44,340 research outputs found

    Trinity Restoration Inc.: Southside Cultural Center Economic Impact Study

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    Economic development has shifted from location-oriented business models towards a more all-encompassing model that recognizes the advancement of human capital or intellectual property as continuously increasing in value. This microcosmic characteristic of development extends to aid in the growth of society as a whole. The Arts and Culture attract a demographic of inspired and motivated people to the area. It results in the development of the society surrounding art venues. The general population will always seek out entertainment, by installing a venue of artistic expression in South Providence that will motivate the community and propel development. This phenomena has been proven, as denoted through the historical evaluation of artistic venues across America that have generated economic growth in their respective communities

    Estimating a War of Attrition: The Case of the U.S. Movie Theater Industry

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    This paper provides a tractable empirical framework to analyze firm behavior in a dynamic oligopoly when demand is declining over time. I modify Fudenberg and Tirole (1986).s model of exit in a duopoly with incomplete information to a model that can be used in an oligopoly, and combine this with an auxiliary entry model to address the initial conditions problem. I estimate this model with panel data on the U.S. movie theater industry from 1949 to 1955, using variations in TV diffusion rates across households, market structure before the exit game starts, and other market characteristics to identify the parameters in the theater’s payoff function and the distribution of unobservable fixed costs. Using the estimated model, I measure strategic delays in the exit process due to oligopolistic competition and incomplete information. The delay in exit that arises from strategic interaction is 2.7 years on average. Out of these years, 3.7% of this delay is accounted for by incomplete information, while the remaining 96.3% is explained by oligopolistic competition

    The Effects of Vertical Integration on the Release of New Films

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    This paper both theoretically and empirically addresses how a vertical structure in the motion-pictures industry determines the number of prints a distributor releases of a new film. A simple theoretical model shows that the optimal number of copies is increasing on the expected demand for the film and the revenue share of the distributor, and decreasing on the cost of each copy. The model also predicts that the optimal number of copies will decrease with the number of theaters that are vertically integrated with the distributor, as long as running a cinema requires financing a non-negligible cost of capital. The theoretical results are empirically tested using a very rich dataset of films exhibition patterns in the major Chilean markets. The empirical results show that, on average, a non-integrated distributor releases 8 more copies than an integrated distributor.Motion-Pictures, Vertical Integration, Release of New Films

    An Impossible Utopia: People’s Art and the Cultural Revolution

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    The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution period of the People’s Republic of China (1966-1976) was crucial in the creation of modern-day China. The material culture of that period mirrors the turbulent political activity of students and the directives of the Communist Party’s central leadership during the height of the Mao Zedong personality cult. The commercial manufacture of posters, often the sole decoration available for the public and private spheres, offers strong examples of the design style of this time. The posters are not only indicative of the propagandistic fervor of production, but the aesthetic changes initiated in the visual and performing arts during the period as the state consciously manipulated style in an effort to create a “people’s” art and envision a Marxist utopia. This paper suggests that a comprehension of folk arts and popular culture is essential for understanding the visual language of this specific geographic and political space. A new perspective on the reconciliation of reality and ideology during the Cultural Revolution is gained through an analysis of popular form and content, and reveals not only the basis of a modern mass culture, but the unprecedented unification of high and low art forms

    Building Community: Making Space for Art

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    Examines the role of the arts in communities; artists working in community development, education, health, or environmental fields; and contemporary art spaces in community planning and revitalization strategies

    The Effects of Downstream Distributor Chains on Upstream Producer Entry: A Bargaining Perspective

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    This paper studies the effects of integration among downstream local distributors on the entry of upstream producers in a bargaining theoretic framework. We show that integration of downstream distributors may increase their bargaining power vis-à-vis upstream producers and thus lower incentives for entry in the upstream production industry. In order to explain price formation in such a market, we use a bargaining solution that generalizes the Nash solution. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG - (Die Auswirkungen von überregionalen Zusammenschlüssen zwischen Händlern auf den Eintritt von Inputproduzenten: Eine verhandlungstheoretische Analyse) Ausgehend von Industrien mit hohen Fixkosten und vernachlässigbaren Grenzkosten (z. B. Film- und Fernsehindustrie, Softwareindustrie, Pharmazeutische Industrie) wird untersucht wie sich überregionale Zusammenschlüsse zwischen "downstream distributors" (z. B. Kinos, Kabelbetreiber, Einzelhändler, Krankenhäuser bzw. Krankenkassen) auf die Angebotsvielfalt auswirken. Aus verhandlungstheoretischer Sicht werden dazu in diesem Beitrag die Auswirkungen von überregionalen Zusammenschlüssen zwischen lokalen "downstream distributors" auf den Eintritt von Inputpoduzenten untersucht. Es wird gezeigt wie überregionale Zusammenschlüsse von "distributors" deren Verhandlungsmacht gegenüber Inputproduzenten erhöhen können und damit die Anreize zum Eintritt in die Inputindustrie verringern können. Hierzu verwendet dieser Beitrag eine verallgemeinerte Nash-Verhandlungslösung, um die Preisbildung auf dem Inputmarkt zu analysieren.

    From anarchism to state funding : Louis Lumet and the cultural paradoxes of the third republic

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    In 1896 Louis Lumet despised the state and openly yearned for a red Messiah to sweep away bourgeois culture and politics. By 1904 he was in the receipt of state fundin g. This article unravels the paradox of his trajectory by f ocusing on the common interest that eventually united his i nterests with those of republican governments: the relation ship between art and the people. Drawing on hitherto unknow n writings by Lumet himself, as well as on little-used arch ives, the article explores Lumet’s anarchist persona and co nnections in fin-de-siècle Paris, charts his involvement in the Théâtre d’Art Social and the Théâtre Civique, and exam ines his role in the state-supported Art pour Tous. The fin al discussion reveals areas of conflict and convergence in the perception of the people as political actors by both an archists and the state, raising questions about the theory and practice of cultural democratization