66 research outputs found

    Identificação da valência emocional em sentenças de contos infantis

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    Orientador: Paula Dornhofer Paro CostaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A análise de sentimentos em textos tem sido amplamente explorada recentemente, principalmente usando técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural e aprendizado de máquina. No entanto, apesar dos avanços alcançados, ainda existem desafios significativos. Nosso trabalho explora a análise de sentimentos em textos narrativos, identificando as valências emocionais em sentenças pertencentes a contos infantis, que podem ser usadas, por exemplo, como recurso para aplicações destinadas a sintetizar narradores e atores virtuais no idioma português do Brasil. Usando técnicas de processamento de linguagem natural e um banco de dados afetivo chamado Anew-Br, criamos nosso algoritmo EMONT V1, que atribui valência emocional às frases do corpus desenvolvido. Foram adotadas duas abordagens diferentes para obter resultados comparáveis, aumentando assim a confiabilidade do nosso sistema: uma avaliação subjetiva que visa rotular frases por um grupo de 100 voluntários, que assumimos ser grund truth, e uma avaliação objetiva comparando os rótulos fornecidos por algumas plataformas comerciais que prometem fornecer funcionalidades semelhantes. Nosso algoritmo alcançou um desempenho de precisão equivalente a setores importantes de serviços de análise de sentimentos, como IBM Watson, API do Google Cloud Natural Language e Microsoft Azure Text Analytics. Os resultados dessa metodologia podem ser estendidos para outras frases infantis ou textos semelhantes, por exemplo, romance, história curta, crônica, fábula, parábola, anedota ou lendaAbstract: Sentiment analysis in texts has been widely explored recently, mainly using natural language processing and machine learning techniques. However, despite the advances achieved, there are still significant challenges. Our work explores the analysis of sentiments in narrative texts by identifying the emotional valences in sentences belonging to children's tales, which can be used, for example, as a resource for applications aimed at synthesizing narrators and virtual actors in the Brazilian Portuguese language. Using Natural Language Processing techniques and an affective database called Anew-Br, we created our EMONT V1 algorithm, which attributes emotional valence to the phrases of the developed corpus. Two different approaches were taken to obtain comparable results, thereby increasing the reliability of our system: a subjective assessment that aims to label sentences by a group of 100 volunteers, which we assume to be grund truth, and an objective assessment comparing the labels provided by some commercial platforms that promise to provide similar functionality. Our algorithm has achieved precision performance equivalent to significant industries of sentiment analysis services, such as IBM Watson, Google Cloud Natural Language API, and Microsoft Azure Text Analytics. The results of this methodology can be extended to other children sentences or similar texts, for instance, romance, short story, chronicle, fable, parable, anecdote, or legendMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestra em Engenharia Elétrica149147/2016-3CNP

    Toward decolonized conceptions of space and literature of place in ecocritical analysis : the process and production of landscape in William Bartram's travels and Samuel Hearne's a journey to the Northern Ocean

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    The tendency to stage appreciation for and attention to nature as a passive, guiltless enterprise was necessary for eighteenth-century colonial claims to space, but it also remains a very deeply entrenched aspect of environmentalist attitudes today. Indeed, innovations that shaped the technological interpretation and inscription of place in the latter eighteenth century have strongly situated contemporary North American environmental discourses.This thesis explores the methods of spatial representation in Samuel Hearne’s A Journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort, in Hudson’s Bay, to the Northern Ocean(1795) and William Bartram’s Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, The Cherokee Country, The Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws (1792). Both ecocritical and postcolonial methods underlay an analysis of the discourses and rhetorics of space exhibited in the North American travel writing of these two late-eighteenth-century writers. A first move monitors how landscape accrues not only as a product of descriptive techniques, frames, and screens, but also as a process whereby narrative identity is formed against and within a represented landscape. A second move locates these texts as versions of Mary Louise Pratt’s “anti-conquest,” in which the hero-explorer of colonial encounter is staged as both passive and innocent.Two primary results from this research into the relationship between literature and environment are reported. First, according to conventions of ecocritical analysis, Hearne and Bartram implement two very different modes of spatial representation in travel narratives from the same period; in the broadest strokes, Hearne’s text is deeply anthropocentric and only partially engages in eighteenth-century vogues of natural history, while Bartram’s is compellingly and precociously ecocentric as well as deeply invested in the commerce of Linnaean systemizations of nature that revolutionized natural history in the period. Second, this disparity in representational method is correlated not only with variances in the ecological (or green) sensibilities of the authors, but also with distinctions in the colonial functionality of the texts, verifying that literature of place, despite the putative object of description, always already maintains significant valencies in social registers

    Language is a complex adaptive system

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    The ASLAN labex - Advanced studies on language complexity - brings together a unique set of expertise and varied points of view on language. In this volume, we employ three main sections showcasing diverse empirical work to illustrate how language within human interaction is a complex and adaptive system. The first section – epistemological views on complexity – pleads for epistemological plurality, an end to dichotomies, and proposes different ways to connect and translate between frameworks. The second section – complexity, pragmatics and discourse – focuses on discourse practices at different levels of description. Other semiotic systems, in addition to language are mobilized, but also interlocutors’ perception, memory and understanding of culture. The third section – complexity, interaction, and multimodality – employs different disciplinary frameworks to weave between micro, meso, and macro levels of analyses. Our specific contributions include adding elements to and extending the field of application of the models proposed by others through new examples of emergence, interplay of heterogeneous elements, intrinsic diversity, feedback, novelty, self-organization, adaptation, multi-dimensionality, indeterminism, and collective control with distributed emergence. Finally, we argue for a change in vantage point regarding the search for linguistic universals

    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan languages

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    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages publishes 22 papers that were presented at the conference organised in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 Septembre 2008
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