24 research outputs found


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    In this article, we present a new key exchange protocol which works in the division semiring. We prove that the protocol meets the security of key establishment based on the conjugacy search problem and security attribute also discussed

    Some applications of noncommutative groups and semigroups to information security

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    We present evidence why the Burnside groups of exponent 3 could be a good candidate for a platform group for the HKKS semidirect product key exchange protocol. We also explore hashing with matrices over SL2(Fp), and compute bounds on the girth of the Cayley graph of the subgroup of SL2(Fp) for specific generators A, B. We demonstrate that even without optimization, these hashes have comparable performance to hashes in the SHA family

    Novel Noncommutative Cryptography Scheme Using Extra Special Group

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    Noncommutative cryptography (NCC) is truly a fascinating area with great hope of advancing performance and security for high end applications. It provides a high level of safety measures. The basis of this group is established on the hidden subgroup or subfield problem (HSP). The major focus in this manuscript is to establish the cryptographic schemes on the extra special group (ESG). ESG is showing one of the most appropriate noncommutative platforms for the solution of an open problem. The working principle is based on the random polynomials chosen by the communicating parties to secure key exchange, encryption-decryption, and authentication schemes. This group supports Heisenberg, dihedral order, and quaternion group. Further, this is enhanced from the general group elements to equivalent ring elements, known by the monomials generations for the cryptographic schemes. In this regard, special or peculiar matrices show the potential advantages. The projected approach is exclusively based on the typical sparse matrices, and an analysis report is presented fulfilling the central cryptographic requirements. The order of this group is more challenging to assail like length based, automorphism, and brute-force attacks

    Multisignature with double threshold condition in the blockchain and its application to and strong keys generating

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    Improving the reliability of account protection in the blockchain is one of the most important goals of the entire cryptographic arsenal used in the blockchain and cryptocurrency exchange. We propose a new threshold multisignature scheme with a double boundary condition. Access to funds stored on a multisig wallet is possible only when two or more signatures are provided at the same time