248 research outputs found

    Review on Advanced Control Technique in Batch Polymerization Reactor of Styrene

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    Polymerization process have a nonlinear nature since it exhibits a dynamic behavior throughout the process. Therefore, accurate modeling and control technique for the nonlinear process needs to be obtained

    Prediction interval-based modelling and control of nonlinear processes

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     Novel computational intelligence-based methods have been investigated to quantify uncertainties prevalent in the operation of chemical plants. A new family of predication interval-based controlling algorithms is proposed and successfully applied to chemical reactors in order to minimise energy consumption and operational cost

    Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries

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    Stem cell-based therapies are an emerging branch of medicine with the purpose of restoring tissue function for patients with serious injuries, such as a spinal cord injury. As a result, scientists and engineers are increasing research efforts in the field of regenerative medicine. Due to the delicate nature of stem cells, producing the large quantity required for a successful therapy has proved challenging. In recent years, research has shown the potential of stem cell-based therapies, and thus there is a need for the commercialization of these treatments. The proposed facility targets the demand for spinal cord injury treatments and can support production for both clinical trials and a commercial release. Bioreactors designed specifically for the culture and growth of stem cells have flexibility in their ability to support different stem cell lines for various therapies. Small reactors in parallel can easily adapt to changes in production size. This process also takes advantage of the best options currently available for purification and preservation to maximize the product yield. Due to the strict regulations set in place by the FDA and lack of adequate funding, there is an untapped market for stem cell therapies for spinal cord injuries. Approximately 250,000 people in the United States suffer from spinal cord injuries, varying in severity, and this patient base increases at a rate of 12,000 new injuries every year (“Spinal Cord Injury Facts and Figures”, 2009). Future markets include expansion into Europe and Asia. There are two steps to this proposal: the upstream process and the downstream process. The upstream process includes the scale-up, differentiation, and purification of human embryonic stem cells; the downstream process consists of the scale-up of neurons for injection. The upstream process will be built initially and yield enough cells for clinical trials, without incurring the capital costs of building the entire plant. Upon success of the clinical trials, the downstream process will be built for maximum production. The profitability of this proposal is based on running 26 batches a year at 1.02x1010 cells per batch or 2.66x1011 cells per year. By targeting 5,000 patients, two percent of the current market, and charging 45,000perdose,aprofitableprofilecanbecreated.Assuming5045,000 per dose, a profitable profile can be created. Assuming 50% production capacity the first year and a ten-year plant life, the ROI, NPV, and IRR of the proposal are 226.09%, 961,892,600, and 242.81% respectively. Using a 50% production capacity allows for higher profit margins upon expansion. The proposed plan will meet the need of this growing market

    Data-based PID controller designs for nonlinear systems

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    Integrated management of chemical processes in a competitive environment

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    El objetivo general de esta Tesis es mejorar el proceso de la toma de decisiones en la gestión de cadenas de suministro, tomando en cuenta principalmente dos diferencias: ser competitivo considerando las decisiones propias de la cadena de suministro, y ser competitivo dentro de un entorno global. La estructura de ésta tesis se divide en 4 partes principales: La Parte I consiste en una introducción general de los temas cubiertos en esta Tesis (Capítulo 1). Una revisión de la literatura, que nos permite identificar las problemáticas asociadas al proceso de toma de decisiones (Capítulo 2). El Capítulo 3 presenta una introducción de las técnicas y métodos de optimización utilizados para resolver los problemas propuestos en esta Tesis. La Parte II se enfoca en la integración de los niveles de decisión, buscando mejorar la toma de decisiones de la propia cadena de suministro. El Capítulo 4 presenta una formulación matemática que integra las decisiones de síntesis de procesos y las decisiones operacionales. Además, este capítulo presenta un modelo integrado para la toma de decisiones operacionales incluyendo las características del control de procesos. El Capítulo 5 muestra la integración de las decisiones del nivel táctico y el operacional, dicha propuesta está basada en el conocimiento adquirido capturando la información relacionada al nivel operacional. Una vez obtenida esta información se incluye en la toma de decisiones a nivel táctico. Finalmente en el capítulo 6 se desarrolla un modelo simplificado para integrar múltiples cadenas de suministro. El modelo propuesto incluye la información detallada de las entidades presentes en una cadena de suministro (suministradores, plantas de producción, distribuidores y mercados) introduciéndola en un modelo matemático para su coordinación. La Parte III propone la integración explicita de múltiples cadenas de suministro que tienen que enfrentar numerosas situaciones propias de un mercado global. Asimismo, esta parte presenta una nueva herramienta de optimización basada en el uso integrado de métodos de programación matemática y conceptos relacionados a la Teoría de Juegos. En el Capítulo 7 analiza múltiples cadenas de suministro que cooperan o compiten por la demanda global del mercado. El Capítulo 8 incluye una comparación entre el problema resuelto en el Capítulo anterior y un modelo estocástico, los resultados obtenidos nos permiten situar el comportamiento de los competidores como fuente exógena de la incertidumbre típicamente asociada la demanda del mercado. Además, los resultados de ambos Capítulos muestran una mejora sustancial en el coste total de las cadenas de suministro asociada al hecho de cooperar para atender de forma conjunta la demanda disponible. Es por esto, que el Capítulo 9 presenta una nueva herramienta de negociación, basada en la resolución del mismo problema (Capítulo 7) bajo un análisis multiobjetivo. Finalmente, la parte IV presenta las conclusiones finales y una descripción general del trabajo futuro.This Thesis aims to enhance the decision making process in the SCM, remarking the difference between optimizing the SC to be competitive by its own, and to be competitive in a global market in cooperative and competitive environments. The structure of this work has been divided in four main parts: Part I: consists in a general introduction of the main topics covered in this manuscript (Chapter I); a review of the State of the Art that allows us to identify new open issues in the PSE (Chapter 2). Finally, Chapter 3 introduces the main optimization techniques and methods used in this contribution. Part II focuses on the integration of decision making levels in order to improve the decision making of a single SC: Chapter 4 presents a novel formulation to integrate synthesis and scheduling decision making models, additionally, this chapter also shows an integrated operational and control decision making model for distributed generations systems (EGS). Chapter 5 shows the integration of tactical and operational decision making levels. In this chapter a knowledge based approach has been developed capturing the information related to the operational decision making level. Then, this information has been included in the tactical decision making model. In Chapter 6 a simplified approach for integrated SCs is developed, the detailed information of the typical production‐distribution SC echelons has been introduced in a coordinated SC model. Part III proposes the explicit integration of several SC’s decision making in order to face several real market situations. As well, a novel formulation is developed using an MILP model and Game Theory (GT) as a decision making tool. Chapter 7 includes the tactical and operational analysis of several SC’s cooperating or competing for the global market demand. Moreover, Chapter 8 includes a comparison, based on the previous results (MILP‐GT optimization tool) and a two stage stochastic optimization model. Results from both Chapters show how cooperating for the global demand represent an improvement of the overall total cost. Consequently, Chapter 9 presents a bargaining tool obtained by the Multiobjective (MO) resolution of the model presented in Chapter 7. Finally, final conclusions and further work have been provided in Part IV.Postprint (published version

    Desarrollo de un sistema de control predictivo de la temperatura en un reactor de transesterificación

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    La búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativas a los combustibles fósiles, ha motivado el interés por la investigación en nuevos métodos para la obtención de energía. Como es el caso de la producción de biodiesel a partir de aceites usados mediante la reacción de transesterificación. Bajo este criterio, la presente investigación se centra en el desarrollo de estrategias de control avanzado de la temperatura del reactor de transesterificación, con la finalidad de mejorar la eficiencia de conversión de los aceites en ésteres metílicos. Adicionalmente, se busca que la estrategia de control propuesta permita cumplir con las restricciones impuestas en la variable controlada (temperatura del reactor) y pueda trabajar alrededor del límite de operación (temperatura de ebullición del metanol). Para la obtención del modelo de la planta que permita analizar la dinámica del sistema y demostrar su complejidad, se usó la técnica de modelamiento matemático, a partir de las ecuaciones de balance de masa y energía. Para el control de la planta objeto de estudio, se propone el uso de un controlador de matriz dinámica cuadrática (QDMC) con restricciones suaves en la variable controlada y restricciones duras en la variable de control y las tasas de cambio de la misma. Este esquema permite evitar la no feasibilidad del algoritmo de programación cuadrática (QP) usado para resolver el problema de optimización del QDMC. Como parte final de la presente investigación y con la finalidad de demostrar la mejora mediante el uso de estrategias de control avanzado para la presente planta, se realizó la comparativa del controlador diseñado con un controlador PID convencional.Tesi

    An overview of decision table literature.

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    The present report contains an overview of the literature on decision tables since its origin. The goal is to analyze the dissemination of decision tables in different areas of knowledge, countries and languages, especially showing these that present the most interest on decision table use. In the first part a description of the scope of the overview is given. Next, the classification results by topic are explained. An abstract and some keywords are included for each reference, normally provided by the authors. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. Other examined topics are the theoretical or practical feature of each document, as well as its origin country and language. Finally, the main body of the paper consists of the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.