93 research outputs found

    Model Predictive Control Applications to Spacecraft Rendezvous and Small Bodies Exploration

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    The overarching goal of this thesis is the design of model predictive control algorithms for spacecraft proximity operations. These include, but it is not limited to, spacecraft rendezvous, hovering phases or orbiting in the vicinity of small bodies. The main motivation behind this research is the increasing demand of autonomy, understood as the spacecraft capability to compute its own control plan, in current and future space operations. This push for autonomy is fostered by the recent introduction of disruptive technologies changing the traditional concept of space exploration and exploitation. The development of miniaturized satellite platforms and the drastic cost reduction in orbital access have boosted space activity to record levels. In the near future, it is envisioned that numerous artificial objects will simultaneously operate across the Solar System. In that context, human operators will be overwhelmed in the task of tracking and commanding each spacecraft in real time. As a consequence, developing intelligent and robust autonomous systems has been identified by several space agencies as a cornerstone technology. Inspired by the previous facts, this work presents novel controllers to tackle several scenarios related to spacecraft proximity operations. Mastering proximity operations enables a wide variety of space missions such as active debris removal, astronauts transportation, flight-formation applications, space stations resupply and the in-situ exploration of small bodies. Future applications may also include satellite inspection and servicing. This thesis has focused on four scenarios: six-degrees of freedom spacecraft rendezvous; near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous; the hovering phase; orbit-attitude station-keeping in the vicinity of a small body. The first problem aims to demonstrate rendezvous capabilities for a lightweight satellite with few thrusters and a reaction wheels array. For near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous, the goal is to achieve higher levels of constraints satisfaction than with a stateof- the-art predictive controller. In the hovering phase, the objective is to augment the control accuracy and computational efficiency of a recent global stable controller. The small body exploration aims to demonstrate the positive impact of model-learning in the control accuracy. Although based on model predictive control, the specific approach for each scenario differs. In six-degrees of freedom rendezvous, the attitude flatness property and the transition matrix for Keplerian-based relative are used to obtain a non-linear program. Then, the control loop is closed by linearizing the system around the previous solution. For near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous, the constraints are assured to be satisfied in the probabilistic sense by a chance-constrained approach. The disturbances statistical properties are estimated on-line. For the hovering phase problem, an aperiodic event-based predictive controller is designed. It uses a set of trigger rules, defined using reachability concepts, deciding when to execute a single-impulse control. In the small body exploration scenario, a novel learning-based model predictive controller is developed. This works by integrating unscented Kalman filtering and model predictive control. By doing so, the initially unknown small body inhomogeneous gravity field is estimated over time which augments the model predictive control accuracy.El objeto de esta tesis es el dise˜no de algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelo para operaciones de veh´ıculos espaciales en proximidad. Esto incluye, pero no se limita, a la maniobra de rendezvous, las fases de hovering u orbitar alrededor de cuerpos menores. Esta tesis est´a motivada por la creciente demanda en la autonom´ıa, entendida como la capacidad de un veh´ıculo para calcular su propio plan de control, de las actuales y futuras misiones espaciales. Este inter´es en incrementar la autonom´ıa est´a relacionado con las actuales tecnolog´ıas disruptivas que est´an cambiando el concepto tradicional de exploraci´on y explotaci´on espacial. Estas son el desarrollo de plataformas satelitales miniaturizadas y la dr´astica reducci´on de los costes de puesta en ´orbita. Dichas tecnolog´ıas han impulsado la actividad espacial a niveles de record. En un futuro cercano, se prev´e que un gran n´umero de objetos artificiales operen de manera simult´anea a lo largo del Sistema Solar. Bajo dicho escenario, los operadores terrestres se ver´an desbordados en la tarea de monitorizar y controlar cada sat´elite en tiempo real. Es por ello que el desarrollo de sistemas aut´onomos inteligentes y robustos es considerado una tecnolog´ıa fundamental por diversas agencias espaciales. Debido a lo anterior, este trabajo presenta nuevos resultados en el control de operaciones de veh´ıculos espaciales en proximidad. Dominar dichas operaciones permite llevar a cabo una gran variedad de misiones espaciales como la retirada de basura espacial, transferir astronautas, aplicaciones de vuelo en formaci´on, reabastecer estaciones espaciales y la exploraci ´on de cuerpos menores. Futuras aplicaciones podr´ıan incluir operaciones de inspecci´on y mantenimiento de sat´elites. Esta tesis se centra en cuatro escenarios: rendezvous de sat´elites con seis grados de libertad; rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas; la fase de hovering; el mantenimiento de ´orbita y actitud en las inmendiaciones de un cuerpo menor. El primer caso trata de proveer capacidades de rendezvous para un sat´elite ligero con pocos propulsores y un conjunto de ruedas de reacci´on. Para el rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas, se intenta aumentar el grado de cumplimiento de restricciones con respecto a un controlador predictivo actual. Para la fase de hovering, se mejora la precisi´on y eficiencia computacional de un controlador globalmente estable. En la exploraci´on de un cuerpo menor, se pretende demostrar el mayor grado de precisi´on que se obtiene al aprender el modelo. Siendo la base el control predictivo basado en modelo, el enfoque espec´ıfico difiere para cada escenario. En el rendezvous con seis grados de libertad, se obtiene un programa no-lineal con el uso de la propiedad flatness de la actitud y la matriz de transici´on del movimiento relativo Kepleriano. El bucle de control se cierra linealizando en torno a la soluci´on anterior. Para el rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas, el cumplimiento de restricciones se garantiza probabil´ısticamente mediante la t´ecnica chance-constrained. Las propiedades estad´ısticas de las perturbaciones son estimadas on-line. En la fase de hovering, se usa el control predictivo basado en eventos. Ello consiste en unas reglas de activaci´on, definidas con conceptos de accesibilidad, que deciden la ejecuci´on de un ´unico impulso de control. En la exploraci´on de cuerpos menores, se desarrolla un controlador predictivo basado en el aprendizaje del modelo. Funciona integrando un filtro de Kalman con control predictivo basado en modelo. Con ello, se consigue estimar las inomogeneidades del campo gravitario lo que repercute en una mayor precisi´on del controlador predictivo basado en modelo

    Robotic Manipulation and Capture in Space: A Survey

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    Space exploration and exploitation depend on the development of on-orbit robotic capabilities for tasks such as servicing of satellites, removing of orbital debris, or construction and maintenance of orbital assets. Manipulation and capture of objects on-orbit are key enablers for these capabilities. This survey addresses fundamental aspects of manipulation and capture, such as the dynamics of space manipulator systems (SMS), i.e., satellites equipped with manipulators, the contact dynamics between manipulator grippers/payloads and targets, and the methods for identifying properties of SMSs and their targets. Also, it presents recent work of sensing pose and system states, of motion planning for capturing a target, and of feedback control methods for SMS during motion or interaction tasks. Finally, the paper reviews major ground testing testbeds for capture operations, and several notable missions and technologies developed for capture of targets on-orbit

    Optimal guidance and control of heterogeneous swarms for in-orbit self-assembly of large space structures: Algorithms and experiments

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    Satellite design has been harshly constrained by surviving entry into space though the majority of the satellite's lifetime exists in much calmer conditions. Significant study has recently gone into assembling satellites and space structures in-orbit. Several methods have been proposed involving an assembler robot or astronaut which puts the parts together, but in the interest of saving resources we believe that it is advantageous to make this process autonomous and robust by leveraging existing optimal guidance and control schemes for a self-assembling swarm. This approach avoids single-point failures, requires significantly less ground support, provides increased reliability due to redundancy, increased flexibility, the ability to reconfigure for future missions, and the ability to self-repair. Since the satellites required could be mass-produced from a small set of different component types, the benefit from economy of scale would reduce the overall mission cost when compared to monolithic satellites. This dissertation details an optimal guidance and control scheme to enable in-orbit self-assembly of a large structure from a heterogeneous swarm of satellites. In the proposed scheme, the component satellites for the heterogeneous swarm are chosen to promote flexibility in final shape inspired by crystal structures and Islamic tile art. After the ideal fundamental building blocks are selected, basic nanosatellite-class satellite designs are presented to enable accurate attitude control simulations. The Swarm Orbital Construction Algorithm (SOCA) is a guidance and control algorithm that allows for the limited type heterogeneity and docking ability required for in-orbit assembly. The algorithm was tested in a simulated perturbed 6-DOF spacecraft dynamic environment for planar and out-of-plane final structures. The algorithm is then experimentally validated coarsely on omnidirectional wheeled robots and precisely on-board the M-STAR robots in the precision flat floor facility in the Caltech Aerospace Robotics and Control lab, the largest of its kind at any university. In support of this effort, a better way of handling nonlinear dynamics constraints within sequential convex programs was developed. SCP is a useful tool in obtaining real-time solutions to direct optimal control, but it is unable to adequately model nonlinear dynamics due to the linearization and discretization required. As nonlinear program solvers are not yet functioning in real-time, a tool is needed to bridge the gap between satisfying the nonlinear dynamics and completing execution fast enough to be useful. Two methods are proposed, sequential convex programming with nonlinear dynamics correction (SCPn) and modified SCPn (M-SCPn), which mixes SCP and SCPn to reduce runtime and improve algorithmic robustness. Both methods are proven to generate optimal state and control trajectories that satisfy the nonlinear dynamics. Simulations are presented to validate the efficacy of the methods as compared to SCP. In addition, several autonomous rendezvous and docking (AR&D) technologies were studied because in-orbit self-assembly requires repeated, reliable autonomous docking to ensure success. Docking small satellites in space is a high-risk operation due to the uncertainty in relative position and orientation and the lack of mature docking technologies. This is particularly true for missions that involve multiple docking and undocking procedures like swarm-based construction and reconfiguration. A tether-based docking system was evaluated in simulation as compared to traditional propulsive methods. The tether-based method provides a way to reduce the risk of the dock, since the docking maneuver is performed with a much smaller satellite and the reeling maneuver can be done gently. Tether-based methods still require some actuation on the docking end of the tether, and propulsion on such small systems is inexact. An electromagnetic docking system was investigated to address these issues. Designed with reconfigurable self-assembly in mind, the gripping mechanism is androgynous, able to dock at a variety of relative orientations, and tolerant of small misalignments. The electromagnetic system can be used either on the end of a tether or on the main spacecraft itself since the electromagnet is well controlled and the measurement of the ambient electromagnetic field can be used as to improve the intersatellite distance estimate enough to reduce the risk of docking to the main spacecraft. The performance of this system was validated experimentally on-board the M-STARs. The performance of the electromagnetic docking system on-board the simulators is then compared against a propulsive docking system tested in the same way. Overall, this dissertation provides optimal guidance and control algorithms for nonlinear systems to enable in-orbit self-assembly of heterogeneous swarms

    Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space 1994

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    The Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 94), held October 18-20, 1994, in Pasadena, California, was jointly sponsored by NASA, ESA, and Japan's National Space Development Agency, and was hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the California Institute of Technology. i-SAIRAS 94 featured presentations covering a variety of technical and programmatic topics, ranging from underlying basic technology to specific applications of artificial intelligence and robotics to space missions. i-SAIRAS 94 featured a special workshop on planning and scheduling and provided scientists, engineers, and managers with the opportunity to exchange theoretical ideas, practical results, and program plans in such areas as space mission control, space vehicle processing, data analysis, autonomous spacecraft, space robots and rovers, satellite servicing, and intelligent instruments

    NASA Automated Rendezvous and Capture Review. A compilation of the abstracts

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    This document presents a compilation of abstracts of papers solicited for presentation at the NASA Automated Rendezvous and Capture Review held in Williamsburg, VA on November 19-21, 1991. Due to limitations on time and other considerations, not all abstracts could be presented during the review. The organizing committee determined however, that all abstracts merited availability to all participants and represented data and information reflecting state-of-the-art of this technology which should be captured in one document for future use and reference. The organizing committee appreciates the interest shown in the review and the response by the authors in submitting these abstracts

    Enhancing 3D Autonomous Navigation Through Obstacle Fields: Homogeneous Localisation and Mapping, with Obstacle-Aware Trajectory Optimisation

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    Small flying robots have numerous potential applications, from quadrotors for search and rescue, infrastructure inspection and package delivery to free-flying satellites for assistance activities inside a space station. To enable these applications, a key challenge is autonomous navigation in 3D, near obstacles on a power, mass and computation constrained platform. This challenge requires a robot to perform localisation, mapping, dynamics-aware trajectory planning and control. The current state-of-the-art uses separate algorithms for each component. Here, the aim is for a more homogeneous approach in the search for improved efficiencies and capabilities. First, an algorithm is described to perform Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) with physical, 3D map representation that can also be used to represent obstacles for trajectory planning: Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surfaces. Termed NURBSLAM, this algorithm is shown to combine the typically separate tasks of localisation and obstacle mapping. Second, a trajectory optimisation algorithm is presented that produces dynamically-optimal trajectories with direct consideration of obstacles, providing a middle ground between path planners and trajectory smoothers. Called the Admissible Subspace TRajectory Optimiser (ASTRO), the algorithm can produce trajectories that are easier to track than the state-of-the-art for flight near obstacles, as shown in flight tests with quadrotors. For quadrotors to track trajectories, a critical component is the differential flatness transformation that links position and attitude controllers. Existing singularities in this transformation are analysed, solutions are proposed and are then demonstrated in flight tests. Finally, a combined system of NURBSLAM and ASTRO are brought together and tested against the state-of-the-art in a novel simulation environment to prove the concept that a single 3D representation can be used for localisation, mapping, and planning

    Technology for large space systems: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 17)

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    This bibliography lists 512 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1987 and June 30, 1987. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to the researcher, manager, and designer in technology development and mission design according to system, interactive analysis and design, structural and thermal analysis and design, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, assembly concepts, propulsion, and solar power satellite systems


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    Technology enables space exploration and scientific discovery. At this amazing intersection of time, new software and hardware capabilities give rise to daring robotic exploration and autonomy. Close-proximity operations for spacecraft is a particularly critical portion of any robotic mission that enables many types of maneuvers, such as docking and capture, formation flying, and on-orbit assembly. These dynamic maneuvers then enable different missions, like sample return, spacecraft construction larger than a single rocket faring, and deep-space operations. Commonly, spacecraft dynamic control uses thrusters for position and attitude control, which rely on active sensing and consumable propellant. The development of other dynamic control techniques opens new capabilities and system advantages, and further offers a more diverse technological trade space for system optimization. This research comprehensively investigates the utilization of flux-pinning physics to manipulate spacecraft dynamics. Flux-pinned interfaces differ from conventional dynamic control through its passive and compliant behavior. These unique characteristics are extremely attractive for certain applications, but flux-pinned technology must mature considerably before adoption for spaceflight missions. A dynamic capture and docking maneuver in an upcoming mission concept, Mars Sample Return, motivates the technology design. This body of work as much as possible follows a progression from cradle to grave. A flux-pinning theoretical dynamics model and a system architecture are presented to specify general capabilities of such a spacecraft system. Different analyses on stability, state sensitivity, backwards reachability result from a physics-based dynamics model. An extensive literature review and basic science experiments inform a theoretical dynamics model about the incorporation of physical parameters when simulating realistic dynamics. A series of testbeds enable experimentation and precise investigation of flux-pinned interface capabilities in the context of docking and capture. The testbeds ranged from the simplest expression of dynamics, in a single degree of freedom, to a flight traceable expression, in all six degrees of freedom. Experiments from these testbeds define and characterize system level capabilities specific to flux-pinned capture. Data collected from these experiments then supports development of a predictive dynamics model of the hardware system. Various system identification methods aid in creating a dynamics model that accurately predicts the dynamics observed during experiments. Several objective metrics are considered to evaluate the model fidelity. The types of system identification methods are separated into analytical methods and numerical methods. The analytical method involves parameter estimation in a physics-based model. Numerical methods involve Taylor expansion, bag of functions, symbolic regression, and neural networks. Theoretical extensions towards verification further develops neural network approximation methods, driving at safe, real-time system identification

    Space station systems: A bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 967 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1987 and June 30, 1987. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to the researcher, manager, and designer in technology development and mission design according to system, interactive analysis and design, structural and thermal analysis and design, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, assembly concepts, propulsion, and solar power satellite systems. The coverage includes documents that define major systems and subsystems, servicing and support requirements, procedures and operations, and missions for the current and future space station