472 research outputs found

    Secrecy in Untrusted Networks

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    We investigate the protection of migrating agents against the untrusted sites they traverse. The resulting calculus provides a formal framework to reason about protection policies and security protocols over distributed, mobile infrastructures, and aims to stand to ambients as the spi calculus stands to ?. We present a type system that separates trusted and untrusted data and code, while allowing safe interactions with untrusted sites. We prove that the type system enforces a privacy property, and show the expressiveness of the calculus via examples and an encoding of the spi calculus

    A Type Inference Algorithm for Secure Ambients

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    We consider a type discipline for the Ambient Calculus that associates ambients with security levels and constrains them to be traversed by or opened in ambients of higher security clearance only. We present a bottom-up algorithm that, given an untyped process PP, computes a minimal set of constraints on security levels such that all actions during runs of PP are performed without violating the security level priorities. Such an algorithm appears to be a prerequisite to use type systems to ensure security properties in the web scenario

    Mutual Mobile Membranes with Timers

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    A feature of current membrane systems is the fact that objects and membranes are persistent. However, this is not true in the real world. In fact, cells and intracellular proteins have a well-defined lifetime. Inspired from these biological facts, we define a model of systems of mobile membranes in which each membrane and each object has a timer representing their lifetime. We show that systems of mutual mobile membranes with and without timers have the same computational power. An encoding of timed safe mobile ambients into systems of mutual mobile membranes with timers offers a relationship between two formalisms used in describing biological systems

    A Calculus of Mobile Resources

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    We introduce a calculus of Mobile Resources (MR) tailored for the design and analysis of systems containing mobile, possibly nested, computing devices that may have resource and access constraints, and which are not copyable nor modifiable per se. We provide a reduction as well as a labelled transition semantics and prove a correspondence be- tween barbed bisimulation congruence and a higher-order bisimulation. We provide examples of the expressiveness of the calculus, and apply the theory to prove one of its characteristic properties

    A Calculus of Bounded Capacities

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    Resource control has attracted increasing interest in foundational research on distributed systems. This paper focuses on space control and develops an analysis of space usage in the context of an ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration and activation require space. A type system complements the dynamics of the calculus by providing static guarantees that the intended capacity bounds are preserved throughout the computation

    Space-Aware Ambients and Processes

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    Resource control has attracted increasing interest in foundational research on distributed systems. This paper focuses on space control and develops an analysis of space usage in the context of an ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration and activation require space. A type system complements the dynamics of the calculus by providing static guarantees that the intended capacity bounds are preserved throughout the computation

    Implementing a distributed mobile calculus using the IMC framework

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    In the last decade, many calculi for modelling distributed mobile code have been proposed. To assess their merits and encourage use, implementations of the calculi have often been proposed. These implementations usually consist of a limited part dealing with mechanisms that are specific of the proposed calculus and of a significantly larger part handling recurrent mechanisms that are common to many calculi. Nevertheless, also the "classic" parts are often re-implemented from scratch. In this paper we show how to implement a well established representative of the family of mobile calculi, the distributed [pi]-calculus, by using a Java middleware (called IMC - Implementing Mobile Calculi) where recurrent mechanisms of distributed and mobile systems are already implemented. By means of the case study, we illustrate a methodology to accelerate the development of prototype implementations while concentrating only on the features that are specific of the calculus under consideration and relying on the common framework for all the recurrent mechanisms like network connections, code mobility, name handling, etc

    Using Ambients to Control Resources (long version)

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    Current software and hardware systems, being parallel and reconfigurable, raise new safety and reliability problems, and the resolution of these problems requires new methods. Numerous proposals attempt at reducing the threat of bugs and preventing several kinds of attacks. In this paper, we develop an extension of the calculus of Mobile Ambients, named Controlled Ambients, that is suited for expressing such issues, specifically Denial of Service attacks. We present a type system for Controlled Ambients, which makes static resource control possible in our setting

    Information leakage detection in boundary ambients

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    Abstract A variant of Mobile Ambient Calculus is introduced, called Boundary Ambient, to model multilevel security policies. Ambients that may guarantee to properly protect their content are explicitly identified as boundaries: a boundary can be seen as a resource access manager for confidential data. In this setting, we define a notion of non-interference which captures the absence of any (both direct and indirect) information leakage. Then, we guarantee non-interference by extending a control flow analysis that computes an over approximation of all ambients and capabilities that may be affected by the actual values of high level data
