42 research outputs found

    Methodology for generating synthetic labeled datasets for visual container inspection

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    Nowadays, containerized freight transport is one of the most important transportation systems that is undergoing an automation process due to the Deep Learning success. However, it suffers from a lack of annotated data in order to incorporate state-of-the-art neural network models to its systems. In this paper we present an innovative methodology to generate a realistic, varied, balanced, and labelled dataset for visual inspection task of containers in a dock environment. In addition, we validate this methodology with multiple visual tasks recurrently found in the state of the art. We prove that the generated synthetic labelled dataset allows to train a deep neural network that can be used in a real world scenario. On the other side, using this methodology we provide the first open synthetic labelled dataset called SeaFront available in: https://datasets.vicomtech.org/di21-seafront/readme.txt


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    This thesis reviews and discusses certain techniques from the domain of (Music) Information Retrieval, in particular some general data mining algorithms. It also describes their specific adaptations for use as building blocks in the CACE4 software application. The use of Augmented Transition Networks (ATN) from the field of (Music) Information Retrieval is, to a certain extent, adequate as long as one keeps the underlying tonal constraints and rules as a guide to understanding the structure one is looking for. However since a large proportion of algorithmic music, including music composed by the author, is atonal, tonal constraints and rules are of little use. Analysis methods from Hierarchical Clustering Techniques (HCT) such as k-means and Expectation-Maximisation (EM) facilitate other approaches and are better suited for finding (clustered) structures in large data sets. ART2 Neural Networks (Adaptive Resonance Theory) for example, can be used for analysing and categorising these data sets. Statistical tools such as histogram analysis, mean, variance as well as correlation calculations can provide information about connections between members in a data set. Altogether this provides a diverse palette of usable data analysis methods and strategies for creating algorithmic atonal music. Now acting as (software) strategy tools, their use is determined by the quality of their output within a musical context, as demonstrated when developed and programmed into the Computer Assisted Composition Environment: CACE4. Music Information Retrieval techniques are therefore inverted: their specific techniques and associated methods of Information Retrieval and general data mining are used to access the organisation and constraints of abstract (non-specific musical) data in order to use and transform it in a musical composition

    Datenparallele algorithmische Skelette:Erweiterungen und Anwendungen der MĂĽnster Skelettbibliothek Muesli

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    Die Arbeit thematisiert den datenparallelen Bestandteil der Münster Skelettbibliothek Muesli und beschreibt neben einer Reihe implementierter Erweiterungen auch mit Muesli parallelisierte Anwendungen. Eine der wichtigsten Neuerungen ist die Unterstützung von Mehrkernprozessoren durch die Verwendung von OpenMP, infolgedessen mit Muesli entwickelte Programme auch auf Parallelrechnern mit hybrider Speicherarchitektur skalieren. Eine zusätzliche Erweiterung stellt die Neuentwicklung einer verteilten Datenstruktur für dünnbesetzte Matrizen dar. Letztere implementiert ein flexibles Designkonzept, was die Verwendung benutzerdefinierter Kompressions- sowie Lastverteilungsmechanismen ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus werden mit dem LM OSEM-Algorithmus und den ART 2-Netzen zwei Anwendungen vorgestellt, die mit Muesli parallelisiert wurden. Neben einer Beschreibung der Funktionsweise sowie der Eigenschaften und Konzepte von MPI und OpenMP wird darüber hinaus der aktuelle Forschungsstand skizziert. <br/

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation

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    Finding a suitable open access journal to publish scientific work is a complex task: Researchers have to navigate a constantly growing number of journals, institutional agreements with publishers, funders’ conditions and the risk of Predatory Publishers. To help with these challenges, we introduce a web-based journal recommendation system called B!SON. It is developed based on a systematic requirements analysis, built on open data, gives publisher-independent recommendations and works across domains. It suggests open access journals based on title, abstract and references provided by the user. The recommendation quality has been evaluated using a large test set of 10,000 articles. Development by two German scientific libraries ensures the longevity of the project

    An instruction systolic array architecture for multiple neural network types

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    Modern electronic systems, especially sensor and imaging systems, are beginning to incorporate their own neural network subsystems. In order for these neural systems to learn in real-time they must be implemented using VLSI technology, with as much of the learning processes incorporated on-chip as is possible. The majority of current VLSI implementations literally implement a series of neural processing cells, which can be connected together in an arbitrary fashion. Many do not perform the entire neural learning process on-chip, instead relying on other external systems to carry out part of the computation requirements of the algorithm. The work presented here utilises two dimensional instruction systolic arrays in an attempt to define a general neural architecture which is closer to the biological basis of neural networks - it is the synapses themselves, rather than the neurons, that have dedicated processing units. A unified architecture is described which can be programmed at the microcode level in order to facilitate the processing of multiple neural network types. An essential part of neural network processing is the neuron activation function, which can range from a sequential algorithm to a discrete mathematical expression. The architecture presented can easily carry out the sequential functions, and introduces a fast method of mathematical approximation for the more complex functions. This can be evaluated on-chip, thus implementing the entire neural process within a single system. VHDL circuit descriptions for the chip have been generated, and the systolic processing algorithms and associated microcode instruction set for three different neural paradigms have been designed. A software simulator of the architecture has been written, giving results for several common applications in the field

    Sustainability Conversations for Impact: Transdisciplinarity on Four Scales

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    Sustainability is a dynamic, multi-scale endeavor. Coherence can be lost between scales – from project teams, to organizations, to networks, and, most importantly, down to conversations. Sustainability researchers have embraced transdisciplinarity, as it is grounded in science, shared language, broad participation, and respect for difference. Yet, transdisciplinarity at these four scales is not well-defined. In this dissertation I extend transdisciplinarity out from the project to networks and organizations, and down into conversation, adding novel lenses and quantitative approaches. In Chapter 2, I propose transdisciplinarity incorporate academic disciplines which help cross scales: Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, Applied Cooperation, and Data Science. In Chapter 3 I then use a mixed-method approach to study a transdisciplinary organization, the Maine Aquaculture Hub, as it develops strategy. Using social network analysis and conversation analytics, I evaluate how the Hub’s network-convening, strategic thinking and conversation practices turn organization-scale transdisciplinarity into strategic advantage. In Chapters 4 and 5, conversation is the nexus of transdisciplinarity. I study seven public aquaculture lease scoping meetings (informal town halls) and classify conversation activity by “discussion discipline,” i.e., rhetorical and social intent. I compute the relationship between discussion discipline proportions and three sustainability outcomes of intent-to-act, options-generation, and relationship-building. I consider exogenous factors, such as signaling, gender balance, timing and location. I show that where inquiry is high, so is innovation. Where acknowledgement is high, so is intent-to-act. Where respect is high, so is relationship-building. Indirectness and sarcasm dampen outcomes. I propose seven interventions to improve sustainability conversation capacity, such as nudging, networks, and using empirical models. Chapter 5 explores those empirical models: I use natural language-processing (NLP) to detect the discussion disciplines by training a model using the previously coded transcripts. Then I use that model to classify 591 open-source conversation transcripts, and regress the sustainability outcomes, per-transcript, on discussion discipline proportions. I show that all three conversation outcomes can be predicted by the discussion disciplines, and most statistically-significant being intent-to-act, which responds directly to acknowledgement and respect. Conversation AI is the next frontier of transdisciplinarity for sustainability solutions

    A Phenomenological approach to media art environments: The Immersive art experience and the Finnish art scene

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    This research focuses on immersive art, defined as a multimedia experience where visitors interact with artwork whilst immersed in a range of sensory experiences. In this dissertation, I investigate the immersive art experience from the perspective of art history, social theory, and media studies situated within a phenomenological theoretical framework. I present a comparative analysis of forms of immersive spatiality, including projected moving-image art, spatial environments, participatory installations, video art installations and interactive environments in the international art scene. One of my objectives is to emphasise the role of video art in the development of interactive and immersive art environments. The growing importance of spectators for giving meaning to the artwork allows immersivity to be analysed in relation to the notions of spectacle and spectatorship. I connect disciplines, practices and concepts by adopting principles from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological writings. Spatiality and motility are pivotal points in immersive experiences. Immersive art, as an embodied mutual experience, materialises the phenomenological concepts of spectatorship, corporeality, motility, porosity, chiasm, and encounter. I have selected a group of relevant Finnish artists from different generations to characterise the development of media art and, particularly, immersive media art in an international context. The group includes Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Lauri Astala, Laura Beloff, Hanna Haaslahti, Tuomas A. Laitinen, Erkka Nissinen, and Marjatta Oja. I examine the historical dissemination of phenomenology in Finland and a renewed interest in the 1990s which coincided with the spatialisation of video art and the emergence of immersivity. I also investigate the opening of Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art and its impact on Finnish culture, and the recent Amos Rex Museum, specifically built for immersive exhibitions. Regarding the unstable nature of media art, I analyse the changes in displaying art collections and exhibitions, the new commitments of art museums and the innovative directions taken by media conservators. My examination of immersive art, with its performativity and transience, reveals environmentally friendly and sustainable aspects.Fenomenologinen tulokulma mediataideympäristöihin. Immersiivinen taidekokemus ja Suomen taidekenttä Tämä tutkimus käsittelee immersiivistä taidetta multimediaalisena kokemuksena. Immersiossa kävijät ovat erilaisten aistimellisten kokemusten ympäröiminä vuorovaikutuksessa taiteen kanssa. Tutkin väitöskirjassani immersiivistä taidekokemusta fenomenologisessa teoriakehyksessä taidehistorian, yhteiskuntateorian ja mediatutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Esitän vertailevan analyysin immersiivisistä tilallisuuden muodoista, joihin sisällytän liikkuvan kuvan projisoinnit, tilateokset, osallistavat installaatiot, videoinstallaatiot ja interaktiiviset ympäristöt kansainvälisen taidekentän ilmiöinä. Yhtenä pyrkimyksenäni on painottaa videotaiteen merkitystä interaktiivisen ja immersiivisen taiteen kehityksessä. Katsojien kasvava rooli taideteoksen merkityksen muodostuksessa tarjoaa perustan immersion analyysille nimenomaan spektaakkelin ja katsojuuden viitekehyksessä. Yhdistän eri tieteenaloja, käytäntöjä ja käsitteitä toisiinsa Maurice Merleau-Pontyn fenomenologisten kirjoitusten avulla. Tilallisuus ja liike ovat immersiivisten kokemusten ytimessä. Jaettuna ruumiillisena kokemuksena immersiivinen taide ilmentää materiaalisesti fenomenologisia katsojuuden, ruumiillisuuden, liikkeessä olemisen, huokoisuuden, kiasman ja kohtaamisen käsitteitä. Olen valinnut joukon eri sukupolvia edustavia suomalaistaiteilijoita hahmot-taakseni mediataiteen ja erityisesti immersiivisen mediataiteen kansainvälisiä kehityskulkuja. Heihin lukeutuvat Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Lauri Astala, Laura Beloff, Hanna Haaslahti, Tuomas A. Laitinen, Erkka Nissinen ja Marjatta Oja. Käsittelen fenomenologian saapumista Suomeen sekä siihen 1990-luvulla videotaiteen tilallistumisen ja immersion esiin nousun yhteydessä uudelleen virinnyttä mielenkiintoa. Tarkastelen myös Nykytaiteen museo Kiasman perustamista ja sen vaikutusta suomalaiseen kulttuuriin, samoin kuin vastikään avattua Amos Rex -taidemuseota, joka on rakennettu erityisesti immersiivisiä näyttelyitä silmällä pitäen. Analysoin muutoksia taidekokoelmien ja näyttelyiden esillepanossa, taidemuseoiden uudenlaisia sitoumuksia ja mediataiteen kuratoinnin uutta luovia suuntia suhteessa mediataiteen nopeasti muuttuvaan luonteeseen. Painottamalla performatiivisuutta ja hetkellisyyttä nostan immersiivisen taiteen analyysissani näkyville sen ympäristöystävällisiä ja kestäviä ulottuvuuksia

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty