1,055 research outputs found

    Think About It: Philosophy and Dialogic Advising

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    Effective advising requires practitioners to engage in analysis of theory and practice. Philosophical underpinnings regarding notions of self can shape the advising encounter and determine the level of receptiveness of advisors toward the whole student. A brief review of Western philosophies of the self provides context for Martin Buber\u27s radical dialogic philosophy of the self. Buber offered a foundation for an overarching theory of advising and addressed the selection and timing of particular advising methods in response to students. His idea of the dialogic self, I-You, consists of powerful, relational encounters with the other. Advisors bring an openness to students\u27 contextual reality so an advisor is immersed in a student\u27s world for that moment by applying dialogic advising

    Тheoretical basis of formation and function of moral values of the personality in scientific literature

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    The article deals with theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of "moral values" in philosophy, sociology, ethics, and psychology. The author highlights main features, content and structure of moral values. The author gives his own approach to defining moral values. The article singles out specific features of formation and development of personality that determine the formation of moral values


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    This study analyzes anima and animus portrayed by R and Julie in Warm Bodies film. The aims of this study is to analyze the charateristics of Anima and Animus portrayed by the main characters in Warm Bodies film. This study uses Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology theory. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative. Warm Bodies film was the primary data was taken in the form of the monologues and the dialogues in the film. The secondary data were taken from the e-books, e-journals, essays, articles, and website. Morever, watching the film, reading the scripts of the film, identifying the data, classifying the data, and reducing the data were the processes of the data collecting method. The last was data analyzing supported by the attachment of appendices and related theory descriptively. This study concludes two points. First, there are the characteristics of anima described by R. He has the characteristic of feminine are symphatetic, moody, vain, naive and emphatic. Second, there are the characteristics of animus described by Julie. She has the characteristic of masculine are aggressive, defends own self, brave and strong. The main characters show how the characteristics of anima and animus described by them in Warm Bodies film. Thus, they were a romantic couple as humans with the characteristics of feminine and masculine of both. Although, these two characters have anima and animus, R is still dominant in their relationship.

    Building coalitions, creating change: an agenda for gender transformative research in development Workshop Report 3-5 October 2012, Penang, Malaysia

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    There is compelling evidence that increased gender equity can make a significant contribution towards alleviating poverty and increasing food security. But past efforts to integrate gender into agricultural research and development practice have failed to address the inequalities that limit women’s access to agricultural inputs, markets, resources and advice. A Gender Transformative Approach (GTA) goes beyond just considering the symptoms of gender inequality, and addresses the social norms, attitudes, behaviors and social systems that underlie them. The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) has placed the GTA at the heart of its gender strategy. This workshop was an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and donors working in this area to address the challenge of how to translate this approach into actual research and development practice. The workshop recommended that a GTA should be adopted alongside, not instead of, existing efforts to reverse gender disparities in resources, technologies and markets. It is through this pairing that improved social and material outcomes can be achieved, with the expectation that when achieved together, both types of outcomes will be more lasting than if achieved individually

    An interpretive inquiry into the world of the teacher

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    The underlying assumption of this study is that a meaningful study of man entails an understanding of his humanity. In this study, a research effort is directed toward obtaining a sense of person of the teacher. The study considers the teacher from a variety of research viewpoints such as research on teaching effectiveness, and sociological and psychological research on teacher characteristics. In this context, a case is made for studying the teacher through the perspective of the individual teacher rather than through the perspective of the hypothetical "average" teacher. A concern with the individual from his/her point-of-view requires a new research approach and method; i.e., an inner view of man. This research endeavor advocates this approach and method of inquiry. This study articulates the relationship between approach and method of inquiry on the one hand, and the content area on the other, to illustrate that the kind of understanding that this study requires can only be obtained through an interpretive perspective

    In Richtung Delogozentrismus : eine Studie der dramatischen Arbeiten von Samuel Beckett, Tom Stoppard und Caryl Churchill

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    The relation between reality and language, the instability of language as a signification system, the representation crisis, and the borders of interpretation are the controversial issues that have engaged not only philosophers, but also many authors, translators, and literary critics. Some philosophers like Derrida accuse Western thinking of being obsessed with binary oppositions. In Derrida's view, Western tradition resorts to external references as God, truth, origin, center and reason to stabilize the signification system. Since these concepts lack an internal sense and there is no transcendental signified that can fix these signifiers, language turns to an instable system by means of which no fixed meaning can be created. Many authors like Beckett, Stoppard, and Caryl Churchill also noticed this impossibility of language. While Derrida's deconstructive approach to this crisis has an epistemological nature, these playwrights present an aesthetic solution by turning the deconstructive potential of language against itself in text and performance. This dissertation aims at exploring their performing methods and dramatic texts to demonstrate how their delogocentric strategies work. By analyzing their plays, I will examine if their use of signifiers that have no references in reality, intentional misconceptions, disintegrated subjectivities, decentered narratives, and experimental performances can help them undermine the prevailing logocentrism of Western thought. The examination of the change in aesthetic strategies from Beckett, who belongs to earlier stages of post modernism, to Caryl Churchill, who should perform in a globalized world with increasing dominance of speed and information, is another aim of this research. In my view,Beckett's obsession with unspeakable, absurdity, and disintegration of subjectivity develops to Stoppard's language games, metadrama, and anti-representation and culminates in Churchill's anti-narrative texts and pluralistic performances. The monophony of Beckett's dramatic texts is replaced by the polyphony of Churchill's performances, which are a mixture of theater, dance and music. However, all explored dramatic texts in this dissertation have something in common: they are language games, which have no claim on a faithful representation of reality or transcendental truth.Der Zusammenhang der Realität mit der Sprache, die Unstabilität der Sprache als ein Signifikationssystem, die Repräsentationkrise, und die Grenze der Interpretation sind die Streitpunkte, die nicht nur die zeitgenössischen Philosophen sondern auch viele Autoren beschäftigt haben. Manche Philosophen wie Derrida unterstellen, dass das westliche Denken das Wort als Sinträger betrachtet. Seiner Meinung nach beruht der Logozentrismus des abendländischen Denkens auf binärer Opposition oder externer Referenz wie der Präsenz von Gott, Wahrheit, Ursprung, Ursache, Transzendenz oder einem Zentrum. Da alle diese Begriffe ohne eigentlichen Inhalt sind, und es kein transzendentales Signifikat gibt, auf das alle diese Signifikanten jeweils verweisen, wird die Sprache zu einem unstabilen Signifikationssystem, deren Mittel keine fixierbare Bedeutung erschaffen wird. Aus dieser Problematik kommt eine Repräsentationkrise, die nicht nur die Philosophie sondern auch die Literatur betrifft. Ob und wie man gegen die Grenze der Sprache anrennen kann, ist nicht nur eine philosophische, sondern auch eine ästhetische Frage. Während die Antwort der Philosophen wie Derrida eine dekonstruktive Annäherung zur logozentrischen Interpretationen ist, schlägt die Literatur eine ästhetische Lösung vor: die Darstellung der Sprachkrise mittels der Sprache. Kann uns das experimentelle Kunstwerk der Autoren wie Samuel Beckett, Tom Stoppard und Caryl Churchill von der Illusion der Wirklichkeit befreien? Ist es möglich eine anti-erzählenden Erzählung zu schaffen, die die Dominanz des beherrschenden Diskurses abschaffen kann? Diese Fragen zu erforschen visiert diese Dissertation an. Die ersten Versuche dieser Autoren gegen pure Repräsentation richten sich an neue Phantasiequellen außerhalb der Realität. Dramatiker wie Beckett, Stoppard und Churchill nutzen die Eigendynamik der Sprache als eine Quelle um ihren Funktionsausfall darzustellen. Die Signifikate, die sich auf keine wirkliche Signifikante beziehen, die Charakteren, für die es kein Duplikat in der Realität gibt, die zerbrochene Subjektivität, die sich nicht mittels Sprache äußern kann, die Handlung, der es an Einheit oder auch Beschlussunfähigkeit mangelt, und schließlich die Sprache die nicht mehr eine ordentliche Sprache ist, stellen das Mittel, das diese Dramatiker für die Dekonstruktion der Sprache und des Textes brauchen. Diese Arbeit wird versuchen bei der Analyse ihrer Theaterstücke aufzuzeigen, wie die Methode, die diese Autoren genutzt haben, sich im Lauf der Zeit geändert hat. Becketts Besessenheit mit dem Unsprechbaren, der Sinnlosigkeit oder zerstörter Subjektivität steigert sich zu undeutlicher Sprache, Identitätsverlust und Antirepräsentation bei Stoppard und kulminiert in Destrukturierung des Narrativs und der Sprache bei Churchill. Die Einstimmigkeit von Becketts Werken ist durch die Polyphonie von Churchills Theaterstücke, die eine Mischung aus Theater, Tanz und Musik sind, ersetzt worden. Alle Theaterstücke, die in dieser Arbeit analysiert wurden haben jedoch eine gemeinsame Eigenschaft: Sie sind Sprachspiele, die keinen Anspruch auf Realitätstreue oder transzendentale Wahrheit haben

    Constructing leadership identities through stories

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    Privacy Preference Signals: Past, Present and Future

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    Privacy preference signals are digital representations of how users want their personal data to be processed. Such signals must be adopted by both the sender (users) and intended recipients (data processors). Adoption represents a coordination problem that remains unsolved despite efforts dating back to the 1990s. Browsers implemented standards like the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) and Do Not Track (DNT), but vendors profiting from personal data faced few incentives to receive and respect the expressed wishes of data subjects. In the wake of recent privacy laws, a coalition of AdTech firms published the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), which defines an opt-in consent signal. This paper integrates post-GDPR developments into the wider history of privacy preference signals. Our main contribution is a high-frequency longitudinal study describing how TCF signal gained dominance as of February 2021. We explore which factors correlate with adoption at the website level. Both the number of third parties on a website and the presence of Google Ads are associated with higher adoption of TCF. Further, we show that vendors acted as early adopters of TCF 2.0 and provide two case-studies describing how Consent Management Providers shifted existing customers to TCF 2.0. We sketch ways forward for a pro-privacy signal

    The ontogenesis of narrative : from moving to meaning

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    Narrative, the creation of imaginative projects and experiences displayed in expressions of movement and voice, is how human cooperative understanding grows. Human understanding places the character and qualities of objects and events of interest within stories that portray intentions, feelings, and ambitions, and how one cares about them. Understanding the development of narrative is therefore essential for understanding the development of human intelligence, but its early origins are obscure. We identify the origins of narrative in the innate sensorimotor intelligence of a hypermobile human body and trace the ontogenesis of narrative form from its earliest expression in movement. Intelligent planning, with self-awareness, is evident in the gestures and motor expressions of the mid-gestation foetus. After birth, single intentions become serially organised into projects with increasingly ambitious distal goals and social meaning. The infant imitates others’ actions in shared tasks, learns conventional cultural practices, and adapts his own inventions, then names topics of interest. Through every stage, in simple intentions of foetal movement, in social imitations of the neonate, in early proto-conversations and collaborative play of infants and talk of children and adults, the narrative form of creative agency with it four-part structure of ‘introduction’, ‘development’, ‘climax’ and ‘resolution’ is present. We conclude that shared rituals of culture and practical techniques develop from a fundamental psycho-motor structure with its basic, vital impulses for action and generative process of thought-in-action that express an integrated, imaginative and sociable Self. This basic structure is evident before birth and invariant in form throughout life. Serial organisation of single, non-verbal actions into complex projects of expressive and explorative sense-making become conventional meanings and explanations with propositional narrative power. Understanding the root of narrative in embodied meaning-making in this way is important for practical work in therapy and education, and for advancing philosophy and neuroscience

    Messing up research: A dialogical account of gender, reflexivity, and governance in auto-ethnography

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    This paper aims to contribute to a growing critical and reflexive awareness of the implications of gendered assumptions about ontology, epistemology, and ethics in academic research governance and practice. It provides a retrospective account of the authors' shared experiences of an autoethnographic study of lap dancing clubs, focusing on critical or “sticky moments” encountered, and considering the implications of these for research more widely. It does so by highlighting the gendered power relations shaping academic research, showing how Judith Butler's critique of the heterosexual matrix can be applied to a critical, reflexive understanding of the impact of binary, hierarchical gender power relations. The analysis provides insight into some of the ways in which autoethnographic research on sexualized work may become messy, dirty, and sticky in ways that accentuate power inequalities but also open up moments of opportunity for gender binaries and hierarchies to be revealed, challenged, and resisted. Using a Butlerian lens to reflect on our experiences, we contribute to understanding how heteronormative assumptions shape perceptions of what makes “good,” “clean,” and ethically (formally) approved research that conforms to the governmental norms of the heterosexual matrix and, by implication, those contaminating forms of research that disrupt or resist its disciplinary effects. As ethnographic research is often messy by its very nature, and particularly so when situated within sex/sexualized work, we aim to show how gendered assumptions can inhibit reflexivity in academic knowledge production, resulting in research processes that are (paradoxically) unethical. In response, we suggest three ways in which gender reflexive research might be pursued, by: (i) identifying gendered assumptions reflexively and dialogically, (ii) adopting an anti-essentialist approach that foregrounds experiential, embodied knowledge, and (iii) developing an anti-hierarchical methodology. We do so in the hope of opening up ways that might enable others to avoid heteronormative assumptions having potentially detrimental consequences for their research and to offer a starting point for developing gender reflexive knowledge production in the future
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