170 research outputs found

    Conceptual design study for a teleoperator visual system, phase 2

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    An analysis of the concept for the hybrid stereo-monoscopic television visual system is reported. The visual concept is described along with the following subsystems: illumination, deployment/articulation, telecommunications, visual displays, and the controls and display station

    GazeStereo3D: seamless disparity manipulations

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    Producing a high quality stereoscopic impression on current displays is a challenging task. The content has to be carefully prepared in order to maintain visual comfort, which typically affects the quality of depth reproduction. In this work, we show that this problem can be significantly alleviated when the eye fixation regions can be roughly estimated. We propose a new method for stereoscopic depth adjustment that utilizes eye tracking or other gaze prediction information. The key idea that distinguishes our approach from the previous work is to apply gradual depth adjustments at the eye fixation stage, so that they remain unnoticeable. To this end, we measure the limits imposed on the speed of disparity changes in various depth adjustment scenarios, and formulate a new model that can guide such seamless stereoscopic content processing. Based on this model, we propose a real-time controller that applies local manipulations to stereoscopic content to find the optimum between depth reproduction and visual comfort. We show that the controller is mostly immune to the limitations of low-cost eye tracking solutions. We also demonstrate benefits of our model in off-line applications, such as stereoscopic movie production, where skillful directors can reliably guide and predict viewers' attention or where attended image regions are identified during eye tracking sessions. We validate both our model and the controller in a series of user experiments. They show significant improvements in depth perception without sacrificing the visual quality when our techniques are applied

    Deformable Beamsplitters: Enhancing Perception with Wide Field of View, Varifocal Augmented Reality Displays

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    An augmented reality head-mounted display with full environmental awareness could present data in new ways and provide a new type of experience, allowing seamless transitions between real life and virtual content. However, creating a light-weight, optical see-through display providing both focus support and wide field of view remains a challenge. This dissertation describes a new dynamic optical element, the deformable beamsplitter, and its applications for wide field of view, varifocal, augmented reality displays. Deformable beamsplitters combine a traditional deformable membrane mirror and a beamsplitter into a single element, allowing reflected light to be manipulated by the deforming membrane mirror, while transmitted light remains unchanged. This research enables both single element optical design and correct focus while maintaining a wide field of view, as demonstrated by the description and analysis of two prototype hardware display systems which incorporate deformable beamsplitters. As a user changes the depth of their gaze when looking through these displays, the focus of virtual content can quickly be altered to match the real world by simply modulating air pressure in a chamber behind the deformable beamsplitter; thus ameliorating vergence–accommodation conflict. Two user studies verify the display prototypes’ capabilities and show the potential of the display in enhancing human performance at quickly perceiving visual stimuli. This work shows that near-eye displays built with deformable beamsplitters allow for simple optical designs that enable wide field of view and comfortable viewing experiences with the potential to enhance user perception.Doctor of Philosoph

    Depth, shading, and stylization in stereoscopic cinematography

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    Due to the constantly increasing focus of the entertainment industry on stereoscopic imaging, techniques and tools that enable precise control over the depth impression and help to overcome limitations of the current stereoscopic hardware are gaining in importance. In this dissertation, we address selected problems encountered during stereoscopic content production, with a particular focus on stereoscopic cinema. First, we consider abrupt changes of depth, such as those induced by cuts in films. We derive a model predicting the time the visual system needs to adapt to such changes and propose how to employ this model for film cut optimization. Second, we tackle the issue of discrepancies between the two views of a stereoscopic image due to view-dependent shading of glossy materials. The suggested solution eliminates discomfort caused by non-matching specular highlights while preserving the perception of gloss. Last, we deal with the problem of filmgrainmanagement in stereoscopic productions and propose a new method for film grain application that reconciles visual comfort with the idea of medium-scene separation.Aufgrund der ständig steigenden Beachtung der stereoskopische Abbildung durch die Unterhaltungsindustrie, gewinnen Techniken und Werkzeuge an Bedeutung, die eine präzise Steuerung der Tiefenwahrnehmung ermöglichen und Einschränkungen der gegenwärtigen stereoskopischen Geräte überwinden. In dieser Dissertation adressieren wir ausgewählte Probleme, die während der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Inhalten auftreten, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der stereoskopischen Kinematographie. Zuerst betrachten wir abrupte Tiefenänderungen, wie sie durch Filmschnitte hervergerufen werden. Wir leiten ein Modell her, das die Zeit vorhersagt, die für das menschliche Sehsystem notwendig ist, um sich an solche Änderungen der Tiefe zu adaptieren, und schlagen vor wie dieses Modell für Schnittoptimierung angewendet werden kann. Danach gehen wir das Problem der Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den zwei Ansichten eines stereoskopischen Bildes, infolge der sichtabhängigen Schattierung von glänzenden Materialien, an. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung eliminiert das visuelle Unbehagen, welches von nicht zusammenpassenden Glanzlichtern verursacht wird, indessen bewahrt sie die Glanzwahrnehmung. Zuletzt behandeln wir das Problem des Filmkornsmanagements in stereoskopischen Produktionen und schlagen eine neue Methode für das Hinzufügen vom Filmkorn vor, die die visuelle Behaglichkeit mit der Idee der Medium-Szenen-Trennung in Einklang bringt
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