1,382 research outputs found

    Design of Digital Museum System Based on Optimized Virtual Reality Technology

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    Although China's cultural characteristics were diverse, its museum supply is limited. Traditional institutions would be unable to meet the people's needs for culture dissemination, historic preservation, cultural exchange, and science and research in history's era of the internet. By utilizing VR Technology in the field of furniture decorating, a new viewpoint and method for the development of a virtual museum are unveiled. Using optimum VR Technology in museum exhibition design based on the ideas of architecture, atmospheric art, light settings, coloring style, and ecological design, humans may be presented with natural and cultural heritages. The advancement of completely separate HTML text languages, QuickTime Virtual Reality innovation, Interactive Virtual Model-based Linguistic, three-dimensional (3D) applications, and data interaction systems for the exhibition has done result from an inquiry into virtual reality's history, definition, application, and present state. Ultimately, the planned work's effectiveness is analyzed and compared to other related projects to maximize its efficacy. Using the Origins software, the results of this study are shown

    Toward an Aesthetics of New-Media Environments

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    In this paper I suggest that, over and above the need to explore and understand the technological newness of computer art works, there is a need to address the aesthetic signiïŹcance of the changes and effects that such technological newness brings about, considering the whole environmental transaction pertaining to new media, including what they can or do offer and what users do or can do with such offerings, and how this whole package is integrated into our living spaces and activities. I argue that, given the primacy of computer-based interaction in the new-media, the notion of ‘ornamentality’ indicates the ground-ïŹ‚oor aesthetics of new-media environments. I locate ornamentality not only in the logically constitutive principles of the new-media (hypertextuality and interactivity) but also in their multiform cultural embodiments (decoration as cultural interface). I utilize Kendall Walton’s theory of ornamentality in order to construe a puzzle pertaining to the ornamental erosion of information in new-media environments. I argue that insofar as we consider new-media to be conduits of ‘real-life’, the excessive density of ornamental devices prevalent in certain new-media environments forces us to conduct our inquiries under conditions of neustic uncertainty, that is, uncertainty concerning the kind of relationship that we, the users, have to the propositional content mediated. I conclude that this puzzle calls our attention to a peculiar interrogatory complexity inherent in any game of knowledge-seeking conducted across the infosphere, which is not restricted to the simplest form of data retrieval, especially in mixed-reality environments and when the knowledge sought is embodied mimetically

    An epistolic contextualisation of an art practice that engages with temporality, memory and narrative in relation to a use of contemporary visual technologies

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    In this submission I intend to draw together the common threads of a use of narrative and of investigations using technologies, which underpinned a significant proportion of my professional artistic production. This is a selective and focused submission of works, which either share or inform an interconnection of narrative and technologies. The works referred to here have been published, exhibited or demonstrated both nationally and internationally. These are research activities that I have been consistently engaged with for the past thirty years

    Digital sculpting for historical representation: Neville tomb case study

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    Despite digital 3-D polygon modelling applications providing a common and powerful tool-set for archaeological, architectural and historical visualisation over recent years, the relatively recent developments in high-resolution sculpting software allow for the possibility to create digital outcomes with a degree of surface fidelity not previously obtainable from the more widely used poly-modelling software packages. Such digital sculpting applications are more commonly applied within the video games and TV/motion picture industries, the intention of this paper is to show how such tools and methodologies together with existing scanned data and some historical knowledge can remediate and re-imagine lost sculptural form. The intended research will focus on an examination and partial re-construction of the tomb of Sir John Neville, 3rd Baron Raby located at Durham Cathedral, County Durham UK

    Digital but authentic? Defining the Authenticity of Two Church Interiors Reconstructed with Mixed Reality Technology

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    I denna artikel definierar jag begreppet autenticitet dĂ„ det anvĂ€nds för att bedöma trovĂ€rdigheten av rekonstruktioner av förflutna rum som baserar sig pĂ„ blandad verklighet (mixed reality). Som exempel anvĂ€nder jag mig av tvĂ„ applikationer som har skapats vid Åbo universitet inom projekten Futuristic History och MIRACLE. En virtuell rekonstruktion av Helgeandskyrkan i Åbo visar, hur kyrkan kunde ha sett ut under slutet av 1500-talet och applikationen Sanan seppĂ€, som utnyttjar förstĂ€rkt verklighet, inkluderar rekonstruerade interiörer och detaljer i Åbo domkyrka under reformationstiden. De bĂ„da applikationerna kombinerar den fysiska verkligheten och digitala element pĂ„ sĂ€tt som förĂ€ndrar existerande rum till rekonstruktioner av det förflutna. Jag presenterar olika sĂ€tt att definiera autenticitet och vĂ€rderar hur de passar för dylika rekonstruktioner. Jag föreslĂ„r att autenticitet skulle förstĂ„s som en egenskap med gradvis variation. Ingenting borde ses som helt autentiskt eller helt icke-autentisk utan nĂ„gonting dĂ€remellan. Dessutom anser jag det viktigt? att separera begreppen historisk autenticitet, dvs. Ă„lder, och autenticitet baserat pĂ„ motsvarighet med det förflutna. Det senare begreppet har ja delat vidare till autenticitet baserat pĂ„ Ă€kthet (genuineness) och autenticitet baserat pĂ„ likhet med verkligheten (verisimilitude). I den sistnĂ€mnda kategorin bestĂ„r autenticitet av publikens upplevelser och i de andra av förbindelsen med historisk kunskap

    Cinderella Collections come to the digital humanities ball

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    When the Cinderella Collections reports were released, in 1996 and 1998, 256 university museums and collections in Australia were identified as needing investment to aid in transforming research and teaching. Digitisation then was a functional extension of access to physical collections; however, 20 years on, a new paradigm for digitisation is emerging. This new paradigm is driven by strategic pragmatism and scholarly coherence through collaboration in digital scholarship, redefining collections “as data”, and in the use of new technologies and methodologies

    Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, Vol. 77, No. 2

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    Editor\u27s Note (Curtiss Hoffman) A Quantitative Assessment of Stone Relics in a Western Massachusetts Town (Rolf Cachat-Schilling) The Braintree Cache (Scott F. Kostiw) Two Previously Unreported Biface Caches from Southeastern Massachusetts (William E. Moody) Caches or Offerings? Ceremonial Objects from the First Terrace of the Middleborough Little League Site (19-PL-520) (Curtiss Hoffman
