанням та спеціальністю. Розроблений практикум сприяє систематизації іншомовного навчального матеріалу, формуванню навичок, розвитку та удосконаленню вмінь у читанні, говорінні, письмі, аудіюванні та перекладі.The practicum for the 2nd year students of Faculty of Airspace Systems was designed according to the recommendations of the current curriculum that implies the students’ professional language competence formation. The objective of the practicum is to widen students’ technical thesaurus, to broaden students’ knowledge of specialty, to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The practicum helps to develop a broad understanding of international socio-cultural issues in order to operate appropriately in professional and cultural environment. The practicum highlights the requirements to students’ knowledge on different types of language activity.Практикум для студентов второго курса факультета авиационных и космических систем отвечает действующей программе дисциплины «Иностранный язык», которая предполагает формирование у студентов коммуникативных компетенций, необходимых для эффективного участия в процессе обучения. Цель практикума расширить и закрепить у студентов знание терминологической лексики, овладение грамматическими конструкциями, которые позволяют понимать аутентичные тексты. Данное учебное издание поможет систематизировать обучающий материал, сформировать навыки, развить и усовершенствовать умения в чтении, говорении, письме аудировании и переводе общетехнических текстов