705 research outputs found

    Algebraic Models for Contextual Nets

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    We extend the algebraic approach of Meseguer and Montanari from ordinary place/transition Petri nets to contextual nets, covering both the collective and the individual token philosophy uniformly along the two interpretations of net behaviors

    Two Algebraic Process Semantics for Contextual Nets

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    We show that the so-called 'Petri nets are monoids' approach initiated by Meseguer and Montanari can be extended from ordinary place/transition Petri nets to contextual nets by considering suitable non-free monoids of places. The algebraic characterizations of net concurrent computations we provide cover both the collective and the individual token philosophy, uniformly along the two interpretations, and coincide with the classical proposals for place/transition Petri nets in the absence of read-arcs

    A new operational representation of dependencies in Event Structures

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    The execution of an event in a complex and distributed system where the dependencies vary during the evolution of the system can be represented in many ways, and one of them is to use Context-Dependent Event structures. Event structures are related to Petri nets. The aim of this paper is to propose what can be the appropriate kind of Petri net corresponding to Context-Dependent Event structures, giving an operational flavour to the dependencies represented in a Context/Dependent Event structure. Dependencies are often operationally represented, in Petri nets, by tokens produced by activities and consumed by others. Here we shift the perspective using contextual arcs to characterize what has happened so far and in this way to describe the dependencies among the various activities

    Event structures for Petri nets with persistence

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    Event structures are a well-accepted model of concurrency. In a seminal paper by Nielsen, Plotkin and Winskel, they are used to establish a bridge between the theory of domains and the approach to concurrency proposed by Petri. A basic role is played by an unfolding construction that maps (safe) Petri nets into a subclass of event structures, called prime event structures, where each event has a uniquely determined set of causes. Prime event structures, in turn, can be identified with their domain of configurations. At a categorical level, this is nicely formalised by Winskel as a chain of coreflections. Contrary to prime event structures, general event structures allow for the presence of disjunctive causes, i.e., events can be enabled by distinct minimal sets of events. In this paper, we extend the connection between Petri nets and event structures in order to include disjunctive causes. In particular, we show that, at the level of nets, disjunctive causes are well accounted for by persistent places. These are places where tokens, once generated, can be used several times without being consumed and where multiple tokens are interpreted collectively, i.e., their histories are inessential. Generalising the work on ordinary nets, Petri nets with persistence are related to a new subclass of general event structures, called locally connected, by means of a chain of coreflections relying on an unfolding construction

    Minimisation of event structures

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    Event structures are fundamental models in concurrency theory, providing a representation of events in computation and of their relations, notably concurrency, conflict and causality. In this paper we present a theory of minimisation for event structures. Working in a class of event structures that generalises many stable event structure models in the literature, (e.g., prime, asymmetric, flow and bundle event structures) we study a notion of behaviour-preserving quotient, taking hereditary history preserving bisimilarity as a reference behavioural equivalence. We show that for any event structure a uniquely determined minimal quotient always exists. We observe that each event structure can be seen as the quotient of a prime event structure, and that quotients of general event structures arise from quotients of (suitably defined) corresponding prime event structures. This gives a special relevance to quotients in the class of prime event structures, which are then studied in detail, providing a characterisation and showing that also prime event structures always admit a unique minimal quotient

    Representing Dependencies in Event Structures

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    Event structures where the causality may explicitly change during a computation have recently gained the stage. In this kind of event structures the changes in the set of the causes of an event are triggered by modifiers that may add or remove dependencies, thus making the happening of an event contextual. Still the focus is always on the dependencies of the event. In this paper we promote the idea that the context determined by the modifiers plays a major role, and the context itself determines not only the causes but also what causality should be. Modifiers are then used to understand when an event (or a set of events) can be added to a configuration, together with a set of events modeling dependencies, which will play a less important role. We show that most of the notions of Event Structure presented in literature can be translated into this new kind of event structure, preserving the main notion, namely the one of configuration

    Unfolding-based Diagnosis of Systems with an Evolving Topology

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    We propose a framework for model-based diagnosis of systems with mobility and variable topologies, modelled as graph transformation systems. Generally speaking, model-based diagnosis is aimed at constructing explanations of observed faulty behaviours on the basis of a given model of the system. Since the number of possible explanations may be huge, we exploit the unfolding as a compact data structure to store them, along the lines of previous work dealing with Petri net models. Given a model of a system and an observation, the explanations can be constructed by unfolding the model constrained by the observation, and then removing incomplete explanations in a pruning phase. The theory is formalised in a general categorical setting: constraining the system by the observation corresponds to taking a product in the chosen category of graph grammars, so that the correctness of the procedure can be proved by using the fact that the unfolding is a right adjoint and thus it preserves products. The theory should hence be easily applicable to a wide class of system models, including graph grammars and Petri nets
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