169 research outputs found

    Understanding emerging client-Side web vulnerabilities using dynamic program analysis

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    Today's Web heavily relies on JavaScript as it is the main driving force behind the plethora of Web applications that we enjoy daily. The complexity and amount of this client-side code have been steadily increasing over the years. At the same time, new vulnerabilities keep being uncovered, for which we mostly rely on manual analysis of security experts. Unfortunately, such manual efforts do not scale to the problem space at hand. Therefore in this thesis, we present techniques capable of finding vulnerabilities automatically and at scale that originate from malicious inputs to postMessage handlers, polluted prototypes, and client-side storage mechanisms. Our results highlight that the investigated vulnerabilities are prevalent even among the most popular sites, showing the need for automated systems that help developers uncover them in a timely manner. Using the insights gained during our empirical studies, we provide recommendations for developers and browser vendors to tackle the underlying problems in the future. Furthermore, we show that security mechanisms designed to mitigate such and similar issues cannot currently be deployed by first-party applications due to their reliance on third-party functionality. This leaves developers in a no-win situation, in which either functionality can be preserved or security enforced.JavaScript ist die treibende Kraft hinter all den Web Applikationen, die wir heutzutage täglich nutzen. Allerdings ist über die Zeit hinweg gesehen die Masse, aber auch die Komplexität, von Client-seitigem JavaScript Code stetig gestiegen. Außerdem finden Sicherheitsexperten immer wieder neue Arten von Verwundbarkeiten, meistens durch manuelle Analyse des Codes. In diesem Werk untersuchen wir deshalb Methodiken, mit denen wir automatisch Verwundbarkeiten finden können, die von postMessages, veränderten Prototypen, oder Werten aus Client-seitigen Persistenzmechnanismen stammen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Schwachstellen selbst unter den populärsten Websites weit verbreitet sind, was den Bedarf an automatisierten Systemen zeigt, die Entwickler bei der rechtzeitigen Aufdeckung dieser Schwachstellen unterstützen. Anhand der in unseren empirischen Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnissen geben wir Empfehlungen für Entwickler und Browser-Anbieter, um die zugrunde liegenden Probleme in Zukunft anzugehen. Zudem zeigen wir auf, dass Sicherheitsmechanismen, die solche und ähnliche Probleme mitigieren sollen, derzeit nicht von Seitenbetreibern eingesetzt werden können, da sie auf die Funktionalität von Drittanbietern angewiesen sind. Dies zwingt den Seitenbetreiber dazu, zwischen Funktionalität und Sicherheit zu wählen

    Help, help, Im being suppressed the significance of suppressors in software testing

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    pre-printAbstract-Test features are basic compositional units used to describe what a test does (and does not) involve. For example, in API-based testing, the most obvious features are function calls; in grammar-based testing, the obvious features are the elements of the grammar. The relationship between features as abstractions of tests and produced behaviors of the tested program is surprisingly poorly understood. This paper shows how large-scale random testing modified to use diverse feature sets can uncover causal relationships between what a test contains and what the program being tested does. We introduce a general notion of observable behaviors as targets, where a target can be a detected fault, an executed branch or statement, or a complex coverage entity such as a state, predicate-valuation, or program path. While it is obvious that targets have triggers - features without which they cannot be hit by a test - the notion of suppressors - features which make a test less likely to hit a target - has received little attention despite having important implications for automated test generation and program understanding. For a set of subjects including C compilers, a flash file system, and JavaScript engines, we show that suppression is both common and important

    SymJS: automatic symbolic testing of JavaScript web applications

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    Concolic Testing Heap-Manipulating Programs

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    Concolic testing is a test generation technique which works effectively by integrating random testing generation and symbolic execution. Existing concolic testing engines focus on numeric programs. Heap-manipulating programs make extensive use of complex heap objects like trees and lists. Testing such programs is challenging due to multiple reasons. Firstly, test inputs for such program are required to satisfy non-trivial constraints which must be specified precisely. Secondly, precisely encoding and solving path conditions in such programs are challenging and often expensive. In this work, we propose the first concolic testing engine called CSF for heap-manipulating programs based on separation logic. CSF effectively combines specification-based testing and concolic execution for test input generation. It is evaluated on a set of challenging heap-manipulating programs. The results show that CSF generates valid test inputs with high coverage efficiently. Furthermore, we show that CSF can be potentially used in combination with precondition inference tools to reduce the user effort

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation


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    The choice of tools and programming technologies for creating information systems is a current trend. Each projected system needs you to define a set of criteria for the development environment used by li- braries and technologies. This article considers a choice of technological solutions using an example of the developed digital computing web platform of the Russian Academy of Education to provide information support to the activities of psychologists doing research, including population and longitudinal studies. The peculiarity of the system are: magnitude and significant development time requiring the implementa- tion and assurance of the guaranteed computing reliability of a wide range of digital tools used in psycho- logical research; maintenance of functioning in various conditions, in particular when carrying out mass research in schools with different characteristics of computing resources and communication channels; the possibility of scaling services; security and data privacy, as well as the use of technologies and pro- gramming tools that would ensure the compatibility and conversion of data with other means of process- ing psychological research. For the developed system, criteria were introduced for evaluating software technologies that take into account the features of the functioning and life cycle of a product, a specific example shows the selection of appropriate technological solutions. An important component in the de- velopment is the training of the development team for the technologies used. A system that implements the training program for selected technologies is given. The developed training system is used to reduce the time of inclusion in the development of new software developers, as the tasks are expanded
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