1,003 research outputs found


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    The biometric passport is the new type of passports, which from October 2006 are required for entry to the US by the VWP (see also later on the section Types of biometric passports). The passports must contain an RFID-chip, which holds digitized information about the passport’s owner. The individual government decides much of the specific digital information, but certain demands are made by the US and the ICAO standard.biometric, rfid, icao, vwp

    Deep Fingerprint Matching from Contactless to Contact Fingerprints for Increased Interoperability

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    Contactless fingerprint matching is a common form of biometric security today. Most smartphones and associated apps now let users opt into using this form of biometric security. However, it’s difficult to match a finger-photo to a fingerprint because of perspective distortion occurring at the edges of the finger-photo, so direct matching using conventional methods will not be as accurate due to a lack of sufficient matching minutiae points. To address this issue, we propose a deep model, Perspective Distortion Rectification Model (PDRM), to estimate the fingerprint correspondence for finger-photo images in order to recover more minutiae points. Not only do we determine the feasibility of matching synthesized fingerprints from finger-photos, but we also show that matching a finger-photo to a fingerprint directly is possible by using our proposed Coupled Generative Adversarial Network (CpGAN) verifier. The results from our PDRM show that our method for creating synthetic fingerprints from finger-photos provides a more accurate matching (AUC=96.4%, EER= 8.9%) than just using the same commercial matcher to match finger-photo and fingerprints directly (AUC=92.1%, EER=15.7%). Finally, our proposed CpGAN verifier provides the best matching accuracy with AUC=98.4% and EER=6.3%

    Interoperability of Contact and Contactless Fingerprints Across Multiple Fingerprint Sensors

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    Contactless fingerprinting devices have grown in popularity in recent years due to speed and convenience of capture. Also, due to the global COID-19 pandemic, the need for safe and hygienic options for fingerprint capture are more pressing than ever. However, contactless systems face challenges in the areas of interoperability and matching performance as shown in other works. In this paper, we present a contactless vs. contact interoperability assessment of several contactless devices, including cellphone fingerphoto capture. During the interoperability assessment, the quality of the fingerprints was considered using the NBIS NFIQ software with the contact-based fingerprint performing the best overall as expected. In addition to evaluating the match performance of each contactless sensor, this paper presents an analysis of the impact of finger size and skin melanin content on contactless match performance. AUC results indicate that contactless match performance of the newest contactless devices is reaching that of contact fingerprints. In addition, match scores indicate that, while not as sensitive to melanin content, contactless fingerprint matching may be impacted by finger size

    Investigating the Impact of Demographic Factors on Contactless Fingerprint Interoperability

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    Improvements in contactless fingerprinting have resulted in contactless fingerprints becoming a faster and more convenient alternative to contact fingerprints. The interoperability between contactless fingerprints and contact fingerprints and how demographic factors can change interoperability has been challenging since COVID-19; the need for hygienic alternatives has only grown because of the sudden focus during the pandemic. Past work has shown issues with the interoperability of contactless prints from kiosk devices and phone fingerprint collection apps. Demographic bias in photography for facial recognition could affect photographed fingerprints. The paper focuses on evaluating match performance between contact and contactless fingerprints and evaluating match score bias based on five skin demographics; melanin, erythema, and the three measurements of the CIELab color space. The interoperability of three fingerprint matchers was tested. The best and worst Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Equal Error Rate (EER) values for the best-performing matcher were an AUC of 0.99398 and 0.97873 and an EER of 0.03016 and 0.07555, respectively, while the best contactless AUC and EER were 0.99337 and 0.03387 indicating that contactless match performance can be as good as contact fingerprints depending on the device. In contrast, the best and worst AUC and EER for the cellphone contactless fingerprints were an AUC of 0.96812 and 0.85772 and an EER of 0.08699 and 0.22130, falling short of the lowest performing contact fingerprints. Demographic analysis was on the top two of the three matchers based on the top one percent of non-match scores. Resulting efforts found matcher-specific bias for melanin showing specific ranges affected by low and high melanin values. While higher levels of erythema and general redness of the skin improved performance. Higher lightness values showed a decreased performance in the top-performing matcher

    Documentation and analysis of plastic fingerprint impressions involving contactless three-dimensional surface scanning

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    Fingerprint impressions are frequently encountered during the investigation of crime scenes, and may establish a crucial linkage between the suspect and the crime scene. Plastic fingerprint impressions found at crime scenes are often transient and delicate, leaving photography the sole means of documentation. A traditional photography approach can be inadequate in documenting impressions that contain three-dimensional (3D) details due to the limitations of camera and lighting conditions on scene. In this study, 3D scanning was proposed as a novel method for the documentation of plastic fingerprints. Structured-light 3D scanning (SLS) captures the distortion of projected light patterns on the subject to obtain its 3D profile, which allows fast acquisition of the complete 3D geometric information of the surface. The contactless operation of SLS also eliminates the risk of destroying fragile evidence, making it a sound choice for forensic applications. In this study, the feasibility of 3D scanning of plastic fingerprint impressions was evaluated and compared with traditional photography regarding the quantity and quality of perceptible friction ridge features. Attempts were made to develop a procedure to extract curvature features from 3D scanned fingerprints and flatten the friction ridge features into two-dimensional (2D) images to allow direct comparison with the traditional photography method in the CSIpix® Matcher and NFIQ 2.0 software. One of the developed methods (3DR) utilizing a discrete geometry operator and convexity features outperformed traditional photography, both in minutiae count and match quality, while traditional photography could not always capture enough high-quality minutiae for comparisons, even after digital enhancement. The reproducibility of the 3D scanning process was evaluated using 3D point cloud statistics. The pair-wise mean distance and standard deviation were calculated for four levels of comparisons with theoretically increasing disparity, including pairs of scans of the same impressions. The results showed minimal shape deviation from scan to scan for the same impression, but high variations for different impressions
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