253 research outputs found

    View generated database

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    This document represents the final report for the View Generated Database (VGD) project, NAS7-1066. It documents the work done on the project up to the point at which all project work was terminated due to lack of project funds. The VGD was to provide the capability to accurately represent any real-world object or scene as a computer model. Such models include both an accurate spatial/geometric representation of surfaces of the object or scene, as well as any surface detail present on the object. Applications of such models are numerous, including acquisition and maintenance of work models for tele-autonomous systems, generation of accurate 3-D geometric/photometric models for various 3-D vision systems, and graphical models for realistic rendering of 3-D scenes via computer graphics

    A model-based approach for detection of runways and other objects in image sequences acquired using an on-board camera

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    This research was initiated as a part of the Advanced Sensor and Imaging System Technology (ASSIST) program at NASA Langley Research Center. The primary goal of this research is the development of image analysis algorithms for the detection of runways and other objects using an on-board camera. Initial effort was concentrated on images acquired using a passive millimeter wave (PMMW) sensor. The images obtained using PMMW sensors under poor visibility conditions due to atmospheric fog are characterized by very low spatial resolution but good image contrast compared to those images obtained using sensors operating in the visible spectrum. Algorithms developed for analyzing these images using a model of the runway and other objects are described in Part 1 of this report. Experimental verification of these algorithms was limited to a sequence of images simulated from a single frame of PMMW image. Subsequent development and evaluation of algorithms was done using video image sequences. These images have better spatial and temporal resolution compared to PMMW images. Algorithms for reliable recognition of runways and accurate estimation of spatial position of stationary objects on the ground have been developed and evaluated using several image sequences. These algorithms are described in Part 2 of this report. A list of all publications resulting from this work is also included

    Computational Strategies for Object Recognition

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    This article reviews the available methods forautomated identification of objects in digital images. The techniques are classified into groups according to the nature of the computational strategy used. Four classes are proposed: (1) the s~mplest strategies, which work on data appropriate for feature vector classification, (2) methods that match models to symbolic data structures for situations involving reliable data and complex models, (3) approaches that fit models to the photometry and are appropriate for noisy data and simple models, and (4) combinations of these strategies, which must be adopted in complex situations Representative examples of various methods are summarized, and the classes of strategies are evaluated with respect to their appropriateness for particular applications

    Combining Features and Semantics for Low-level Computer Vision

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    Visual perception of depth and motion plays a significant role in understanding and navigating the environment. Reconstructing outdoor scenes in 3D and estimating the motion from video cameras are of utmost importance for applications like autonomous driving. The corresponding problems in computer vision have witnessed tremendous progress over the last decades, yet some aspects still remain challenging today. Striking examples are reflecting and textureless surfaces or large motions which cannot be easily recovered using traditional local methods. Further challenges include occlusions, large distortions and difficult lighting conditions. In this thesis, we propose to overcome these challenges by modeling non-local interactions leveraging semantics and contextual information. Firstly, for binocular stereo estimation, we propose to regularize over larger areas on the image using object-category specific disparity proposals which we sample using inverse graphics techniques based on a sparse disparity estimate and a semantic segmentation of the image. The disparity proposals encode the fact that objects of certain categories are not arbitrarily shaped but typically exhibit regular structures. We integrate them as non-local regularizer for the challenging object class 'car' into a superpixel-based graphical model and demonstrate its benefits especially in reflective regions. Secondly, for 3D reconstruction, we leverage the fact that the larger the reconstructed area, the more likely objects of similar type and shape will occur in the scene. This is particularly true for outdoor scenes where buildings and vehicles often suffer from missing texture or reflections, but share similarity in 3D shape. We take advantage of this shape similarity by localizing objects using detectors and jointly reconstructing them while learning a volumetric model of their shape. This allows to reduce noise while completing missing surfaces as objects of similar shape benefit from all observations for the respective category. Evaluations with respect to LIDAR ground-truth on a novel challenging suburban dataset show the advantages of modeling structural dependencies between objects. Finally, motivated by the success of deep learning techniques in matching problems, we present a method for learning context-aware features for solving optical flow using discrete optimization. Towards this goal, we present an efficient way of training a context network with a large receptive field size on top of a local network using dilated convolutions on patches. We perform feature matching by comparing each pixel in the reference image to every pixel in the target image, utilizing fast GPU matrix multiplication. The matching cost volume from the network's output forms the data term for discrete MAP inference in a pairwise Markov random field. Extensive evaluations reveal the importance of context for feature matching.Die visuelle Wahrnehmung von Tiefe und Bewegung spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei dem Verständnis und der Navigation in unserer Umwelt. Die 3D Rekonstruktion von Szenen im Freien und die Schätzung der Bewegung von Videokameras sind von größter Bedeutung für Anwendungen, wie das autonome Fahren. Die Erforschung der entsprechenden Probleme des maschinellen Sehens hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorme Fortschritte gemacht, jedoch bleiben einige Aspekte heute noch ungelöst. Beispiele hierfür sind reflektierende und texturlose Oberflächen oder große Bewegungen, bei denen herkömmliche lokale Methoden häufig scheitern. Weitere Herausforderungen sind niedrige Bildraten, Verdeckungen, große Verzerrungen und schwierige Lichtverhältnisse. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir vor nicht-lokale Interaktionen zu modellieren, die semantische und kontextbezogene Informationen nutzen, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. Für die binokulare Stereo Schätzung schlagen wir zuallererst vor zusammenhängende Bereiche mit objektklassen-spezifischen Disparitäts Vorschlägen zu regularisieren, die wir mit inversen Grafik Techniken auf der Grundlage einer spärlichen Disparitätsschätzung und semantischen Segmentierung des Bildes erhalten. Die Disparitäts Vorschläge kodieren die Tatsache, dass die Gegenstände bestimmter Kategorien nicht willkürlich geformt sind, sondern typischerweise regelmäßige Strukturen aufweisen. Wir integrieren sie für die komplexe Objektklasse 'Auto' in Form eines nicht-lokalen Regularisierungsterm in ein Superpixel-basiertes grafisches Modell und zeigen die Vorteile vor allem in reflektierenden Bereichen. Zweitens nutzen wir für die 3D-Rekonstruktion die Tatsache, dass mit der Größe der rekonstruierten Fläche auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt, Objekte von ähnlicher Art und Form in der Szene zu enthalten. Dies gilt besonders für Szenen im Freien, in denen Gebäude und Fahrzeuge oft vorkommen, die unter fehlender Textur oder Reflexionen leiden aber ähnlichkeit in der Form aufweisen. Wir nutzen diese ähnlichkeiten zur Lokalisierung von Objekten mit Detektoren und zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion indem ein volumetrisches Modell ihrer Form erlernt wird. Dies ermöglicht auftretendes Rauschen zu reduzieren, während fehlende Flächen vervollständigt werden, da Objekte ähnlicher Form von allen Beobachtungen der jeweiligen Kategorie profitieren. Die Evaluierung auf einem neuen, herausfordernden vorstädtischen Datensatz in Anbetracht von LIDAR-Entfernungsdaten zeigt die Vorteile der Modellierung von strukturellen Abhängigkeiten zwischen Objekten. Zuletzt, motiviert durch den Erfolg von Deep Learning Techniken bei der Mustererkennung, präsentieren wir eine Methode zum Erlernen von kontextbezogenen Merkmalen zur Lösung des optischen Flusses mittels diskreter Optimierung. Dazu stellen wir eine effiziente Methode vor um zusätzlich zu einem Lokalen Netzwerk ein Kontext-Netzwerk zu erlernen, das mit Hilfe von erweiterter Faltung auf Patches ein großes rezeptives Feld besitzt. Für das Feature Matching vergleichen wir mit schnellen GPU-Matrixmultiplikation jedes Pixel im Referenzbild mit jedem Pixel im Zielbild. Das aus dem Netzwerk resultierende Matching Kostenvolumen bildet den Datenterm für eine diskrete MAP Inferenz in einem paarweisen Markov Random Field. Eine umfangreiche Evaluierung zeigt die Relevanz des Kontextes für das Feature Matching

    From surfaces to objects : Recognizing objects using surface information and object models.

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    This thesis describes research on recognizing partially obscured objects using surface information like Marr's 2D sketch ([MAR82]) and surface-based geometrical object models. The goal of the recognition process is to produce a fully instantiated object hypotheses, with either image evidence for each feature or explanations for their absence, in terms of self or external occlusion. The central point of the thesis is that using surface information should be an important part of the image understanding process. This is because surfaces are the features that directly link perception to the objects perceived (for normal "camera-like" sensing) and because surfaces make explicit information needed to understand and cope with some visual problems (e.g. obscured features). Further, because surfaces are both the data and model primitive, detailed recognition can be made both simpler and more complete. Recognition input is a surface image, which represents surface orientation and absolute depth. Segmentation criteria are proposed for forming surface patches with constant curvature character, based on surface shape discontinuities which become labeled segmentation- boundaries. Partially obscured object surfaces are reconstructed using stronger surface based constraints. Surfaces are grouped to form surface clusters, which are 3D identity-independent solids that often correspond to model primitives. These are used here as a context within which to select models and find all object features. True three-dimensional properties of image boundaries, surfaces and surface clusters are directly estimated using the surface data. Models are invoked using a network formulation, where individual nodes represent potential identities for image structures. The links between nodes are defined by generic and structural relationships. They define indirect evidence relationships for an identity. Direct evidence for the identities comes from the data properties. A plausibility computation is defined according to the constraints inherent in the evidence types. When a node acquires sufficient plausibility, the model is invoked for the corresponding image structure.Objects are primarily represented using a surface-based geometrical model. Assemblies are formed from subassemblies and surface primitives, which are defined using surface shape and boundaries. Variable affixments between assemblies allow flexibly connected objects. The initial object reference frame is estimated from model-data surface relationships, using correspondences suggested by invocation. With the reference frame, back-facing, tangential, partially self-obscured, totally self-obscured and fully visible image features are deduced. From these, the oriented model is used for finding evidence for missing visible model features. IT no evidence is found, the program attempts to find evidence to justify the features obscured by an unrelated object. Structured objects are constructed using a hierarchical synthesis process. Fully completed hypotheses are verified using both existence and identity constraints based on surface evidence. Each of these processes is defined by its computational constraints and are demonstrated on two test images. These test scenes are interesting because they contain partially and fully obscured object features, a variety of surface and solid types and flexibly connected objects. All modeled objects were fully identified and analyzed to the level represented in their models and were also acceptably spatially located. Portions of this work have been reported elsewhere ([FIS83], [FIS85a], [FIS85b], [FIS86]) by the author

    A framework for autonomous mission and guidance control of unmanned aerial vehicles based on computer vision techniques

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    A computação visual é uma área do conhecimento que estuda o desenvolvimento de sistemas artificiais capazes de detectar e desenvolver a percepção do meio ambiente através de informações de imagem ou dados multidimensionais. A percepção visual e a manipulação são combinadas em sistemas robóticos através de duas etapas "olhar"e depois "movimentar-se", gerando um laço de controle de feedback visual. Neste contexto, existe um interesse crescimente no uso dessas técnicas em veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs), também conhecidos como drones. Essas técnicas são aplicadas para posicionar o drone em modo de vôo autônomo, ou para realizar a detecção de regiões para vigilância aérea ou pontos de interesse. Os sistemas de computação visual geralmente tomam três passos em sua operação, que são: aquisição de dados em forma numérica, processamento de dados e análise de dados. A etapa de aquisição de dados é geralmente realizada por câmeras e sensores de proximidade. Após a aquisição de dados, o computador embarcado realiza o processamento de dados executando algoritmos com técnicas de medição (variáveis, índice e coeficientes), detecção (padrões, objetos ou áreas) ou monitoramento (pessoas, veículos ou animais). Os dados processados são analisados e convertidos em comandos de decisão para o controle para o sistema robótico autônomo Visando realizar a integração dos sistemas de computação visual com as diferentes plataformas de VANTs, este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um framework para controle de missão e guiamento de VANTs baseado em visão computacional. O framework é responsável por gerenciar, codificar, decodificar e interpretar comandos trocados entre as controladoras de voo e os algoritmos de computação visual. Como estudo de caso, foram desenvolvidos dois algoritmos destinados à aplicação em agricultura de precisão. O primeiro algoritmo realiza o cálculo de um coeficiente de reflectância visando a aplicação auto-regulada e eficiente de agroquímicos, e o segundo realiza a identificação das linhas de plantas para realizar o guiamento dos VANTs sobre a plantação. O desempenho do framework e dos algoritmos propostos foi avaliado e comparado com o estado da arte, obtendo resultados satisfatórios na implementação no hardware embarcado.Cumputer Vision is an area of knowledge that studies the development of artificial systems capable of detecting and developing the perception of the environment through image information or multidimensional data. Nowadays, vision systems are widely integrated into robotic systems. Visual perception and manipulation are combined in two steps "look" and then "move", generating a visual feedback control loop. In this context, there is a growing interest in using computer vision techniques in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones. These techniques are applied to position the drone in autonomous flight mode, or to perform the detection of regions for aerial surveillance or points of interest. Computer vision systems generally take three steps to the operation, which are: data acquisition in numerical form, data processing and data analysis. The data acquisition step is usually performed by cameras or proximity sensors. After data acquisition, the embedded computer performs data processing by performing algorithms with measurement techniques (variables, index and coefficients), detection (patterns, objects or area) or monitoring (people, vehicles or animals). The resulting processed data is analyzed and then converted into decision commands that serve as control inputs for the autonomous robotic system In order to integrate the visual computing systems with the different UAVs platforms, this work proposes the development of a framework for mission control and guidance of UAVs based on computer vision. The framework is responsible for managing, encoding, decoding, and interpreting commands exchanged between flight controllers and visual computing algorithms. As a case study, two algorithms were developed to provide autonomy to UAVs intended for application in precision agriculture. The first algorithm performs the calculation of a reflectance coefficient used to perform the punctual, self-regulated and efficient application of agrochemicals. The second algorithm performs the identification of crop lines to perform the guidance of the UAVs on the plantation. The performance of the proposed framework and proposed algorithms was evaluated and compared with the state of the art, obtaining satisfactory results in the implementation of embedded hardware


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    In recent years, a great deal of work has been conducted in automating mining equipment with the goals of increasing worker health and safety and increasing mine productivity. Automating vehicles such as load-haul-dumps been successful even in underground environments where the use of global positioning systems are unavailable. This thesis addresses automating the operation of a shuttle car, specifically focusing on positioning the shuttle car under the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor during cutting and loading operations. This task requires recognition of the target and precise control of the tramming operation because a specific orientation and distance from the coal discharge conveyor is needed to avoid coal spillage. The proposed approach uses a stereo depth camera mounted on a small-scale mockup of a shuttle car. Machine learning algorithms are applied to the camera output to identify the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor and segment the scene into various regions such as roof, ribs, and personnel. This information is used to plan the shuttle car path to the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor. These methods are currently applied on 1/6th scale continuous miner and shuttle car in an appropriately scaled mock mine