228 research outputs found

    Efficient Processing of Ranking Queries in Novel Applications

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    Ranking queries, which return only a subset of results matching a user query, have been studied extensively in the past decade due to their importance in a wide range of applications. In this thesis, we study ranking queries in novel environments and settings where they have not been considered so far. With the advancements in sensor technologies, these small devices are today present in all corners of human life. Millions of them are deployed in various places and are sending data on a continuous basis. These sensors which before mainly monitored environmental phenomena or production chains, have now found their way into our daily lives as well; health monitoring being a plausible example of how much we rely on continuous observation of measurements. As the Web technology evolves and facilitates data stream transmissions, sensors do not remain the sole producers of data in form of streams. The Web 2.0 has escalated the production of user-generated content which appear in form of annotated posts in a Weblog (blog), pictures and videos, or small textual snippets reflecting the current activity or status of users and can be regarded as natural items of a temporal stream. A major part of this thesis is devoted to developing novel methods which assist in keeping track of this ever increasing flow of information with continuous monitoring of ranking queries over them, particularly when traditional approaches fail to meet the newly raised requirements. We consider the ranking problem when the information flow is not synchronized among its sources. This is a recurring situation, since sensors are run by different organizations, measure moving entities, or are simply represented by users which are inherently not synchronizable. Our methods are in particular designed for handling unsynchronized streams, calculating an object's score based on both its currently observed contribution to the registered queries as well as the contribution it might have in future. While this uncertainty in score calculation causes linear growth in the space necessary for providing exact results, we are able to define criteria which allows for evicting unpromising objects as early as possible. We also leverage statistical properties that reflect the correlation between multiple streams to predict the future to provide better bounds for the best possible contribution of an object, consequently limiting the necessary storage dramatically. To achieve this, we make use of small statistical synopses that are periodically refreshed during runtime. Furthermore, we consider user generated queries in the context of Web 2.0 applications which aim at filtering data streams in forms of textual documents, based on personal interests. In this case, the dimensionality of the data, the large cardinality of the subscribed queries, as well as the desire for consuming recent information, raise new challenges. We develop new approaches which efficiently filter the information and provide real-time updates to the user subscribed queries. Our methods rely on a novel ordering of user queries in traditional inverted lists which allows the system to effectively prune those queries for which a new piece of information is of no interest. Finally, we investigate high quality search in user generated content in Web 2.0 applications in form of images or videos. These resources are inherently dispersed all over the globe, therefore can be best managed in a purely distributed peer-to-peer network which eliminates single points of failure. Search in such a huge repository of high dimensional data involves evaluating ranking queries in form of nearest neighbor queries. Therefore, we study ranking queries in high dimensional spaces, where the index of the objects is maintained in a purely distributed fashion. Our solution meets the two major requirements of a viable solution in distributing the index and evaluating ranking queries: the underlying peer-to-peer network remains load balanced, and efficient query evaluation is feasible as similar objects are assigned to nearby peers

    Efficient processing of large-scale spatio-temporal data

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    Millionen Geräte, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone, Autos und Umweltsensoren senden ihre Positionen zusammen mit einem Zeitstempel und weiteren Nutzdaten an einen Server zu verschiedenen Analysezwecken. Die Positionsinformationen und übertragenen Ereignisinformationen werden als Punkte oder Polygone dargestellt. Eine weitere Art räumlicher Daten sind Rasterdaten, die zum Beispiel von Kameras und Sensoren produziert werden. Diese großen räumlich-zeitlichen Datenmengen können nur auf skalierbaren Plattformen wie Hadoop und Apache Spark verarbeitet werden, die jedoch z.B. die Nachbarschaftsinformation nicht ausnutzen können - was die Ausführung bestimmter Anfragen praktisch unmöglich macht. Die wiederholten Ausführungen der Analyseprogramme während ihrer Entwicklung und durch verschiedene Nutzer resultieren in langen Ausführungszeiten und hohen Kosten für gemietete Ressourcen, die durch die Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissen reduziert werden können. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den beiden oben beschriebenen Herausforderungen. Wir präsentieren zunächst das STARK Framework für die Verarbeitung räumlich-zeitlicher Vektor- und Rasterdaten in Apache Spark. Wir identifizieren verschiedene Algorithmen für Operatoren und analysieren, wie diese von den Eigenschaften der zugrundeliegenden Plattform profitieren können. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie Indexe in der verteilten und parallelen Umgebung realisiert werden können. Außerdem vergleichen wir Partitionierungsmethoden, die unterschiedlich gut mit ungleichmäßiger Datenverteilung und der Größe der Datenmenge umgehen können und präsentieren einen Ansatz um die auf Operatorebene zu verarbeitende Datenmenge frühzeitig zu reduzieren. Um die Ausführungszeit von Programmen zu verkürzen, stellen wir einen Ansatz zur transparenten Materialisierung von Zwischenergebnissen vor. Dieser Ansatz benutzt ein Entscheidungsmodell, welches auf den tatsächlichen Operatorkosten basiert. In der Evaluierung vergleichen wir die verschiedenen Implementierungs- sowie Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten in STARK und identifizieren Szenarien wann Partitionierung und Indexierung eingesetzt werden sollten. Außerdem vergleichen wir STARK mit verwandten Systemen. Im zweiten Teil der Evaluierung zeigen wir, dass die transparente Wiederverwendung der materialisierten Zwischenergebnisse die Ausführungszeit der Programme signifikant verringern kann.Millions of location-aware devices, such as mobile phones, cars, and environmental sensors constantly report their positions often in combination with a timestamp to a server for different kinds of analyses. While the location information of the devices and reported events is represented as points and polygons, raster data is another type of spatial data, which is for example produced by cameras and sensors. This Big spatio-temporal Data needs to be processed on scalable platforms, such as Hadoop and Apache Spark, which, however, are unaware of, e.g., spatial neighborhood, what makes them practically impossible to use for this kind of data. The repeated executions of the programs during development and by different users result in long execution times and potentially high costs in rented clusters, which can be reduced by reusing commonly computed intermediate results. Within this thesis, we tackle the two challenges described above. First, we present the STARK framework for processing spatio-temporal vector and raster data on the Apache Spark stack. For operators, we identify several possible algorithms and study how they can benefit from the underlying platform's properties. We further investigate how indexes can be realized in the distributed and parallel architecture of Big Data processing engines and compare methods for data partitioning, which perform differently well with respect to data skew and data set size. Furthermore, an approach to reduce the amount of data to process at operator level is presented. In order to reduce the execution times, we introduce an approach to transparently recycle intermediate results of dataflow programs, based on operator costs. To compute the costs, we instrument the programs with profiling code to gather the execution time and result size of the operators. In the evaluation, we first compare the various implementation and configuration possibilities in STARK and identify scenarios when and how partitioning and indexing should be applied. We further compare STARK to related systems and show that we can achieve significantly better execution times, not only when exploiting existing partitioning information. In the second part of the evaluation, we show that with the transparent cost-based materialization and recycling of intermediate results, the execution times of programs can be reduced significantly

    Vision-based 3D Pose Retrieval and Reconstruction

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    The people analysis and the understandings of their motions are the key components in many applications like sports sciences, biomechanics, medical rehabilitation, animated movie productions and the game industry. In this context, retrieval and reconstruction of the articulated 3D human poses are considered as the significant sub-elements. In this dissertation, we address the problem of retrieval and reconstruction of the 3D poses from a monocular video or even from a single RGB image. We propose a few data-driven pipelines to retrieve and reconstruct the 3D poses by exploiting the motion capture data as a prior. The main focus of our proposed approaches is to bridge the gap between the separate media of the 3D marker-based recording and the capturing of motions or photographs using a simple RGB camera. In principal, we leverage both media together efficiently for 3D pose estimation. We have shown that our proposed methodologies need not any synchronized 3D-2D pose-image pairs to retrieve and reconstruct the final 3D poses, and are flexible enough to capture motion in any studio-like indoor environment or outdoor natural environment. In first part of the dissertation, we propose model based approaches for full body human motion reconstruction from the video input by employing just 2D joint positions of the four end effectors and the head. We resolve the 3D-2D pose-image cross model correspondence by developing an intermediate container the knowledge base through the motion capture data which contains information about how people move. It includes the 3D normalized pose space and the corresponding synchronized 2D normalized pose space created by utilizing a number of virtual cameras. We first detect and track the features of these five joints from the input motion sequences using SURF, MSER and colorMSER feature detectors, which vote for the possible 2D locations for these joints in the video. The extraction of suitable feature sets from both, the input control signals and the motion capture data, enables us to retrieve the closest instances from the motion capture dataset through employing the fast searching and retrieval techniques. We develop a graphical structure online lazy neighbourhood graph in order to make the similarity search more accurate and robust by deploying the temporal coherence of the input control signals. The retrieved prior poses are exploited further in order to stabilize the feature detection and tracking process. Finally, the 3D motion sequences are reconstructed by a non-linear optimizer that takes into account multiple energy terms. We evaluate our approaches with a series of experiment scenarios designed in terms of performing actors, camera viewpoints and the noisy inputs. Only a little preprocessing is needed by our methods and the reconstruction processes run close to real time. The second part of the dissertation is dedicated to 3D human pose estimation from a monocular single image. First, we propose an efficient 3D pose retrieval strategy which leads towards a novel data driven approach to reconstruct a 3D human pose from a monocular still image. We design and devise multiple feature sets for global similarity search. At runtime, we search for the similar poses from a motion capture dataset in a definite feature space made up of specific joints. We introduce two-fold method for camera estimation, where we exploit the view directions at which we perform sampling of the MoCap dataset as well as the MoCap priors to minimize the projection error. We also benefit from the MoCap priors and the joints' weights in order to learn a low-dimensional local 3D pose model which is constrained further by multiple energies to infer the final 3D human pose. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on synthetically generated examples, the real internet images and the hand-drawn sketches. We achieve state-of-the-arts results when the test and MoCap data are from the same dataset and obtain competitive results when the motion capture data is taken from a different dataset. Second, we propose a dual source approach for 3D pose estimation from a single RGB image. One major challenge for 3D pose estimation from a single RGB image is the acquisition of sufficient training data. In particular, collecting large amounts of training data that contain unconstrained images and are annotated with accurate 3D poses is infeasible. We therefore propose to use two independent training sources. The first source consists of images with annotated 2D poses and the second source consists of accurate 3D motion capture data. To integrate both sources, we propose a dual-source approach that combines 2D pose estimation with efficient and robust 3D pose retrieval. In our experiments, we show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results and is even competitive when the skeleton structures of the two sources differ substantially. In the last part of the dissertation, we focus on how the different techniques, developed for the human motion capturing, retrieval and reconstruction can be adapted to handle the quadruped motion capture data and which new applications may appear. We discuss some particularities which must be considered during capturing the large animal motions. For retrieval, we derive the suitable feature sets in order to perform fast searches into the MoCap dataset for similar motion segments. At the end, we present a data-driven approach to reconstruct the quadruped motions from the video input data

    Soundtrack recommendation for images

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    The drastic increase in production of multimedia content has emphasized the research concerning its organization and retrieval. In this thesis, we address the problem of music retrieval when a set of images is given as input query, i.e., the problem of soundtrack recommendation for images. The task at hand is to recommend appropriate music to be played during the presentation of a given set of query images. To tackle this problem, we formulate a hypothesis that the knowledge appropriate for the task is contained in publicly available contemporary movies. Our approach, Picasso, employs similarity search techniques inside the image and music domains, harvesting movies to form a link between the domains. To achieve a fair and unbiased comparison between different soundtrack recommendation approaches, we proposed an evaluation benchmark. The evaluation results are reported for Picasso and the baseline approach, using the proposed benchmark. We further address two efficiency aspects that arise from the Picasso approach. First, we investigate the problem of processing top-K queries with set-defined selections and propose an index structure that aims at minimizing the query answering latency. Second, we address the problem of similarity search in high-dimensional spaces and propose two enhancements to the Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) scheme. We also investigate the prospects of a distributed similarity search algorithm based on LSH using the MapReduce framework. Finally, we give an overview of the PicasSound|a smartphone application based on the Picasso approach.Der drastische Anstieg von verfügbaren Multimedia-Inhalten hat die Bedeutung der Forschung über deren Organisation sowie Suche innerhalb der Daten hervorgehoben. In dieser Doktorarbeit betrachten wir das Problem der Suche nach geeigneten Musikstücken als Hintergrundmusik für Diashows. Wir formulieren die Hypothese, dass die für das Problem erforderlichen Kenntnisse in öffentlich zugänglichen, zeitgenössischen Filmen enthalten sind. Unser Ansatz, Picasso, verwendet Techniken aus dem Bereich der Ähnlichkeitssuche innerhalb von Bild- und Musik-Domains, um basierend auf Filmszenen eine Verbindung zwischen beliebigen Bildern und Musikstücken zu lernen. Um einen fairen und unvoreingenommenen Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Musikempfehlung zu erreichen, schlagen wir einen Bewertungs-Benchmark vor. Die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden, anhand des vorgeschlagenen Benchmarks, für Picasso und einen weiteren, auf Emotionen basierenden Ansatz, vorgestellt. Zusätzlich behandeln wir zwei Effizienzaspekte, die sich aus dem Picasso Ansatz ergeben. (i) Wir untersuchen das Problem der Ausführung von top-K Anfragen, bei denen die Ergebnismenge ad-hoc auf eine kleine Teilmenge des gesamten Indexes eingeschränkt wird. (ii) Wir behandeln das Problem der Ähnlichkeitssuche in hochdimensionalen Räumen und schlagen zwei Erweiterungen des Lokalitätssensitiven Hashing (LSH) Schemas vor. Zusätzlich untersuchen wir die Erfolgsaussichten eines verteilten Algorithmus für die Ähnlichkeitssuche, der auf LSH unter Verwendung des MapReduce Frameworks basiert. Neben den vorgenannten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen beschreiben wir ferner das Design und die Implementierung von PicassSound, einer auf Picasso basierenden Smartphone-Anwendung

    Approximate query processing using machine learning

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    In the era of big data, the volume of collected data grows faster than the growth of computational power. And it becomes prohibitively expensive to compute the exact answers to analytical queries. This greatly increases the value of approaches that can compute efficiently approximate, but highly accurate, answers to analytical queries. Approximate query processing (AQP) aims to reduce the query latency and memory footprints at the cost of small quality losses. Previous efforts on AQP largely rely on samples or sketches, etc. However, trade-offs between query response time (or memory footprint) and accuracy are unavoidable. Specifically, to guarantee higher accuracy, a large sample is usually generated and maintained, which leads to increased query response time and space overheads. In this thesis, we aim to overcome the drawbacks of current AQP solutions by applying machine learning models. Instead of accessing data (or samples of it), models are used to make predictions. Our model-based AQP solutions are developed and improved in three stages, and are described as follows: 1. We firstly investigate potential regression models for AQP and propose the query-centric regression, coined QReg. QReg is an ensemble method based on regression models. It achieves better accuracy than the state-of- the-art regression models and overcomes the generalization-overfit dilemma when employing machine learning models within DBMSs. 2. We introduce the first AQP engine DBEst based on classical machine learning models. Specifically, regression models and density estimators are trained over the data/samples, and are further combined to produce the final approximate answers. 3. We further improve DBEst by replacing classical machine learning models with deep learning networks and word embedding. This overcomes the drawbacks of queries with large groups, and query response time and space overheads are further reduced. We conduct experiments against the state-of-the-art AQP engines over various datasets, and show that our method achieves better accuracy while offering orders of magnitude savings in space overheads and query response time

    Quality of Service Aware Data Stream Processing for Highly Dynamic and Scalable Applications

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    Huge amounts of georeferenced data streams are arriving daily to data stream management systems that are deployed for serving highly scalable and dynamic applications. There are innumerable ways at which those loads can be exploited to gain deep insights in various domains. Decision makers require an interactive visualization of such data in the form of maps and dashboards for decision making and strategic planning. Data streams normally exhibit fluctuation and oscillation in arrival rates and skewness. Those are the two predominant factors that greatly impact the overall quality of service. This requires data stream management systems to be attuned to those factors in addition to the spatial shape of the data that may exaggerate the negative impact of those factors. Current systems do not natively support services with quality guarantees for dynamic scenarios, leaving the handling of those logistics to the user which is challenging and cumbersome. Three workloads are predominant for any data stream, batch processing, scalable storage and stream processing. In this thesis, we have designed a quality of service aware system, SpatialDSMS, that constitutes several subsystems that are covering those loads and any mixed load that results from intermixing them. Most importantly, we natively have incorporated quality of service optimizations for processing avalanches of geo-referenced data streams in highly dynamic application scenarios. This has been achieved transparently on top of the codebases of emerging de facto standard best-in-class representatives, thus relieving the overburdened shoulders of the users in the presentation layer from having to reason about those services. Instead, users express their queries with quality goals and our system optimizers compiles that down into query plans with an embedded quality guarantee and leaves logistic handling to the underlying layers. We have developed standard compliant prototypes for all the subsystems that constitutes SpatialDSMS

    A Content-Addressable Network for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces

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    Because of the ongoing digital data explosion, more advanced search paradigms than the traditional exact match are needed for contentbased retrieval in huge and ever growing collections of data produced in application areas such as multimedia, molecular biology, marketing, computer-aided design and purchasing assistance. As the variety of data types is fast going towards creating a database utilized by people, the computer systems must be able to model human fundamental reasoning paradigms, which are naturally based on similarity. The ability to perceive similarities is crucial for recognition, classification, and learning, and it plays an important role in scientific discovery and creativity. Recently, the mathematical notion of metric space has become a useful abstraction of similarity and many similarity search indexes have been developed. In this thesis, we accept the metric space similarity paradigm and concentrate on the scalability issues. By exploiting computer networks and applying the Peer-to-Peer communication paradigms, we build a structured network of computers able to process similarity queries in parallel. Since no centralized entities are used, such architectures are fully scalable. Specifically, we propose a Peer-to-Peer system for similarity search in metric spaces called Metric Content-Addressable Network (MCAN) which is an extension of the well known Content-Addressable Network (CAN) used for hash lookup. A prototype implementation of MCAN was tested on real-life datasets of image features, protein symbols, and text — observed results are reported. We also compared the performance of MCAN with three other, recently proposed, distributed data structures for similarity search in metric spaces

    Realistic reconstruction and rendering of detailed 3D scenarios from multiple data sources

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    During the last years, we have witnessed significant improvements in digital terrain modeling, mainly through photogrammetric techniques based on satellite and aerial photography, as well as laser scanning. These techniques allow the creation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) that can be streamed over the network and explored through virtual globe applications like Google Earth or NASA WorldWind. The resolution of these 3D scenes has improved noticeably in the last years, reaching in some urban areas resolutions up to 1m or less for DEM and buildings, and less than 10 cm per pixel in the associated aerial imagery. However, in rural, forest or mountainous areas, the typical resolution for elevation datasets ranges between 5 and 30 meters, and typical resolution of corresponding aerial photographs ranges between 25 cm to 1 m. This current level of detail is only sufficient for aerial points of view, but as the viewpoint approaches the surface the terrain loses its realistic appearance. One approach to augment the detail on top of currently available datasets is adding synthetic details in a plausible manner, i.e. including elements that match the features perceived in the aerial view. By combining the real dataset with the instancing of models on the terrain and other procedural detail techniques, the effective resolution can potentially become arbitrary. There are several applications that do not need an exact reproduction of the real elements but would greatly benefit from plausibly enhanced terrain models: videogames and entertainment applications, visual impact assessment (e.g. how a new ski resort would look), virtual tourism, simulations, etc. In this thesis we propose new methods and tools to help the reconstruction and synthesis of high-resolution terrain scenes from currently available data sources, in order to achieve realistically looking ground-level views. In particular, we decided to focus on rural scenarios, mountains and forest areas. Our main goal is the combination of plausible synthetic elements and procedural detail with publicly available real data to create detailed 3D scenes from existing locations. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - An efficient pipeline for aerial imagery segmentation - Plausible terrain enhancement from high-resolution examples - Super-resolution of DEM by transferring details from the aerial photograph - Synthesis of arbitrary tree picture variations from a reduced set of photographs - Reconstruction of 3D tree models from a single image - A compact and efficient tree representation for real-time rendering of forest landscapesDurant els darrers anys, hem presenciat avenços significatius en el modelat digital de terrenys, principalment gràcies a tècniques fotogramètriques, basades en fotografia aèria o satèl·lit, i a escàners làser. Aquestes tècniques permeten crear Models Digitals d'Elevacions (DEM) i Models Digitals de Superfícies (DSM) que es poden retransmetre per la xarxa i ser explorats mitjançant aplicacions de globus virtuals com ara Google Earth o NASA WorldWind. La resolució d'aquestes escenes 3D ha millorat considerablement durant els darrers anys, arribant a algunes àrees urbanes a resolucions d'un metre o menys per al DEM i edificis, i fins a menys de 10 cm per píxel a les fotografies aèries associades. No obstant, en entorns rurals, boscos i zones muntanyoses, la resolució típica per a dades d'elevació es troba entre 5 i 30 metres, i per a les corresponents fotografies aèries varia entre 25 cm i 1m. Aquest nivell de detall només és suficient per a punts de vista aeris, però a mesura que ens apropem a la superfície el terreny perd tot el realisme. Una manera d'augmentar el detall dels conjunts de dades actuals és afegint a l'escena detalls sintètics de manera plausible, és a dir, incloure elements que encaixin amb les característiques que es perceben a la vista aèria. Així, combinant les dades reals amb instàncies de models sobre el terreny i altres tècniques de detall procedural, la resolució efectiva del model pot arribar a ser arbitrària. Hi ha diverses aplicacions per a les quals no cal una reproducció exacta dels elements reals, però que es beneficiarien de models de terreny augmentats de manera plausible: videojocs i aplicacions d'entreteniment, avaluació de l'impacte visual (per exemple, com es veuria una nova estació d'esquí), turisme virtual, simulacions, etc. En aquesta tesi, proposem nous mètodes i eines per ajudar a la reconstrucció i síntesi de terrenys en alta resolució partint de conjunts de dades disponibles públicament, per tal d'aconseguir vistes a nivell de terra realistes. En particular, hem decidit centrar-nos en escenes rurals, muntanyes i àrees boscoses. El nostre principal objectiu és la combinació d'elements sintètics plausibles i detall procedural amb dades reals disponibles públicament per tal de generar escenes 3D d'ubicacions existents. La nostra recerca s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Un pipeline eficient per a segmentació d'imatges aèries - Millora plausible de models de terreny a partir d'exemples d’alta resolució - Super-resolució de models d'elevacions transferint-hi detalls de la fotografia aèria - Síntesis d'un nombre arbitrari de variacions d’imatges d’arbres a partir d'un conjunt reduït de fotografies - Reconstrucció de models 3D d'arbres a partir d'una única fotografia - Una representació compacta i eficient d'arbres per a navegació en temps real d'escenesPostprint (published version

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe are living in an age where data are being generated faster than anyone has previously imagined across a broad application domain, including customer studies, social media, sensor networks, and the sciences, among many others. In some cases, data are generated in massive quantities as terabytes or petabytes. There have been numerous emerging challenges when dealing with massive data, including: (1) the explosion in size of data; (2) data have increasingly more complex structures and rich semantics, such as representing temporal data as a piecewise linear representation; (3) uncertain data are becoming a common occurrence for numerous applications, e.g., scientific measurements or observations such as meteorological measurements; (4) and data are becoming increasingly distributed, e.g., distributed data collected and integrated from distributed locations as well as data stored in a distributed file system within a cluster. Due to the massive nature of modern data, it is oftentimes infeasible for computers to efficiently manage and query them exactly. An attractive alternative is to use data summarization techniques to construct data summaries, where even efficiently constructing data summaries is a challenging task given the enormous size of data. The data summaries we focus on in this thesis include the histogram and ranking operator. Both data summaries enable us to summarize a massive dataset to a more succinct representation which can then be used to make queries orders of magnitude more efficient while still allowing approximation guarantees on query answers. Our study has focused on the critical task of designing efficient algorithms to summarize, query, and manage massive data


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters