2,154 research outputs found

    Media competences for the citizenship training of teachers from andean america: colombia and Ecuador convergente

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    In an increasingly saturated information and infoxicated world, Media Literacy emerges as a necessity for effective filtering of the vast amount of information we consume. The present research aims to quantitatively analyze the level of media competencies of Colombian (Medellin) and Ecuadorian (Loja and Zamora) teachers by means of the application of an adaptation of the taxonomy from the media competencies model, which consists of 6 dimensions and a total of 12 indicators. The total analyzed sample was comprised of 654 teachers from 81 public and private institutions. A data-gathering instrument was used with the aim of determining their level of media competencies from each of the dimensions. The results showed a low to medium level of media competency knowledge, which illustrated the need for priority interventions based on local, regional and international works, namely those that mobilize scientific, academic and political collaboration to improve the performance of a population that should lead the general training of citizens in media competencies

    An overview of digital media in Latin America

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    An overview of digital media in Latin American is a focus and a contribution to emerging debate, international exchanges and the building of global scientific communication as a contribution to development. Contents Editorial introduction; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín & Cosette Castro Chapter 1: Globalization of the information society; Jorge Hidalgo Chapter 2: Digital and interactive content production as a strategy for development – a brief study on the Latin American experience in digital free-to-air television; Cosette Castro Chapter 3: e-Research: the new paradigm of science in Latin America; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín, Luis Núñez & Ysabel Briceño Chapter 4: Mobilizing the consumer as a partner in social networks: reflections on the commodification of subjectivities; Gisela Castro Chapter 5: The mediatization of reception by Brazilian online collaborative journalism: rules and protocols to control reader's participation; Paulo César Castro Chapter 6: A contract in transition: online press and its audience; Natalia Raimondo Anselmino Chapter 7: Interactivity in education: social and complex network analysis; Ana María Casnati Guberna, Claudia Ribeiro Santos Lopes, Dante Galeffi & Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira Chapter 8: Media transformations for journalistic practices in regional print media due to new technologies and the implications that shape the agendas of journalists and media companies; Henry Rubiano Daz

    Research, Literacy, and Communication Education: New Challenges Facing Disinformation

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    The information that comes through digital media and social networks is increasing. This potential access to almost infinite information makes it difficult to select relevant content with a good understanding. It is therefore necessary to generate research that thoroughly analyses the phenomenon of communication and information in the digital age. For this reason, this monograph presents different research studies that highlight the need for greater media literacy and education in order to prevent the existence and dissemination of fake news. Citizens must know how to deal with disinformation and be able to detect the source of bad intentions behind information. Therefore, people need to be aware of the new communication challenges in order to determine what is important, which media they can trust, and where information has been misused or manipulated. In conclusion, society must be prepared to face new challenges related to misinformation. An educated and digitally literate society will be able to face these problems and be prepared to face the new communication challenges, including interaction with social networks, new audiences, new media, fake news, etc

    Digital literacy and higher education during COVID-19 lockdown : Spain, Italy and Ecuador

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    Digital literacy constitutes the basis for citizenship in order to be effective and efficient in the 21st Century in professional and personal lives. The set of skills and competences integrating digital literacy are expected to be guaranteed in higher education. During the lockdown globally imposed for the COVID-19 pandemic, educational systems worldwide had to face many disruptive changes. The aim of this research is to present a comparative study of three countries' higher education institutions (Spain, Italy, and Ecuador), analyzing how they have faced the global lockdown situation, focusing on the development of digital literacy. The methodological approach followed in this study was quantitative with an exploratory-correlational scope using a questionnaire designed ad hoc and applied in a sample of 376 students. Results point the necessity of enhancing the main aspects such as the teacher's digital skills, sources for learning that may be adapted, communication between universities and students, and teaching methodologies that should be appropriate to the current context. Conclusions may suggest rethinking higher education learning and reinforcing main issues for this transformation, mainly: communication, teaching, and digital competences. Otherwise, digital literacy is not being guaranteed, which means higher education is not accomplishing one of its main objectives

    An Educational Project Based on the YouTuber Phenomenon for the Development of a Minority Language

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    In the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), the “Basic Law on the normalization of the use of Basque” (law 10/1982, of 24 November) establishes that Basque citizens have the right to express themselves in either of the two official languages (Basque and Spanish), and to receive instructions in both languages. Therefore, the Faculties of Education must train future teachers to be able to teach and communicate in the Basque language. However, data from the last VI sociolinguistic survey (2016) tell us that 33.9% of the population aged 16 and over living in the BAC is Basque-speaking, but balanced bilinguals who express themselves with the same fluency in both Basque and Spanish make up only 29.3% of Basque speakers. In a study on linguistic customs in the academic field carried out on a group of future primary education teachers, it was observed that although Basque is the language they will teach in the schools of the BAC, it is not their main language of communication. Given this situation, it was deemed necessary to introduce the use of technology to promote the use of Basque. To this end, a project was designed and implemented, involving the intensive use of the social network YouTube. This paper presents the results of the data generated in this didactic experiment at the university level

    Global Kids Online Argentina: research study on the perceptions and habits of children and adolescents on the use of technologies, the internet and social media

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    The report offers a summary of the data obtained from the Project “Chic@S Conectados. Research on Perceptions and Habits of Children and Adolescents on the Internet and Social Networks”, which was conducted in Argentina from August 2015 to April 2016. The study was carried out by UNICEF Argentina within the Global Kids Online project, taking as a background reference the research carried out by Latin America Kids Online and adapting the conceptual design and research tools to the national context. The research in Argentina was based on two components, a quantitative and a qualitative one, aiming to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices of children and adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 who use the internet. The qualitative inquiry included focus groups with 60 adolescents aged 13 to 17 and 32 parents. The quantitative analysis is based on the survey of 1,106 adolescents aged 13 to 17, administrated via home-based face-to-face interviews. The research collected useful data on the current opportunities and risks that children in Argentina face that has been used to inform policy and decision-making and to raise awareness of the value of a risk-free internet

    Subtitled Audio-visual Material for Teaching EFL Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary

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    El propósito de esta síntesis de investigación es el de explorar y analizar los efectos que tiene el material audiovisual subtitulado en la comprensión auditiva y la enseñanza de vocabulario del inglés como lengua extranjera, así como también las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes acerca del uso de este material. Se seleccionaron 16 estudios empíricos publicados en los últimos 20 años y enfocados principalmente en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Los resultados del análisis demostraron que el uso de material audiovisual con subtítulos afecta de manera positiva en la comprensión auditiva y enseñanza de vocabulario, aunque también se encontró algunos estudios con un efecto negativo y ningún efecto. Del mismo modo, las percepciones de los estudiantes en su mayoría fueron positivas, declarando que el material audiovisual subtitulado les ayuda a mejorar su comprensión auditiva, aprender nuevas palabras y obtener una correcta pronunciación. Además, los estudiantes concluyeron que el material audiovisual es una herramienta interesante y motivadora.The purpose of this research synthesis is to analyze the effects of subtitled audio-visual material on listening comprehension and vocabulary learning in English as a foreign language as well as the students' perceptions of the use of this material. Sixteen empirical studies published over a period of 20 years and focused mainly on the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language were analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that the use of audio-visual material with subtitles could have a positive effect on listening comprehension and vocabulary learning; however, negative effects and no effects were also found. Similarly, students' perceptions were mostly positive, stating that subtitled audio-visual material helps them to improve their listening comprehension, learn new words, and obtain correct pronunciation. In addition, the students concluded that the audio-visual material is an interesting and motivating tool.0000-0001-8381-598

    Nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    Este volumen contiene los trabajos presentados en el I Simposio de Pensamiento Contemporáneo, celebrado en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) durante los días 23 y 24 de enero de 2019 y cuyo tema central fue las «Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación» (SPC–NTE). Este Simposio tuvo como objetivo fomentar la interacción entre personas de diferentes formaciones e intereses en la discusión de problemas y soluciones relevantes para la educación en la era digital, a fin de intercambiar ideas sobre prácticas e investigaciones que busquen comprender, mejorar y ampliar el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos de enseñanza–aprendizaje en los más diferentes contextos de enseñanza. 28 trabajos analizan abordan temáticas de especial interés para los futuros docentes, así como para quienes ya se desempeñan como tales en los diversos niveles educativos. Estos textos son instantáneas breves, ágiles y claras de las contribuciones teóricas o de experiencias pedagógicas que tratan sobre ambientes, softwares y hardwares para apoyar la enseñanza y aprendizaje; TIC en la educación universitaria; técnicas y estrategias lúdicas en educación; experiencias pedagógicas con las TIC y humanidades digitales en la educación

    An english vocabulary booklet to improve teh reading and understanding of manuals in the option of electricity, focused on the first course at Alborada Technical and industrial senior high school of Milagro city

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    One of the serious problems that find in the learning of the English language is that we don't find books, manuals or pamphlets that allow us to translate the written material that comes along with the equipment or materials for laboratories, shop of technical schools or not, of the local educational system, speaking of Milagro city. Most of the time, teachers are forced to improvise, using the translation software that exists in the market and in the Internet, those which, although they help enough they are not really reliable, the result of the work is mediocre. With the proposal of this work we want to contribute with a first delivery, where besides providing the student a support tool in the translation, with the words of the glossary, we are giving English's teacher a small guide with which we hope we can attend in a better way to the students involved in technical careers, especially to those of English's area. There is another big problem to challenge; it is the fact on not knowing how to use strategies, TICs or any material resources in our classes. This project is going to analyze and suggest a guide of concepts to understand the problem in a better way and trying to improve the process transforming it from a vertical one... into a process in a horizontal line which becomes the best remedy ever for a good development of the teaching-learning process

    Media competences for the citizenship training of teachers from andean america: colombia and Ecuador convergente

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    In an increasingly saturated information and infoxicated world, Media Literacy emerges as a necessity for effective filtering of the vast amount of information we consume. The present research aims to quantitatively analyze the level of media competencies of Colombian (Medellin) and Ecuadorian (Loja and Zamora) teachers by means of the application of an adaptation of the taxonomy from the media competencies model, which consists of 6 dimensions and a total of 12 indicators. The total analyzed sample was comprised of 654 teachers from 81 public and private institutions. A data-gathering instrument was used with the aim of determining their level of media competencies from each of the dimensions. The results showed a low to medium level of media competency knowledge, which illustrated the need for priority interventions based on local, regional and international works, namely those that mobilize scientific, academic and political collaboration to improve the performance of a population that should lead the general training of citizens in media competencies