261 research outputs found

    A Bregman forward-backward linesearch algorithm for nonconvex composite optimization: superlinear convergence to nonisolated local minima

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    We introduce Bella, a locally superlinearly convergent Bregman forward backward splitting method for minimizing the sum of two nonconvex functions, one of which satisfying a relative smoothness condition and the other one possibly nonsmooth. A key tool of our methodology is the Bregman forward-backward envelope (BFBE), an exact and continuous penalty function with favorable first- and second-order properties, and enjoying a nonlinear error bound when the objective function satisfies a Lojasiewicz-type property. The proposed algorithm is of linesearch type over the BFBE along candidate update directions, and converges subsequentially to stationary points, globally under a KL condition, and owing to the given nonlinear error bound can attain superlinear convergence rates even when the limit point is a nonisolated minimum, provided the directions are suitably selected

    Calculus of the exponent of Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz inequality and its applications to linear convergence of first-order methods

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    In this paper, we study the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz (KL) exponent, an important quantity for analyzing the convergence rate of first-order methods. Specifically, we develop various calculus rules to deduce the KL exponent of new (possibly nonconvex and nonsmooth) functions formed from functions with known KL exponents. In addition, we show that the well-studied Luo-Tseng error bound together with a mild assumption on the separation of stationary values implies that the KL exponent is 12\frac12. The Luo-Tseng error bound is known to hold for a large class of concrete structured optimization problems, and thus we deduce the KL exponent of a large class of functions whose exponents were previously unknown. Building upon this and the calculus rules, we are then able to show that for many convex or nonconvex optimization models for applications such as sparse recovery, their objective function's KL exponent is 12\frac12. This includes the least squares problem with smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) regularization or minimax concave penalty (MCP) regularization and the logistic regression problem with 1\ell_1 regularization. Since many existing local convergence rate analysis for first-order methods in the nonconvex scenario relies on the KL exponent, our results enable us to obtain explicit convergence rate for various first-order methods when they are applied to a large variety of practical optimization models. Finally, we further illustrate how our results can be applied to establishing local linear convergence of the proximal gradient algorithm and the inertial proximal algorithm with constant step-sizes for some specific models that arise in sparse recovery.Comment: The paper is accepted for publication in Foundations of Computational Mathematics: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10208-017-9366-8. In this update, we fill in more details to the proof of Theorem 4.1 concerning the nonemptiness of the projection onto the set of stationary point

    A Multi-step Inertial Forward--Backward Splitting Method for Non-convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a multi-step inertial Forward--Backward splitting algorithm for minimizing the sum of two non-necessarily convex functions, one of which is proper lower semi-continuous while the other is differentiable with a Lipschitz continuous gradient. We first prove global convergence of the scheme with the help of the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property. Then, when the non-smooth part is also partly smooth relative to a smooth submanifold, we establish finite identification of the latter and provide sharp local linear convergence analysis. The proposed method is illustrated on a few problems arising from statistics and machine learning.Comment: This paper is in company with our recent work on Forward--Backward-type splitting methods http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.0370