1,536 research outputs found

    Differential Krull dimension in differential polynomial extensions

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    We investigate the differential Krull dimension of differential polynomials over a differential ring. We prove a differential analogue of Jaffard's Special Chain Theorem and show that differential polynomial extensions of certain classes of differential rings have no anomaly of differential Krull dimension.Comment: 23 page

    Prime spectra of quantized coordinate rings

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    This paper is partly a report on current knowledge concerning the structure of (generic) quantized coordinate rings and their prime spectra, and partly propaganda in support of the conjecture that since these algebras share many common properties, there must be a common basis on which to treat them. The first part of the paper is expository. We survey a number of classes of quantized coordinate rings, as well as some related algebras that share common properties, and we record some of the basic properties known to occur for many of these algebras, culminating in stratifications of the prime spectra by the actions of tori of automorphisms. As our main interest is in the generic case, we assume various parameters are not roots of unity whenever convenient. In the second part of the paper, which is based on joint work with E. S. Letzter in [The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence in quantum coordinate rings and quantized Weyl algebras (to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.)], we offer some support for the conjecture above, in the form of an axiomatic basis for the observed stratifications and their properties. At present, the existence of a suitable supply of normal elements is taken as one of the axioms; the search for better axioms that yield such normal elements is left as an open problem.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in Proceedings of Euroconference on Interactions between Ring Theory and Representations of Algebras (Murcia, 1998). See also http://www.math.ucsb.edu/~goodearl/preprints.html

    Quantum Schubert cells via representation theory and ring theory

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    We resolve two questions of Cauchon and Meriaux on the spectra of the quantum Schubert cell algebras U^-[w]. The treatment of the first one unifies two very different approaches to Spec U^-[w], a ring theoretic one via deleting derivations and a representation theoretic one via Demazure modules. The outcome is that now one can combine the strengths of both methods. As an application we solve the containment problem for the Cauchon-Meriaux classification of torus invariant prime ideals of U^-[w]. Furthermore, we construct explicit models in terms of quantum minors for the Cauchon quantum affine space algebras constructed via the procedure of deleting derivations from all quantum Schubert cell algebras U^-[w]. Finally, our methods also give a new, independent proof of the Cauchon-Meriaux classification.Comment: 29 pages, AMS Latex, minor changes in v.

    The Prime Spectrum of Quantum SL3SL_3 and the Poisson-prime Spectrum of its Semi-classical Limit

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    A bijection ψ\psi is defined between the prime spectrum of quantum SL3SL_3 and the Poisson prime spectrum of SL3SL_3, and we verify that ψ\psi and Οˆβˆ’1\psi^{-1} both preserve inclusions of primes, i.e. that ψ\psi is in fact a homeomorphism between these two spaces. This is accomplished by developing a Poisson analogue of Brown and Goodearl's framework for describing the Zariski topology of spectra of quantum algebras, and then verifying directly that in the case of SL3SL_3 these give rise to identical pictures on both the quantum and Poisson sides. As part of this analysis, we study the Poisson primitive spectrum of O(SL3)\mathcal{O}(SL_3) and obtain explicit generating sets for all of the Poisson primitive ideals.Comment: Minor updates, clarifications, etc throughout the text. To appear in Transactions of the London Mathematical Societ

    A sparse effective Nullstellensatz

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    We present bounds for the sparseness and for the degrees of the polynomials in the Nullstellensatz. Our bounds depend mainly on the unmixed volume of the input polynomial system. The degree bounds can substantially improve the known ones when this polynomial system is sparse, and they are, in the worst case, simply exponential in terms of the number of variables and the maximum degree of the input polynomials.Comment: 24 pages, Latex2e, available at http://www.dm.uba.ar/tera/ and http://hilbert.matesco.unican.es/tera

    Prime Ideals of q-Commutative Power Series Rings

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    We study the "q-commutative" power series ring R:=k_q[[x_1,...,x_n]], defined by the relations x_ix_j = q_{ij}x_j x_i, for multiplicatively antisymmetric scalars q_{ij} in a field k. Our results provide a detailed account of prime ideal structure for a class of noncommutative, complete, local, noetherian domains having arbitrarily high (but finite) Krull, global, and classical Krull dimension. In particular, we prove that the prime spectrum of R is normally separated and is finitely stratified by commutative noetherian spectra. Combining this normal separation with results of Chan, Wu, Yekutieli, and Zhang, we are able to conclude that R is catenary. Following the approach of Brown and Goodearl, we also show that links between prime ideals are provided by canonical automorphisms. Moreover, for sufficiently generic q_{ij}, we find that R has only finitely many prime ideals and is a UFD (in the sense of Chatters).Comment: Revised; to appear in Algebras and Representation Theory. In this (final) version, catenarity is established, by combining normal separation with results of Chan, Wu, Yekutieli, and Zhang

    From quantum Ore extensions to quantum tori via noncommutative UFDs

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    All iterated skew polynomial extensions arising from quantized universal enveloping algebras of Kac-Moody algebras are special examples of a very large, axiomatically defined class of algebras, called CGL extensions. For the purposes of constructing initial clusters for quantum cluster algebra structures on an algebra R, and classification of the automorphisms of R, one needs embeddings of R into quantum tori T which have the property that R contains the corresponding quantum affine space algebra A. We explicitly construct such an embedding A \subseteq R \subset T for each CGL extension R using the methods of noncommutative noetherian unique factorization domains and running a Gelfand-Tsetlin type procedure with normal, instead of central elements. Along the way we classify the homogeneous prime elements of all CGL extensions and we prove that each CGL extension R has an associated maximal torus which covers the automorphisms of R corresponding to all normal elements. For symmetric CGL extensions, we describe the relationship between our quantum affine space algebra A and Cauchon's quantum affine space algebra generated by elements obtained via deleting derivations.Comment: 35 pages, AMS Latex. Final version; accepted for Advances in Mathematic

    Zariski topologies on stratified spectra of quantum algebras

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    A framework is developed to describe the Zariski topologies on the prime and primitive spectra of a quantum algebra AA in terms of the (known) topologies on strata of these spaces and maps between the collections of closed sets of different strata. A conjecture is formulated, under which the desired maps would arise from homomorphisms between certain central subalgebras of localized factor algebras of AA. When the conjecture holds, spec AA and prim AA are then determined, as topological spaces, by a finite collection of (classical) affine algebraic varieties and morphisms between them. The conjecture is verified for Oq(GL2(k)){\cal O}_q(GL_2(k)), Oq(SL3(k)){\cal O}_q(SL_3(k)), and Oq(M2(k)){\cal O}_q(M_2(k)) when qq is a non-root of unity and the base field kk is algebraically closed.Comment: 23 pages; 4 xypic diagram

    Semicrossed Products of Operator Algebras by Semigroups

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    We examine the semicrossed products of a semigroup action by βˆ—*-endomorphisms on a C*-algebra, or more generally of an action on an arbitrary operator algebra by completely contractive endomorphisms. The choice of allowable representations affects the corresponding universal algebra. We seek quite general conditions which will allow us to show that the C*-envelope of the semicrossed product is (a full corner of) a crossed product of an auxiliary C*-algebra by a group action. Our analysis concerns a case-by-case dilation theory on covariant pairs. In the process we determine the C*-envelope for various semicrossed products of (possibly nonselfadjoint) operator algebras by spanning cones and lattice-ordered abelian semigroups. In particular, we show that the C*-envelope of the semicrossed product of C*-dynamical systems by doubly commuting representations of Z+n\mathbb{Z}^n_+ (by generally non-injective endomorphisms) is the full corner of a C*-crossed product. In consequence we connect the ideal structure of C*-covers to properties of the actions. In particular, when the system is classical, we show that the C*-envelope is simple if and only if the action is injective and minimal. The dilation methods that we use may be applied to non-abelian semigroups. We identify the C*-envelope for actions of the free semigroup F+n\mathbb{F}_+^n by automorphisms in a concrete way, and for injective systems in a more abstract manner. We also deal with C*-dynamical systems over Ore semigroups when the appropriate covariance relation is considered.Comment: 100 pages; comments and references update

    Prime ideals invariant under winding automorphisms in quantum matrices

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    The main goal of the paper is to establish the existence of tensor product decompositions for those prime ideals P of the generic algebra A of quantum n by n matrices which are invariant under winding automorphisms of A. More specifically, every such P is the kernel of a map from A to (A^+/P^+) tensor (A^-/P^-) obtained by composing comultiplication, localization, and quotient maps, where A^+ and A^- are special localized quotients of A while P^+ and P^- are prime ideals invariant under winding automorphisms. Further, the algebras A^+ and A^-, which vary with P, can be chosen so that the correspondence sending (P^+,P^-) to P is a bijection. The main theorem is applied, in a sequel to this paper, to completely determine the winding-invariant prime ideals in the generic quantum 3 by 3 matrix algebra.Comment: 36 pages. See also http://www.math.ucsb.edu/~goodearl/preprints.html
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