633,772 research outputs found

    Blogging on the ice: Connecting audiences with climate-change sciences

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    Scientists working in Antarctica have recognized the need to counteract problems associated with mainstream media's treatment of the climate-change crisis. For this reason, several of them have assumed the role of citizen journalists in order to report on the effects of global warming first-hand. More specifically, they have chosen to communicate directly with the general public through official or personal blogs. In so doing they are capitalizing on the way the Internet is changing science news and journalism. This article draws on an analysis of more than 50 Antarctic blogs published during the International Polar Year (2007-08), as well as data from e-interviews with a broad selection of bloggers, in order to examine how scientists 'on the ice' act as citizen journalists. The article explores the idea of citizen journalism as education and the extent to which the scientists achieve an unmediated form of communication through their blogging efforts. It concludes by suggesting this new form of citizen journalism, beyond raising people's awareness of the climate-change crisis, also signals an important way in which mainstream environmental reporting can be reinvigorated. © 2013 Intellect Ltd Article

    Plenary Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities for the future of control

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    This panel reflects the scope and diversity of the unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the systems and controls community that has been created by several research themes from the basic sciences to advanced technologies. Connecting physical processes at multiple time and space scales in quantum, statistical, fluid, and solid mechanics, remains not only a central scientific challenge but also one with increasing technological implications. This is particular so in highly organized and nonequilibrium systems as in biology and nanotechnology, where interconnection, feedback, and dynamics are playing an increasingly central role

    Reformism and Evaluation in the Field of Social and Political Sciences. Consequences for the Academic Community, Projects, People

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    After the introduction of the most recent University evaluation reforms, this article aims at presenting the first findings of a research project on these reforms and the evaluation processes carried out so far in the field of social and political sciences. In particular, the research wishes to investigate the relational dynamics, the behaviors and the values of the academic profession with special attention to the scientific activity, but without putting aside the implications for the teaching, management and the “third mission” activities. Inserted in the line of studies on higher education and evaluation well consolidated in Italy, the research is characterized by the added value  of  connecting the criticaltheoretical level to the empirical one

    The naturalistic turn in economics: implications for the theory of finance

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    Economics is increasingly adopting the methodological standards and procedures of the natural sciences. The paper analyzes this 'naturalistic turn' from the philosophical perspective on naturalism, and I discuss the implications for the field of finance. The theory of finance is an interesting case in point for the methodological issues, as it manifests a paradigmatic tension between the pure theory of finance and Behavioral Finance. I distinguish between three kinds of naturalism: mark I, the reduction of behavior on psychoneural phenomena, mark II, the transfer of patterns of causal explanations from the natural sciences to the social sciences, mark III, the enrichment of the ontology from observer-independent to observer-relative facts. Building an integrated naturalistic paradigm from these three ingredients, I show that naturalism in economics will only be completed by a simultaneous linguistic turn, with language being analyzed from the naturalistic viewpoint. I relate this proposition with recent results of research into finance, especially connecting Behavioral Finance with the sociology of finance. --Naturalism,causation in economics,neuroeconomics,behavioral finance,social ontology,sociology of finance

    Gaussian Process Structural Equation Models with Latent Variables

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    In a variety of disciplines such as social sciences, psychology, medicine and economics, the recorded data are considered to be noisy measurements of latent variables connected by some causal structure. This corresponds to a family of graphical models known as the structural equation model with latent variables. While linear non-Gaussian variants have been well-studied, inference in nonparametric structural equation models is still underdeveloped. We introduce a sparse Gaussian process parameterization that defines a non-linear structure connecting latent variables, unlike common formulations of Gaussian process latent variable models. The sparse parameterization is given a full Bayesian treatment without compromising Markov chain Monte Carlo efficiency. We compare the stability of the sampling procedure and the predictive ability of the model against the current practice.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Building Near-Real-Time Processing Pipelines with the Spark-MPI Platform

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    Advances in detectors and computational technologies provide new opportunities for applied research and the fundamental sciences. Concurrently, dramatic increases in the three Vs (Volume, Velocity, and Variety) of experimental data and the scale of computational tasks produced the demand for new real-time processing systems at experimental facilities. Recently, this demand was addressed by the Spark-MPI approach connecting the Spark data-intensive platform with the MPI high-performance framework. In contrast with existing data management and analytics systems, Spark introduced a new middleware based on resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), which decoupled various data sources from high-level processing algorithms. The RDD middleware significantly advanced the scope of data-intensive applications, spreading from SQL queries to machine learning to graph processing. Spark-MPI further extended the Spark ecosystem with the MPI applications using the Process Management Interface. The paper explores this integrated platform within the context of online ptychographic and tomographic reconstruction pipelines.Comment: New York Scientific Data Summit, August 6-9, 201

    Review of Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures

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    A collection of essays written by members of the Archives of the Sciences Working Group at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures leads the reader on an exploration of the history of data preservation, data management, and information organization in the sciences. This review examines the themes connecting the essays and considers how researchers and historians of science understand the meaning of archives


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    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS (Penelitian di SMP Negeri 148 Jakarta). Skripsi. Jakarta: Program Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data empiris tentang pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) terhadap hasil belajar IPS di SMP Negeri 148 Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 148 Jakarta pada semester genap bulan Maret sampai dengan Mei 2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 148 Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Random Sampling. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah dua kelas yaitu kelas VII-F yang berjumlah 36 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan VII-E yang berjumlah 36 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen hasil belajar berupa tes hasil belajar IPS sebanyak 34 butir soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, dengan empat alternatif jawaban. Uji validitas dengan rumus korelasi point biserial hasilnya menunjukan 34 soal valid dan 16 soal tidak digunakan. Uji reliabilitas dengan rumus K-R. 20 diperoleh nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,820 yang berarti instrumen dapat digunakan. Uji normalitas menggunakan rumus Liliefors, pada kelas eksperimen diperoleh Lhitung (0,122) ttabel 1,994 pada taraf kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05), maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Berdasarkan analisis data penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) terhadap hasil belajar IPS di SMP Negeri 148 Jakarta. Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar IPS, Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe CORE The Impact of The Application of CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) Type Cooperative Learning Model to The Learning Result of Social Sciences (Research in 148 Jakarta State Junior High School). Bachelor Thesis. Jakarta: Social Sciences Study Program, Department of Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta, 2019. This study aim to obtain empirical data of the impact of the application of CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) type cooperative learning model to the learning result of social sciences at 148 Jakarta State Junior High School. This research was conducted at 148 Jakarta State Junior High School on the even semester in March to May 2019. The research method used was the experimental method with the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population of this study were seventh grade students of 148 Jakarta State Junior High School. The sampling technicque uses purposive random sampling. Samples taken amounted of two classes, namely class VII-F which amounted to 36 students as the experimental class and class VII-E which amounted to 36 students as the control class. The instrument used in this study is a learning outcome instrument in the form of social studies learning outcomes as many as 34 items in multiple choice form, with four alternative answers. Test the validity with the point biserial correlation formula, the result show 34 valid questions and 16 questions not used. Reliability test with K-R. 20 formula obtained reliability value of 0,820 which means the instrument can be used. The normality test used Lilliefors, in experimental class obtained Lcount (0,122) ttable 1,994 at 95% confidence level (α = 0,05), then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Based on the analysis of research data, it can be concluded that there was an impact of the the application of CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) type cooperative learning model to the learning result of social sciences at 148 Jakarta State Junior High School. Keywords: IPS Learning Outcomes, CORE type cooperative learning mode

    Introduction to Gestural Similarity in Music. An Application of Category Theory to the Orchestra

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    Mathematics, and more generally computational sciences, intervene in several aspects of music. Mathematics describes the acoustics of the sounds giving formal tools to physics, and the matter of music itself in terms of compositional structures and strategies. Mathematics can also be applied to the entire making of music, from the score to the performance, connecting compositional structures to acoustical reality of sounds. Moreover, the precise concept of gesture has a decisive role in understanding musical performance. In this paper, we apply some concepts of category theory to compare gestures of orchestral musicians, and to investigate the relationship between orchestra and conductor, as well as between listeners and conductor/orchestra. To this aim, we will introduce the concept of gestural similarity. The mathematical tools used can be applied to gesture classification, and to interdisciplinary comparisons between music and visual arts.Comment: The final version of this paper has been published by the Journal of Mathematics and Musi
