2,078 research outputs found

    Hypermedia learning and prior knowledge: Domain expertise vs. system expertise

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    Prior knowledge is often argued to be an important determinant in hypermedia learning, and may be thought of as including two important elements: domain expertise and system expertise. However, there has been a lack of research considering these issues together. In an attempt to address this shortcoming, this paper presents a study that examines how domain expertise and system expertise influence students’ learning performance in, and perceptions of, a hypermedia system. The results indicate that participants with lower domain knowledge show a greater improvement in their learning performance than those with higher domain knowledge. Furthermore, those who enjoy using the Web more are likely to have positive perceptions of non-linear interaction. Discussions on how to accommodate the different needs of students with varying levels of prior knowledge are provided based on the results

    Managing evolution and change in web-based teaching and learning environments

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    The state of the art in information technology and educational technologies is evolving constantly. Courses taught are subject to constant change from organisational and subject-specific reasons. Evolution and change affect educators and developers of computer-based teaching and learning environments alike – both often being unprepared to respond effectively. A large number of educational systems are designed and developed without change and evolution in mind. We will present our approach to the design and maintenance of these systems in rapidly evolving environments and illustrate the consequences of evolution and change for these systems and for the educators and developers responsible for their implementation and deployment. We discuss various factors of change, illustrated by a Web-based virtual course, with the objective of raising an awareness of this issue of evolution and change in computer-supported teaching and learning environments. This discussion leads towards the establishment of a development and management framework for teaching and learning systems

    Putting theory into practice: The creation of REALs in the context of today's universities

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    Rich Environments for Active Learning (REALs), as described by R. Scott Grabinger and Joanna Dunlap, are comprehensive educational systems based on constructivist principles that present an intellectual and practical challenge to university lecturers. As teachers and researchers, academics are concerned with improving the learning potential of teaching strategies and, to this end, the theory of the REAL provides inspiration and ideas based on sound theoretical principles. Yet in the context of the current pressured climate, having the time and resources to put such an extensive, theory into practice can seem little more than a pipe‐dream. It is argued that using a computer‐based application such as the Hypermedia Learning Tutorials (HLTs) as the heart of a REAL allows lecturers to take positive steps towards the creation of comprehensive, flexible, integrated learning environments. The concept of the HLT is discussed and a practical application in the field of advanced second‐language acquisition is described. Based on conceptual analysis and the results of preliminary student evaluation, it is argued that the HLT encompasses both in theory and in practice the chief qualities of REALs and can form the basis for their creation in a wide variety of disciplines

    An evaluation of scaffolding for virtual interactive tutorials

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    Scaffolding refers to a temporary support framework used during construction. Applied to teaching and learning it describes measures to support a learner to become confident and self-reliant in a subject. In a Web environment scaffolding features need to replace the instructor. We discuss our approach to Web-based scaffolding based on the cognitive apprenticeship and activity theories. We suggest a set of four scaffold types that have made our scaffolding-supported virtual interactive tutorial successful. We present a novel evaluation approach for virtual tutorials that is embedded into an iterative, evolutionary instructional design

    A representação do conhecimento segundo a teoria da flexibilidade cognitiva

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    A representação do conhecimento baseada na Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva Ă© regida por uma sĂ©rie de princĂ­pios que sĂŁo abordados neste texto. Esses princĂ­pios visam facilitar a aquisição de conhecimentos de nĂ­vel avançado, em domĂ­nios complexos e pouco-estruturados, promovendo o desenvolvimento de flexibilidade cognitiva, imprescindĂ­vel na transferĂȘncia de conhecimento para novas situaçÔes. Ao longo deste artigo sĂŁo, ainda, referidos os pressupostos da teoria, as influĂȘncias recebidas e os documentos concebidos. No final Ă© apresentado um comentĂĄrio Ă  Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva, que se fundamenta nos estudos realizados pela autora.This paper addresses the principles suggested by Cognitive Flexibility Theory to represent knowledge in such away that the acquisition of advanced knowledge in complex and ill-structured domains is facilitated and cognitive flexibility is developed. Moreover, we describe the Cognitive Flexibility Theory, its assumptions, recommendations and the hyperdocuments developed following its principles. We conclude by commenting the theory based on the studies carried out by the author.Cet article aborde les principes de la ThĂ©orie de la FlexibilitĂ© Cognitive pour reprĂ©senter la connaissance. Ces principes ont comme objectif faciliter l’acquisition de la connaissance d’un niveau avancĂ©, dans des domaines complexes et peu structurĂ©s, et dĂ©velopper la flexibilitĂ© cognitive, trĂšs importante dans la transfĂ©rence de la connaissance aux nouvelles situations. On fait aussi rĂ©fĂ©rence aux prĂ©supposĂ©s de la thĂ©orie, Ă  ses recommendations et aux hyperdocuments dĂ©veloppĂ©s. À la fin de ce texte et en s’appuyant sur des Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es par l’auteur, est prĂ©sentĂ© un commentaire sur la thĂ©orie

    Blog-based online journals for English As A Second Language learners

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    The research on the use of blogs as online journals was carried out with a group of twenty five Form Four students in a secondary school in Kuantan, Pahang. The aim of the research is to find out the effects of blogs as a tool in developing writing in English as A Second Language. The instruments include questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and analysis of the blogs content. The research covered studentsñ€ℱ perspectives of blogs as the medium for online journals, the effectiveness of blogs as a tool to assist studentsñ€ℱ writing skill and to what extent blogs could help students to enhance their writing skills. From the findings, it is discovered that there is a positive impact on the development of studentsñ€ℱ writing throughout the research as gained through the instruments. From the research, the students claimed that blogs is an interesting medium for them to write their journals as compared to writing in their log books. Blogs also could help them developed their writing skill in English Language; and through the various features in blogs, students were able to write more effectively

    Construtivismo e investigação em hipermedia: aspectos teóricos e metodologicos, expectativas e resultados

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    Os sistemas hipermédia educativos constituiram-se como as ferramentas tecnológicas compatíveis com os modelos de aprendizagem construtivista e serviram de importante fonte de inspiração para a investigação no domínio científico da Tecnologia Educativa a partir dos finais da década de 80. Vamos, nesta comunicação, apresentar os aspectos mais relevantes da investigação desenvolvida em torno do potencial educativo dos sistemas hipermédia, contextualizando os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos dos estudos realizados, bem como perspectivando as expectativas criadas e os resultados obtidos. Particular destaque serå dado à investigação realizada neste domínio em Portugal. Vamos, nesta comunicação, apresentar os resultados de um estudo em que se procurou sintetizar os aspectos mais relevantes da pesquisa desenvolvida em torno do potencial educativo dos sistemas hipermédia, contextualizando os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos dos estudos realizados e perspectivando também as expectativas criadas e os resultados obtidos. Particular destaque serå dado à investigação realizada neste domínio em Portugal

    A backwards approach to instructional design

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    This project describes the outline for an effective procedure for a backwards design approach as it relates to a technology integrated unit of study

    From Kansas to Queensland: Global learning in preservice elementary teacher education

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    Communication of information between groups of humans has been extended through out history progressing from smoke signals, drum beats, message couriers, post, telegraph, telephone and now the ICT. The time between the utterance of a message and the reception of that message has progressively decreased. We are now able to communicate relatively cheaply, simultaneously sharing and responding to ideas and thoughts on a scale never previously possible. Although the technology exists to make possible easy access to people in all parts of the world, we still lack understandings of the aspirations and sensitivities of other cultures with whom we can communicate. This project supported pre-service elementary teachers in two countries – Australia and the United States – to engage in collaborative learning through Internet communications. The purpose of the project was to develop greater understanding of other’s cultures, and practices in teaching elementary students. Students attending an Australian preservice primary science methods course were matched with a cohort of undergraduate preservice elementary student teachers from a university in the United States studying an integrated mathematics science methods course. Over a six-week period the students engaged in the computer-mediated communication and were encouraged to learn about mutual cultural practices and primary/elementary science education in both countries. The outcomes demonstrated that students involved in the project benefited from an array of different and enriching learning experiences. Students benefited through enhanced understanding of the teaching of science and an appreciation of the common problems confronting science education in both countries. However, there was little engagement in debate or discussion of individual differences and the cultural context of each other’s country even when opportunities presented themselves. Nevertheless, the on-line tasks provided the pre-service teachers with the experience and confidence to engage their own students in similar global learning initiatives when they become teachers
