371 research outputs found

    On Recommendation of Learning Objects using Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The e-learning recommender system in learning institutions is increasingly becoming the preferred mode of delivery, as it enables learning anytime, anywhere. However, delivering personalised course learning objects based on learner preferences is still a challenge. Current mainstream recommendation algorithms, such as the Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF), deal with only two types of entities, namely users and items with their ratings. However, these methods do not pay attention to student preferences, such as learning styles, which are especially important for the accuracy of course learning objects prediction or recommendation. Moreover, several recommendation techniques experience cold-start and rating sparsity problems. To address the challenge of improving the quality of recommender systems, in this paper a novel recommender algorithm for machine learning is proposed, which combines students actual rating with their learning styles to recommend Top-N course learning objects (LOs). Various recommendation techniques are considered in an experimental study investigating the best technique to use in predicting student ratings for e-learning recommender systems. We use the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSLSM) to represent both the student learning styles and the learning object profiles. The predicted rating has been compared with the actual student rating. This approach has been experimented on 80 students for an online course created in the MOODLE Learning Management System, while the evaluation of the experiments has been performed with the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results of the experiment verify that the proposed approach provides a higher prediction rating and significantly increases the accuracy of the recommendation

    Gradient-based Optimization for Bayesian Preference Elicitation

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    Effective techniques for eliciting user preferences have taken on added importance as recommender systems (RSs) become increasingly interactive and conversational. A common and conceptually appealing Bayesian criterion for selecting queries is expected value of information (EVOI). Unfortunately, it is computationally prohibitive to construct queries with maximum EVOI in RSs with large item spaces. We tackle this issue by introducing a continuous formulation of EVOI as a differentiable network that can be optimized using gradient methods available in modern machine learning (ML) computational frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). We exploit this to develop a novel, scalable Monte Carlo method for EVOI optimization, which is more scalable for large item spaces than methods requiring explicit enumeration of items. While we emphasize the use of this approach for pairwise (or k-wise) comparisons of items, we also demonstrate how our method can be adapted to queries involving subsets of item attributes or "partial items," which are often more cognitively manageable for users. Experiments show that our gradient-based EVOI technique achieves state-of-the-art performance across several domains while scaling to large item spaces.Comment: To appear in the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20

    Sistem Rekomendasi Produk Pena Eksklusif Menggunakan Metode Content-Based Filtering dan TF-IDF

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    Sistem rekomendasi saat ini sedang menjadi tren. Kebiasaan masyarakat yang saat ini lebih mengandalkan transaksi secara online dengan berbagai alasan pribadi. Sistem rekomendasi menawarkan cara yang lebih mudah dan cepat sehingga pengguna tidak perlu meluangkan waktu terlalu banyak untuk menemukan barang yang diinginkan. Persaingan antar pelaku bisnis pun berubah sehingga harus mengubah pendekatan agar bisa menjangkau calon pelanggan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat menunjang hal tersebut. Maka dalam penelitian ini, penulis membangun sistem rekomendasi produk menggunakan metode Content-Based Filtering dan Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) dari model Information Retrieval (IR). Untuk memperoleh hasil yang efisien dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan solusi dalam meningkatkan Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Sistem rekomendasi dibangun dan diterapkan sebagai solusi agar dapat meningkatkan brand awareness pelanggan dan meminimalisir terjadinya gagal transaksi di karenakan kurang nya informasi yang dapat disampaikan secara langsung atau offline. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari 258 kode produk produk yang yang masing-masing memiliki delapan kategori dan 33 kata kunci pembentuk sesuai dengan product knowledge perusahaan. Hasil perhitungan TF-IDF menunjukkan nilai bobot 13,854 saat menampilkan rekomendasi produk terbaik pertama, dan memiliki keakuratan sebesar 96,5% dalam memberikan rekomendasi pena

    GenRec: Large Language Model for Generative Recommendation

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    In recent years, large language models (LLM) have emerged as powerful tools for diverse natural language processing tasks. However, their potential for recommender systems under the generative recommendation paradigm remains relatively unexplored. This paper presents an innovative approach to recommendation systems using large language models (LLMs) based on text data. In this paper, we present a novel LLM for generative recommendation (GenRec) that utilized the expressive power of LLM to directly generate the target item to recommend, rather than calculating ranking score for each candidate item one by one as in traditional discriminative recommendation. GenRec uses LLM's understanding ability to interpret context, learn user preferences, and generate relevant recommendation. Our proposed approach leverages the vast knowledge encoded in large language models to accomplish recommendation tasks. We first we formulate specialized prompts to enhance the ability of LLM to comprehend recommendation tasks. Subsequently, we use these prompts to fine-tune the LLaMA backbone LLM on a dataset of user-item interactions, represented by textual data, to capture user preferences and item characteristics. Our research underscores the potential of LLM-based generative recommendation in revolutionizing the domain of recommendation systems and offers a foundational framework for future explorations in this field. We conduct extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, and the experiments shows that our GenRec has significant better results on large dataset

    LSGDM Two Stage Consensus Reaching Process for Autocratic Decision Making using Group Recommendations

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    The decision making is a general and significant action in day-to-day life. In some cases, experts cannot express their preferences using precise value due to inherent unreliability. The utilization of linguistic labels creates expert judgement more informative and consistent for decision making. The group recommendation is considered as a significant factors of e-commerce domain due to their direct impact on profit. The personalized experiments improve the engagement and the count of purchases of the customer when the recommended products are matched to the current interest.In this paper, the Large-Scale Group Decision Making (LSGDM) two stage consensus reaching process is proposed by using three various Amazon real world dataset.This proposed method permits an autocratic decision maker to utilize a different group recommendation for a sequence of decisions at highest level of consensus. The performance of the model is estimated by applying parameters like Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Precision and Recall. The obtained result shows that proposed methodology provides better result while comparing various other methods

    The Role of the Mangement Sciences in Research on Personalization

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    We present a review of research studies that deal with personalization. We synthesize current knowledge about these areas, and identify issues that we envision will be of interest to researchers working in the management sciences. We take an interdisciplinary approach that spans the areas of economics, marketing, information technology, and operations. We present an overarching framework for personalization that allows us to identify key players in the personalization process, as well as, the key stages of personalization. The framework enables us to examine the strategic role of personalization in the interactions between a firm and other key players in the firm's value system. We review extant literature in the strategic behavior of firms, and discuss opportunities for analytical and empirical research in this regard. Next, we examine how a firm can learn a customer's preferences, which is one of the key components of the personalization process. We use a utility-based approach to formalize such preference functions, and to understand how these preference functions could be learnt based on a customer's interactions with a firm. We identify well-established techniques in management sciences that can be gainfully employed in future research on personalization.CRM, Persoanlization, Marketing, e-commerce,
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