1,197 research outputs found

    Virtual Borders: Accurate Definition of a Mobile Robot's Workspace Using Augmented Reality

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    We address the problem of interactively controlling the workspace of a mobile robot to ensure a human-aware navigation. This is especially of relevance for non-expert users living in human-robot shared spaces, e.g. home environments, since they want to keep the control of their mobile robots, such as vacuum cleaning or companion robots. Therefore, we introduce virtual borders that are respected by a robot while performing its tasks. For this purpose, we employ a RGB-D Google Tango tablet as human-robot interface in combination with an augmented reality application to flexibly define virtual borders. We evaluated our system with 15 non-expert users concerning accuracy, teaching time and correctness and compared the results with other baseline methods based on visual markers and a laser pointer. The experimental results show that our method features an equally high accuracy while reducing the teaching time significantly compared to the baseline methods. This holds for different border lengths, shapes and variations in the teaching process. Finally, we demonstrated the correctness of the approach, i.e. the mobile robot changes its navigational behavior according to the user-defined virtual borders.Comment: Accepted on 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), supplementary video: https://youtu.be/oQO8sQ0JBR

    AR Point&Click: An Interface for Setting Robot Navigation Goals

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    This paper considers the problem of designating navigation goal locations for interactive mobile robots. We propose a point-and-click interface, implemented with an Augmented Reality (AR) headset. The cameras on the AR headset are used to detect natural pointing gestures performed by the user. The selected goal is visualized through the AR headset, allowing the users to adjust the goal location if desired. We conduct a user study in which participants set consecutive navigation goals for the robot using three different interfaces: AR Point & Click, Person Following and Tablet (birdeye map view). Results show that the proposed AR Point&Click interface improved the perceived accuracy, efficiency and reduced mental load compared to the baseline tablet interface, and it performed on-par to the Person Following method. These results show that the AR Point\&Click is a feasible interaction model for setting navigation goals.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figures, 4 Table

    Self-directedness, integration and higher cognition

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    In this paper I discuss connections between self-directedness, integration and higher cognition. I present a model of self-directedness as a basis for approaching higher cognition from a situated cognition perspective. According to this model increases in sensorimotor complexity create pressure for integrative higher order control and learning processes for acquiring information about the context in which action occurs. This generates complex articulated abstractive information processing, which forms the major basis for higher cognition. I present evidence that indicates that the same integrative characteristics found in lower cognitive process such as motor adaptation are present in a range of higher cognitive process, including conceptual learning. This account helps explain situated cognition phenomena in humans because the integrative processes by which the brain adapts to control interaction are relatively agnostic concerning the source of the structure participating in the process. Thus, from the perspective of the motor control system using a tool is not fundamentally different to simply controlling an arm

    Motion Synthesis and Control for Autonomous Agents using Generative Models and Reinforcement Learning

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    Imitating and predicting human motions have wide applications in both graphics and robotics, from developing realistic models of human movement and behavior in immersive virtual worlds and games to improving autonomous navigation for service agents deployed in the real world. Traditional approaches for motion imitation and prediction typically rely on pre-defined rules to model agent behaviors or use reinforcement learning with manually designed reward functions. Despite impressive results, such approaches cannot effectively capture the diversity of motor behaviors and the decision making capabilities of human beings. Furthermore, manually designing a model or reward function to explicitly describe human motion characteristics often involves laborious fine-tuning and repeated experiments, and may suffer from generalization issues. In this thesis, we explore data-driven approaches using generative models and reinforcement learning to study and simulate human motions. Specifically, we begin with motion synthesis and control of physically simulated agents imitating a wide range of human motor skills, and then focus on improving the local navigation decisions of autonomous agents in multi-agent interaction settings. For physics-based agent control, we introduce an imitation learning framework built upon generative adversarial networks and reinforcement learning that enables humanoid agents to learn motor skills from a few examples of human reference motion data. Our approach generates high-fidelity motions and robust controllers without needing to manually design and finetune a reward function, allowing at the same time interactive switching between different controllers based on user input. Based on this framework, we further propose a multi-objective learning scheme for composite and task-driven control of humanoid agents. Our multi-objective learning scheme balances the simultaneous learning of disparate motions from multiple reference sources and multiple goal-directed control objectives in an adaptive way, enabling the training of efficient composite motion controllers. Additionally, we present a general framework for fast and robust learning of motor control skills. Our framework exploits particle filtering to dynamically explore and discretize the high-dimensional action space involved in continuous control tasks, and provides a multi-modal policy as a substitute for the commonly used Gaussian policies. For navigation learning, we leverage human crowd data to train a human-inspired collision avoidance policy by combining knowledge distillation and reinforcement learning. Our approach enables autonomous agents to take human-like actions during goal-directed steering in fully decentralized, multi-agent environments. To inform better control in such environments, we propose SocialVAE, a variational autoencoder based architecture that uses timewise latent variables with socially-aware conditions and a backward posterior approximation to perform agent trajectory prediction. Our approach improves current state-of-the-art performance on trajectory prediction tasks in daily human interaction scenarios and more complex scenes involving interactions between NBA players. We further extend SocialVAE by exploiting semantic maps as context conditions to generate map-compliant trajectory prediction. Our approach processes context conditions and social conditions occurring during agent-agent interactions in an integrated manner through the use of a dual-attention mechanism. We demonstrate the real-time performance of our approach and its ability to provide high-fidelity, multi-modal predictions on various large-scale vehicle trajectory prediction tasks

    Scene understanding for interactive applications

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    Para interactuar con el entorno, es necesario entender que está ocurriendo en la escena donde se desarrolla la acción. Décadas de investigación en el campo de la visión por computador han contribuido a conseguir sistemas que permiten interpretar de manera automática el contenido en una escena a partir de información visual. Se podría decir el objetivo principal de estos sistemas es replicar la capacidad humana para extraer toda la información a partir solo de datos visuales. Por ejemplo, uno de sus objetivos es entender como percibimosel mundo en tres dimensiones o como podemos reconocer sitios y objetos a pesar de la gran variación en su apariencia. Una de las tareas básicas para entender una escena es asignar un significado semántico a cada elemento (píxel) de una imagen. Esta tarea se puede formular como un problema de etiquetado denso el cual especifica valores (etiquetas) a cada pixel o región de una imagen. Dependiendo de la aplicación, estas etiquetas puedenrepresentar conceptos muy diferentes, desde magnitudes físicas como la información de profundidad, hasta información semántica, como la categoría de un objeto. El objetivo general en esta tesis es investigar y desarrollar nuevas técnicas para incorporar automáticamente una retroalimentación por parte del usuario, o un conocimiento previo en sistemas inteligente para conseguir analizar automáticamente el contenido de una escena. en particular,esta tesis explora dos fuentes comunes de información previa proporcionado por los usuario: interacción humana y etiquetado manual de datos de ejemplo.La primera parte de esta tesis esta dedicada a aprendizaje de información de una escena a partir de información proporcionada de manera interactiva por un usuario. Las soluciones que involucran a un usuario imponen limitaciones en el rendimiento, ya que la respuesta que se le da al usuario debe obtenerse en un tiempo interactivo. Esta tesis presenta un paradigma eficiente que aproxima cualquier magnitud por píxel a partir de unos pocos trazos del usuario. Este sistema propaga los escasos datos de entrada proporcionados por el usuario a cada píxel de la imagen. El paradigma propuesto se ha validado a través detres aplicaciones interactivas para editar imágenes, las cuales requieren un conocimiento por píxel de una cierta magnitud, con el objetivo de simular distintos efectos.Otra estrategia común para aprender a partir de información de usuarios es diseñar sistemas supervisados de aprendizaje automático. En los últimos años, las redes neuronales convolucionales han superado el estado del arte de gran variedad de problemas de reconocimiento visual. Sin embargo, para nuevas tareas, los datos necesarios de entrenamiento pueden no estar disponibles y recopilar suficientes no es siempre posible. La segunda parte de esta tesis explora como mejorar los sistema que aprenden etiquetado denso semántico a partir de imágenes previamente etiquetadas por los usuarios. En particular, se presenta y validan estrategias, basadas en los dos principales enfoques para transferir modelos basados en deep learning, para segmentación semántica, con el objetivo de poder aprender nuevas clases cuando los datos de entrenamiento no son suficientes en cantidad o precisión.Estas estrategias se han validado en varios entornos realistas muy diferentes, incluyendo entornos urbanos, imágenes aereas y imágenes submarinas.In order to interact with the environment, it is necessary to understand what is happening on it, on the scene where the action is ocurring. Decades of research in the computer vision field have contributed towards automatically achieving this scene understanding from visual information. Scene understanding is a very broad area of research within the computer vision field. We could say that it tries to replicate the human capability of extracting plenty of information from visual data. For example, we would like to understand how the people perceive the world in three dimensions or can quickly recognize places or objects despite substantial appearance variation. One of the basic tasks in scene understanding from visual data is to assign a semantic meaning to every element of the image, i.e., assign a concept or object label to every pixel in the image. This problem can be formulated as a dense image labeling problem which assigns specific values (labels) to each pixel or region in the image. Depending on the application, the labels can represent very different concepts, from a physical magnitude, such as depth information, to high level semantic information, such as an object category. The general goal in this thesis is to investigate and develop new ways to automatically incorporate human feedback or prior knowledge in intelligent systems that require scene understanding capabilities. In particular, this thesis explores two common sources of prior information from users: human interactions and human labeling of sample data. The first part of this thesis is focused on learning complex scene information from interactive human knowledge. Interactive user solutions impose limitations on the performance where the feedback to the user must be at interactive rates. This thesis presents an efficient interaction paradigm that approximates any per-pixel magnitude from a few user strokes. It propagates the sparse user input to each pixel of the image. We demonstrate the suitability of the proposed paradigm through three interactive image editing applications which require per-pixel knowledge of certain magnitude: simulate the effect of depth of field, dehazing and HDR tone mapping. Other common strategy to learn from user prior knowledge is to design supervised machine-learning approaches. In the last years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have pushed the state-of-the-art on a broad variety of visual recognition problems. However, for new tasks, enough training data is not always available and therefore, training from scratch is not always feasible. The second part of this thesis investigates how to improve systems that learn dense semantic labeling of images from user labeled examples. In particular, we present and validate strategies, based on common transfer learning approaches, for semantic segmentation. The goal of these strategies is to learn new specific classes when there is not enough labeled data to train from scratch. We evaluate these strategies across different environments, such as autonomous driving scenes, aerial images or underwater ones.<br /

    Similarity Reasoning over Semantic Context-Graphs

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    Similarity is a central cognitive mechanism for humans which enables a broad range of perceptual and abstraction processes, including recognizing and categorizing objects, drawing parallelism, and predicting outcomes. It has been studied computationally through models designed to replicate human judgment. The work presented in this dissertation leverages general purpose semantic networks to derive similarity measures in a problem-independent manner. We model both general and relational similarity using connectivity between concepts within semantic networks. Our first contribution is to model general similarity using concept connectivity, which we use to partition vocabularies into topics without the need of document corpora. We apply this model to derive topics from unstructured dialog, specifically enabling an early literacy primer application to support parents in having better conversations with their young children, as they are using the primer together. Second, we model relational similarity in proportional analogies. To do so, we derive relational parallelism by searching in semantic networks for similar path pairs that connect either side of this analogy statement. We then derive human readable explanations from the resulting similar path pair. We show that our model can answer broad-vocabulary analogy questions designed for human test takers with high confidence. The third contribution is to enable symbolic plan repair in robot planning through object substitution. When a failure occurs due to unforeseen changes in the environment, such as missing objects, we enable the planning domain to be extended with a number of alternative objects such that the plan can be repaired and execution to continue. To evaluate this type of similarity, we use both general and relational similarity. We demonstrate that the task context is essential in establishing which objects are interchangeable

    Navigation behavior design and representations for a people aware mobile robot system

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    There are millions of robots in operation around the world today, and almost all of them operate on factory floors in isolation from people. However, it is now becoming clear that robots can provide much more value assisting people in daily tasks in human environments. Perhaps the most fundamental capability for a mobile robot is navigating from one location to another. Advances in mapping and motion planning research in the past decades made indoor navigation a commodity for mobile robots. Yet, questions remain on how the robots should move around humans. This thesis advocates the use of semantic maps and spatial rules of engagement to enable non-expert users to effortlessly interact with and control a mobile robot. A core concept explored in this thesis is the Tour Scenario, where the task is to familiarize a mobile robot to a new environment after it is first shipped and unpacked in a home or office setting. During the tour, the robot follows the user and creates a semantic representation of the environment. The user labels objects, landmarks and locations by performing pointing gestures and using the robot's user interface. The spatial semantic information is meaningful to humans, as it allows providing commands to the robot such as ``bring me a cup from the kitchen table". While the robot is navigating towards the goal, it should not treat nearby humans as obstacles and should move in a socially acceptable manner. Three main navigation behaviors are studied in this work. The first behavior is the point-to-point navigation. The navigation planner presented in this thesis borrows ideas from human-human spatial interactions, and takes into account personal spaces as well as reactions of people who are in close proximity to the trajectory of the robot. The second navigation behavior is person following. After the description of a basic following behavior, a user study on person following for telepresence robots is presented. Additionally, situation awareness for person following is demonstrated, where the robot facilitates tasks by predicting the intent of the user and utilizing the semantic map. The third behavior is person guidance. A tour-guide robot is presented with a particular application for visually impaired users.Ph.D
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