10,572 research outputs found

    Visualizing Sensor Network Coverage with Location Uncertainty

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    We present an interactive visualization system for exploring the coverage in sensor networks with uncertain sensor locations. We consider a simple case of uncertainty where the location of each sensor is confined to a discrete number of points sampled uniformly at random from a region with a fixed radius. Employing techniques from topological data analysis, we model and visualize network coverage by quantifying the uncertainty defined on its simplicial complex representations. We demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of our tool via the exploration of randomly distributed sensor networks

    Spatiotemporal Barcodes for Image Sequence Analysis

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    Taking as input a time-varying sequence of two-dimensional (2D) binary images, we develop an algorithm for computing a spatiotemporal 0–barcode encoding lifetime of connected components on the image sequence over time. This information may not coincide with the one provided by the 0–barcode encoding the 0–persistent homology, since the latter does not respect the principle that it is not possible to move backwards in time. A cell complex K is computed from the given sequence, being the cells of K classified as spatial or temporal depending on whether they connect two consecutive frames or not. A spatiotemporal path is defined as a sequence of edges of K forming a path such that two edges of the path cannot connect the same two consecutive frames. In our algorithm, for each vertex v ∈ K, a spatiotemporal path from v to the “oldest” spatiotemporally-connected vertex is computed and the corresponding spatiotemporal 0–bar is added to the spatiotemporal 0–barcode.Junta de Andalucía FQM-369Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-3270

    Higher coordination with less control - A result of information maximization in the sensorimotor loop

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    This work presents a novel learning method in the context of embodied artificial intelligence and self-organization, which has as few assumptions and restrictions as possible about the world and the underlying model. The learning rule is derived from the principle of maximizing the predictive information in the sensorimotor loop. It is evaluated on robot chains of varying length with individually controlled, non-communicating segments. The comparison of the results shows that maximizing the predictive information per wheel leads to a higher coordinated behavior of the physically connected robots compared to a maximization per robot. Another focus of this paper is the analysis of the effect of the robot chain length on the overall behavior of the robots. It will be shown that longer chains with less capable controllers outperform those of shorter length and more complex controllers. The reason is found and discussed in the information-geometric interpretation of the learning process

    Smart FRP Composite Sandwich Bridge Decks in Cold Regions

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    INE/AUTC 12.0
