54 research outputs found

    Approximations fluides pour des modèles stochastiques en télécommunications

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    When modeling systems for their performance evaluation, one privileged tool is some form of Markov process, because of the rich set of results and associated algorithms. The drawback is that sometimes, the process has a huge number of states, or an infinite state space. In these situations, since analytical results are rare, almost always the solution to analyze the models is simulation. In this thesis we explore another possibility, called fluid limits, where a sequence of models is built with some parameter N associated with the individual model's size, in such a way that the performances of the Nth model gets close to that of the original system when N goes to infinity. We consider three families of systems/models and we explore this approach, obtaining results focused on understanding the meaning of this convergence phenomenon, and on the properties of the limiting models.Lorsqu'on modélise un système pour évaluer ses performances, l'un des outils principaux est le processus de Markov, pour la richesse des résultats et des algorithmes associés. L'inconvénient est que parfois, le modèle résultant a une énorme quantité d'états, voire un espace d'état infini. Dans ces situations, dans la mesure où les résultats analytiques sont rares, presque toujours la seule solution disponible pour l'analysis des modèles est la simulation. Dans cette thèse nous explorons une autre possibilité, appelée limites fluides, où une séquence de modèles est construite, avec un paramètre N relié à la taille de chaque modèle de la séquence, de telle sorte que les performances du Nème modèle sont proches de celles du système d'origine, quand N tends vers l'infini. Nous considérons 3 familles de systèmes/modèles et nous explorons cette approche, en obtenant des résultats focalisés sur la compréhension de ce phénomène de convergence et sur les propriétés des modèles limites

    The economic effects of network neutrality: a policy perspective

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    Network neutrality - regulation of Internet service providers (ISPs) to ensure equal treatment of all traffic - is becoming something many people have heard about. While the context is technical, network neutrality ultimately boils down to economics. The political weight of the subject is heavy, and the international debate is fierce. Still, surprisingly little rigorous research appears to be behind it. In this paper, I review economic literature on network neutrality and ISP regulation, covering both practical and theoretical implications for the broadband market. I define the degrees of network neutrality with more granularity than papers so far, evaluate the qualitative economic effects of regulation, and describe the broadband market, frameworks for modeling it, and its peculiar economic characteristics. In particular, I review and compare different theoretical modeling approaches and models' predictions of the welfare effects of different regulatory regimes. Throughout the paper, I incorporate economic literature from relevant areas into the analysis. I do not make definite policy recommendations, but I draw conclusions that are potentially of interest from a policy point of view. My analysis would indicate that the complexity of the Internet ecosystem and interrelations between market participants make effective regulation difficult. There is no economic evidence that network neutrality generally increases total welfare. In fact, it turns out that from a well-rounded economic perspective, strong network neutrality appears in most cases as detrimental to both consumer surplus and total welfare. In certain scenarios, however, models predict that neutrality can increase static and dynamic efficiency. The results depend crucially on model specifications and parameters, which differ significantly across the literature. So far, there is no consensus among economists on the optimal level of ISP regulation. Market-driven solutions such as dynamic pricing might provide a way to circumvent the neutrality question. Verkkoneutraliteetti - teleoperaattorien sääntely tietoliikenteen tasa-arvoisen kohtelun varmistamiseksi - on astunut käsitteenä julkisuuteen. Vaikka konteksti onkin tekninen, verkkoneutraliteetti viime kädessä redusoituu taloustieteeseen. Aiheen poliittinen painoarvo on suuri ja kansainvälinen keskustelu kiivasta. Tästä huolimatta sen takaa vaikuttaa löytyvän yllättävän vähän tieteellistä tutkimusta. Lopputyössäni tarkastelen taloustieteellistä kirjallisuutta verkkoneutraliteetista ja teleoperaattorien sääntelystä ja sen vaikutuksia laajakaistamarkkinaan käytännöllisestä kuin myös teoreettisesta näkökulmasta. Määrittelen verkkoneutraliteetin asteet hienojakoisemmin kuin aikaisemmat julkaisut, arvioin sääntelyn laadullisia vaikutuksia ja kuvailen laajakaistamarkkinaa, viitekehyksiä sen mallintamiseksi sekä sen eriskummallisia taloudellisia piirteitä. Kuvaan teoreettisia lähestymistapoja ja merkittävimpien mallien ennusteita sääntelymallien hyvinvointivaikutuksista. Liitän analyysini relevanttiin taloustieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen. En anna suoria politiikkasuosituksia, mutta teen johtopäätöksiä, jotka ovat mahdollisesti mielenkiintoisia poliittisesta näkökulmasta. Analyysini perusteella vaikuttaa, että Internet-ekosysteemin monimutkaisuus ja toimijoiden väliset suhteet tekevät tehokkaasta sääntelystä vaikeaa. Taloustieteellistä näyttöä verkkoneutraliteetin hyvinvointia kasvattavista vaikutuksista ei ole. Tasapainoisesta taloudellisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna tiukka neutraliteettisääntely näyttää useimmissa tapauksissa sekä pienentävän kuluttajan ylijäämää että laskevan kokonaishyvinvointia. Joissakin skenaarioissa mallit toisaalta ennustavat neutraliteetin lisäävän staattista ja dynaamista tehokkuutta. Tulokset riippuvat rajusti mallin rakenteesta ja parametreistä, jotka vaihtelevat merkittävästi tutkimuksesta tutkimukseen. Toistaiseksi taloustieteilijät eivät ole päässeet yhteisymmärrykseen optimaalisesta teleoperaattorien sääntelyn asteesta. Markkinalähtöiset ratkaisut kuten dynaaminen hinnoittelu saattavat mahdollistaa neutraliteettikysymyksen kiertämisen

    Optimisation des Systèmes Partiellement Observables dans les Réseaux Sans-fil (Théorie des jeux, Auto-adaptation et Apprentissage)

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    La dernière décennie a vu l'émergence d'Internet et l'apparition des applications multimédia qui requièrent de plus en plus de bande passante, ainsi que des utilisateurs qui exigent une meilleure qualité de service. Dans cette perspective, beaucoup de travaux ont été effectués pour améliorer l'utilisation du spectre sans fil.Le sujet de ma thèse de doctorat porte sur l'application de la théorie des jeux, la théorie des files d'attente et l'apprentissage dans les réseaux sans fil,en particulier dans des environnements partiellement observables. Nous considérons différentes couches du modèle OSI. En effet, nous étudions l'accès opportuniste au spectre sans fil à la couche MAC en utilisant la technologie des radios cognitifs (CR). Par la suite, nous nous concentrons sur le contrôle de congestion à la couche transport, et nous développons des mécanismes de contrôle de congestion pour le protocole TCP.Since delay-sensitive and bandwidth-intense multimedia applications have emerged in the Internet, the demand for network resources has seen a steady increase during the last decade. Specifically, wireless networks have become pervasive and highly populated.These motivations are behind the problems considered in this dissertation.The topic of my PhD is about the application of game theory, queueing theory and learning techniques in wireless networks under some QoS constraints, especially in partially observable environments.We consider different layers of the protocol stack. In fact, we study the Opportunistic Spectrum Access (OSA) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer through Cognitive Radio (CR) approaches.Thereafter, we focus on the congestion control at the transport layer, and we develop some congestion control mechanisms under the TCP protocol.The roadmap of the research is as follows. Firstly, we focus on the MAC layer, and we seek for optimal OSA strategies in CR networks. We consider that Secondary Users (SUs) take advantage of opportunities in licensed channels while ensuring a minimum level of QoS. In fact, SUs have the possibility to sense and access licensed channels, or to transmit their packets using a dedicated access (like 3G). Therefore, a SU has two conflicting goals: seeking for opportunities in licensed channels, but spending energy for sensing those channels, or transmitting over the dedicated channel without sensing, but with higher transmission delay. We model the slotted and the non-slotted systems using a queueing framework. Thereafter, we analyze the non-cooperative behavior of SUs, and we prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium (NE) strategy. Moreover, we measure the gap of performance between the centralized and the decentralized systems using the Price of Anarchy (PoA).Even if the OSA at the MAC layer was deeply investigated in the last decade, the performance of SUs, such as energy consumption or Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee, was somehow ignored. Therefore, we study the OSA taking into account energy consumption and delay. We consider, first, one SU that access opportunistically licensed channels, or transmit its packets through a dedicated channel. Due to the partial spectrum sensing, the state of the spectrum is partially observable. Therefore, we use the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) framework to design an optimal OSA policy for SUs. Specifically, we derive some structural properties of the value function, and we prove that the optimal OSA policy has a threshold structure.Thereafter, we extend the model to the context of multiple SUs. We study the non-cooperative behavior of SUs and we prove the existence of a NE. Moreover, we highlight a paradox in this situation: more opportunities in the licensed spectrum may lead to worst performances for SUs. Thereafter, we focus on the study of spectrum management issues. In fact, we introduce a spectrum manager to the model, and we analyze the hierarchical game between the network manager and SUs.Finally, we focus on the transport layer and we study the congestion control for wireless networks under some QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) constraints. Firstly, we propose a congestion control algorithm that takes into account applications' parameters and multimedia quality. In fact, we consider that network users maximize their expected multimedia quality by choosing the congestion control strategy. Since users ignore the congestion status at bottleneck links, we use a POMDP framework to determine the optimal congestion control strategy.Thereafter, we consider a subjective measure of the multimedia quality, and we propose a QoE-based congestion control algorithm. This algorithm bases on QoE feedbacks from receivers in order to adapt the congestion window size. Note that the proposed algorithms are designed based on some learning methods in order to face the complexity of solving POMDP problems.AVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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