226,420 research outputs found

    Tvang innen psykisk helsevern og ettersamtaler Hvordan oppleves utskrivningssamtalen etter innleggelse på tvungen psykisk helsevern?

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    Masteroppgave psykisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder, 2015Background: In the field of mental health, it is an important objective to use less coercion. Political guidelines require less coercion and more user involvement. Law require user involvement. After use of coercive interventions, it is also an important goal to reduce the user’s experience of trauma and humiliation. Implementation of post-event debriefing after admission may be such an intervention. Purpose and research question: The purpose of this study is to gain an insight on to how people who experienced coercion in mental health care experienced the discharge conversation. We wanted their unique experience of user involvement during hospitalization. The research question: "How is the discharge conversation perceived after admission to compulsory psychiatric care? Method and subjects: It is used a qualitative research design, within a hermeneutical and phenomenological context. A semi-structured interview guide was used. The seven interviews were conducted between November 2014 and January 2015. The inclusion-criteria were that the interviewee had previously been under compulsory mental health care. Analysis: In the analysis we used Malteruds text condensation in four steps. We have categorized our findings under four subtopics: The discharge conversation, user involvement, and the experience of coercion and whether admission characterizes life afterwards. We then discussed our findings against Antonovskys theory Salutogenesis and experience of coherence. Conclusion: The value of personal relations stood out in our findings. Everybody pointed at good or bad relations as decisive for how they experienced the admission. The discharge conversation proved useful when user involvement was focused upon thru the admission. Personal interaction with others was found most important. More research on this field is required. User involvement that focuses on personal relations and alternatives to coercion must be put on the agenda. Keywords: Discharge, coercion, debriefing, post-event debriefing and user involvement

    Listening to Shells and Discovering a Lost World; Epiphanic Experiences at the Museum

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    This paper aims to entertain the possibilities for analysis, interpretation, and learning offered by evocative autoethnographic texts for LAM and LIS user studies. The focus in this paper is on storytelling as autoethnographic writing. To illustrate facets of a particular cultural experience and start a conversation about the transformative power of museum objects as documents, the story told in this paper recounts a series of events and experiences from the life of two visitors after their museum encounter with an engraved shell artifact from the archeological site of Spiro Mounds in Oklahoma

    An Exploratory Study to Determine the Effects Conversational Repetition Has on Perceived Workload and User Experience Quality in an Online Human-Robot Interaction

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    Human-robot interaction studies in the Caribbean currently face two challenges. First, the robots used in these studies have difficulty understanding many of the regional accents spoken study participants. Secondly, the global pandemic has made in-person HRI studies in the Caribbean more challenging due to the physical and social distancing mandates. This paper reports on our exploratory study to determine what kind of impact these two challenges have on HRI by evaluating the effect conversational repetition has on a human-robot conversation done using video conferencing software. Using network analysis, the results obtained suggest that conversational repetition has several subtle relationships on perceived workload. One interesting finding is that frustration and effort are indirectly affected by conversational repetition. Results from the short User Experience Questionnaire indicate that the overall quality of the user experience is perceived as positive-neutral. This encouraging result indicates that video conferencing may be a suitable interaction modality for HRI studies in the Caribbean