30 research outputs found

    Second-order neural core for bioinspired focal-plane dynamic image processing in CMOS

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    Based on studies of the mammalian retina, a bioinspired model for mixed-signal array processing has been implemented on silicon. This model mimics the way in which images are processed at the front-end of natural visual pathways, by means of programmable complex spatio-temporal dynamic. When embedded into a focal-plane processing chip, such a model allows for online parallel filtering of the captured image; the outcome of such processing can be used to develop control feedback actions to adapt the response of photoreceptors to local image features. Beyond simple resistive grid filtering, it is possible to program other spatio-temporal processing operators into the model core, such as nonlinear and anisotropic diffusion, among others. This paper presents analog and mixed-signal very large-scale integration building blocks to implement this model, and illustrates their operation through experimental results taken from a prototype chip fabricated in a 0.5-μm CMOS technology.European Union IST 2001 38097Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2003 09817 C02 01Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014021088

    Analogue emulators of fractional-order circuits

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou obvodů neceločíselných řádů. V první části je pojednáno o této problematice, dále byly uvedeny jednotlivé metody návrhů a typy obvodů, které lze v praxi využít. Následující kapitola popisuje použité aktivní prvky v této diplomové práci. V následující kapitole byl uveden praktický postup návrhu konvertorů impedance a následná implementace prvků s neceločíselným řádem do obvodů. Tyto struktury s neceločíselným řádem byly implementovány do kmitočtového filtru s neceločíselným řádem. V praktické části také byly provedeny parazitní analýza a stabilita kmitočtového filtru s fraktálním řádem.Diploma thesis deals with circuits contain fractional-order elements. The first part of this paper deals with this problem, there were also described methods of design fractionalorder elements and types of circuits containing the fractiona-order elements which can be applied in practice. Used active elements for practical part can be found in the second chapter. Design of GIC circuits and implementation of fractional-order element inside the circuit are shown in the last chapture. Parasitic analysis and stability of frequency filter containing fractional-order element had been also described.

    Unconventional Circuit Elements for Ladder Filter Design

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    Kmitočtové filtry jsou lineární elektrické obvody, které jsou využívány v různých oblastech elektroniky. Současně tvoří základní stavební bloky pro analogové zpracování signálů. V poslední dekádě bylo zavedeno množství aktivních stavebních bloků pro analogové zpracování signálů. Stále však existuje potřeba vývoje nových aktivních součástek, které by poskytovaly nové možnosti a lepší parametry. V práci jsou diskutovány různé aspekty obvodů pracujících v napěťovém, proudovém a smíšném módu. Práce reaguje na dnešní potřebu nízkovýkonových a nízkonapěťových aplikací pro přenosné přístroje a mobilní komunikační systémy a na problémy jejich návrhu. Potřeba těchto výkonných nízkonapěťových zařízení je výzvou návrhářů k hledání nových obvodových topologií a nových nízkonapěťových technik. V práci je popsána řada aktivních prvků, jako například operační transkonduktanční zesilovač (OTA), proudový konvejor II. generace (CCII) a CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier). Dále jsou navrženy nové prvky, jako jsou VDTA (Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier) a VDVTA (Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier). Všechny tyto prvky byly rovněž implementovány pomocí "bulk-driven" techniky CMOS s cílem realizace nízkonapěťových aplikací. Tato práce je rovněž zaměřena na náhrady klasických induktorů syntetickými induktory v pasivních LC příčkových filtrech. Tyto náhrady pak mohou vést k syntéze aktivních filtrů se zajímavými vlastnostmi.Frequency filters are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics. They are also the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, a huge number of active building blocks for analogue signal processing was introduced. However, there is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new possibilities and better parameters. The current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode analog circuits and their various aspects are discussed in the thesis. This work reflects the trend of low-power (LP) low-voltage (LV) circuits for portable electronic and mobile communication systems and the problems of their design. The need for high-performance LV circuits encourages the analog designers to look for new circuit architectures and new LV techniques. This thesis presents various active elements such as Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), Current Conveyor of Second Generation (CCII), and Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (CDTA), and introduces novel ones, such as Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (VDTA) and Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier (VDVTA). All the above active elements were also designed in CMOS bulk-driven technology for LP LV applications. This thesis is also focused on replacement of conventional inductors by synthetic ones in passive LC ladder filters. These replacements can lead to the synthesis of active filters with interesting parameters.

    Novel Reconnection-less Reconfigurable Filter Design Based on Unknown Nodal Voltages Method and Its Fractional-Order Counterpart

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    A novel solution of reconnection-less electronically reconfigurable filter is introduced in the paper. The filter is designed based on unknown nodal voltages method (MUNV) using operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and variable gain amplifier (VGA). The structure can provide all-pass, band-stop, high-pass 2nd order functions, high-pass function of the 1st order and direct transfer from the same topology without requirement of manual reconnection. The proposed structure also offers the electronic control of the pole frequency. Moreover, fractional-order design of the proposed filter is also provided. The behavior is verified by simulations using Cadence IC6 (spectre) software

    Integrated chaos generators

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    This paper surveys the different design issues, from mathematical model to silicon, involved on the design of integrated circuits for the generation of chaotic behavior.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología 1FD97-1611(TIC)European Commission ESPRIT 3110

    Log-Domain Current-mode Quadrature Sinusoidal Oscillator

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    A log-domain current-mode quadrature sinusoidal oscillator based on lossless integrators is presented. The circuit is a direct realization of a first-order differential equation for obtaining the lossy and lossless integrators. Each of the log-domain lossless integrators is realized by using only NPN transistors and a grounded capacitor for achieving low-power and fast response. The proposed oscillator uses two-lossless integrator loop which can be electronically tuned through bias currents. A validated BJT model which is used in SPICE simulation operated from a single power supply as low as 2.5V. The oscillation frequency is controlled over four decades of frequency. The total harmonic distortions for two-phases QSO (12MHz) is obtained around 0.93% which enables fully integrated in telecommunication systems. The proposed circuit is also suitable for high-frequency applications. Nonideality studies are included and PSpice simulation results confirm the theoretical results

    Electronically Tunable Current-mode High-order Ladder Low-pass Filters Based on CMOS Technology

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    This paper describes the design of current mode low-pass ladder filters based on CMOS technology. The filters are derived from passive RLC ladder filter prototypes using new CMOS lossy and lossless integrators. The all-pole and Elliptic approximations are used in the proposed low-pass filter realizations. The proposed two types of filter can be electronically tuned between 10kHz and 100MHz through bias current from 0.03µA to 300µA. The proposed filters use 1.5 V power supply with 3 mW power consumption at 300 µA bias current. The proposed filters are resistorless, use grounded capacitors and are suitable for further integration. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the low-pass filters is less than 1% over the operating frequency range. PSPICE simulation results, obtained by using TSMC 0.18µm technology, confirm the presented theory

    Analog Implementation of Fractional-Order Elements and Their Applications

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    With advancements in the theory of fractional calculus and also with widespread engineering application of fractional-order systems, analog implementation of fractional-order integrators and differentiators have received considerable attention. This is due to the fact that this powerful mathematical tool allows us to describe and model a real-world phenomenon more accurately than via classical “integer” methods. Moreover, their additional degree of freedom allows researchers to design accurate and more robust systems that would be impractical or impossible to implement with conventional capacitors. Throughout this thesis, a wide range of problems associated with analog circuit design of fractional-order systems are covered: passive component optimization of resistive-capacitive and resistive-inductive type fractional-order elements, realization of active fractional-order capacitors (FOCs), analog implementation of fractional-order integrators, robust fractional-order proportional-integral control design, investigation of different materials for FOC fabrication having ultra-wide frequency band, low phase error, possible low- and high-frequency realization of fractional-order oscillators in analog domain, mathematical and experimental study of solid-state FOCs in series-, parallel- and interconnected circuit networks. Consequently, the proposed approaches in this thesis are important considerations in beyond the future studies of fractional dynamic systems

    Current–Mode Fractional–Order Electronically Controllable Integrator Design

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    This contribution presents a design of a current–mode fractional–order electronically controllable integrator which can be used as a building block for a design of fractional–order (FO) circuits. The design is based on a 2nd–order Follow–the–Leader–Feedback topology which is suitably approximated to operate as an integrator of a fractional order. The topology is based on Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs), Adjustable Current Amplifiers (ACAs) and Current Follower (CF). The proposed structure offers the ability of the electronic control of its fractional order and also the electronic control of the frequency band. Simulations in Cadence IC6 (spectre) and more importantly experimental measurements were carried out to support the proposal. If wider bandwidth where the approximation is valid is required, a higher order structure must be used as also shown in this paper by utilization of a 4th–order FLF topology