741 research outputs found

    "Predictors of Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relations: A Contextual and Cultural Comparison of Japan and Turkey"

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    Trust is a dimension of buyer-supplier relations being researched widely, but studies have generally focused on developed economies. Developing countries, however, have contextual and cultural factors that may differentiate them from developed countries. This study attempts to apply a theoretical model developed for the US, Japan, and Korea to a developing country context, namely Turkey. While Turkey has cultural similarities to Japan in terms of collectivism and risk aversion, the results of the theoretical model show that is does not fit the Turkish case. Suggestions are made to extend the model theoretically and measurement-wise to help explain trust building factors in developing countries.

    Managing global production: theory and evidence from just-in-time supply chains

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    Revised August 2020. Global value chains are highly fragmented across countries and dominated by a few large multinational firms. But the challenges of an increasingly difficult international business environment are raising the question of how these patterns will change. I study the role of international Just-in-Time (JIT) supply chains in how global production is organized and what the future may hold. Using survey and administrative data for a large panel of French manufacturers, I first document that JIT is widespread across all industries and accounts for roughly two thirds of aggregate employment and trade. Next, I establish two novel stylized facts about the structure of international JIT supply chains: (1) They are more concentrated in space and (2) more vertically integrated than their ‘traditional’ counterparts. I rationalize these patterns in a framework of sequential production where failure to coordinate adaptation decisions in an uncertain environment leads to inventory holding. In JIT supply chains, information about downstream demand conditions is relayed upstream, which facilitates coordination. The associated inventory saving effect is stronger when firms are close to each other, so that the supply chain reacts quickly to changes in demand. This also applies when they are part of the same company and incentives for adaptation are aligned. I validate this model by supporting empirical evidence for further predictions and discuss potential long term implications of Brexit and COVID-19 for the structure of international supply chains

    Procurement contract practices in construction business

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    Sopimuskäytännöt ovat yksi tärkeä tekijä yrityksissä, joiden liiketoiminta on kansainvälistä. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee sopimusten roolia projekti liiketoiminnassa. Tavoite on tutkia sopi-muskäytäntöjä rakennusalan yrityksessä, jonka liiketoiminta on projektiperusteista. Tässä tutkimuksessa parhaita sopimuskäytäntöjä tutkitaan kirjallisuuden- ja muun datan analysoin-nilla, sekä alan henkilöiden haastatteluilla. Erimielisyydet liiketoimintaan liittyen hoidetaan oikeudessa, elleivät sopimusosapuolet muul-la tavoin pääse yhteisymmärrykseen. Henkilön, joka laatii sopimukset on hyvä tuntea maan oikeuskäytännöt. Sopimuksessa voi olla ehtoja, jotka eivät oikeudessa pidä. Nämä ovat ehto-ja, joita ei ole syytä sopimukseen kirjoittaa, sillä niiden pitävyyteen riitatilanteessa ei voi luot-taa. Yksi tutkimuksen tuloksista sopimuskäytäntöihin liittyen, on sopimuksen kirjallinen muoto. Sopimuksen kuuluu olla mahdollisimman selkeä, ja riittävän hyvin määritelty. Ehtojen riittä-vän selkeä ja tarkka määrittely vähentää osapuolten väärinymmärryksiä, ja näin ehkäisee riitatilanteita. Sopimusta laatiessa on myös hyvä varmistua siitä, että molemmat osapuolet ymmärtävät velvollisuutensa ja oikeutensa. Yksi päätavoite sopimusta laatiessa on minimoida väärinymmärryksen mahdollisuus, ja minimoida informationaalinen epätasapaino osapuolten välillä. Selkeän sopimuksen tärkeys korostuu kansainvälisessä liiketoiminnassa. Kansainväli-sessä liiketoiminnassa molemmat osapuolet joutuvat mahdollisesti toimimaan vieraalla kielel-lä, jolloin kielen aiheuttaman väärinymmärryksen riski kasvaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset myös korostavat yksityiskohtien merkitystä sopimuksissa. Yksityiskoh-dat ja lauseen muotoilut ovat tärkeitä, sillä lauseen muotoilu voi vaikuttaa lauseen merkityk-seen, ja näin vaikuttaa myös osapuolten velvollisuuksiin ja oikeuksiin sopimusehdoissa. So-pimuksen tulisi aina olla laadittuna selkokielellä niin, että molemmat osapuolet ymmärtävät toistensa oikeudet ja velvollisuudet. Sopimuksen tavoitteena tulisi myös olla riitatilanteiden ennaltaehkäiseminen

    Supply chain disruptions and sourcing strategies

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    Supply chain disruptions have recently been at the center of both academic and policy debates. After reviewing some of the emerging literature on supply chain disruptions, we discuss the role of buyers' sourcing strategies in mediating responses to such shocks. We focus on two dimensions of a buyer's sourcing strategy: relationality (the extent to which the buyer concentrates its sourcing in a few core suppliers) and just-in-time. On the one hand, theoretical models of sourcing suggest that these are complementary practices and their adoption should be positively correlated in the data. On the other hand, the two dimensions have opposing implications for supply-chain resilience to shocks. We borrow an empirical proxy for a buyer's relationality from Cajal-Grossi et al. (2023) and introduce a new proxy for a buyer's adoption of just-in-time inventory systems. Using data from the apparel global value chain we compute the two proxies and present three results: (a) the variation in both relationality and just-in-time is mostly explained by across-buyer variation, rather than product or country variation, (b) consistent with the theoretical analysis in Taylor and Wiggins (1997), relationality and just-in-time are highly correlated with each other across buyers, (c) at the onset of the global Covid-19 pandemic, buyers' overall sourced values declined relatively less for relational buyers but not for buyers with just-in-time inventory systems

    Resource and cost management

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    Educational lecture notes contains the fundamentals of a general theory of resource and cost management, classification of costs for decision-making, methods of constructing cost functions of the enterprise, analysis of the relationship between costs, volume and profits, the methods and systems of cost calculation, principles of cost management system. Designed for students directions 073 «Management» and 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity»

    An Empirical Analysis to Control Product Counterfeiting in the Automotive Industry\u27s Supply Chains in Pakistan

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    The counterfeits pose significant health and safety threat to consumers. The quality image of firms is vulnerable to the damage caused by the expanding flow of counterfeit products in today’s global supply chains. The counterfeiting markets are swelling due to globalization and customers’ willingness to buy counterfeits, fueling illicit activities to explode further. Buyers look for the original parts are deceived by the false (deceptive) signals’ communication. The counterfeiting market has become a multi-billion industry but lacks detailed insights into the supply side of counterfeiting (deceptive side). The study aims to investigate and assess the relationship between the anti-counterfeiting strategies and improvement in the firm’s supply performance within the internal and external supply chain quality management context in the auto-parts industry’s supply chains in Pakistan