6 research outputs found

    Online packet scheduling for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches

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    We consider the problem of online packet scheduling in Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) and buffered crossbar switches. In the widely used CIOQ switches, packet buffers (queues) are placed at both input and output ports. An N×N CIOQ switch has N input ports and N output ports, where each input port is equipped with N queues, each of which corresponds to an output port, and each output port is equipped with only one queue. In each time slot, arbitrarily many packets may arrive at each input port, and only one packet can be transmitted from each output port. Packets are transferred from the queues of input ports to the queues of output ports through the internal fabric. Buffered crossbar switches follow a similar design, but are equipped with additional buffers in their internal fabric. In either model, our goal is to maximize the number or, in case the packets have weights, the total weight of transmitted packets. Our main objective is to devise online algorithms that are both competitive and efficient. We improve the previously known results for both switch models, both for unweighted and weighted packets. For unweighted packets, Kesselman and Rosén (J. Algorithms 60(1):60–83, 2006) give an online algorithm that is 3-competitive for CIOQ switches. We give a faster, more practical algorithm achieving the same competitive ratio. In the buffered crossbar model, we also show 3-competitiveness, improving the previously known ratio of 4. For weighted packets, we give 5.83- and 14.83-competitive algorithms with an elegant analysis for CIOQ and buffered crossbar switches, respectively. This improves upon the previously known ratios of 6 and 16.24

    Multistage Packet-Switching Fabrics for Data Center Networks

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    Recent applications have imposed stringent requirements within the Data Center Network (DCN) switches in terms of scalability, throughput and latency. In this thesis, the architectural design of the packet-switches is tackled in different ways to enable the expansion in both the number of connected endpoints and traffic volume. A cost-effective Clos-network switch with partially buffered units is proposed and two packet scheduling algorithms are described. The first algorithm adopts many simple and distributed arbiters, while the second approach relies on a central arbiter to guarantee an ordered packet delivery. For an improved scalability, the Clos switch is build using a Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabric instead of the common crossbar units. The Clos-UDN architecture made with Input-Queued (IQ) Uni-Directional NoC modules (UDNs) simplifies the input line cards and obviates the need for the costly Virtual Output Queues (VOQs). It also avoids the need for complex, and synchronized scheduling processes, and offers speedup, load balancing, and good path diversity. Under skewed traffic, a reliable micro load-balancing contributes to boosting the overall network performance. Taking advantage of the NoC paradigm, a wrapped-around multistage switch with fully interconnected Central Modules (CMs) is proposed. The architecture operates with a congestion-aware routing algorithm that proactively distributes the traffic load across the switching modules, and enhances the switch performance under critical packet arrivals. The implementation of small on-chip buffers has been made perfectly feasible using the current technology. This motivated the implementation of a large switching architecture with an Output-Queued (OQ) NoC fabric. The design merges assets of the output queuing, and NoCs to provide high throughput, and smooth latency variations. An approximate analytical model of the switch performance is also proposed. To further exploit the potential of the NoC fabrics and their modularity features, a high capacity Clos switch with Multi-Directional NoC (MDN) modules is presented. The Clos-MDN switching architecture exhibits a more compact layout than the Clos-UDN switch. It scales better and faster in port count and traffic load. Results achieved in this thesis demonstrate the high performance, expandability and programmability features of the proposed packet-switches which makes them promising candidates for the next-generation data center networking infrastructure

    Multistage Packet-Switching Fabrics for Data Center Networks

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    Recent applications have imposed stringent requirements within the Data Center Network (DCN) switches in terms of scalability, throughput and latency. In this thesis, the architectural design of the packet-switches is tackled in different ways to enable the expansion in both the number of connected endpoints and traffic volume. A cost-effective Clos-network switch with partially buffered units is proposed and two packet scheduling algorithms are described. The first algorithm adopts many simple and distributed arbiters, while the second approach relies on a central arbiter to guarantee an ordered packet delivery. For an improved scalability, the Clos switch is build using a Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabric instead of the common crossbar units. The Clos-UDN architecture made with Input-Queued (IQ) Uni-Directional NoC modules (UDNs) simplifies the input line cards and obviates the need for the costly Virtual Output Queues (VOQs). It also avoids the need for complex, and synchronized scheduling processes, and offers speedup, load balancing, and good path diversity. Under skewed traffic, a reliable micro load-balancing contributes to boosting the overall network performance. Taking advantage of the NoC paradigm, a wrapped-around multistage switch with fully interconnected Central Modules (CMs) is proposed. The architecture operates with a congestion-aware routing algorithm that proactively distributes the traffic load across the switching modules, and enhances the switch performance under critical packet arrivals. The implementation of small on-chip buffers has been made perfectly feasible using the current technology. This motivated the implementation of a large switching architecture with an Output-Queued (OQ) NoC fabric. The design merges assets of the output queuing, and NoCs to provide high throughput, and smooth latency variations. An approximate analytical model of the switch performance is also proposed. To further exploit the potential of the NoC fabrics and their modularity features, a high capacity Clos switch with Multi-Directional NoC (MDN) modules is presented. The Clos-MDN switching architecture exhibits a more compact layout than the Clos-UDN switch. It scales better and faster in port count and traffic load. Results achieved in this thesis demonstrate the high performance, expandability and programmability features of the proposed packet-switches which makes them promising candidates for the next-generation data center networking infrastructure

    Verkkoliikenteen hajauttaminen rinnakkaisprosessoitavaksi ohjelmoitavan piirin avulla

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    The expanding diversity and amount of traffic in the Internet requires increasingly higher performing devices for protecting our networks against malicious activities. The computational load of these devices may be divided over multiple processing nodes operating in parallel to reduce the computation load of a single node. However, this requires a dedicated controller that can distribute the traffic to and from the nodes at wire-speed. This thesis concentrates on the system topologies and on the implementation aspects of the controller. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device, based on a reconfigurable logic array, is used for implementation because of its integrated circuit like performance and high-grain programmability. Two hardware implementations were developed; a straightforward design for 1-gigabit Ethernet, and a modular, highly parameterizable design for 10-gigabit Ethernet. The designs were verified by simulations and synthesizable testbenches. The designs were synthesized on different FPGA devices while varying parameters to analyze the achieved performance. High-end FPGA devices, such as Altera Stratix family, met the target processing speed of 10-gigabit Ethernet. The measurements show that the controller's latency is comparable to a typical switch. The results confirm that reconfigurable hardware is the proper platform for low-level network processing where the performance is prioritized over other features. The designed architecture is versatile and adaptable to applications expecting similar characteristics.Internetin edelleen lisääntyvä ja monipuolistuva liikenne vaatii entistä tehokkaampia laitteita suojaamaan tietoliikenneverkkoja tunkeutumisia vastaan. Tietoliikennelaitteiden kuormaa voidaan jakaa rinnakkaisille yksiköille, jolloin yksittäisen laitteen kuorma pienenee. Tämä kuitenkin vaatii erityisen kontrolloijan, joka kykenee hajauttamaan liikennettä yksiköille linjanopeudella. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy em. kontrolloijan järjestelmätopologioiden tutkimiseen sekä kontrolloijan toteuttamiseen ohjelmoitavalla piirillä, kuten kenttäohjelmoitava järjestelmäpiiri (eng. field programmable gate-array, FPGA). Kontrolloijasta tehtiin yksinkertainen toteutus 1-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin sekä modulaarinen ja parametrisoitu toteutus 10-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin. Toteutukset verifioitiin simuloimalla sekä käyttämällä syntetisoituvia testirakenteita. Toteutukset syntetisoitiin eri FPGA-piireille vaihtelemalla samalla myös toteutuksen parametrejä. Tehokkaimmat FPGA-piirit, kuten Altera Stratix -piirit, saavuttivat 10-gigabitin prosessointivaatimukset. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että kontrollerin vasteaika ei poikkea tavallisesta verkkokytkimestä. Työn tulokset vahvistavat käsitystä, että ohjelmoitavat piirit soveltuvat hyvin verkkoliikenteen matalantason prosessointiin, missä vaaditaan ensisijaisesti suorituskykyä. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri on monipuolinen ja soveltuu joustavuutensa ansiosta muihin samantyyppiseen sovelluksiin

    Packet switch architecture for efficient unicast and multicast traffic switching

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    У дисертацији је предложена једноставна архитектура свича као и алгоритми за ефикасно распоређивање и комутацију уникаст и мултикаст саобраћаја, што је од великог значаја за савремене телекомуникационе мреже у којима количина саобраћаја константно расте. Први дио доприноса ове дисертације чини приједлог рјешења свича за ефикасно управљање уникаст саобраћајем. Ово рјешење је развијено комбинујући најбоље особине постојећих рјешења, при том избјегавајући одређене њихове недостатке. Циљ је да се омогући што брже прослијеђивање пакета уз прихватљив ниво хардверске комплексности. Свич који је развијен у овој дисертацији представља комбинацију свичева са баферима на улазу и свичева који користе Биркхоф-фон Нојман принцип детерминистичког конфигурисања комутационог модула па се не захтијева прорачун конфигурација комутатора. При томе, за разлику од већине рјешења која користе Биркхоф-фон Нојман принцип конфигурисања, у предложеном рјешењу могуће је користити само један физички комутациони модул који би обављао функције оба логичка комутациона модула. Да би се гарантовало да није дошло до поремећаја редослиједа пакета, предложен је и једноставан алгоритам за одабир пакета за слање. Такође, дат је и приједлог унапријеђења подршке за фер сервис првобитно предложеног рјешења за комутацију уникаст саобраћаја. У другом дијелу дисертације, пажња је посвећена унапријеђењу предложеног рјешења за ефикасно управљање и мултикаст саобраћајем. Потреба за овим се јавила као посљедица развоја нових сервиса (нпр. IPTV, онлајн игре итд.) који генеришу такав тип саобраћаја. Како је удио мултикаст саобраћаја у мрежи постао незанемарљив, перформансе свичева који су развијени примарно за уникаст саобраћај значајно опадају. Рјешење које је предложено у првом дијелу дисертације је унапријеђено додавањем модула који служи за управљање мултикаст саобраћајем. Овдје је идеја да се оптерећење са улазног порта који прима мултикаст пакете распореди на више портова који треба да приме те пакете. Овако је на релативно једноставан начин омогућено ефикасно управљање мултикаст саобраћајем. У оквиру дисертације су урађене софтверске симулације које су показале да ова рјешења постижу врло добре перформансе у односу на постојећа. Такође, урађена је и хардверска имплементација предложеног основног уникаст рјешења која је показала релативно скромне захтјеве у погледу хардверских ресурса.The dissertation proposes a simple switch architecture as well as algorithms for efficient scheduling and switching of unicast and multicast traffic, which is of great importance for modern telecommunication networks because their traffic load is constantly and rapidly increasing. The first part of the dissertation’s contributions comprises a proposed switch which efficiently manages unicast traffic. The proposed switch is developed by using the best characteristics of the existing solutions while avoiding some of their drawbacks. The aim is to enable fast packet forwarding while achieving an acceptable level of hardware complexity. The proposed solution combines architecture with buffers at input ports and Birkhoff-von Neumann architecture based on deterministic switch module configurations. Hence, calculation of switch module configurations is not needed. Also, folded architecture is possible, which means that only one physical switching module is used for both switching stages of Birkhoff-von Neumann architecture. A simple algorithm for packet scheduling has been developed in order to avoid packet out-of-sequence problems. Finally, fair service support improvement is introduced for the originally proposed switch solution. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to the enhancement of the proposed unicast switch for efficient management of multicast traffic. The need for multicast support has emerged as a consequence of the development and introduction of new services (such as IPTV, online gaming, etc.) that generate multicast traffic. As the amount of multicast traffic is not negligible anymore, the performance of packet switches that were primarily developed for the unicast traffic is significantly degraded. The solution proposed in the first part of the diseration is enhanced with the module used for multicast traffic management. Here, the idea is that the multicast load at some input port is distributed over ports that are also destination for the multicast packets. This approach enables relatively simple but efficient management of multicast traffic. In this dissertation, software simulations were conducted, which confirmed that proposed solutions achieve very good performances compared to existing solutons. Furthermore, hardware implementation of the proposed basic unicast switch solution shows modest requirements in terms of needed hardware resources