307 research outputs found

    Automatic Verification of Communicative Commitments using Reduction

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    In spite of the fact that modeling and verification of the Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) have been since long under study, there are several related challenges that should still be addressed. In effect, several frameworks have been established for modeling and verifying the MASs with regard to communicative commitments. A bulky volume of research has been conducted for defining semantics of these systems. Though, formal verification of these systems is still unresolved research problem. Within this context, this paper presents the CTLcom that reforms the CTLC, i.e., the temporal logic of the commitments, so as to enable reasoning about the commitments and fulfillment.  Moreover, the paper introduces a fully-automated method for verification of the logic by means of trimming down the problem of a model that checks the CTLcom to a problem of a model that checks the GCTL*, which is a generalized version of the CTL* with action formulae. By so doing, we take advantage of the CWB-NC automata-based model checker as a tool for verification. Lastly, this paper presents a case study drawn from the business field, that is, the NetBill protocol, illustrates its implementation, and discusses the associated experimental results in order to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the suggested technique.   Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems, Model Checking, Communicative commitment's, Reduction

    Desen: Specification of Sociotechnical Systems via Patterns of Regulation and Control

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    We address the problem of engineering a sociotechnical system (STS) with respect to its stakeholders’ requirements. We motivate a two-tier STS conception comprising a technical tier that provides control mechanisms and describes what actions are allowed by the software components, and a social tier that characterizes the stakeholders’ expectations of each other in terms of norms. We adopt agents as computational entities, each representing a different stakeholder. Unlike previous approaches, our framework, Desen, incorporates the social dimension into the formal verification process. Thus, Desen supports agents potentially violating applicable norms—a consequence of their autonomy. In addition to requirements verification, Desen supports refinement of STS specifications via design patterns to meet stated requirements. We evaluate Desen at three levels. We illustrate how Desen carries out refinement via the application of patterns on a hospital emergency scenario. We show via a human-subject study that a design process based on our patterns is helpful for participants who are inexperienced in conceptual modeling and norms. We provide an agent-based environment to simulate the hospital emergency scenario to compare STS specifications (including participant solutions from the human-subject study) with metrics indicating social welfare and norm compliance, and other domain dependent metrics

    Engineering coordination : eine Methodologie fĂŒr die Koordination von Planungssystemen

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    Planning problems, like real-world planning and scheduling problems, are complex tasks. As an efficient strategy for handing such problems is the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy has been identified. Each sub problem is then solved independently. Typically the sub problems are solved in a linear way. This approach enables the generation of sub-optimal plans for a number of real world problems. Today, this approach is widely accepted and has been established e.g. in the organizational structure of companies. But existing interdependencies between the sub problems are not sufficiently regarded, as each problem are solved sequentially and no feedback information is given. The field of coordination has been covered by a number of academic fields, like the distributed artificial intelligence, economics or game theory. An important result is, that there exist no method that leads to optimal results in any given coordination problem. Consequently, a suitable coordination mechanism has to be identified for each single coordination problem. Up to now, there exists no process for the selection of a coordination mechanism, neither in the engineering of distributed systems nor in agent oriented software engineering. Within the scope of this work the ECo process is presented, that address exactly this selection problem. The Eco process contains the following five steps. ‱ Modeling of the coordination problem ‱ Defining the coordination requirements ‱ Selection / Design of the coordination mechanism ‱ Implementation ‱ Evaluation Each of these steps is detailed in the thesis. The modeling has to be done to enable a systemic analysis of the coordination problem. Coordination mechanisms have to respect the given situation and the context in which the coordination has to be done. The requirements imposed by the context of the coordination problem are formalized in the coordination requirements. The selection process is driven by these coordination requirements. Using the requirements as a distinction for the selection of a coordination mechanism is a central aspect of this thesis. Additionally these requirements can be used for documentation of design decisions. Therefore, it is reasonable to annotate the coordination mechanisms with the coordination requirements they fulfill and fail to ease the selection process, for a given situation. For that reason we present a new classification scheme for coordination methods within this thesis that classifies existing coordination methods according to a set of criteria that has been identified as important for the distinction between different coordination methods. The implementation phase of the ECo process is supported by the CoPS process and CoPS framework that has been developed within this thesis, as well. The CoPS process structures the design making that has to be done during the implementation phase. The CoPS framework provides a set of basic features software agents need for realizing the selected coordination method. Within the CoPS process techniques are presented for the design and implementation of conversations between agents that can be applied not only within the context of the coordination of planning systems, but for multiagent systems in general. The ECo-CoPS approach has been successfully validated in two case studies from the logistic domain.Reale Planungsprobleme, wie etwa die Produktionsplanung in einer Supply Chain, sind komplex Planungsprobleme. Eine ĂŒbliche Strategie derart komplexen Problemen zu lösen, ist es diese Probleme in einfachere Teilprobleme zu zerlegen und diese dann separat, meist sequentiell, zu lösen (divide-and-conquer Strategie). Dieser Ansatz erlaubt die Erstellung von (suboptimalen) PlĂ€nen fĂŒr eine Reihe von realen Anwendungen, und ist heute in den Organisationsstrukturen von grĂ¶ĂŸeren Unternehmen institutionalisiert worden. Allerdings werden AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen den Teilproblemen nicht ausreichend berĂŒcksichtigt, da die Partialprobleme sequentiell ohne Feedback gelöst werden. Die erstellten Teillösungen mĂŒssen deswegen oft nachtrĂ€glich koordiniert werden. Das Gebiet der Koordination wird in verschiedenen Forschungsgebieten, wie etwa der verteilten KĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz, den Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder der Spieltheorie untersucht. Ein zentrales Ergebnis dieser Forschung ist, dass es keinen fĂŒr alle Situationen geeigneten Koordinationsmechanismus gibt. Es stellt sich also die Aufgabe aus den zahlreichen vorgeschlagenen Koordinationsmechanismen eine Auswahl zu treffen, die fĂŒr die aktuelle Situation den geeigneten Mechanismus identifiziert. FĂŒr die Auswahl eines solchen Mechanismus existiert bisher jedoch kein strukturiertes Verfahren fĂŒr die Entwicklung von verteilten Systems und insbesondere im Bereich der Agenten orientierter Softwareentwicklung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird genau hierfĂŒr ein Verfahren vorgestellt, der ECo-Prozess. Mit Hilfe dieses Prozesses wird der Auswahlprozess in die folgenden Schritte eingeteilt: ‱ Modellierung der Problemstellung und des relevante Kontextes ‱ Formulierung von Anforderungen an einen Koordinationsmechanismus (coordination requirements) ‱ Auswahl/Entwurf eines Koordinationsmechanismuses ‱ Implementierung des Koordinationsverfahrens ‱ Evaluation des Koordinationsverfahrens Diese Schritte werden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit detailliert beschrieben. Die Modellierung der Problemstellung stellt dabei den ersten Schritt dar, um die Problemstellung analytisch zugĂ€nglich zu machen. Koordinationsverfahren mĂŒssen die Gegebenheiten, den Kontext und die DomĂ€ne, in der sie angewendet werden sollen hinreichend berĂŒcksichtigen um anwendbar zu sein. Dieses kann ĂŒber Anforderungen an den Koordinationsprozess formalisiert werden. Der von den Anforderungen getrieben Auswahlprozess ist ein KernstĂŒck der hier vorgestellten Arbeit. Durch die Formulierung der Anforderungen und der Annotation eines Koordinationsmechanismus bezĂŒglich der erfĂŒllten und nicht erfĂŒllten Anforderungen werden die Motive fĂŒr Designentscheidungen dieses Verfahren expliziert. Wenn Koordinationsverfahren anhand dieser Anforderungen klassifiziert werden können, ist es weiterhin möglich den Auswahlprozess (unabhĂ€ngig vom ECo-Ansatz) zu vereinfachen und zu beschleunigen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Klassifikation von KoordinationsansĂ€tzen anhand von allgemeinen Kriterien vorgestellt, die die Identifikation von geeigneten Kandidaten erleichtern. Diese Kandidaten können dann detaillierter untersucht werden. Dies wurde in den vorgestellten Fallstudien erfolgreich demonstriert. FĂŒr die UnterstĂŒtzung der Implementierung eines Koordinationsansatzes wird in dieser Arbeit zusĂ€tzlich der CoPS Prozess vorgeschlagen. Der CoPS Prozess erlaubt einen ganzheitlichen systematischen Ansatz fĂŒr den Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Koordinationsverfahrens. UnterstĂŒrzt wird der CoPS Prozess durch das CoPS Framework, das die Implementierung erleichtert, indem es als eine Plattform mit BasisfunktionalitĂ€t eines Agenten bereitstellt, der fĂŒr die Koordination von Planungssystemen verantwortlich ist. Im Rahmen des CoPS Verfahrens werden Techniken fĂŒr den Entwurf und die Implementierung von Konversation im Kontext des agenten-orientiertem Software Engineerings ausfĂŒhrlich behandelt. Der Entwurf von Konversationen geht dabei weit ĂŒber Fragestellung der Formatierung von Nachrichten hinaus, wie dies etwa in den FIPA Standards geregelt ist, und ist fĂŒr die Implementierung von agentenbasierten Systemen im Allgemeinen von Bedeutung. Die Funktionsweise des ECo-CoPS Ansatzes wird anhand von zweierfolgreich durchgefĂŒhrten Fallstudien aus dem betriebswirtschaftlichen Kontext vorgestellt

    Comodo: Collaborative Monitoring of Commitment Delegations

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    Understanding accountability in contract violations, e.g., whom is accountable for what, is a tedious, time-consuming, and costly task for human decision-making, especially when contractual responsibilities are delegated among parties. Intelligent software agents equipped with expert capabilities such as monitoring and diagnosis help save time and improve accuracy of diagnosis by formal reasoning upon electronic contracts. Such contracts are represented as commitment norms, a well studied artifact in multi-agent systems, which provide semantics for agent interactions. Due to the open and heterogeneous nature of multi-agent systems, commitments are often violated. When a commitment is violated, e.g., an exception occurs, agents need to collaborate to understand what went wrong and which agent is responsible. We propose Comodo: a framework for monitoring commitment delegations and detecting violations. We define a complete set of possible rational delegation schemes for commitments, identifying for each combination of delegations what critical situations may lead to an improper delegation and potentially to a commitment violation. Comodo provides a sound and complete distributed reasoning procedure that is able to find all improper delegations of a given commitment. We provide the complete implementation of Comodo using the Reactive Event Calculus, and present an e-commerce case study to demonstrate its workings. Due to its generic nature, we discuss the application of our approach to other distributed diagnosis problems in emergency healthcare, Internet of Things and smart environments, and security, privacy, and accountability in the context of socio-technical system

    Multiagent autonomous energy management

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    The objective of this thesis is to design distributed software agents for reliable operation of integrated electric power systems of modern electric warships. The automatic reconfiguration of electric shipboard power systems is an important step toward improved fight-through and self-healing capabilities of naval warships. The improvements are conceptualized by redesigning the electric power system and its controls. This research focuses on a new scheme for an energy management system in the form of distributed control/software agents. Multiagent systems provide an ideal level of abstraction for modeling complex applications where distributed and heterogeneous entities need to cooperate to achieve a common goal. The agents\u27 task is to ensure supply of the various load demands while taking into consideration system constraints and load and supply path priorities. A self-stabilizing maximum flow algorithm is investigated to allow implementation of the agents\u27 strategies and find a global solution by only considering local information and a minimum amount of communication. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    DFKI publications : the first four years ; 1990 - 1993

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