42 research outputs found

    A Case for Peering of Content Delivery Networks

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    The proliferation of Content Delivery Networks (CDN) reveals that existing content networks are owned and operated by individual companies. As a consequence, closed delivery networks are evolved which do not cooperate with other CDNs and in practice, islands of CDNs are formed. Moreover, the logical separation between contents and services in this context results in two content networking domains. But present trends in content networks and content networking capabilities give rise to the interest in interconnecting content networks. Finding ways for distinct content networks to coordinate and cooperate with other content networks is necessary for better overall service. In addition to that, meeting the QoS requirements of users according to the negotiated Service Level Agreements between the user and the content network is a burning issue in this perspective. In this article, we present an open, scalable and Service-Oriented Architecture based system to assist the creation of open Content and Service Delivery Networks (CSDN) that scale and support sharing of resources with other CSDNs.Comment: Short Article (Submitted in DS Online as Work in Progress

    MapServer in GIS application

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    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) represent one of the fastest growing segments of the nowadays technology. The system was initially employed to help travelers in new place to find wayto go to another, to ease them in making decision in selecting location and to disseminate information regarding exact location selected. This project aims to generate an online map for Klang Valley area by using MapServer which canrepresent information from in that area. The development begins with investigation, then problem identifying, follow with the cycle of design, prototyping and implementation because of methodology practice in rapid application development. The proposed system captures the Klang Valley area, making it available for new comers to the city in getting information in Klang Valley. Furthermore, Klang Valley online map has been considered as the open source technology in GIS application by using MapServer. Experiments were conducted in ensuring the accessibility and capability of the application in responding query from user

    Videosisällön jakelu Internetin välityksellä

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    Popularity of multimedia streaming services has created great demand for reliable and effective content delivery over unreliable networks, such as the Internet. Currently, a significant part of the Internet data traffic is generated by video streaming applications. The multimedia streaming services are often bandwidth-heavy and are prone to delays or any other varying network conditions. In order to address high demands of real-time multimedia streaming applications, specialized solutions called content delivery networks, have emerged. A content delivery network consists of many geographically distributed replica servers, often deployed close to the end-users. This study consists of two parts and a set of interviews. First part explores development of video technologies and their relation to network bandwidth requirements. Second part proceeds to present the content delivery mechanisms related to video distribution over the Internet. Lastly, the interviews of selected experts was used to gain more relevant and realistic insights for two first parts. The results offer a wide overview of content delivery related findings ranging from streaming techniques to quality of experience. How the video related development progress would affect the future networks and what kind of content delivery models are mostly used in the modern Internet.Multimediapalveluiden suosio on noussut huomattavasti viime vuosina. Videoliikenteen osuus kaikesta tiedonsiirrosta Internetissä on kasvanut merkittävästi. Tämä on luonut suuren tarpeen luotettaville ja tehokkaille videosisällön siirtämisen keinoille epäluotettavien verkkojen yli. Videon suoratoistopalvelut ovat herkkiä verkossa tapahtuville häiriöille ja lisäksi ne vaativat usein verkolta paljon tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Ratkaistakseen multimedian reaaliaikaisen tiedonsiirron vaatimukset on kehitetty sisällönsiirtoon erikoistuneita verkkoja (eng. content deliver network - CDN). Nämä sisällönjakoon erikoistuneet verkot ovat fyysisesti hajautettuja kokonaisuuksia. Yleensä ne sijoitetaan mahdollisimman lähelle kohdekäyttäjäryhmää. Tämä työ koostuu kahdesta osasta ja asiantuntijahaastatteluista. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy taustatietojen keräämiseen, videotekniikoiden kehitykseen ja sen siirtoon liittyviin haasteisiin. Toinen osa esittelee sisällönjaon toiminnot liittyen suoratoistopalveluiden toteutukseen. Haastatteluiden tarkoitus on tuoda esille asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tueksi. Tulokset tarjoavat laajan katsauksen suoratoistopalveluiden sisällönjakotekniikoista, aina videon kehityksestä palvelun käyttökokemukseen saakka. Miten videon kuvanlaadun ja pakkaamisen kehitys voisi vaikuttaa tulevien verkkoteknologioiden kehitykseen Internet-pohjaisessa sisällönjakelussa

    Spartan Daily, May 17, 1999

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    Volume 112, Issue 71https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9428/thumbnail.jp