157 research outputs found

    Brief Announcement: Faster Asynchronous MST and Low Diameter Tree Construction with Sublinear Communication

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    Building a spanning tree, minimum spanning tree (MST), and BFS tree in a distributed network are fundamental problems which are still not fully understood in terms of time and communication cost. The first work to succeed in computing a spanning tree with communication sublinear in the number of edges in an asynchronous CONGEST network appeared in DISC 2018. That algorithm which constructs an MST is sequential in the worst case; its running time is proportional to the total number of messages sent. Our paper matches its message complexity but brings the running time down to linear in n. Our techniques can also be used to provide an asynchronous algorithm with sublinear communication to construct a tree in which the distance from a source to each node is within an additive term of sqrt{n} of its actual distance

    A Simple Deterministic Distributed MST Algorithm, with Near-Optimal Time and Message Complexities

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    Distributed minimum spanning tree (MST) problem is one of the most central and fundamental problems in distributed graph algorithms. Garay et al. \cite{GKP98,KP98} devised an algorithm with running time O(D+nlogn)O(D + \sqrt{n} \cdot \log^* n), where DD is the hop-diameter of the input nn-vertex mm-edge graph, and with message complexity O(m+n3/2)O(m + n^{3/2}). Peleg and Rubinovich \cite{PR99} showed that the running time of the algorithm of \cite{KP98} is essentially tight, and asked if one can achieve near-optimal running time **together with near-optimal message complexity**. In a recent breakthrough, Pandurangan et al. \cite{PRS16} answered this question in the affirmative, and devised a **randomized** algorithm with time O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+ \sqrt{n}) and message complexity O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). They asked if such a simultaneous time- and message-optimality can be achieved by a **deterministic** algorithm. In this paper, building upon the work of \cite{PRS16}, we answer this question in the affirmative, and devise a **deterministic** algorithm that computes MST in time O((D+n)logn)O((D + \sqrt{n}) \cdot \log n), using O(mlogn+nlognlogn)O(m \cdot \log n + n \log n \cdot \log^* n) messages. The polylogarithmic factors in the time and message complexities of our algorithm are significantly smaller than the respective factors in the result of \cite{PRS16}. Also, our algorithm and its analysis are very **simple** and self-contained, as opposed to rather complicated previous sublinear-time algorithms \cite{GKP98,KP98,E04b,PRS16}

    Message Reduction in the LOCAL Model Is a Free Lunch

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    A new spanner construction algorithm is presented, working under the LOCAL model with unique edge IDs. Given an n-node communication graph, a spanner with a constant stretch and O(n^{1 + epsilon}) edges (for an arbitrarily small constant epsilon > 0) is constructed in a constant number of rounds sending O(n^{1 + epsilon}) messages whp. Consequently, we conclude that every t-round LOCAL algorithm can be transformed into an O(t)-round LOCAL algorithm that sends O(t * n^{1 + epsilon}) messages whp. This improves upon all previous message-reduction schemes for LOCAL algorithms that incur a log^{Omega (1)} n blow-up of the round complexity

    Super-Fast MST Algorithms in the Congested Clique Using o(m) Messages

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    In a sequence of recent results (PODC 2015 and PODC 2016), the running time of the fastest algorithm for the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem in the Congested Clique model was first improved to O(log(log(log(n)))) from O(log(log(n))) (Hegeman et al., PODC 2015) and then to O(log^*(n)) (Ghaffari and Parter, PODC 2016). All of these algorithms use Theta(n^2) messages independent of the number of edges in the input graph. This paper positively answers a question raised in Hegeman et al., and presents the first "super-fast" MST algorithm with o(m) message complexity for input graphs with m edges. Specifically, we present an algorithm running in O(log^*(n)) rounds, with message complexity ~O(sqrt{m * n}) and then build on this algorithm to derive a family of algorithms, containing for any epsilon, 0 < epsilon <= 1, an algorithm running in O(log^*(n)/epsilon) rounds, using ~O(n^{1 + epsilon}/epsilon) messages. Setting epsilon = log(log(n))/log(n) leads to the first sub-logarithmic round Congested Clique MST algorithm that uses only ~O(n) messages. Our primary tools in achieving these results are (i) a component-wise bound on the number of candidates for MST edges, extending the sampling lemma of Karger, Klein, and Tarjan (Karger, Klein, and Tarjan, JACM 1995) and (ii) Theta(log(n))-wise-independent linear graph sketches (Cormode and Firmani, Dist. Par. Databases, 2014) for generating MST candidate edges

    Distributed MST and Broadcast with Fewer Messages, and Faster Gossiping

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    We present a distributed minimum spanning tree algorithm with near-optimal round complexity of O~(D+sqrt{n}) and message complexity O~(min{n^{3/2}, m}). This is the first algorithm with sublinear message complexity and near-optimal round complexity and it improves over the recent algorithms of Elkin [PODC\u2717] and Pandurangan et al. [STOC\u2717], which have the same round complexity but message complexity O~(m). Our method also gives the first broadcast algorithm with o(n) time complexity - when that is possible at all, i.e., when D=o(n) - and o(m) messages. Moreover, our method leads to an O~(sqrt{nD})-round GOSSIP algorithm with bounded-size messages. This is the first such algorithm with a sublinear round complexity

    Time-Message Trade-Offs in Distributed Algorithms

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    This paper focuses on showing time-message trade-offs in distributed algorithms for fundamental problems such as leader election, broadcast, spanning tree (ST), minimum spanning tree (MST), minimum cut, and many graph verification problems. We consider the synchronous CONGEST distributed computing model and assume that each node has initial knowledge of itself and the identifiers of its neighbors - the so-called KT_1 model - a well-studied model that also naturally arises in many applications. Recently, it has been established that one can obtain (almost) singularly optimal algorithms, i.e., algorithms that have simultaneously optimal time and message complexity (up to polylogarithmic factors), for many fundamental problems in the standard KT_0 model (where nodes have only local knowledge of themselves and not their neighbors). The situation is less clear in the KT_1 model. In this paper, we present several new distributed algorithms in the KT_1 model that trade off between time and message complexity. Our distributed algorithms are based on a uniform and general approach which involves constructing a sparsified spanning subgraph of the original graph - called a danner - that trades off the number of edges with the diameter of the sparsifier. In particular, a key ingredient of our approach is a distributed randomized algorithm that, given a graph G and any delta in [0,1], with high probability constructs a danner that has diameter O~(D + n^{1-delta}) and O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) edges in O~(n^{1-delta}) rounds while using O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) messages, where n, m, and D are the number of nodes, edges, and the diameter of G, respectively. Using our danner construction, we present a family of distributed randomized algorithms for various fundamental problems that exhibit a trade-off between message and time complexity and that improve over previous results. Specifically, we show the following results (all hold with high probability) in the KT_1 model, which subsume and improve over prior bounds in the KT_1 model (King et al., PODC 2014 and Awerbuch et al., JACM 1990) and the KT_0 model (Kutten et al., JACM 2015, Pandurangan et al., STOC 2017 and Elkin, PODC 2017): 1) Leader Election, Broadcast, and ST. These problems can be solved in O~(D+n^{1-delta}) rounds using O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) messages for any delta in [0,1]. 2) MST and Connectivity. These problems can be solved in O~(D+n^{1-delta}) rounds using O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) messages for any delta in [0,0.5]. In particular, for delta = 0.5 we obtain a distributed MST algorithm that runs in optimal O~(D+sqrt{n}) rounds and uses O~(min{m,n^{3/2}}) messages. We note that this improves over the singularly optimal algorithm in the KT_0 model that uses O~(D+sqrt{n}) rounds and O~(m) messages. 3) Minimum Cut. O(log n)-approximate minimum cut can be solved in O~(D+n^{1-delta}) rounds using O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) messages for any delta in [0,0.5]. 4) Graph Verification Problems such as Bipartiteness, Spanning Subgraph etc. These can be solved in O~(D+n^{1-delta}) rounds using O~(min{m,n^{1+delta}}) messages for any delta in [0,0.5]

    A time- and message-optimal distributed algorithm for minimum spanning trees

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    This paper presents a randomized Las Vegas distributed algorithm that constructs a minimum spanning tree (MST) in weighted networks with optimal (up to polylogarithmic factors) time and message complexity. This algorithm runs in O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D + \sqrt{n}) time and exchanges O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) messages (both with high probability), where nn is the number of nodes of the network, DD is the diameter, and mm is the number of edges. This is the first distributed MST algorithm that matches \emph{simultaneously} the time lower bound of Ω~(D+n)\tilde{\Omega}(D + \sqrt{n}) [Elkin, SIAM J. Comput. 2006] and the message lower bound of Ω(m)\Omega(m) [Kutten et al., J.ACM 2015] (which both apply to randomized algorithms). The prior time and message lower bounds are derived using two completely different graph constructions; the existing lower bound construction that shows one lower bound {\em does not} work for the other. To complement our algorithm, we present a new lower bound graph construction for which any distributed MST algorithm requires \emph{both} Ω~(D+n)\tilde{\Omega}(D + \sqrt{n}) rounds and Ω(m)\Omega(m) messages