456 research outputs found

    RNN-based speech synthesis using a continuous sinusoidal model

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    Recently in statistical parametric speech synthesis, we proposed a continuous sinusoidal model (CSM) using continuous F0 (contF0) in combination with Maximum Voiced Frequency (MVF), which was successfully giving state-of-the-art vocoders performance (e.g. similar to STRAIGHT) in synthesized speech. In this paper, we address the use of sequence-to-sequence modeling with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) is investigated and applied using our CSM to model contF0, MVF, and Mel-Generalized Cepstrum (MGC) for more natural sounding synthesized speech. For refining the output of the contF0 estimation, post-processing based on time-warping approach is applied to reduce the unwanted voiced component of the unvoiced speech sounds, resulting in an enhanced contF0 track. The overall conclusion is covered by objective evaluation and subjective listening test, showing that the proposed framework provides satisfactory results in terms of naturalness and intelligibility, and is comparable to the high-quality WORLD model based RNNs.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to IJCNN 201

    A Vocoder-free WaveNet Voice Conversion with Non-Parallel Data

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    In a typical voice conversion system, vocoder is commonly used for speech-to-features analysis and features-to-speech synthesis. However, vocoder can be a source of speech quality degradation. This paper presents a vocoder-free voice conversion approach using WaveNet for non-parallel training data. Instead of dealing with the intermediate features, the proposed approach utilizes the WaveNet to map the Phonetic PosteriorGrams (PPGs) to the waveform samples directly. In this way, we avoid the estimation errors caused by vocoder and feature conversion. Additionally, as PPG is assumed to be speaker independent, the proposed method also reduces the feature mismatch problem in WaveNet vocoder based approaches. Experimental results conducted on the CMU-ARCTIC database show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the baseline approaches in terms of speech quality.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, This paper is submitted to INTERSPEECH 201

    Transforming Spectrum and Prosody for Emotional Voice Conversion with Non-Parallel Training Data

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    Emotional voice conversion aims to convert the spectrum and prosody to change the emotional patterns of speech, while preserving the speaker identity and linguistic content. Many studies require parallel speech data between different emotional patterns, which is not practical in real life. Moreover, they often model the conversion of fundamental frequency (F0) with a simple linear transform. As F0 is a key aspect of intonation that is hierarchical in nature, we believe that it is more adequate to model F0 in different temporal scales by using wavelet transform. We propose a CycleGAN network to find an optimal pseudo pair from non-parallel training data by learning forward and inverse mappings simultaneously using adversarial and cycle-consistency losses. We also study the use of continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to decompose F0 into ten temporal scales, that describes speech prosody at different time resolution, for effective F0 conversion. Experimental results show that our proposed framework outperforms the baselines both in objective and subjective evaluations.Comment: accepted by Speaker Odyssey 2020 in Tokyo, Japa

    Taco-VC: A Single Speaker Tacotron based Voice Conversion with Limited Data

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    This paper introduces Taco-VC, a novel architecture for voice conversion based on Tacotron synthesizer, which is a sequence-to-sequence with attention model. The training of multi-speaker voice conversion systems requires a large number of resources, both in training and corpus size. Taco-VC is implemented using a single speaker Tacotron synthesizer based on Phonetic PosteriorGrams (PPGs) and a single speaker WaveNet vocoder conditioned on mel spectrograms. To enhance the converted speech quality, and to overcome over-smoothing, the outputs of Tacotron are passed through a novel speechenhancement network, which is composed of a combination of the phoneme recognition and Tacotron networks. Our system is trained just with a single speaker corpus and adapts to new speakers using only a few minutes of training data. Using mid-size public datasets, our method outperforms the baseline in the VCC 2018 SPOKE non-parallel voice conversion task and achieves competitive results compared to multi-speaker networks trained on large private datasets.Comment: Accepted to EUSIPCO 202

    TTS Skins: Speaker Conversion via ASR

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    We present a fully convolutional wav-to-wav network for converting between speakers' voices, without relying on text. Our network is based on an encoder-decoder architecture, where the encoder is pre-trained for the task of Automatic Speech Recognition, and a multi-speaker waveform decoder is trained to reconstruct the original signal in an autoregressive manner. We train the network on narrated audiobooks, and demonstrate multi-voice TTS in those voices, by converting the voice of a TTS robot

    Speech-to-Singing Conversion based on Boundary Equilibrium GAN

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    This paper investigates the use of generative adversarial network (GAN)-based models for converting the spectrogram of a speech signal into that of a singing one, without reference to the phoneme sequence underlying the speech. This is achieved by viewing speech-to-singing conversion as a style transfer problem. Specifically, given a speech input, and optionally the F0 contour of the target singing, the proposed model generates as the output a singing signal with a progressive-growing encoder/decoder architecture and boundary equilibrium GAN loss functions. Our quantitative and qualitative analysis show that the proposed model generates singing voices with much higher naturalness than an existing non adversarially-trained baseline. For reproducibility, the code will be publicly available at a GitHub repository upon paper publication.Comment: Accepted for publication at INTERSPEECH 202

    ConvS2S-VC: Fully convolutional sequence-to-sequence voice conversion

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    This paper proposes a voice conversion (VC) method using sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq or S2S) learning, which flexibly converts not only the voice characteristics but also the pitch contour and duration of input speech. The proposed method, called ConvS2S-VC, has three key features. First, it uses a model with a fully convolutional architecture. This is particularly advantageous in that it is suitable for parallel computations using GPUs. It is also beneficial since it enables effective normalization techniques such as batch normalization to be used for all the hidden layers in the networks. Second, it achieves many-to-many conversion by simultaneously learning mappings among multiple speakers using only a single model instead of separately learning mappings between each speaker pair using a different model. This enables the model to fully utilize available training data collected from multiple speakers by capturing common latent features that can be shared across different speakers. Owing to this structure, our model works reasonably well even without source speaker information, thus making it able to handle any-to-many conversion tasks. Third, we introduce a mechanism, called the conditional batch normalization that switches batch normalization layers in accordance with the target speaker. This particular mechanism has been found to be extremely effective for our many-to-many conversion model. We conducted speaker identity conversion experiments and found that ConvS2S-VC obtained higher sound quality and speaker similarity than baseline methods. We also found from audio examples that it could perform well in various tasks including emotional expression conversion, electrolaryngeal speech enhancement, and English accent conversion.Comment: Published in IEEE/ACM Trans. ASLP https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/911344

    Unsupervised acoustic unit discovery for speech synthesis using discrete latent-variable neural networks

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    For our submission to the ZeroSpeech 2019 challenge, we apply discrete latent-variable neural networks to unlabelled speech and use the discovered units for speech synthesis. Unsupervised discrete subword modelling could be useful for studies of phonetic category learning in infants or in low-resource speech technology requiring symbolic input. We use an autoencoder (AE) architecture with intermediate discretisation. We decouple acoustic unit discovery from speaker modelling by conditioning the AE's decoder on the training speaker identity. At test time, unit discovery is performed on speech from an unseen speaker, followed by unit decoding conditioned on a known target speaker to obtain reconstructed filterbanks. This output is fed to a neural vocoder to synthesise speech in the target speaker's voice. For discretisation, categorical variational autoencoders (CatVAEs), vector-quantised VAEs (VQ-VAEs) and straight-through estimation are compared at different compression levels on two languages. Our final model uses convolutional encoding, VQ-VAE discretisation, deconvolutional decoding and an FFTNet vocoder. We show that decoupled speaker conditioning intrinsically improves discrete acoustic representations, yielding competitive synthesis quality compared to the challenge baseline.Comment: Interspeech 201

    Statistical Voice Conversion with Quasi-Periodic WaveNet Vocoder

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    In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of a quasi-periodic WaveNet (QPNet) vocoder combined with a statistical spectral conversion technique for a voice conversion task. The WaveNet (WN) vocoder has been applied as the waveform generation module in many different voice conversion frameworks and achieves significant improvement over conventional vocoders. However, because of the fixed dilated convolution and generic network architecture, the WN vocoder lacks robustness against unseen input features and often requires a huge network size to achieve acceptable speech quality. Such limitations usually lead to performance degradation in the voice conversion task. To overcome this problem, the QPNet vocoder is applied, which includes a pitch-dependent dilated convolution component to enhance the pitch controllability and attain a more compact network than the WN vocoder. In the proposed method, input spectral features are first converted using a framewise deep neural network, and then the QPNet vocoder generates converted speech conditioned on the linearly converted prosodic and transformed spectral features. The experimental results confirm that the QPNet vocoder achieves significantly better performance than the same-size WN vocoder while maintaining comparable speech quality to the double-size WN vocoder. Index Terms: WaveNet, vocoder, voice conversion, pitch-dependent dilated convolution, pitch controllabilityComment: 6pages, 7figures, Proc. SSW10, 201

    Waveform Modeling and Generation Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Bandwidth Extension

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    This paper presents a waveform modeling and generation method using hierarchical recurrent neural networks (HRNN) for speech bandwidth extension (BWE). Different from conventional BWE methods which predict spectral parameters for reconstructing wideband speech waveforms, this BWE method models and predicts waveform samples directly without using vocoders. Inspired by SampleRNN which is an unconditional neural audio generator, the HRNN model represents the distribution of each wideband or high-frequency waveform sample conditioned on the input narrowband waveform samples using a neural network composed of long short-term memory (LSTM) layers and feed-forward (FF) layers. The LSTM layers form a hierarchical structure and each layer operates at a specific temporal resolution to efficiently capture long-span dependencies between temporal sequences. Furthermore, additional conditions, such as the bottleneck (BN) features derived from narrowband speech using a deep neural network (DNN)-based state classifier, are employed as auxiliary input to further improve the quality of generated wideband speech. The experimental results of comparing several waveform modeling methods show that the HRNN-based method can achieve better speech quality and run-time efficiency than the dilated convolutional neural network (DCNN)-based method and the plain sample-level recurrent neural network (SRNN)-based method. Our proposed method also outperforms the conventional vocoder-based BWE method using LSTM-RNNs in terms of the subjective quality of the reconstructed wideband speech.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin
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