28 research outputs found

    SoCRocket - A flexible and extensible Virtual Platform for the development of robust Embedded Systems

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    Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt in der Erhöhung des Abstraktionsniveaus im Entwurfsprozess, speziell dem Entwurf von Systemen auf Basis von Virtuellen Plattformen (VPs), Transaction-Level-Modellierung (TLM) und SystemC. Es wird eine ganzheitliche Methode vorgestellt, mit der komplexe eingebettete Systeme effizient modelliert werden können. Ergebnis ist eine der RTL-Synthese nahezu gleichgestellte Genauigkeit bei wesentlich höherer Flexibilität und Simulationsgeschwindigkeit. Das SoCRocket-System orientiert sich dazu an existierenden Standards und stellt Methoden zu deren effizientem Einsatz zur Verbesserung von Simulationsgeschwindigkeit und Simulationsgenauigkeit vor. So wird unter anderem gezeigt, wie moderne Multi-Kanal-Protokolle mit Split-Transfers durch Ausgleich des Intertransaktions-Timings ohne die Einführung zusätzlicher Protokollphasen zeitlich genau modelliert werden können. Standardisierungslücken in den Bereichen Speichermodellierung und Systemkonfiguration werden durch standardoffene Lösungen geschlossen. Darüber hinaus wird neue Infrastruktur zur Modellierung von Signalkommunikation auf Transaktionsebene, der Verifikation von Komponenten und der Modellierung des Energieverbrauchs vorgestellt. Zur Demonstration wurden die Kernkomponenten einer im europäischen Raumfahrtsektor maßgeblichen Hardwarebibliothek modelliert. Alle Komponenten wurden zunächst in Unit-Tests verifiziert und anschließend in einem Systemprototypen integriert. Zur Verifikation der Funktion, sowie Bestimmung von Simulationsgeschwindigkeit und zeitlicher Genauigkeit, wurde dieser für unterschiedliche Abstraktionsstufen konfiguriert und mit einem in VHDL beschriebenen RISC-Referenzentwurf (LEON3MP) verglichen. Das System mit losem Timing (LT) und blockierender Kommunikation ist im Durchschnitt 561-mal schneller als die RTL-Referenz und weist eine durchschnittliche Timing-Abweichung von 7,04% auf. Das System mit näherungsweise akkuratem Timing (AT) und nicht-blockierender Kommunikation ist 335-mal schneller. Die durchschnittliche Timing-Abweichung beträgt hier nur noch 3,03%, was einer Standardabweichung von 0.033 und damit einer sehr hohen statistischen Sicherheit entspricht. Die verschiedenen Abstraktionsniveaus können zur Realisierung mehrstufiger Architekturexplorationen eingesetzt werden. Dies wird am Beispiel einer hyperspektralen Bildkompression verdeutlicht.The focus of this work is raising the abstraction level in the development process, especially for the design of systems based on Virtual Platforms (VPs), Transaction Level Modeling (TLM), and SystemC. A holistic method for efficient modeling of complex embedded systems is presented. Results are accuracies close to RTL synthesis but at much higher flexibility, and simulation performance. The SoCRocket system integrates existing standards and introduces new methods for improvement of simulation performance and accuracy. It is shown, amongst others, how modern multi-channel protocols with split transfers can be accurately modeled by compensating inter-transaction timing without introducing additional protocol phases. Standardization gaps in the area of memory modeling and system configuration are closed by standard-open solutions. Furthermore, new infrastructure for modeling signal communication on transaction level, verification of components, and estimating power consumption are presented. All components have been verified in unit tests and were subsequently integrated in a system prototype. For functional verification, as well as measurement of simulation performance and accuracy, the prototype was configured for different abstractions and compared to a VHDL-based RISC reference design (LEON3MP). The loosely-timed platform prototype with blocking communication (LT) is in average 561 times faster than the RTL reference and shows an average timing deviation of 7,04%. The approximately-timed system (AT) with non-blocking communication is 335 times faster. Here, the timing deviation is only 3,03 %, corresponding to a standard deviation of 0.033, proving a very high statistic certainty. The system’s various abstraction levels can be exploited by a multi-stage architecture exploration. This is demonstrated by the example of a hyperspectral image compression

    A Middleware-centric design methodology for networked embedded systems

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    Negli ultimi anni \ue8 incrementato considerevolmente l\u2019interesse verso gli \u201dambient intelligence\u201d, sistemi informatici, tipicamente composti da \u201dnetworked embedded systems\u201d (Wirelesse sensor networks, mobile terminal, PDA, etc.) i quali sono integrati nell\u2019ambiente umano con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit`a della vita nel modo pi naturale possibile. Una applicazione \u201dNetworked Embedded System\u201d (NES) \ue8 un\u2019applicazione distribuita, eseguita su piattaforme HW/SW eterogenee che interagiscono attraverso differenti canali di comunicazione. Generalmente queste applicazioni per dispositivi NES vengono sviluppate senza il supporto di software di sistema, obbligando il progettista a modellare queste applicazioni utilizzando direttamente le primitive fornite dal sistema operativo embedded o le API dei drivers dei dispositivi HW. Con questa metodologia di progettazione, le applicazioni per sistemi embedded vengono realizzate ad-hoc per la piattaforma HW/SW, risultando essere n\ue9 portabili, n\ue9 scalabili e di conseguenza particolarmente costose. A causa di questi problemi, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 adottato un flusso di progettazione che prevede l\u2019introduzione di un \u201dservice layer\u201d chiamato middleware, il quale astrae le peculiarit del sistema operativo e dei componenti HW, semplificando la progettazione di queste applicazioni embedded. Allo stato dell\u2019arte sono presenti molte implmentazioni di middleware con differenti paradigmi di programmazione, e la scelta di quale utilizzare per progettazione una applicazione NES basata sui seguenti criteri: \u2022 abilit`a/conoscenza/capacit`a di programmazione da parte del progettista; \u2022 piattaforma HW/SW disponinile. Gli svantaggi di questo approccio sono un pi\uf9 complesso flusso di progettazione legato alla mancanza di portabilit\ue0 della stessa applicazione su differenti dispositivi embedded. Questo significa che la presenza del middleware non \ue8 mai stata introdotta nel flusso di progettazione come una esplicita dimensione di progetto. Obiettivo della tesi di dottorato \ue8 lo studio e la realizzazione di un flusso di progettazione per applicazioni per NES, dove il middleware \ue8 una dimensione di progetto, diventando una variabile di progetto come lo sono il software e lo hardware. Questo punto \ue8 ottenuto risolvendo tre problemi: \u2022 Fornire un modello di middleware astratto il quale pu\uf2 essere usato come componente del flusso di progettazione; questo middleware astratto, chiamato Abstract Middleware Services (AMS), fornisce un insieme di servizi astratti basati su differenti paradigmi di programmazione dei middleware reali. Utilizzando questo modello di middleware stratto, il progettista \ue8 facilitato nello sviluppo delle applicazioni per NES. \u2022 Fornire un ambiente di simulazione dove validare e simulare l\u2019intero modello realizzato dal progettista. \u2022 Fornire una metodologia automatica di traduzione da AMS ad un middleware reale, per poter eseguire l\u2019applicazione su una reale piattaforma HW/SW, dotata di un middleware qualsiasi. L\u2019attivit di dototrato ha permesso la definizione di un nuovo approccio di progettazione basato su un modello di middleware astratto che fornisce un ambiente per la modellazione e la validazione di applicazioni per Networked Embedded Systems, risolvendo i tre punti precedenti. Inoltre, al fine di produrre un efficiente ambiente di simulazione e modellazione, sono state analizzate le metodologie di co-simulazione hardware-software-network attualmente presenti in letteratura. L\u2019attivit\ue0 di dottorato inoltre parte integrante del progetto ANGEL finanziato dalla Comunit\ue0 Europea (IST-2005-33506 - Embedded Systems), il cui obiettivo \ue8 lo sviluppo di una piattaforma per la realizzazione di sistemi eterogenei nei quali Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) e tradizionali reti di comunicazioni cooperano per monitorare e migliorare la qualit\ue0 della vita in habitat comuni. Durante questa attivit\ue0 il flusso di progettazione che include anche il middleware come variabile di progetto, oggetto della tesi di dottorato, sar esemplificato su WSN e terminali mobili (per esempio cellulari) per far si che questi possano dialogare tra loro in modo intelligente.Ambient intelligence, pervasive and ubiquitous computing are the center of a great deal of attention because of their promise to bring benefits for end-users, higher revenues for manufacturers and new challenges for researchers. Typical computing technologies (such as telemedicine, manufacturing, crisis management) are part of a broader class of Networked Embedded Systems (NES) in which a large number of nodes are connected together and collaborate to perform a common task under a defined set of constraints. Therefore, the key aspects of these applications are their distributed nature and the presence of very limited HW resources, as in case of WSNs. Their wide adoption requires interoperability across different manufacturers, simplification of application development, simulation tools for functional validation and the fulfilment of tight HW/SW constraints. Interoperability is achieved through the use of standard protocol stacks (e.g., IEEE 802.15.1/Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4/Zig- Bee). Simplification of application development can be achieved through a service layer, named middleware, which abstracts from the peculiarities of the operating system and HW components. Traditionally, many NES applications have been developed without support from system software [1] excepts for device drivers and operating systems. State-of-the-art techniques [2] for NES focus on simple data-gathering applications, and in most cases, the design of the application and the system software are usually closely-coupled, or even combined as a monolithic procedure. Such applications are neither flexible nor scalable and they should be re-written if the platform changes. Middleware is emerging as an important architectural component in supporting NES applications able to facilitate the application development. The role of middleware is to present a unified programmingmodel to application designers and to mask out the problems of heterogeneity and distribution providing a basic set of tools and libraries for the low-level handling of technology-specific NES. Several NES middleware have been implemented in the past years each one providing different programming paradigms (e.g., Tuplespace, messageoriented, object-oriented, database, etc.) and differ with respect to ease to use, expressiveness, scalability and overhead. However, their diversity makes the development of high quality middleware-centric software systems complex: software engineering methods and tools should be developed with the use of middleware in mind. In such way, Sensation [xxx] presents a middleware platform solution for pervasive applications inWSN providing a developer-friendly programming interface. This approach is valid just for WSN and does not include a network simulator for an exhaustive network evaluation. Model Driven Architecture (MDA) tries to overcome this problem; MDA is a new way of writing specifications, based on a platform-independent model. A complete MDA specification consists of a platform-independent UML model, one or more platform-specific models, and interface definitions, each describing how the base model is implemented on a different middleware platform. The MDA focuses primarily on the functionality and behaviour of a distributed application or system, not on the technology in which it will be implemented. Furthermore,MDA does not directly provide a simulation environment. Simulation tools are used for validating the application: there is a range of NES simulators available that focus on the network itself. NS-2 is a pure network simulator tool, where the nodes are abstracted and do not run real codes or operating systems, but rather simple behavioral models or statistical traffic generators. The advantage of NS-2 is that scalability is excellent. TOSSIM is a platform-specific simulator environment for sensor networks based on TinyOs operating system. TOSSIM can compile unchanged TinyOS applications directly into its framework, which means that most of the codes written for TOSSIM can be directly used in TinyOS. TOSSIM is a specific simulator for TinyOS and Berkeley motes and cant be used for simulating a generic NES (e.g.,WSN). Finally, SIMICS is a commercial full-system simulator that can be used to simulate heterogenous networked and distributed systems. Complete SW stacks from real system can run on the simulator without any modification. Despite of these punctual contributions, the literature does not report a complete design methodology for NES applications integrating all such three aspects. Therefore, in order to fully support the applications of a great variety of users with different needs, a complete NES application modelling and simulation environment have to include two main components: \u2022 a simulator to validate and explore application functional behaviuor in a network simulated environment supporting interoperability between different implementation platforms and ensure scalability of the NES technology. \u2022 a middleware environemnt providing different programming paradigms. This Layer will serve as an abstraction layer hiding the different NES implementations peculiarities from end-user applications. The goal of this work is to present a middleware-centric design flow for NES, where the middleware plays a decisive role in the design process. The proposed methodology allows programmers to write NES applications by using the system description language named SystemC and the AbstractMiddleware Environment (AME) framework for fast simulation. This proposal has three main advantages: (1) It provides a set of abstract services supporting the programming paradigms of different actual middleware implementations in order to meet the skills of the designer. AME facilitates the NES design flow by providing a unified and developer-common interface concealing the peculiarities of the underlying NES where the simulation environment is modelled in order to simulate the NES applications taking in account hardware and network effects. (2) The application can be simulated at early stage of the design flow for functional validation. (3) automatic mapping of AME applications on the actual platform; this guarantees the correct trade-off between level of abstraction and efficiency of implementation. In the follow we classify the actual middleware approaches according to their programming paradigms; then the AMEcentric design flow is described and finally we report the experimental results

    Configuration Interoperability of Hardware-Software-Models in SystemC

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    Im modernen Electronic System Level-Design wird zur Bewältigung der ständig steigenden Entwurfskomplexität auf hoher Abstraktion entwickelt. Unterstützung bieten dabei Systembeschreibungssprachen wie SystemC zusammen mit meist kommerziellen Entwicklungsumgebungen. Für eine hohe Entwurfseffizienz etwa bei der Architektur-Exploration sollten die Modelle untereinander über Herstellergrenzen und über Entwicklungsumgebungen hinweg problemlos austauschbar sein. Dafür sind Interoperabilitäts-Standards notwendig wie sie für SystemC bereits auf funktionaler Ebene existieren (TLM-2.0). Über diese den realen Teil der Modelle betreffende Interoperabilität hinaus ist die Austauschbarkeit von Modellen zwischen Entwicklungsumgebungen bisher nicht standardisiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit definiert hierfür eine Meta-Interoperabilität und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit der dort einzugliedernden Interoperabilität der Konfiguration von Modellen. Es wird ein flexibler Konfigurationsmechanismus präsentiert, der existierende Mechanismen miteinander kompatibel macht und der in den von der Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) erarbeiteten Konfigurations-Standard einfließt. Der Konfigurationsmechanismus basiert auf einer Modell-Middleware, die auch für weitere Ziele der Meta-Interoperabilität verwendet werden kann.In today's Electronic System Level Design, rapid platform development is done on a high abstraction level. Hence the system description language SystemC is getting used more and more often. For easy and fast architectural exploration, the designers must be able to integrate (high-level) models from different IP or model vendors as well as customized models into one platform. These models need to be interoperable with low effort. Therefore we need interoperability standards, like TLM-2.0 for SystemC which defines a communication standard for functional interoperablilty. Another interoperability layer is the tool layer, which has not yet been addressed by a standard. This work defines meta interoperability and deales especially with the configuration interoperability as one part of meta interoperability. For model configuration a flexible interoperability framework is presented, which is able to connect different configuration mechanisms to each other. Additionally this work had been contributed to the upcoming configuration standard developed by Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI). Furthermore the configuration framework is based on a middleware which is applicable as a base for additional services for meta interoperability

    A Problem-Oriented Approach for Dynamic Verification of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

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    This work presents a virtual prototyping methodology for the design and verification of industrial devices in the field level of industrial automation systems. This work demonstrates that virtual prototypes can help increase the confidence in the correctness of a design thanks to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between hardware, software, analog and mixed-signal components of embedded systems and the physical processes they interact with