386,476 research outputs found

    Decontextualizing contextual inversion

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    Contextual inversion, introduced as an analytical tool by David Lewin, is a concept of wide reach and value in music theory and analysis, at the root of neo-Riemannian theory as well as serial theory, and useful for a range of analytical applications. A shortcoming of contextual inversion as it is currently understood, however, is, as implied by the name, that the transformation has to be defined anew for each application. This is potentially a virtue, requiring the analyst to invest the transformational system with meaning in order to construct it in the first place. However, there are certainly instances where new transformational systems are continually redefined for essentially the same purposes. This paper explores some of the most common theoretical bases for contextual inversion groups and considers possible definitions of inversion operators that can apply across set class types, effectively decontextualizing contextual inversions.Accepted manuscrip

    Pendekatan Kontekstual Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa SMP

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    This study is part of a research report Contextual Approach To Improve Understanding Ability and Mathematical Problem Solving and Independence Junior High Student. This research is a form of quasi-experimental design with pretest posttest control group design that aims to examine the achievement of junior high school students\u27 mathematical understanding ability that uses contextual learning approach compared with normal learning. In addition, this research is also expected to improve the ability of junior high school students\u27 mathematical understanding as well. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP Cimahi, while the sample is a class VIII student of one of the junior set purposively on SMP in Cimahi and randomly selected from an existing class VIII. Then from these samples were randomly assigned into experimental class and control class. Based on the results of the data analysis, we concluded that the Achievement and increase the ability of junior high school students \u27mathematical understanding obtain contextual learning approach is better than the achievement and improvement of students\u27 mathematical problem solving ability with conventional learning. Achievement and improvement of students who obtain contextual learning approach gets a great achievement while conventional classroom learning which is still lacking


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    This research is a pre-experimental study involving an experimental class which aims to determine the effectiveness of learning through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach in learning mathematics in class VII students of Al Hikmah Integrated Islamic Middle School, Pangkep Regency, 2021/2022 academic year. While the effectiveness of learning is viewed from three aspects, namely: the implementation of learning, classical learning completeness, student activity, and student responses. A learning is said to be effective if at least three of the four aspects above are met, provided that aspects of student activity and classical learning mastery are met. Student scores after learning mathematics through the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach have achieved classical mastery. The average positive student activity is 85.7% and 12.5% negative, this indicates that student activity in learning mathematics through the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach can be said to be active. Student responses to learning the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach can be said to be in accordance with the standards set, namely exceeding 75% of students who gave a positive response. Based on the results of descriptive and inferential analysis, it shows that student learning outcomes before learning the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach are smaller than student learning outcomes after learning the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach, thus learning mathematics through the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach is effectively used on the subject of Algebra in class students VII Al Hikmah Integrated Islamic Middle School, Pangkep Regency

    Semi-automatic supervised classification of minerals from x-ray mapping images

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    This paper addresses the problem of classifying minerals common in siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. Twelve chemical elements are mapped from thin sections by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Traditional multivariate statistical methods and extensions hereof are applied to perform the classification. First, training and validation sets are grown from one or a few seed points by a method that ensures spatial and spectral closeness of observations. Spectral closeness is obtained by excluding observations that have high Mahalanobis distances to the training class mean. Spatial closeness is obtained by requesting connectivity. Second, class consistency is controlled by forcing each class into 5-10 subclasses and checking the separability of these sub-classes by means of canonical discriminant analysis. Third, class separability is checked by means of the Jeffreys-Matusita distance and the posterior probability of a class mean being classified as another class. Fourth, the actual classification is carried out based on four supervised classifiers all assuming multi-normal distributions: simple quadratic, a contextual quadratic and two hierarchical quadratic classifiers. Overall weighted misclassification rates for all quadratic classifiers are very low, for both the training (0.25%-0.33%) and validation sets (0.65%-1.13%). Finally, the number of rejected observations in routine runs is checked to control the performance of the SEM image acquisition and the classification. Although the contextual classifier performs (marginally) best on the validation set, the simple quadratic classifier is chosen in routine classifications because of the lower processing time required. This method is presently used as a routine petrographical analysis method at Norsk Hydro Research Centre. 1


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    Writing skill is a process of thinking or pouring ideas outlined in writing. Through this thought process, students find it difficult to put their ideas into writing so that writing activities are still very low. Specifically, this study aims: (1) to describe the learning outcomes of the analysis of increasing personal experience writing skills in class VII students of Wihdatul Ummah Middle School before learning to write personal experiences with contextual methods, (2) to describe the learning outcomes of personal experience writing skills improvement analysis in the seventh grade students of Wihdatul Ummah Middle School after a personal experience writing learning with contextual methods, (3) to describe the learning outcomes of analysis of personal experience writing skills improvement for VII grade students of Wihdatul Ummah Middle School before and after learning to write personal experiences with contextual methods. This research was carried out in Kolaka district, precisely in SMP IT Wihdatul Ummah Kolaka. This study uses a class action research design (CAR). This research was carried out through several processes (cycle I and cycle II), namely: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation or observation, (4) reflection. If the first cycle of action on the average value of students has not reached the predetermined target, then the second cycle will be carried out. Data collection techniques in this study are test techniques and non-test techniques. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis that gives an idea of whether or not there is an increase in personal experience writing skills using contextual methods. Based on the results of the study, the increase in the ability to write personal experiences using contextual methods increased from the average value in the pre-cycle 64.23 or the less category, increasing in cycle 1 with an average value in the first cycle of 65 but still lacking category, while the increase seen in the second cycle with an average score of 82 or categorized very well and achieved a minimum completeness criterion (KKM) of 70 and reached the target set by the researcher which was 75% or very good


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning pada standar kompetensi Mengoperasikan Sistem Pengendali Elektromagnetik; (2) Mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan pembelajaran Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional; (3) Mengetahui respon siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran ditunjang perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Dalam penelitian ini dibatasi 7 (tujuh) tahapan yaitu tahap analisis masalah, tahap pengumpulan data, tahap desain produk, tahap validasi desain, tahap revisi desain, tahap uji coba produk dan diakhiri dengan tahap analisa dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Validasi perangkat pembelajaran Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning yang digunakan dinyatakan valid dengan rata-rata hasil validasi Silabus 0,77, RPP 0,79, LKS 0,75, Modul 0,73 dan LP 0,78 serta Soal Post Test 0,72; (2) Untuk ketuntasan hasil belajar klasikal kelas eksperimen sebesar 90% dan kelas kontrol sebesar 76,6%. Sedangkan perhitungan menggunakan uji-t didapat nilai thitung 4,199 dan untuk ttabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (0,05) adalah 1,67; (3) Sedangkan hasil rating angket respon siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning adalah 87,14% yang dikategorikan sangat positif.   Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Guided Discovery dengan pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning, Perangkat Pembelajaran, Penelitian dan Pengembangan  (R&D), Hasil belajar dan Respon Siswa. ABSTRACT This research aimed to: (1) Produced a set of learning equipment of Guided Discovery learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach in competence standards Operating System on Electomagnetic Control; (2) Known the difference result of learning used a set of learning equipment of Guided Discovery learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach compared with result of learning used Conventional Learning Model; (3) Known student respon about learning process used a set of learning equipment of Guided Discovery learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach. This research is the development of research methods Research and Development (R & D). Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 10 (sepuluh) tahapan yaitu tahap analisis masalah, tahap pengumpulan data, tahap desain produk, tahap validasi desain, tahap revisi desain, tahap ujicoba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk, produksi masal. In this research, there are 7 (seven) steps such as problem analysis phase, data gathering phase, stage design, stage design validation, revision stage design, stage of product testing, and finished with analysis and reporting phase. The result showed that: (1) Validation by sets of learning equipment of Guided Discovery Learning With Centextual Teaching And Learning Approach is valid with the average results of the syllabus validation 70,77, RPP 0,79, LKS 0,75, Module 0,73 and LP 0,78 also Post Test question 0,72; (2) For classical completeness from results of learning by experiment class is 90%% and control class is 76,6%. While the calculate using t-test is obtained tcount 4,199 and for ttable significant at the level of 5% (0.05) is 1,67; (3) While the results of questionnaire rating the student respons abaout learning process by Guided Discovery learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning approach was 87,14% which in very positive category.   Keywords: Guided Discovery Learning With Centextual Teaching And Learning Approach, Sets of learning equipment, Research and Development (R & D), Results of Learning and Student Respons

    Just because: In search of objective criteria of subjectivity expressed by causal connectives

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    The connective because can express both highly objective and highly subjective causal relations. In this, it differs from its counterparts in other languages, e.g. Dutch, where two conjunctions omdat and want express more objective and more subjective causal relations, respectively. The present study investigates whether it is possible to anchor the different uses of because in context, examining a large number of syntactic, morphological and semantic cues with a minimal cost of manual annotation. We propose an innovative method of distinguishing between subjective and objective uses of because with the help of information available from an English/Dutch segment of a parallel corpus, which is accompanied by a distributional analysis of contextual features. On the basis of automatic syntactic and morphological annotation of approximately 1500 examples of because, every English sentence is coded semi-automatically for more than twenty contextual variables, such as the part of speech, number, person, semantic class of the subject, modality, etc. We employ logistic regression to determine whether these contextual variables help predict which of the two causal connectives is used in the corresponding Dutch sentences. Our results indicate that a set of semantic and syntactic features that include modality, semantics of referents (subjects), semantic class of the verbal predicate, tense (past vs. non-past) and the presence of evaluative adjectives, are reliable predictors of the more subjective and objective uses of because, demonstrating that this distinction can indeed be anchored in the immediate linguistic context. The proposed method and relevant contextual cues can be used for identification of objective and subjective relationships in discourse